From "History of Yuba County", Thompson & West, Oakland, CA, 1879.The order of the Knights of Honor is of recent formation, the constitution under which it is working having been adopted at it's fifth annual session, held at Nashville, Tennessee, May 14 to 21, 1878. The Supreme Lodge is a body corporate under the laws of the State of Kentucky, by an Act of the Legislature of that State, passed during its session in December, 1875. The objects of the order, as declared by the constitution are:
1. To unite fraternally all acceptable white men of every profession, business or occupation.
2. To give all possible moral and material aid in its power to its members, and those depending on its members, by holding moral, instructive and scientific lectures, by encouraging each other in business, and by assisting each other to obtain employment.
3. To promote benevolence and charity by establishing a widows and orphans' benefit fund, from which, on the satisfactory evidence of the death of a member of this corporation, who has complied with its lawful requirements, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars shall be paid to his family direct.
4. To provide for creating a fund for the relief of sick and distressed members.
5. To ameliorate the condition of humanity in every possible manner.
Marysville Lodge, No. 1656.
This lodge was organized June 8, 1879, with the following charter members:
(List excluded due to length: contact James Smith).
The regular meetings are held in Good Templars' Hall, corner of Third and High streets, every Thursday evening.