San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 16, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 15.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 16, 1859, Vol. 1 No.15

At Belmont, San Mateo County, July 4th, the wife of A.T. CASTOR, Esq., of a

In San Francisco, July 6th, 1859, by Rev. F.C. Ewer, Mr. James STALTER, of
Santa Cruz, to Miss Elizabeth LESEMANN, of Searsville, San Mateo county.

July 8 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, fm San Francisco ….. Sloop Nimrod, Colburn,
fm San Francisco ….. Schr Emily, Manix, fm San Francisco
July 12, Schr Harp, Hendrikson, fm San Francisco …. Harriet K. Kelsey, fm
San Francisco
July 13, Sloop Roman, Mine, fm San Francisco …. W. Whipple, Englehardt, fm
San Francisco, ….. McLelan Brock, fm San Francisco
July 9 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, 1500,000 shingle, for San Francisco, …..
Schr. Harriet K. Kelsey, 55,000 feet lumber for San Francisco
July 11 - Schr Emily, Manix, 3000 feet lumber for San Francisco ….. Sloop
Nimrod, Colburn, 20,000 feet lumber for San Francisco
July 13 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, 2500 posts for San Francisco … Schr Harp,
Hendrickson, for San Francisco

SHERIFF'S SALE - BY VIRTUE OF AN execution issued out of the District Court
of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the
City and County of San Francisco, in the suit of JESUS NOE, plaintiff,
against VICENTE MIRAMONTES, defendant, duly attested on the eighth day of
July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, I have levied upon
all the right, title and interest which the defendant, MIRAMONTES had on
the sixth day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, or
at any time since, in and to the following described real estate in the
County of San Mateo, State of California, to wit:
Bounded on the north by the Arroyo de los Pilarcitos, on the South by the
Gulch or Sanjon de Canada Verde; on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and on
the East by the Sierra - and being the same tract of land known as the "San
Benito Rancho: granted to Candlavio MIRAMONTEZ by Juan B. ALVARDO, Governor
of California, on the second day of January, A.D. one thousand eight
hundred and forty-one.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Thursday, the Fourth Day of August, A.D.
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, at twelve o'clock, noon, in
front of the Court-House door, in Redwood City, San Mateo County, I will
sell all the right, title and interest of the said defendant, Vincent
MIRAMONTEZ in and to the above described property to the highest bidder for
Sheriff San Mateo County

COURT OF SESSIONS - The People vs. C. PRIOR, for injuring jail, demurrer to
indictment sustained on the ground that the facts charged do not constitute
a public offence, within the meaning of the Statute, relative to breaking
jail.  The People vs. C. PRIOR, for resisting an officer - verdict of
guilty, with recommendation to mercy.  Motions for new trial and in arrest
of judgment were made, and taken under advisement until 17th of August.
The People vs. E.A. ROWE, for perjury - indictment quashed on the ground
that it was prematurely found, the civil suit in which the alleged perjury
was committed being still pending.  Court adjourned to 17th August.

SONS OF TEMPERANCE - Very much to our regret, we inadvertently omitted to
notice in our last the installation of officers for the present quarter, of
Mountain Dell Division No. 74, S. of T.  On the 2d. inst., the following
officers were installed: J.D. ROSE, W.O., L. WILLIAMS, W.A.; Wm. LASWELL,
SAMPSON, C.; Thos. BEEBE, A.C.; A. KENT, I.S.; A. TEAGUE, O.S.; and Joseph
EMERY, Chaplain.
The Dashaways appear to be the popular Temperance organization just now in
the large cities, and are doing much good.  Here we have no such
institution, but slowly and surely this Division is advancing in the good
cause its members have espoused, and in the vicinity of Woodside, where it
is located, its influence is very perceptibly felt.

COUNTY COURT - In the case of the People vs. Job RICHARDS, appealed to this
Cout, the judgment of the Court below was confirmed.

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