San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
April 16, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 2.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar, December 2004)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 16, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 2.

PROBATE COURT - An order was entered in this court on Tuesday last, that
John GREER be appointed guardian of Manuela COPPINGER, a minor, and that
letters issue to him upon his filing bonds in the sum of one thousand dollars.

The following is the condition of the County Treasury for the Quarter
ending April 1st, 1859:
Cash on hand, Jan. 1st 1859 $8,936.60
Receipts to April 1st, 1859 $5,198.89
Total $14,135.49
Paid into State Treasury $6,237.15
Paid Auditor's Warrants $1,565.58
Paid School Warrants $453.08
Total $8,256.41
Cash on hand $5,879.08
In State Fund $3.819.41
In County Fund $1,257.62
In School Fund $764.41
In Road Fund $37.64
Total $5,879.09

Wm. MORRIS, tried in the Fourth District Court, San Francisco for the
murder of Richard H. DOAK, was on the 12th found guilty of murder in the
first degree. He will be sentenced on the 30th.
The trail of Charles GILMAN, for the murder of R.S. RUSSELL, was
concluded in the Fourth District Court on the 13th, and resulted in the
conviction of the accused of murder in the second degree.
Mr. FOUSER, charged with the murder of DURIE, the policeman, what
tried in the same court a few days since, and acquitted.
On the 13th, Judge McALLISTER, of the United States Circuit Court,
submitted a lengthy opinion in the case of Martin GALLAGHER vs the bark
Yankee, affirming the judgment of the District Court, by which GALLAGHER
was allowed three thousand dollars for having been forced to take a trip to
the Sandwich Islands against his will.

Four indictments have been found against Capt. PENDLETON, of the bark
Sarah Park, for cruel treatment of seamen, and another presented to the
jury, charging him with murder.

The Alta Telegraph Company have recently received from the East, and
on Friday of last week proceeded to lay, across the Straits, from Benica to
Martinez, a telegraph cable. The work of laying the cable was
superintended by Capt. REASE, of the revenue cutter W.L. Marcy, and J.E.
STRONG, of the Northern Telegraph Company.

LEGISLATIVE - In this department we find but little of interest, as a great
share of the legislation for the past week has been specially for the
advantage or disadvantage of San Francisco. We notice, however, that a
bill was passed a few days since relative to the office of sheriff of San
Mateo county.

HIGHWAY ROBBERY - On Sunday last, a Chileno named Andreas ROW was arrested
near Searsville, on a complaint entered by A. LEWIS, a pedlar, who stated
that he had been robbed on the highway by ROW and another Chileno. At the
examination before Justice SEARS, LEWIS stated that on Saturday last, while
on his way from Mountain View to the Redwoods, on the mountain road, he was
overtaken by two men, who accompanied him a short distance, saying they
were going to the Redwoods to work. Having arrived, at a point on the road
where the bushes were very thick, one of the ruffians dropped behind and
stuck him a severe blow on the back of the head, which felled him to the
ground. He was then dragged into the bushes, the robbers also leading the
horse which carried his goods. They then took what money he had in his
possession, threatening his life at the same time, and after ransacking the
packages of goods, they made their escape; first, however, compelling the
pedlar to swear, with a knife at his throat, that he would not inform on
them. ROW was arrested on Sunday morning, and is now in jail awaiting his
trial before the Court of Sessions. The other robber has not yet been
arrested, but the authorities are in pursuit of him, and he will probably
soon be taken.

The stages for San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Monterey, Centreville, Warm
Springs and Mission of San Jose will run as follows:
Two stages for Redwood City, Santa Clara, San Jose, Gilroy, San Juan and
Santa Cruz, EVERYDAY, Sunday not excepted, at 8 o'clock A.M., and 12 o'clock.
For Monterey, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 A.M. and 12.
From Oakland to San Jose, via San Leandro, Hayward's, Mission of San Jose
and Warm Springs, daily - on the arrival of the Morning boat.
From San Antonio, for San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Alvarado, Centreville, and
Mission of San Jose, daily on the arrival of the second boat.
Returning - From Monterey - Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5 A.M.
From Santa Cruz, Daily, at 5 A.M.
From San Jose, via Santa Clara and Redwood City - Daily, at 6:30 and 7 A.M.
Passengers called for and left at their residences.
Office, El Dorado Building
Corner Plaza and Washington st., S.F.

