*** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs; Volume 3. *** ---page 346--- 346 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ANCILLARY WILLS Filed in the Office of the County Recorder CIVIC CENTER San Diego, California -*-*-*- ABLES, James B | Will Book 3 | Page 5 Marin County, California Father: Bethanel Bales Mother: Rachael Ables Brothers: William Ables; Alexander Ables; Thomas J Ables Estate willed to brother Alexander Ables, provided he care for his parents - Other brothers mentioned in connection with business affairs Others: Lemuel B Biggs: Germain Collins: (business associates) Administrators: Bethunel Ables, Sr; William Ables Witnesses: Dr GeorgeS Bethel and Harvey W Lightel Probated: April 4, 1874, Guernsey County, Ohio -*-*-*-*-*- ---end---