*** Source: Record of Eighty-sixth Company California Military Reserve; San Francisco?: unknown, 1920?, 37 pgs. Notice: This data is donated to the Public Domain by TAG, 2004, and may be copied freely by anyone to anywhere. *** ---page 6--- Company presented it with the regimental colors. This latter event took place in the Civic Auditorium and was largely attended by citizens of San Francisco. EIGHTY-SIXTH COMPANY CALIFORNIA HOME GUARD. It soon became evident to the officers of the Second Battalion that if an emergency arose the Governor would not call upon the companies of the Home Guard in San Francisco because of their having no official status, and at a meeting of the Board of Officers of the regiment a motion was adopted for the appointment of a Committee to interview The Adjutant General relative to the situation. Captains Sharpsteen, Blackburn and Clark were appointed such committee, and after interviewing The Adjutant General made a report in which they recommended that each company should proceed to organize in accordance with the Home Guard regulations; that the regimental organization should be dissolved, and that the affairs of the regiment should, pending the organization of the companies into a regiment, be conducted by three of the captains. This report was signed by Captains Sharpsteen and Blackburn in its entirety. Captain Clark concurred except as to that portion which called for the dissolution of the regimental organization. Upon the question of the adoption of the majority or minority report being put to the Board, the officers of the field and staff, together with the officers of the first and third battalions voted in favor of the adoption of the minority report. The captains of the second battalion reported the result of this meeting to their companies following which the companies authorized their captains to withdraw from the regiment. Accordingly new muster rolls were signed by the members of the companies of the Second Battalion, which having been approved by the *** end ***