The above reward will be paid for the return to the undersigned, in the
Canada Raimundo, of a cream or Dun colored Mare, black mane and tail (with
a yearling horse colt.) branded M on the right thigh, and W on the left thigh.
When last heard of, they were in the vicinity of the San Francisquito Creek
Edge Hill, Canada Raimunda, April 10, 1859

CALIFORNIA PAPER - We notice that the Alta California has, for the last few
days, been printed on California-made paper, of a very good quality. This
is the first of its use, we believe for that purpose.

ELECTION AND FIRE AT SAN JOSE - San Jose, April 12 - At the charter
election held in San Jose yesterday, under the charter lately passed by the
Legislature, the following were the successful candidates: for Mayor, Thos.
FALLON; for Marshal, J.R. GUNN; Assessor. W.K. PARIS; Councilmen, A.
passed off with a good deal of interest and excitement among the host of
candidates who were running, there being about twenty different tickets in
the field.

A large fire occurred here last night about 11 o'clock. The block of
wooden buildings next south of the Catholic church was entirely destroyed.

We stated in our last number, that a local paper was a source of
information to the people of its own county, and that it was also the
source to which non-residents and strangers look for information in regard
to the resources and advantages of that county. As an evidence of the
correctness of that proposition, we notice that our article on "Our
County," has already been copied by some of our contemporaries, a fact
which renders the duty of chronicling things in relation to our county, one
of increased pleasure.

We have within our county several places that may be properly
termed local centers - places where the people go on business and for
pleasure. The most important of these is

REDWOOD CITY, the county seat, located on the Pulgas Rancho,
about twenty-eight miles south of San Francisco, with which city it is
connected by a daily double line of stages and with which, also, it carries
on a considerable trade by water. It contains thirty dwelling houses, one
hundred and seventy-five permanent inhabitants, besides a number of
transient persons, three general merchandize stores, two drug stores, two
blacksmith shops, one wagon shop, two livery stables, one shipyard, one
confectionary, bakery and restaurant, one daguerran saloon, one good hotel,
one bowling alley, one mattress maker, and a number of carpenters and
persons engaged in the lumber business. This estimate is of the town
proper, only - there are many inhabitants in the immediate vicinity who are
not included herein. The climate of this place, like that of all others in
San Mateo county, is delightful, having all the beauties and very few of
the disagreeables of San Francisco. The location is a very health one,
indeed, an excellent physician who is living here, finds much reason to
complain that it is "distressingly health." The great bulk of the business
here is the lumber trade, carried on with San Francisco. This town is the
principal outlet of the Redwoods, the place from which their millions of
feet of lumber, posts and shingles are annually shipped. It is about four
miles distant from the Bay, and connected with it by the Embarcadero Creek,
the banks of which are here lined with wharves, where may be seen any day
during the business seasons, quite a fleet of small vessels, receiving and
discharging their cargoes. We have seen as many as fifteen sail here at
one time. This place was platted in 1854 by the proprietors of the Pulgas
rancho, and called Mezesville, a name by which it is still known in all
deeds and instruments of title; but Redwood City is the more favored and
general name, and it is the name given in the act locating the county seat.
There is here a large brick courthouse and jail, which was erected during
the last year, at a cost of ten thousand dollars. Several other brick
building are in contemplation, to be erected during the coming summer.

BELMONT - three miles north of Redwood City, is one of the most
beautiful locations in the county. It is the center of a considerable
trade, has three stores, a hotel and a restaurant. Here, also, some lumber
and a quantity of produce is shipped to San Francisco. Near Belmont, in
one of the most lovely locations in the State, is the country residence of
the managing proprietor of the Pulgas rancho.

