*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 67--- GOLDEN GATE BAPTIST CHURCH | 67 SHERMAN, CLAY & CO., DISCOUNT ON ALL SHEET MUSIC Miller...Eleventh St., near Villa Miller, Mrs. Teresa...Eleventh St., near Villa Miller, J. C... Nickerson, Mrs. A. M...N.W. cor. Linden and 41st Nickerson, Miss P...N.W. cor. Linden and 41st Nelson, Mrs. Lizzie... J. Mitchner & Sons, retail coal at wholesale prices. 966 Wash. St. Palmer, Mrs... Palmer, Miss Florence... Poulter, Chas...S. Pablo, near Forty-fifth Royce... Royce, Mrs. Mollie... Royce, Albert... S. F. Business College and School of Short Hand, 1236 Market Rudolph, Lizzie...Stockton Reub, Miss C...Forty-fifth St., off San Pablo Ave. Reub, Miss L...Forty-fifth St., off San Pablo Ave. Robert, George...Canning, near Mariposa Smith, W. H...Twelfth St., near Powell Smith, Mrs. W. H...Twelfth St., near Powell J. L. Lyon & Son Guarantee Satisfactions ---end---