*** Source: Thompson, Robert A., Historical and descriptive sketch of Sonoma County, California. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts & Co., 1877, 122 pgs. Notice: This data is donated to the Public Domain by TAG, 2004, and may be copied freely by anyone to anywhere. *** ---page 93--- back of the river are in the main bare of trees, and produce an abundant grass crop, upon which thousands of sheep are kept. These hills and valleys form a portion of the back-country of Cloverdale. The Indians remained long about the mouth of Sulphur creek, and up that stream as far as the Geysers, receding only when the ever-increasing pressure of the white race forced them back. In 1856 R. Markle and a man named Miller purchased eight hundred and fifty acres of land, which included the present site of the town of Cloverdale. The first merchant north of Geyserville was a man named Levi Rosenburg. He had a store on the east side of the river, near the mouth of Sulphur creek. In 1857 J. H. Hartman and F. G. Hahman, pioneer merchants of Santa Rosa, conceived the idea of opening a trading-post at Markle's place, which was on the main highway to Ukiah and Humboldt, if a pack-trail can be properly termed a "highway." The store was opened under the firm-name of Hartman & Hahman, and about the same time Markle opened a tavern for the ac- commodation of travelers and pack-trains. Thus originated the town of Cloverdale. It was situated in a beautiful semi-circular valley, covered with clo- ver, and Mr. Hartman gave it the appropriate name of Cloverdale, which it fortunately yet retains. Mrs. Markle was the first woman who settled in the new town, or rather, who settled there before there was a town. She is said, by those who knew her, to have been remarkably pretty--a peculiarity for which her successors of the fairer sex in Cloverdale are still noted. In 1859 J. A. Kleiser purchased the interest of R. B. Markle in the land, and the town was laid off. Hartman & Hahman sold out to Levi & Co. Others came in, but the town grew slowly. It slept, as it were, in its cradle for a de- cade, when one day it was awakened by the scream of the iron-horse, which halted on its threshold. Lots went up, and expectations (not to be gratified in the near future) led to over-speculation in town lots and land; a re-action set in, from which the place has recently recovered, and it has commenced a steady and healthy growth. Cloverdale is a center from which stage-roads branch out in many directions: first, the principal (and easiest) route to the Geyser springs starts from Cloverdale; these springs are but sixteen miles distant from the town. There is also a daily stage line to Lakeport, and from there to the celebrated Bartlett springs, and a daily line of stages to Ukiah--and, through Anderson valley, to the Navarra ridge, in Mendocino county--both of which lead through a rich and soon to be thickly-settled country. From Cloverdale to San Francisco the distance is about eighty-five miles. Trains of the San Francisco and North Pacific Railroad leave Cloverdale twice every day for the city, and return there at 12 M. and 8 P.M. every day. Russian River valley, in the neighborhood of Cloverdale, can nowhere be surpassed for beauty and salubrity of climate. Its soil is fertile, and the river bottom lands are well adapted to the growth of hops. The hill land in this section of the county is well suited to grape-culture. Here is combined that geniality of soil and climate essential for the production of a light and highly- flavored wine. In the town there are about a dozen stores, two good hotels, and the usual number of other business places. The public-school building is well constructed, *** end ***