*** Source: Who's who in the Pacific Southwest: a compilation of authentic biographical sketches of citizens of Southern California and Arizona. Los Angeles: Times-Mirror Print. & Binding House, 1913, 406 pgs. *** ---page 269--- [MORTON, William Ona.] Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fayette Co., Ala., July 30, 1868; son of William Addison and Elizabeth Jane (Moose) Morton; married to Maud Hunter, Nov. 15, 1900. Attended Cottondale high school; Springtown Institute; Fort Worth Business College; gradu- ated from law dept. Fort Worth Univ., A. B.; and L.L. B., 1898; pres. Plainview Coeducational Institute, Plainview, Tex.; Supt city schools, Alvord, and Breckenridge, Tex.; financial agt. and business mgr. Fort Worth Univ. five years; member of law firm of McLean, Booth & Morton, Fort Worth, 1898- 1902; moved to Cal. in 1902, member of firm of Morton & Houser, Los Angeles, 1902-46; engaged in the prac- tice of law as member of firm of Morton, Hollzer & Morton. Democratic nominee for Congress, Seventh Congressional District, 1904; democratic nominee for Atty. Gen., 1906. Mem- ber Civil Service Commission, 1907- 12; pres. 1911-12, dir. Los Angeles Vacuum Gas Heating Co.; Pacific Financing Corporation. Member Jefferson club; B. P. O. E.; Loyal Order of Moose; W. O. W.; Fraternal Brotherhood; Dixie Society; Texas State Society; Women of Woodcraft; Los Angeles Athletic, Metropolitan and Covina Country clubs. MOSS, Leon Fremont. Lawyer. Res. 1241 Lake st.; office 711-15 American Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Fulton co., Ill.; son of George Walker and Mary Jane (Grigsby) Moss. Married to Effie Florence Willard. Attended Valparaiso Univ., Valparaiso, Ind.; graduated from Iowa Univ., B. S. Arrived in Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 2, 1887; practiced law there since then, excepting two years on Superior Court bench, 1909-10. Mem- ber California and Los Angeles Country clubs; Masonic fraternity; B. P. O. E.; I. O. O. F. MOSSHOLDER, William John. Lawyer. Res. 2008 Fifth st.; office, 1-4 First National Bank Bldg., San Diego, Cal. Born in Martinsburg, O., Aug. 27, 1857; son of Squire Humphrey and Mary E. (Robinson) Mossholder. Married to Jennie Prentice in 1881. Graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan Univ., Ph. B.; Law Dept. Iowa State Univ., L.L. B., 1881. Pres. San Diego Chapter Sons of American Revolution. Member Masonic fraternity; San Diego Consistory, No. 6, bein honored as K. C. C. H.; O. E. S.; Shrine. MOULTRIE, Lloyd Walker. Lawyer. Res. 3012 W. 7th st.; office 918 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in San Jose, Cal., Dec. 28, 1868; son of Joseph Addison and Elizabeth Barnet (Walker) Moultrie. Married to Susan Frances Edelen in 1900. At- tended the San Jose grammar and high schools; Univ. of Pacific; Univ. of Mich., graduating LL. B., 1890. Ad- mitted to bar in Fresno, 1890, and practiced there until 1900, when he moved to Los Angeles, and has con- tinued in his profession to date; city atty. of Fresno and member of legis- lature, 1891. Member Jonathan, Los Angeles Athletic and Los Angeles Country clubs; Masonic fraternity; Shrine. MOULTON, Montgomery McDonald. County assessor. Res. 2027 C st.; office Court House, San Diego, Cal. Born in Monticello, Ia., June 20, 1874; son of Moses M. and Amelia (McDonald) Moulton. Married to Beulah E. Miller in 1907. Attended public schools of Monticello, Ia. En- gaged in printing and newspaper work in Minneapolis, 1890-93; published Fallbrook Observer, Fallbrook, Cal., 1893-1902; chief deputy county recorder, 1903-06; San Diego county assessor Jan., 1907, to date. Sergeant in Co. B, Seventh Cal. Inf., U. S. V., May 4 to Dec. 2, 1898. MOYER, Reginald W. Real Estate. Res. 1821 W. Fifth st.; office, 316 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 29, 1882; son of David N. and Margaret (Tweddell) Moyer. Attended John Marshall high school, Chicago; English High and Manual Training School, Chicago, Ill. Employed in Chicago office of the German-American Fire Ins. Co., of New York, 1899-1906; moved to Los Angeles, December, 1906; engaged in the real estate loan business, January, 1907 to date. Member Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Los Angeles Realty Board. MOYLE, Edward Henry. Mining, mechanical and hydraulic engineer; inventor and manufacturer. Res. 609 W. First st.; office 224 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Born in Hazelton, Pa., June 5, 1870; son of Edward and Harriet (Harris) Moyle. Attended public schools, Grass Valley, Cal.; mechanical-electrical course at International Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa., 1888-89; mechanical engineering (night course), Lincoln *** end ***