*** Source: Yearbook and Manual of the Baptist Churches of Oakland, Cal., 1894. *** ---page 75 --- FIRST SWEDISH BAPTIST CHURCH | 75 Sherman, Clay & Co., 1112 Broadway, Piano Tuning, $2.50. Johnson, Miss Lillie...856 Adeline Johnson, Miss Ellen...1132 Adeline Johnson, Miss Emma...Buena Vista Ave. Johnson, Caleb...1132 Adeline Lafgren, Miss Augusta... Lafgren, Miss Hulda... Larson, John...1012 Center Larson, Miss Hilsua... Larson, Miss Ericka S...cor. 14th and Poplar Lind, Miss Greta...2719 Dwightway J. Mitchner & Sons, Coal at Wholesale Price Lund, Joel...1308 Twelfth Lundberg, Miss Gustie...1217 Filbert Lundholm, Miss Julia...Petaluma, Cal. Lundquist, Andrew...Meddletown, Cal. Magnuson, Miss Christine...San Diego Moberger, Mrs. Emma...Blue Lake, Cal. Nelson, Bengt...23rd St., East Oakland Nelson, Mrs. B...23rd St., East Oakland Nelson, N. P... S. F. Business College and School of Short hand, 1236 Market St. Nordstrom, Miss Hannah... Nordstrom, Miss Anna... Nowby, J. T...Morgan Park, Ill. Olson, Mrs. Elizabeth... Olson, W...Twenty-second near Filbert Olson, Mrs. W...Twenty-second near Filbert Olson, Miss Olga...Twenty-second near Filbert Olson, Miss Nettie...Twenty-second near Filbert Olson, Axel...1008 Twenty-second, E. Oak Olson, Mrs. Axel...1008 Twenty-second, E. Oak Ostrom, Axel... Ostrom, Mrs. Axel... J. L. Lyon & Son Clean and Lay Carpets ---end---