San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 9, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 14.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 9, 1859, Vol. 1 No.14.

SHIPMENT OF TREASURE - The amount shipped by the steamer Golden Gate on the
6th was $2,255,184.47.

July 1st - Sloop Julia, Hanson, fm San Francisco
July 5 - Schr Taffie, Rodger, fm San Francisco
July 6 - Schr Harp, Hendrikson, fm San Francisco
July 2 - Schr Harriet K., Kelsey, fm San Francisco
July 6 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, fm San Francisco
July 1 - Sloop Vigilance, P. Hanson, 1400 posts, for San Lorenzo
July 6 - Schr Taffie, Rodgers, 20,000 feet of lumber, 16,000 shingles, for
San Francisco
July 7 - Schr. Harp, Hendrikson for San Francisco
July 7 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, 60,000 shingles, for San Francisco

POISONED - On Saturday last, a child of P. LEATHERS, of this place, was for
some hours, thought to be in extreme danger from the effects of poison,
having drank a portion of the contents of a vessel containing fly poison
which was placed on a table to destroy flies. Timely medical assistance,
however, prevented serious consequences.

To the Honorable the Court of Sessions of the County of San Mateo, State of
California, for the July term of said Court, for the year 1859
We, the undersigned Grand Jurors, would respectfully submit the follow report:
That we have found five bills of indictment, one of which is for the crime
of murder, the others for lesser offences.  In the case of the people
against Andres ROW, now in the county jail, we find from the papers that
there was but one witness on the part of the prosecution; that no
recognizance for the appearance of that witness was taken by the committing
magistrate; that a subpoena has been duly issued for him, and that the
officer has been unable to serve the same.  The consequence is that no
evidence in that case has been submitted to us - we have therefore been
compelled to dismiss the charge.
In the case of the People against Charles PRIOR, wherein he has been held
to answer upon a charge of assault with a deadly weapon, the prosecuting
witness, Henry DIAMOND, has failed to appear, notwithstanding he has been
duly subpoenaed for that purpose.  We have though best to dismiss that
charge also, and recommend to your Honors that the witness be brought into
court and punished for contempt in refusing to obey the order of the subpoena.
J.W. TURNER, Foreman
A. TEAGUE, Clerk
Redwood City, July 7, 1859

THE BIGGEST LOAD YET - Mr. William M. WAVER hauled last Monday week, from
the top of Redwood mountain to Redwood City, in one load, seventy thousand
shingles.  This is, we learn, nearly ten thousand shingles more than has
ever before been hauled to this place in a single load.

COUNTY COURT - There was no business in this Court except to appears in
criminal cases from Justice's Court.  In the case of the People vs. Chas.
PRIOR, submitted on appeal, judgment was affirmed.  People vs Job RICHARDS
- motion to dismiss appeal still undetermined.  Court adjourned till Monday

LUMBER - A very large quantity of lumber is now accumulating on the wharves
of the various lumber dealers in this place.  All descriptions of it are
selling at very low prices, with the ordinary amount of shipments and the
usual demand at this season of the year.  Rough lumber, shingles, posts,
etc., are all being disposed of at very low rates.  Now is the time to
build cheaply.

SHOOTING IN SAN FRANCISCO - A man named Derrick was shot in the arm in San
Francisco on the night of the 5th, during a firemen's row, reported to have
been commenced by NUTTMAN and HOSSEFROS, two eminent fire-gentlemen.

FIRE IN SAN FRANCISCO - About half-past four o'clock on the afternoon of
the 5th inst., a fire occurred in San Francisco, which consumed ten or
twelve buildings.  Loss estimated at about $15,1000.  It originated in a
sailors' boarding-house corner Broadway and Davis streets.  A sailor named
PRUNELLO was burned to death, and others, who are missing are supposed to
have met a similar fate.  A number of firemen were injured, some of them

HOMOCIDES - There were eight deaths by violence in this State on the first
three days of the present month - so published.

MURDER AT OAKLAND - Mr. David Lester was shot and killed at Oakland, about
one o'clock Monday morning, by a Mexican and a Portuguese, named Peralta
and Miguel.  Mr. L. had lost a hose, and went over to a fandango opposite
the Pavilion at Oakland to lost amongst the horses which had brought their
riders to the frolic to see if he could find the lost animal.  On
attempting to identify a horse as his own these men shot him, three balls
entering his body, killing him almost instantly.  The excitement among the
citizens was very great, and it was with great difficulty the sheriff
prevented the murderers from being lynched.  They were finally conveyed to
San Leandro jail. - Telegram

ANOTHER FIRE IN OROVILLE - A fire broke out in that portion of Oroville
known as Chinatown about one o'clock on Monday morning.  Some twenty
buildings were entirely consumed of which four or five were occupied as
stores.  The flames spread so rapidly that nothing could be saved.  The
loss is between $18,000 and $20,000.  Part of the burnt district has been
ravaged three times within a year.  Most of the buildings were occupied by
Chinese, many of them being houses of ill-fame.  The fire was prevented
from spreading by the exertions of "Melican" men, the Chinese, as usual,
not knowing what to do.

EXTENSIVE FIRE AT WEAVERVILLE - A dispatch dated Weaverville, July 5th, to
the Bulletin, says: "A fire broke out this morning in a house occupied by
Chinamen, and spreading rapidly, destroyed one-third of the town before it
could be extinguished.  The St. Charles Hotel and the California Stage
Company's office are burned.

James Dow & Co., have confessed judgment in San Francisco, in favor of
creditors to the amount of $28,868.48.

The ship Challenger, which arrived in San Francisco on Saturday from China,
brought 350 Chinese.

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