*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 24 --- 24 | YEAR BOOK OF THE SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., 1112 Broadway, Piano Tuning, $2.50. Parish, Hattie E...Alvarado Parker, Albert P...1213 Fourteenth Parker, Emily...1213 Fourteenth Park, Mrs. C. O...653 Seventh Patterson, Walter...830 Fallen Patterson, Mrs. Walter...830 Fallen J. MITCHNER & SONS, Coal at Wholesale Prices Pattison, Geo...Pear near Thirty-eighth Pattison, Mrs. Dolly...Pearl near Thirty-eighth *Pereau, H. J...West Berkeley Pereau, Mrs. H. J...West Berkeley Pereau, Howard...West Berkeley Perine, Abbie...1212 West P. Flynn, Hosiery, 1117-19 Broadway Perine, Abbie...1212 West *Pfeninger, Mrs. Nellie...1255 Center Phillips, Abner...San Francisco Pierce, Jas. R...1368 Broadway Pine, Mrs. Mary A...Walnut Creek, Cal. Pollen, Frances B...1059 Willow F. and G. Thomas, Dyers and Cleaners, 1216 San Pablo Ave., opp. City Hall Pollitt, Jas...979 Cypress Pollitt, Mrs. Jane...979 Cypress Pollitt, Annie...979 Cypress Pollitt, Florence...979 Cypress Pollitt, George...979 Cypress J. L. Lyon & Son Guarantee Satisfactions ---end---