*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 10--- 10 | YEAR BOOK OF THE Sherman, Clay & Co., Pianos for Rent, 1112 Broadway Brown, Walter...1313 Thirteenth Ave. Brown, Ethel...1313 Thirteenth Ave. Brown, Brice...929 Thirty-seventh Brown, Mrs. Brice...929 Thirty-seventh Brown, Thos...At Sea Jonas Bros. Clothing Co, 1063 1065 Broadway, for Gents' and Boys' Clothing. Brown, Delbert A...Lake Merritt Park Buell, D. H...904 Market Bush, Mrs. Julia D...1126 Myrtle Bush, Rev. L. T...1013 Castro Bush, Mrs. F. E...1013 Castro Byler, T. A...1182 E. Nineteenth P. Flynn, Silks and Velvets, 1117-1119 Broadway, Bet. 12 and 13 Sts. Cahill, Chris. J...Taylor St., Fruitvale Cahill, Mrs. Chris J...Taylor St., Fruitvale Calvin, Clara...Twenty-second near Market Calvin, Lucy M... Caldwsll, J. C...816 Sixteenth Caldwell, Mrs. J. C...816 Sixteenth Caldwell, Arthur...816 Sixteenth F. and G. Thomas, Dyers and Cleaners, 1216 San Pablo Ave., opp. City Hall *Carlton, Mrs. L...Emigrant Gap, Cal. Carrier, Jno. T...Prospect and Chicago Aves. Carrier, Mrs. M...Prospect and Chicago Aves. Carrier, Arthur M...Prospect and Chicago Aves. Clark, Wm...Elmhurst J. L. Lyon & Son's Great Furniture Auction House ---end---