*** Source: Trinity Church, San Jose, California: Advent, 1860, to Easter, 1903. San Jose, Calif.: Trinity Parish Guild, 1903. Notice: This data is donated to the Public Domain by TAG, 2004, and may be copied freely by anyone to anywhere. *** ---page 13--- a time in the city's history, when lawlessness was com- mon and streets were dimly lighted and poorly guarded. By this time, Trinity Church was strong enough to help neighboring struggling parishes and missions; and, though this may not be the place to record efforts in this direction, it is interesting as a matter of history to note, that on January 10th, 1870, the offering at the morning service, thirty-five dollars, was appropriated to a fund for putting permanent seats into the new church at Santa Clara. Some one who visited the parish in March, 1870, writes, "the little church never seemed prettier or more homelike, being as all know, one of the church gems of the coast. The trees about the church have grown finely. The parish has a valuable property, worth pro- bably not less than twenty thousand dollars." Men- tion is made also in this letter of the remarkably good attendance at the services. Upon the resignation of the Rev. Edward S. Peake in November, 1870, Rev. George W. Foote was called to the parish. He was formally instituted on March 12th, 1871. About a year later, February 12th, 1872, the following report regarding the financial affairs of the parish was made by the rector. "The financial condition of the parish, although not all that it should be, yet shows cause for encouragement and good hope for the future. A year ago the parish was not only in debt, but its current expenses exceeded its income by about one hundred dollars per month. The income for current expenses during the past year, as taken from the treasurer's report, amounts to $2300.50. For the eight months since we adopted our present plan of raising funds by a monthly pledged offering, the income has been about $210 per month. This is derived from the pledged offerings of about seventy-five persons, *** end ***