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Source: The Loyola Volume Four, Published by the Associated Students of Loyola College, Los Angeles, California, June 1926

Martin J. BURKE
    A veritable esquimaux, Martin was born in Winnipeg, Canada, November, 1903. He is a productf Montebello High School, entering Loyola Liberal Arts and St. Vincent's Law in September, 1922. Gold medal contestant (1) and member of Senate Debating and Sodality. He was a member of the advisory Board for three years and handled the publicity for collegiate dramatics (1), (3). His newspaper knowledge was greatly responsible for the placing of the Loyolan on its feet during its pioneer days. Chronicle Editor Loyola (2), (3), basketball letterman (1), (2), football manager (2).

    John was born in Los Angeles in the month of December, 1904. He entered Loyola Prep Department in September, 1918, graduated in June, 1922. Entered Loyola Liberal Arts September, 1922. John is one of the brightest men in the class and an athlete on top of it all. His working hours prohibited his competing in college athletics but he carries a long prep record. Member of the Alpha Lambda Fraternity and handled class funds for the last two years.

    Another son of the Southland - Los Angeles, May, 1905. Introducing Phil Girard, Loyola High and College and St. Vincent's School of Law. Phil gave Loyola a College paper for three years - years of tireless energy and work, as Editor-in-chief. Medals: elocution, general excellence and oratorical, semi-finalist in National Intercollegiate Contest at Stanford University (3). Annual Senate House Debate. Offices: Student Body president (4), president Senior class (4), and Freshman (1), also secretary Student Body (2). Varsity Baseball (2), (3), Captain (4).

Thomas Joseph PITTS
    Tom is a two-gun man from the rough-riding regions of Ashfork, Arizona. Born in February, 1905, he entered St. Mary's Oakland, September 1918; graduated June 1922. Entered Loyola Liberal Arts in September 1922 and St. Vincent's College of Law 1923. Tom upholds the class honor in dramatics, having for two years carried important roles in the College productions. Managed basketball (3) and varsity football (4). He is a member of the Sodality and House and Senate Debating Society.

Allan Patrick MacDONALD
    As native a son as possible, entered the world at Los Angeles, on November 22, 1904. He obtained his preparatolry training at Urban Military Academy, Belmont School and graduated from Loyola High in 1922. Al attended Loyola College from 1922-1924, Georgetown University for his junior studies and Loyola for his final year and degree. He enrolled in the Law school in January 1923.

John Delbert LAYMAN
    John is a native son born in Rivera, California, May 28, 1904. He is a product of Loyola's Prep Department, having graduated in 1922 with seven other members of the same class who are graduating from college together. John studied at St. Patrick's Seminary for two and a half years. In Freshman College, Layman won the general excellence Medal. John reentered Loyola January first, 1926. He managed baseball in his senior year.

George Harold DUNNE
    Born in March, 1905, St. Louis Missouri. George entered Loyola as a high school freshman and leaves a college senior. He is a junior in the Law School. George is the class orator and has a string of accomplishments which include: Oratorical Contest for four years, winning it in his second year, Gold Medal Debate two years, Senate-House (1), U.S.C. vs. Loyola (3), Occidental (3), St. Ignatius (4), Southwestern University (4), Redlands University (4), U.S.C. (4), Marquette University (4), Sophomore Class Medal and also Law Excellence Medal the same year, president of student body (3), Sophomore class president, president Alpha Lambda Fraternity, Editorial staff Loyolan (3).

Louis Harry BURKE
    Born January, 1905, Montebello, California. Graduated from high school in 1922. Entered Loyola and College of Law. Louis was a contestant in the Oratorical Contet (2), Public Debate (3), won the Loyalty Medal (3), Gereral Excellence medal (3), and Philosophical Medal (3). Was president of the junior class, member of the Rho Alpha Gamma Fraternity, Sodality, House and Senate Debating. Louis was sporting editor of the Loyolan for three years, and of the annual for two years, Editor-in-chief Loyola (4), Varsity basketball (1), captain (2), (3).

Thomas H. BARRY
    Tom was born in Alameda, California, on May 27, 1903. Chino High School harbored him during the first three years of preparatory work. He graduated from Loyola High in 1922 and entered Loyola College of Liberal Arts September 1922. Tom was secretary of the Associated Student Body (4), business manager of dramatics (3), (4), member of the Alpha Lambda Fraternity, secretary junior class, sodality; president of Alpha Lambda Fraternity (3).

John Erwin NOLAN
    John hails from the redwoods, the big-tree district of California. Born in the town of Trent, Tuolomne County, in the year 1899. Jack received his early training in the Gardena High School, graduating in the year 1917. Entered University of California 1921 and the University of Santa Clara 1922. In Santa Clara he held the chief executive role of his class and the block "S.C." Society. He was business manager of the Redwood (3). Jack entered Loyola in the Law Department in September '25. Nolan's fame in the football realm is nation-wide, having been mentioned on several all-American elevens.

Thomas Joseph HADDOCK
    A Pasadenan by birth, and so far, by habit and place of living. Born in the fire-cracker month of 1904. First entered the halls of Loyola in the year of 1918. After eight years of study, Tom, this year takes down a baccalaureate cap from the halls of Loyola and while in the mood, also a gown and a A.B. degree. Property manager Dramatics, Loyolan; Asst. Business Manager (2), Humor Editor (3), (4); Business Manager Loyola (4), and member of Sodality and Alpha Lambda Fraternity.

John Parnell McLAUGHLIN
    A Cornhusker from the wilds of Lincoln, Nebraska. John was born October, 1904. John is Loyola product through having graduated from prep school and having attended four years of College. John plans to add an LL.B. to his name next year from the Law Department. John's executive ability has earned him many positions during his four years; advisory board student body (3), (4); vice-president senior class, secretary freshman class, football and basketball manager (3), general manager athletics (4) and is to become graduate manager of Loyola athletics next year, society editor of the Loyolan and Business Manager of the Annual (3).

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