San Mateo County Genealogy
1870 Federal Census
San Mateo County, California
Page 335B, First Township, Post Office School House Station
Dwelling # Family # Surname Given Name Age Sex Race Occupation Birth Place
86 84 DEENY Patrick 39 m w Farmer Ireland
      Jane 35  Keeps House Ireland
      Mary A.    Cal 
      William 2 m w   Cal 
      Jane 7/12ths f w   Cal
    LEARY Daniel 35 m w Farm Laborer Ireland
    DAY James 26 m w Farm Laborer Ireland
    AH Jim 24 m c Farm Laborer China
    SAM Yup 40 m c Farm Laborer China 
    AH Him 40 m c Farm Laborer China 
87 85 HIM Sing 17 m c Chinese Interpreter China
    SIN Yuck 17 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    WIA Ting 17 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    CHUNG Woa  17 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    KUM Jam 17 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    JAN Farth 20 m c Works in Shoe Factory China 
    KUM Ping 25 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    YUET Chong 22 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    KUE Chue 27 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    SYO Chue 30 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    SAN Wai 21 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    SUE Jia 21 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    KAI Chum 25 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    JOE Kain 24 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
  TING Lum 29 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    BRO Jam 26 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    MOON Kai 27 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    KOW Fin 26 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    CHEA Chong 22 m c Works in Shoe Factory China 
    MOON Hang 25 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    LIAC Kow 22 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    LUM Lee 28 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    CHUM Hua 27 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    HIA Zon 28 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    ZUT Kan 27 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    ZUN Ching 34 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    CHIA Jan 33 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    WONG Lia 25 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
LUM Lum 27 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
    LONG Tung 25 m c Works in Shoe Factory China
                Continued on Page 336A

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last updated: 30 September 2003