San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 30, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 17.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 30, 1859, Vol. 1 No.17

July 26 - Sloop Julia, Hanson, fm San Francisco
July 28 - Schr Harp, Hendrickson, fm San Francisco, … Schr Taffie, Rodgers,
fm San Francisco, … Sloop W. Whipple, Enlehardt, fm San Francisco
July 25 - Schr. Harp, Hendrickson, fm San Francisco
July 26(?) - Sloop Caroline, Hughes, fm Stockton
July 22 - Sloop Eliza Blake, Blyther, for San Francisco 25,000 feet of
lumber, … Sloop Amelia Francis, Nutson,  15,000 feet of lumber for San
July 23 - Sloop American, Gehow, 5000 posts for San Francisco
July 26 - Schr Harp, Hendrikson, for San Francisco
July 27 - Sloop Roman, Mine , for San Francisco
July 28, Sch Harp, Hendrickson, for San Francisco, Sloop Julia, Hanson,
150,000 shingles for San Francisco

THE SETTLERS OF SONOMA AGAIN IN ARMS - It having been whispered about
Petaluma last Sunday, say the True Democrat, that A.W. THOMPSON, the agent
of Dr. GWIN's ranch, the Roblar de Miseria, intended on Monday morning, to
execute a writ of restitution, obtained some months since against some of
the settlers on said grant, work was conveyed to the Rangers, about sixty
of whom, well armed, started for the place of the expected scene of
operations, where they arrived by eight o'clock on Monday morning.  Not
meeting with any one there to enforce the writ, as they expected to have
done, they waited until 12 o'clock M., and no one still arriving, they
passed the following resolutions, and then proceeded to Pataluma, under
command of Capt. ALLEN, for dinner and refreshments, after which they were
disbanded and started for their homes.
ROBERTS RANCH, Pataluma Township, July 18
Mr. THOMPSON: - You were expected at this place for the purpose of
disposing Mr. ROBERTS.  You have failed to meet your engagement, and not
wishing to be called from our homes to be disappointed again, we have
RESOLVED, That if you attempt to disposses or interfere in any manner
whatever with any person living on the Roblar grant, before there is a
final settlement, of all disputes with regard to the title or boundary, we
will deal with you in such a manner as we may hereafter determine your
conduct deserves.
RESOLVED, That you are hereby requested to desist from further harassing
the settlers on said grant, and if this reasonable request is not complied
with, you will assuredly have to abide the consequences.
RESOLVED, That we will defend our right to the end, come what may.

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