San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
June 18, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 11.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 18, 1859, Vol. 1 No.11

June 11 - Schr Harp, Hendrikson, fm San Francisco
June 15 - Sloop R.G. Whiting, Gould, fm Sacramento
June 16 - Sloop, Roman, Mine fm San Francisco; Schr Harp, Henrikson fm San
Francisco; Sloop Souisa Demerit, Hanson, from San Lorenzo
June 12 - Schr Harp, Hendrikson, for San Francisco
June 13 - Sloop Roman, Mine, for San Francisco
June 15 - Sloop R.G. Whiting, Gould, for Sacramento, 10,500 feet lumber
June 17 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, for Napa - 14,000 feet lumber

To take place in the
A Grand Ball will be given in the Town Hall, at the Court-house, Redwood
City, on Monday evening, July 4th, 1859, in honor of the Anniversary of our
National Independence.  No effort will be spared to render the festivities
in every way worthy of the occasion.
Committee of Arrangements:
Wm. Callaghan
J.M.P. Fessenden
J.W. Vanderoef
Chas. A. Perkins
Reception Committee:
D.A. Foulkes
Wm. Maxfield
Gen. La Pierre
A.W. Hunt
W.A. Clark
Benjamin Fox
E. Norris
Wm. Brockway
Floor Managers
W.C.R. Smith
E. Graves
A. Bronson
Rufus Murphy
Is engaged for the occasion
A Supper will be served up during the evening

an opinion in the United States District Court, in the case of Bartolome
BAJOROGNEZ, on a review of the survey, which settles a most important
principle of practice under the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the
United States in the Fossatt Case, make it the duty of the District Court
"to review, confirm, or modify the survey's of the Surveyor-General of
Lands confirmed to the claimants by the decree of this Court."  By the
opinion of the Court, we learn that all parties deriving title from the
claimant, to whom the land has been confirmed, may, upon the question of
the approval of the survey of the Court, intervene by filing therein their
objections.  Thus, inferentially, no other parties save the United States
and the claimant of his assigns can take any part in such proceeding; and
the settler desiring to contest a survey, the lines of which embrace his
pre-emption, can only do so through the United States District Attorney.

MURDER AND REWARD - On last Tuesday, says the Tehama Gazette, two men
called on us, and informed us that on Wednesday, the 25th of May, a man
known by the name of John JENKINS, committed a most cold blooded murder in
Indian Valley, Plumas county, by shooting a person named McCARLY, while he
was engaged in plowing, from behind a ditch.  It appears that there had
been some quarreling between the two during the previous day, and that
JENKINS had come off second best, and had gone off breathing threats of
killing his opponent, which he did, as related above, and then fled, though
hotly pursued.  A reward of $1000 was made up by the citizens of the
Valley, and will be paid down on the delivery of Jenkins in that place.
The men from whom we derived our information were on the track of a person
who answered the murderer's description, in some particulars; but upon
being overhauled, he proved not to be the individual they were after.  Mr.
McLAUGHLIN, for some time Deputy Sheriff of Butte county, asserts that
JENKINS' description identifies him as one "Hinny," a notorious thief who
broke jail in Oroville in the winter of 1857.

RAILROAD - At a meeting of the citizens of Auburn, Placer county, held for
the purpose of taking measures for the construction of a railroad from
Auburn to Folsom, to connect with Sacramento, a committee was appointed,
who have since reported in favor of the organization of a company with a
capital stock of $850,000 to be issued in shares of one hundred dollars
each, so that it will be within the reach of any man to take stock who
desires to do so.  The committee estimate that $800,000 per annum is paid
to teamsters in Placer county for freights.

DEFALCATION - S.P. FAIR, Sheriff of Siskiyou, is a defaulter, to the county
he had the honor to serve, to the amount of $60,000.  He had absconded with
the funds, leaving his sureties disconsolate.

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