*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 29--- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | 29 Sherman, Clay & Co., Agents Steinway, Weber, Emerson and Others Starr, Eva...519 Eighth Stark, Dr. Jas...1472 Eighth Stark, Mrs. Ida...1472 Eighth Startin, Thos...950 Thirty-sixth Startin, Mrs. Ann...950 Thirty-sixth Steinbiht, Hugo Albert...1413 Twenty-third Ave. J. Mitchner & Sons, Coal at Wholesale Prices Steinbiht, Mrs. G. S...1413 Twenty-third Ave. Stevens, John H...1112 Sixteenth Stevens, Mrs. Mary...1112 Sixteenth Stevens, Minnie L...1112 Sixteenth Stevens, Harry T...1112 Sixteenth Stewart, Mrs. Leticia...Golden Gate P. Flynn, Towells and Sheetings, 1117-19 Broadway Stewart, Sarah...Golden Gate Stewart, Mrs. Mary L...Alice St. Stocker, Mark... Strom, Alma...940 Pine *Storey, Wm. B. Jr... Stull, Mrs. Aurora...1354 West S. F. BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, 1236 MARKET ST. Stull, Florence...1354 West Sumner, Jonathan R...San Francisco Sumner, Mrs. J. R...San Francisco Sunderland, Rev. Jas...1457 Myrtle Sunderland, Mrs. Jas...1457 Myrtle Sunderland, Clyde...1457 Myrtle Sunderland, Grace...1457 Myrtle Go To J. L. Lyon & Son for Everything ---end---