*** Source: Record of Eighty-sixth Company California Military Reserve; San Francisco?: unknown, 1920?, 37 pgs. Notice: This data is donated to the Public Domain by TAG, 2004, and may be copied freely by anyone to anywhere. *** ---page 14--- "1. We, the officers of the California Home Guard hereby pledge our loyalty and service to the President of the United States, to the Governor of the State of California, at any and all times as in their opinion they require them. "2. That the Secretary be instructed to address a request to the Governor that the allotment of 2861 rifles as noted in Special Regulation #37 War Department be requisitioned by him for distribution to the Home Guard; and that all State Armories and all equipment supplementary there to be requisitioned for the Home Guard. "3. That when sufficient companies exist, which justify the formation of battalions, that battalions be formed and the necessary officers authorized. "4. That a legislative committee be appointed by the President to work with The Adjutant General of the State to draft a bill to be presented to the coming session of the Legislature covering the requirements of the Home Guard. "5. That pending legislation The Adjutant General be requested to change the name of the California Home Guard to some other suitable name." The Executive Committee took steps to carry out all these resolutions but owing to the declaration of the Armistice, the only one of the resolutions on which results were obtained was that relative to the change of name. On November 1, 1918, The Adjutant General issued an order changing the name of the organization from California Home Guard to California Military Reserve. *** end ***