1953 Marin Marriage Announcements
John McCroskey, 28, and Ruth
Johnson, 20, both of Hamilton Air Force Base
Russell Smith, 24, and Clerendy
Martin, 20, both Hamilton Air Force Base
John Hockmann, 31, San Francisco,
and Hannelore Roush, 25, Box 109, Mill Valley
Robert Berger, 24, Hamilton
Air Force Base, and Florence Ferini, 26, of 7 Pine street, San Rafael
Frank Monroe, 60, and Edna
Jones, 58, both of San Francisco
Donald Wilchar, 28, Box 27,
and Helen Hjort, 29, of 31 Janes street, both Mill Valley
Arthur McGeorge, 51, of 104
Willow avenue, Corte Madera, and Edna Jonbert, 36, of 38 Ridge road,
Jack Baker, 24, of 156 Crescent
road, San Anselmo, and Nancy Davis, 21, Petaluma
William Schwartze, 31, of 415
Mission street, and Agnes Holmes, 36, of 534 Third street, both
San Rafael
Kenneth Craig, 22, of 3 Beverly
Way, San Anselmo and Constance Keating, 19, of 24 Glenwood drive,
San Rafael