San Mateo County Genealogy
1870 Federal Census
San Mateo County, California
Page 406B, Fifth Township, Post Office Half Moon Bay
Dwelling # Family # Surname Given Name Age Sex Race Occupation Birth Place
287 272 COMSTOCK Nathan 62 m w Hunter R.I. 
288  273  BARRET Louis 30 m Farmer  Australia 
      Thomas 10 m w At Home Cal
289 274 GILLUM Benjamin 44 m w Lumberman Ia
      Drucilla 32 f w Keeping House Ills.
      Theodore B. 12  m w At Home Cal
      Josephine 10 f w At Home Cal
      Minnie 5 f w At Home Cal
      Rebecca J. 1 f w At Home Cal
    McEVOY John 56 m w Laborer Ireland
    BORSE Hans 31 m w   Prussia
290 275 PALMER Moses 55 m w Lumberman Mass.
291 276 CO[S?]NEY Bryan 38 m w Lumberman Ireland
      Bridget 35  f w Keeping House Ireland
      Bridget L.  8 f w At Home Cal
      Edward B. 2 m w At Home Cal
    KELLY Lawrence 40 m w At Home Ireland
292 277 HANKER William 23 m w Lumberman Prussia
    MICHAEL Henry 25 m w Lumberman Prussia
    ROSCHT John 28 m w Lumberman Wurtenburg
    MILLER Louis 22 m w Lumberman Prussia
293 278 COLLINS Patrick 38 m w Farmer N.B.
      Catherine 39 f w Keeping House Ireland 
      James 9 m w At Home Cal
      Thomas 6 m w At Home Cal
      Mary A. 8 f w At Home Cal 
      William 4 m w At Home Cal
      John 1 m w At Home Cal 
294 279 FLASHMAN Charles 33 m w Farmer He[??]osse
      Louisa 33 f w Keeping House Hanover
      George 11 m w At Home Cal
      Ida 9 f w At Home Cal
      Emma 7 f w At Home Cal
      Louis 4 m w At Home Cal
      Louisa 4/12ths f w At Home Cal
    WALKER William 40 m w Farm Laborer Ia.
    HUNTER Andrew 34 m w Farm Laborer Scotland
    MADELENA Andrew 27 m w Farm Laborer Scotland
295 280 WALKER Mary 45 f w Keeping House Ireland

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last updated: 10 April 2004