SAN MATEO, eight miles north of Redwood City, is perhaps one of
the most beautiful spots imaginable, and commands the admiration of every
one who has seen it. Situated upon the high lands, in the midst of shady
groves of live oaks, sheltered by the western hills from the ocean winds
and fogs, with the broad bay and every variety of landscape in view, it is
a scene of beauty from which a lover of the picturesque in nature would
never willingly turn away. It is a great resort of pleasure parties from
the city, many of whose wealthy citizens are looks towards it with a view
to locating country seats. Already beautiful and costly residences have
been erected in this delightful neighborhood by Messrs. Howard, Macondray,
Polhemus, Whipple, Cook, and others, and many more will soon follow.

CRYSTAL SPRINGS, in the Canada San Andres, three miles west of
San Mateo, is also becoming a favorite resort for pleasure seekers.
Situated in a little valley, thickly studded with the clustering live oaks,
surrounded on every side by high mountains, shut out from cold winds, and
rich in nature's beauties, it is truly a proper resort for the lovers of

SPANISH TOWN, situated at Half-Moon Bay, is the outlet of all the
commerce of the western portion of the county. It is a fine location,
looking fairly our on old Ocean, and is the centre of a rich agricultural
district. It has several stores, and a variety of other branches of
business which go to make up a country town.

WOODSIDE, about six miles from Redwood City, though it makes no
pretensions to the title of town or village, is nevertheless somewhat of a
public place. Situated at the foot of the mountains, in the immediate
vicinity of several mills, it is the center of quite a trade. It has one
store, in which is the post-office. Mountain Dell Division, No. 74, Sons
of Temperance, is located here. At this point, also, - the citizens have
done what has not, as yet, been accomplished in any other place in the
county - they have formed a library association, and have already
accumulated quite an extensive library of excellent works. We would that
the example of the people of Woodside might be more generally imitated.
SEARSVILLE, a little village two miles and a half south of

Woodside, it also a considerable point of trade with lumbermen. Here is
quite a two, with two stores, a blacksmith shop, two hotels, etc. Here is
also another postoffice, established, like the one at Woodside, by the
Government, for the accommodation of the people, but both are dependent
upon their own resources for mail facilities. They are, however, supplied
with a daily mail, which we believe is conveyed to and from Redwood City,
at the joint expense of those two offices.

THE FRUIT CROP - We regret to learn that much of the fruit in this vicinity
has been injured, and some of it entirely cut off by the late frosts.
Complaints of this kind are very general throughout this valley, but we
entertain a hope that the injury is not so great as at present supposed.
The peach has suffered the most, although all kinds of fruit are injured to
a greater or less degree. We are assured, however, that no serious results
need be apprehended except upon the low lands, and as an evidence that the
trees on the low lands only have suffered, we are told that the peaches at
Madame VIOGET's are uninjured. These trees stand upon a light, rich soil,
but slightly elevated above the plain, and to our knowledge, came out very
early in season.

Speaking of peaches, reminds us of the fact that S.M. MEZES, Esq.,
has been putting out quite an extensive orchard this season, in his
beautiful place in the Canada Diablo, and among other varieties of fruit
trees, has planted a thousand peach, of two years growth. These trees have
been set about seven weeks, and there is already considerable fruit formed
and growing upon them. We predict __________ great success in this
enterprise, as his little valley seems to us to have been designed by
Nature for the production of this delicious fruit.

GRAIN-GROWING - We would like to be able to publish a correct statement of
the amount of grain growing in this county the present season, and to that
end must ask the farmers, as they have an opportunity, to furnish us the
statistics. We are indebted to B.F. FOX, Jr., for a statement of the
number of acres put in by the several occupants of the San Mateo ranch,
which has been given us for publication in compliance with the request for
statistics of this character, made in our last issued. From this statement
we learn that there are now growing upon that ranch, which is one of the
smallest grants in the county, thirteen hundred and fifty acres of grain,
nearly all of which is wheat, and bids fair for an abundant harvest. We
noticed one field of four hundred and fifty acres, put in by Mr. DUBBERS,
of the San Mateo Farm, one of the finest fields of wheat we ever saw. Mr.
D has also two hundred and fifty acres on his own farm, and the appearance
of the whole speaks well for his system of farming.

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