****Portrait/Photo Collection, California Room, CA State Library, Sacramento****Treasures await the genealogist/family historian who is able to search the Photo Collection at the CA ROOM, in Sacramento, 9th & N Street. This unique collection includes portraits of CALIFORNIA PIONEERS, family members, club and group photos, as well as location photos, of towns and areas from early CA History. Indexed by Subject as well as Name this collection is available to search whenever the Library is open. Additionally the collection is "copyable", the staff will assist you with necessary forms for requesting photo copies of pictures or with making portrait quality copies of the photos. These are available for a fee. They do take from 1-4 weeks to copy generally.
When you find a citation in the index of something you would like to view, you take the citation to the library reference desk, where a clerk will retreive the item for your viewing in their "inner sanctum" which is a locked room where rare books and other portions of the collection are stored. You are then given a form to fill out in case you want to make a copy of the item, you must then come back to pick it up at a later date, or have it mailed to your home.
The info you discover can be priceless. On a personal note, last year I travelled to California for research and found the portrait of my GGGrandparents, Jesse and Elizabeth Hamrick in this very collection ( now on my website) and the portrait had Elizabeth's maiden surname on the back! Use this index on your next trip to California!