*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 30--- 30 | YEAR BOOK OF THE SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., DISCOUNT ON ALL SHEET MUSIC *Sutcliffe, Hamlet...San Luis Obispo *Sutcliffe, Mrs. Mary M...San Luis Obispo Swazey, Alice...817 Oak Swinburn, Mrs. M...504 Thirteenth Taylor, Alice M...Los Angeles Thomas, Joseph...748 Twelfth MITCHNER & SONS, COAL AND WOOD, 966 WASHINGTON ST. Thomas, Mrs. Lula...520 Thirty-second Thompson, Thomas J...Lorin Thompson, D...At sea Thompson, Maud...554 Fourteenth Thorne, Mrs. Mary J...1020 Oak A. L. Todd...831 Harrison P. Flynn, Muslin and Merino Underwear, 1117-19 Broadway Tower, Benj S...1069 Brush Tower, Mrs. E. A...1069 Brush Townley, Mrs. E...1430 26th Ave. Trenschell, Laura B...Elmhurst *Trotter, Mrs. Mary A...Madison, Cal. Tucker, Mrs...1222 Fourteenth Turner, Mrs. Mary A...Livermore F. & G. THOMAS, DYERS AND CLEANERS, 1216 SAN PABL0 AVE. Vane, Jas. F...1008 Fifth Ave. Vane, Mrs. L...1008 Fifth Ave. Vassur, Laura...428 Twenty-third Ave. *Wade, Mrs. Ada...Los Banos, Cal. Wall, Raleigh...Los Gatos J. L. Lyon & Son takes Storage Cheap ---end---