*** Source: History and Business Directory of Humboldt County, Lillie E. Hamm, November 1890, Eureka, Cal. *** ---page 069--- [ad] Photograph and Autograph Albums at J. E. Mathews [ad] HISTORY OF HUMBOLDT COUNTY 69 miles into the heart of the redwood timber belt. The A. & M. R. Railroad occupies a prominent position as a productive factor of northern Humboldt prosperity. The road is extensively equipped for both freight and passage, and runs on schedule time, meeting stage and water craft arrivals. JACOBY CREEK R. R. Messrs. Dolbeer & Carson constructed and equipped this road. It was a standard gauge, built of T iron, with the grade in favor of the loaded cars, which enabled them to reach tide-water by their own momentum. TRINIDAD MILL CO. R. R. This corporation extended their road into the redwood belt at a cost of about $15,000 per mile. Josiah Bell, then of Trinidad, was the Superintendent. It is calculated there will be a timber supply to the mills for over twenty years. A road of nearly forty miles will be necessary to reach the end of the redwood belt. BUCKSPORT AND ELK RIVER RAILROAD CO. This road was constructed and first incorporated October 27, 1882, as the Elk River Railroad Co. It was built as a narrow gauge road with only 25-pound T iron. It was soon discovered that the strength and capacity of the road was insufficient for the amount and kind of work to be performed. At a meeting of the Directors on July 18, 1884, it was decided to incorporate the road under the name of the Bucksport and Elk River Railroad Co., and secure for the road a broader field of action and superior carriage power, The company uses the road to transport logs and lumber. Dolbeer & Carson and the Excelsior Redwood Co. are equal owners. There are about 12 miles of well equipped and substantially constructed road, costing $146,284. Josiah Bell is the Superintendent of the road, with the office at Pioneer Building, Third street, between G and H Eureka. RYANS' SLOUGH R. R. Is a private line, owned and operated by McKay & Co., proprietors of the Occidental Mill. It is about six miles in lenghth, from tide-water to a magnificent belt of redwood, and the valley through which it passes is very fertile. The valley lands are cultivated by the company with great success. The road was first built by the late Allen McKay, who was in his time one of the most energetic and enterprising lumber manufacturers of Humboldt. J. J. Loggie is the Superintendent of this corporation. EEL RIVER AND EUREKA R. R. The Eel River and Eureka Railroad enters the valley of Eel River by a tunnel through Table Bluff about 2,000 feet in length, and reaches the north bank of Eel river near Singley's Ferry, traversing up the valley to Burnell's station. The entire length of the road is 25 miles. This road is principally owned and operated by the Hon. John Vance, and was first built and equipped by the company November 14, 1882, with Mr. Vance as President. Mr. Wm. S. Riddell [ad] Gibbard & Lever CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Undertaker's Supplies Third and H Sts Pioneer Bdg, Eureka [ad] ---end---