San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 23, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 16.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 23, 1859, Vol. 1 No.16

Notice to Creditors
Estate of Nathan KENDRICK, deceased. - Notice is hereby given by the
undersigned, administrator of the above-named estate, to the creditors of
and all persons having claims against NATHAN KENDRICK, deceased, to exhibit
the same, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months, from the first
publication of this notice, to the undersigned, at his place of residence,
near Half-Moon Bay.
Administrator of the Estate of Nathan Kendrick, deceased
San Mateo County, July 21st, 1859

Saltpetre is found in the mountains in the neighborhood of Jones' on the
Los Gatos creek, between Santa Cruz and Santa Clara.  Some of the globules
or crystals, were collected and taken to Santa Clara, and underwent a
chemical process by one of the professors of the University of the Pacific,
and the true character of the mineral was determined.

July 19 - Schr J.P. Haven, Lewis, fm San Francisco, ….. Schr Emily, Manix,
fm San Francisco, ….  Sloop Nimrod, Colburn, fm San Francisco, … Sloop
Amelia Francis, Nutson, fm San Francisco
July 20 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, fm San Francisco, … Sloop American, Gehon,
fm San Francisco, … Schr Harp, Hendrickson, fm San Francisco
July 21 - Sloop Roman, Mine, fm San Francisco, … Schr Eliza Blake, Blyther,
fm San Francisco
July 16 - Sloop Caroline, Hughes, 25,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco,
… Sloop Julia, Hanson, 2000 posts for San Francisco
July 21 - Schr Harp, Hendrikson, for San Francisco, …. Schr Emily, Manix,
18,5000 feet of lumber, 2000 shingles for Benicia, … Schr J.P. Haven,
Lewis, 100 bales of hay for San Francisco, … Sloop Nimroad, Colburn, 20,000
feel lumber for San Francisco, …. Sloop Julia, Hanson, 25,000 feet lumber,
20,000 shingles for San Francisco, … Sloop Sarah Ann, Crikardt, 3000 posts
for Stockton

DREADFUL AFFRAY - A most unfortunate affair took place neat the San
Francisquito Creek, about three miles above its intersection by the county
road, on Tuesday last.  The affray occurred in a harvest-field, where three
brother LANGDON were engaged thrashing.  A man named COLLINS interfered
with or did something to the thrashing machine with which the others were
employed, and was told to desist, harsh words were exchanged, and after
some altercation, COLLINS went away, but shortly returned, when, after more
altercation, blows were exchanged, and a fight ensued, which resulted in
COLLINS being severely wounded, apparently with a knife, in the head, back
and abdomen.  It was supposed, immediately after the occurrence, that
COLLINS could not survived his wounds, but it is now thought he may
recover.  We are of the opinion that had there been no liquor drank by the
parties the affray would not have occurred.

CASULTY - On Tuesday evening last, Mr. Charles STEVENS was severely injured
by a thrashing machine, while at work in the field of BRONSON & Co., near
this place.  The labor for the day was finished, and the horses were
stopped, but the cylinder was still revolving with great speed, when Mr.
S., in attempting to step upon the edge of the opening through which the
grain is fed to the machine, place his foot upon some straw, which caused
him to slip, and he fell with his left foot against the cylinder, the teeth
of which lacerated it in a shocking manner.  A portion of the foot will
necessarily be amputated.  By a presence of mind very unusual under the
circumstances, Mr. S. sprung at the moment of failing, so as to throw his
body somewhat away from the cylinder, otherwise he probably have lost his
entire leg, and perhaps his life.


In the case of the People vs. PRIOR, tried a short time since in the Court
of Sessions, the question arose as to whether the party to whom resistance
was made while engaged in the service of process, was an officer within the
meaning of the Statue, and if not, then whether a private person has the
right to serve a warrant in a criminal case.  These are questions upon
which the Court seemed to have serious doubts, and they are, in our
opinion, the only questions upon which the case is now hanging.  (Lengthy
following paragraphs)

THE FIRST IMMIGRANTS - The first emigrants By the central route this
season, were two young men name SILL and HATHAWAY, who arrived in
Placerville on Monday last, in advance of their train.  These gentlemen
left Chicago this Spring with the intention of going to Pike's Peak, but
receiving discouraging accounts from the new Dorado they subsequently
concluded to proceed to California.  Several Pike's Peakers joined them on
the way, and came through with the train.  Several of these men were in the
gold mines for over a month, and they describe the conditions of the
unlucky adventurers as being too dreadful to think of.  At the time of
their departure from the mines, disappointment and starvation were doing
their full work, and men were perishing by the wholesale.

STATE CONVICTS RECAPTURED - Two Mexicans named Jesus MENDOSA and Teburzo
BASKES, who escaped from the State Prison on the occasion of the last
general exodus, have been arrested in Stockton for horse stealing.

LETTERS OVERLAND - The Overland Mail stage, which left San Francisco on the
19th inst., for St. Louis and Memphis, carried away two thousand and
twenty-six letters.

SALT LAKE TRAINS - On Saturday last, about a dozen fine mule-teams, with
substantial road-wagons, arrived at Placerville from Salt Lake City.  The
Observer says these teams are the property of Mr. CHRISMAN, of Salt Lake,
and came through for the express purpose of obtaining freight at
Sacramento.  This train made the trip through from the Mormon city in about
thirty days.  This with heavy wagons, is very fair time, but the stock does
not appear in the least jaded or otherwise injured by the trip.  The train
did not halt in the city, but taking the road to the lower crossing of
Webber Creek, immediately rolled on towards Sacramento.

24th of the present months, says the Martinez Gazette, since the first mail
was taken up the Sacramento river from San Francisco.  It was carried by
Capt. Seth M. SWAIN, of Martinez, in the schooner John Dunlap.  The mail
matter was all contained in one bag, and Capt. SWAIN received six hundred
dollars for the service, while the entire postage on the contents of the
mail amounted to less than sixty dollars.

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