San Mateo County Genealogy
1870 Federal Census
San Mateo County, California
Page 388A, Fifth Township, Post Office Belmont
Dwelling # Family # Surname Given Name Age Sex Race Occupation Birth Place
1 1 BURK Catherine 34 f w Keeping House Ireland
      Mary At Home Cal
    BURSTELL Maggy  15  At Home  N.Y. 
    GREEN William 26 m w Farm Laborer Ireland
2 BLACKWELL Thomas 43 m w Farmer La.
      Mary 30 f w Keeping House Ireland
      James M. 4 m w At Home Cal
    JOBES Samuel 23 m w Farm Laborer La.
    BROWN George 21 m w Farm Laborer N.Y.
    BLACKWELL John 12 m w At Home Oregon
4 3 CLAFFY John 41 m w Farmer Ireland
      Anna 30 f w Keeping House Ireland
      Robert  13 m w At Home Cal
      Edward 8 m w At Home Cal
      Ellen M.  2 f w At Home Cal
      Catherine  1 f w At Home Cal
4 DAY Michael 30 m w Farm Laborer Ireland
    WHEELER James 35 m w Farm Laborer Ky
    PURSELL Edward 21 m w  Farm Laborer  Ireland
5 MORRIS Reuben 35 m w Farm Laborer Ia. 
      Margaret 35 f w Keeping House Ireland
      George T. 90 m w At Home Cal
      Alice 7 f w At Home Cal
      Rachel 1 f w At Home Cal
6 6 DEWAN Patrick 40 m w Farm Laborer Ireland
      Mary 37 f w Keeping House Ireland
      Maria 12 f w At Home Conn.
      James 11 m w At Home Cal
      Catherine 8 f w At Home Cal
      Margaret 8 f w At Home Cal
      Jane 4 f w At Home Cal
      Ellen 2 f w At Home Cal
7 McDOUGAL Angus 27 m w Day Laborer Ireland
      Mary 18 f w Keeping House N.Y.
    MALONEY William 41 m w Farmer Ireland
8 AH Yik 52 m c Laborer China 
    TONG Goo 65 m c Laborer China 
    AH Joh 40 m c Laborer China
    AH Cou 42 m c Laborer China

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last updated: 3 October 2003