San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 2, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 13.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 2, 1859, Vol. 1 No.13

June 24 - Schr Harp, Henrikson, fm San Francisco
June 27 - Sloop Caroline, Hughes, fm San Francisco
June 29 - Sloop P.A. Owens, Rooks, fm San Francisco
June 30 - Sloop Roman, Mine, fm San Francisco, Schr Harp Hendrikson, fm San
June 29 - Schr Emily, Manix, fm Benicia
June 30 - Sloop Vigilance, P. Hanson, fm San Francisco
June 28 - Sloop Maria, Hans ____, fm San Francisco (Line in the copy)
June 26 - Schr H(rest of the line illegible)
June 28 - Sloop _aria (?), Hanson, fm San Francisco - 60,000 shingles
June 29 - Sloop Caroline, Hughes, for San Francisco - 25,000 ft lumber,
1200 posts
June 30 - Schr Harp, Hendrickson, fr San Francisco

STILL ANOTHER FIRE - Mr. EISENBERGER, living near Welch's in the Canada
Raymundo, has been experimenting latterly with phosphorus, to kill
squirrels.  The result was that on Wednesday he lost about three hundred
dollars worth of hay by fire, and came near losing his house and all his
grain at the same time.  The whole face of the country is as combustible as
gun-cotton at this time, and persons cannot be two (sic) careful in using
fire, or anything which can create fire.  Only a few days since a large
field of wheat in Santa Clara county was burned up by means of a box of
matches which some traveler had dropped by the wayside.

SCHOOL - The next term of the Redwood City School will commence on Tuesday
the 5th instant.

SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARY - Who ever knew the ladies to fail in anything they
undertook?  Two weeks ago they took it into their heads that a library was
needed for the Sabbath School at this place.  The result was that forthwith
every gentleman in town, without regard to the degree or depth of his
piety, was called upon by a fair visitor to whose importunities he could
not say nay - and on Sunday last, when the children came into school, they
were greeted with a handsome library of two hundred and eighty-five
volumes, nicely arranged in a very respectable bookcase provided for the
purpose.  Much pains were taken in the selection of these books, and we are
pleased to see that while they are all, as they should be, of a religious
nature, none of them are sectarian in character.

FIRE - By the San Francisco papers, we learned, after our last issue had
gone to press, that the residence of Alfred WHEELER Esq., at San Mateo was
destroyed by fire on Monday week.  Since then we are informed that not only
the house, but the barn, which was a very valuable one, was lost, with most
of the contents of both.  The fire originated in the barn, but how, is

ANOTHER FIRE - We learn that Greer's Mill, formerly known as the Whipple
Mill was destroyed by fire on Saturday last.  The machinery had lately been
taken out and removed, so that but little damage was sustained beyond the
loss of the building.  Some parties were engaged near by in burning brush,
and from this the fire communicated to the mill.

UNION CEMETERY GROUNDS - Geo. E. ERSKINE, Esq., the contractor, and Capt.
BEAL, are now busily engaged in putting a good and substantial fence around
these grounds, and very soon the Cemetery will be fully enclosed, when it
will at once be staked off, and the lots ready for distribution and sale.

FATAL STABBING AFFAIR - Two neighbors Geo. F. WYMAN and Nathan KENDRICK,
living near the Purissimo in this county, on Tuesday evening last, got into
a difficulty about some hogs, which resulted in the death of KENDRICK, who
received a stab from WYMAN with a knife, in the region of the left breast.
WYMAN immediately came over and delivered himself up.  An inquest was held
by Coroner McCLURE, on Wednesday, which resulting in finding that deceased
was aged about twenty-eight years, was formerly from Kentucky, and that he
came to his death by means of a wound inflicted by WYMAN.
WYMAN was taken before Justice CROOK, where he waived an examination, and
was admitted to bail in the sum of two thousand dollars.  Most of the
evidence against him is his own statement, which goes to show that the deed
was done in self-defence.

LAUNCH - We understand arrangements have been made to launch the new sloop,
built  at San Mateo, on the evening on the fourth.  A party will be given
by the proprietors on the occasion, and a jolly time is anticipated.

On Saturday last another desperate stampede took place at the State Prison.
 Forty-two prisoners made their escape, but ten of them were either killed
or wounded, and brought back.  We have no comments to make upon this
wholesale escape.   Occurrences like this have become so common of late at
that institution, that they speak for themselves.  We think however it is
best not to send any prisoners up there.  It is only a waste of money in
having them conveyed to San Quentin, only to get back again before the
officers who had them in charge.   ……

POPULATION OF SAN FRANCISO - Langley's new Directory, just issued, gives
the population of the city as 78,083, divided thus: white males, 49,343;
white females, 23,985; Chinese males, 2,560; Chinese females, 590; colored
males 745; colored females 531; colored children under five year, 329.  -

The town of Tehama was almost entirely destroyed by fire on Saturday
morning last.  The loss is estimated at one hundred thousand dollars.
Three persons were severely injured, and a house burned down in Sacramento,
on Friday night of last week, by carelessness in filling a spirit lamp.
A line of stages has been established between Los Angeles and San Diego.
The schooner Junette went ashore at "Arroya del Burro: near Santa Barbara,
on the night of the 17th.
The company recently organized at Red Bluff to "clean out" the Indians,
started for the scene of their operations on Wednesday.  The Beacon says
they expect to put in two or three months' time and thinks that the Indians
will be cleaned out.
It is stated that very rich mines, of silver and gold have been discovered
in San Luis Obispo county. The silver is said to be found almost pure; the
gold-bearing quartz is said to be exceedingly rich.
A fire occurred at Bidwell's Bar, Feather river, one night last week,
destroying property to the value of $15,000.  Mr. BENDLE was the principle
Almost all the late papers from the interior bring intelligence of the
death of one or more persons in their locality from sunstroke.

OFF FOR ITALY - We understand Alex. GARBI, Esq., our present County
Surveyor, and the democratic nominee for re-election, sails on the next
steamer for New York, and thence to Italy.  He is an Italian by birth, and
goes out as the accredited agent of the Italians in San Francisco, to bear
to the King of Sardinia an assurance of the sympathies of this loyal
subjects on this coast, and to present on their behalf, a magnificent sword
which has been prepared for the purpose.  But we cannot believe that it is
solely as their agent that he goes.

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