San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
June 25, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 12.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 25, 1859, Vol. 1 No.12

June 18 - Schr Taffie, Rodger, fm San Francisco, light
June 18 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, fm Napa, light
June 21 - Schr Harp, Henrickson, fm San Francisco
June 23 - Sloop Roman, Mine, fm San Francisco
June 17 - Sloop Louiza Demerit, Hanson, for San Lorenzo, 1400 Posts
June 19 - Schr Taffie, Rodgers, lumber, Mourry's landing
June 20 - Sloop Roman, Mine, 6000 feet lumber for San Francisco
June 22 - Schr Harp, Hendrickson, grain for San Francisco
June 20 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, lumber, shingles for Napa

San Mateo Anti-Lecompton Convention
The Anti-Lecompton Democracy of San Mateo County, held a mass meeting at
San Mateo on Saturday, June 11th.  The attendance was very large and the
greatest food feeling and enthusiasm prevailed.
The meeting was organized by the election of Wm. LUNDGOEDOC President,
J.Q.A. TILTON, Vice-President, and J.P. AMES, Secretary.
The Convention was addressed by Judge FOX and Judge MAXON after which the
following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, That J.P. AMES and Judge MAXON be appointed to represent the
Anti-Lecompton Democracy of San Mateo in the State Convention to be holden
at Sacramento on the 15th of June.
Resolved That J.Q.A. TILTON, B.F. FOX, James G. DENNISON, John JOHNSON, A.
ECKRENKOTTER, W.C. CROOKS and Wm. LAUGUEDOC be appointed to act as a County
Central Committee.
Resolved That the County Convention to nominate candidates for county
officers be held at the school house in San Mateo, on the 11th of July next.
Resolved That the proceeding of this meeting be published in the Daily San
Francisco News and the San Mateo Gazette.
J.P. Ames, Sec'y

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENTS - John F. MURRY, from county Down, Ireland, lately in
the employ of J.A. ROBINSON, near Half-moon Bay, in this county, who had
been missing for a week previously, was found dead, on Monday last, by some
laborers, in the neighborhood of the Purissima, on the bank of a creek,
with his head lying in the water.  He had left home on Tuesday week, with
his gun, on a hunting excursion, and having, it appears, shot a bird, was
climbing up the bank to get it, when the remaining barrel of the gun
discharged, the contents entering his right eye, killing him instantly.
On Saturday last, near Dennis Martin's in the Redwoods, a young lad by the
name of McELHANY, was also killed by the accidental discharge of his gun,
while climbing a fence.  We have been unable to get full particulars in
this latter case.  These cases of accidental death furnish sad commentaries
on the want of proper care in the handling of fire-arms.

about two months ago on the corner of Montgomery and Washington streets,
and who was placed under bonds of $2000 (given by Mr. TRAVERS) to appear
and answer the charge of assault with a deadly weapon, slipt off on the
last steamer, and left his bondsman in the lurch.

FIRE AT BIDWELL'S BAR - A fire, supposed to be the work of an incendiary,
broke out in a stable at Bidwell's Bar, about two o'clock on the morning of
the 18th, and before it could be arrested consumed some eight or ten
buildings and their contents.  Seven horses were burned, four belonging to
the California Stage Company.  J.C. CRAWFORD lost two horses and one mule,
and a horse belonging to some travelers.  The heaviest loss is on Mr.
BENDLE, who lost his store, dwelling house and their contents.  Probable
loss, $8000.  One or two unoccupied buildings, and four or five miners'
cabins, were also burned.  The fire spread so rapidly that there was no
opportunity to save anything, but by the exertion of the citizens it was
prevented from crossing the streets.  The Union Hotel very narrowly
escaped, as it is badly scorched.  The total loss is from $12,000 to $15,000.

ANGELO - The San Jose Tribune says that Charles A. ANGELO, who is in jail
at Victoria, V.I., on a charge of embezzling $10,000 while in the Custom
House at that place, was formerly the proprietor of the Angelo House, on
the San Jose and San Francisco road.

SERIOUS AND PROBABLY FATAL AFFRAY - At Jesus Maria, says the Mokelumn Hill
Chronicle, a heavy fight occurred.  It appears that Stephen PANIA, a
Chileno, came down the street, at the time laboring under excitement, there
being a warrant for his arrest in the hands of an officer for assault and
battery, swearing that no officer should take him for such an offence; at
the same time approaching very near where a quiet citizen by the name of
Renaldo CATALDO, was standing in conversation with some other gentlemen,
when, on the instant, PANIA drew his revolver and commenced firing at
CATALDO, the first shot cutting the skin on the back of his neck.  CATALDO,
being unarmed; immediately retreated out seeing a friend armed, seized the
pistol and defended himself.  At this time the melee became general, there
were some thirty shots fired by the parties engaged, and strange to say,
that but one is likely to prove fatal, and that was a shot fired by Mr.
CATALDO.  PANIA, the man who made this unprovoked attack, received the
wound, from which there is no hope of recovery.

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