*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 66--- 66 | YEAR BOOK OF THE Sherman, Clay & Co., Discount on all Sheet Music Joseph, W. P...Parson St., near San Pablo Joseph, Mrs. M. A...Parson St., near San Pablo Judkins, L. C...Lulu Ave., off S. Pablo Jodkins, Mrs. Nellie...Lulu Ave., off S. Pablo James, Mrs. Carrie...Lulu Ave., near Mariposa James, Miss Ida May...Lulu Ave., near Mariposa James, Miss Leverrne...Lulu Ave., near Mariposa J. MITCHNER & SONS, COAL AND WOOD, 966 WASHINGTON ST. Knight, M. M...Forty-first St., near Market Knight, Mrs. Josie...Forty-first St., near Market Kitchen, Mrs. Ruth...Mariposa, near Adeline Kitchen, Miss Alberta...Mariposa, near Adeline F. & G. Thomas, Dyers and Cleaners, 1015 Broadway, Between Tenth and Eleventh Sts. Lombard, C. L...Central Ave., near Park Lowmeister, H. F...Napa, Cal. Lowmeister, F. W...Napa, Cal. McCarthy, Miss Annie... McCarthy, Miss Maggie... Menefee, Mrs...Golden Gate Ave., near Baker J. L. Lyon & Son, Parlor and Chamber Furniture ---end---