San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
October 1859
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 1, 1859, Vol. 1 No.26

EARTHQUAKE - An earthquake was felt in San Francisco on Saturday morning last.

THE BIGGEST LOAD YET - On the 30th September, W.M. WEAVER hauled from the
Redwoods to SMITH'S lumber yard, at this place, 1001 redwood posts.  On the
same day, T. GILBERT hauled, from the mountains to the same place 104,000
shingles ! Who can beat this !

NEW STAGE LINE TO THE REDWOODS - Mr. David GARLAND is no running a daily
stage from Redwood City to Searsville and Woodside.

OVERLAND - By the Overland Mail which left San Francisco on the 26th inst.,
were carried 2,247 letters.  All but 115 were for the Atlantic States.

BRODERICK MOMUMENT - An effort is being made to erect in San Francisco a
monument to the memory of Broderick.  Gentlemen have been appointed to each
county to solicit subscriptions for that purpose.  Messrs. J.G. DENNISTON,
J.G. PHILLIPS, Jos. JOHNSON, W.B. MAXSON, and Judge FOX, have been
appointed for this county.

FROM HONEY LAKE - The Shasta Courier is informed that up to a recent date,
about 1,200 emigrant wagons had passed through Susanville, Honey Lake, this
season, and some 4000 souls.  Many of these emigrants have found their way
into Shasta county.  At the time our Honey Lake correspondent wrote, the
market stood thus: Flour, 10 cents per pound; potatoes, 6c.; bacon 35c.;
beef 15c.; coffee, 35c. Wagons from one to five dollars per day.  Stock low.

THREE MEN KILLED, ELEVEN WOUNDED. - Another terrible occurred at the State
Prison yesterday, about noon.  The particulars, as far as we have been able
to glean them, are as follows: It seems that a gang of prisoners, numbering
about 30, was employed in loading the schooner Bolinas with bricks, the
schooner being moored to a buoy a short distance from the shore.  This gang
had formed the determination to escape, by overpowering the guard and
capturing the schooner; and at the hour stated, attempted to perfect their
designs.  They accordingly seized the man who was guarding them, carried
him on board the Bolinas, imprisoned the captain and mate in the hole, made
all sail with haste, and stood out into the open bay.  But in their hurry
and excitement, they forgot that the Bolinas was moored to the buoy, and as
soon as she had run out the length of her fast, it swung her round and
brought her into the wind.  In the meanwhile, the guard on shore became
aware of the facts, and immediately commenced a cannonade on the schooner.
The prisoners on board, numbering about 80 men, seized the captive overseer
and held him up in plain sight, in hope that the guard on shore would cease
firing as soon as they beheld the jeopardy of their companion; but they
were deceived, for the firing continued with vigor until the prisoners
showed the white flag and surrendered.  A boat was then sent from the
shore, and the prisoners secured.  It was found that three men had been
killed and eleven wounded, besides the captive overseer, who was shot
through the arm, and will probably lose the limb.
It is also stated that a number jumped overboard to escape the effect of
the shot; but we have no reliable intelligence to that effect.  The Bolinas
was completely riddled, and her rigging much cut up.  The steamer Clinton
was hailed about the time of the occurrence and informed of the affair,
when Captain BAXTER immediately turned the bow of the steamer toward San
Quentin, to render assistance, but arrived just as the prisoners had been
secured.  S.F. Herald, 28th.

Judge TERRY was brought down to San Francisco, and waiving an examination,
was on Monday last, admitted to bail in the sum of $10,000.

Executive Committee of the Pacific Railroad Convention met at the office of
the Chairman, on Monday, 26th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M.
On motion, the Committee proceeded to the election of Secretary by ballot.
Mr. LULL was declared elected.
On motion, J.H. CUTTER was unanimously elected Treasurer of the Convention.
The following were chosen as the Financial Committee:
Messrs. Wm. RABE, J.H. CUTTER, Ira P. RANKIN and H.M. HALE, of San
Francisco; John BIDWELL, of Butte; Lafayette BALCH of Washington Territory;
W.S. LADD, of Oregon; D.O. MILLS of Sacramento; S.M. MEZES, of San Mateo;
R.P. HAMMOND, of Stockton; Lawrence ARCHER, of Santa Clara; and J. LEWISON,
of Tehama.

On motion, it was voted that a committee of four, including the chairman,
be appointed, to report at the next regular meeting the proper mode of
obtaining subscriptions of stock and of organizing a company.
Messrs. CROCKETT, HOLLAND, HALE and McDOUGALL were appointed as said
On motion, the Committee adjourned.
J.A. McDOUGAL, Chairman
Louis R. LULL, Secretary
San Francisco, September 26, 1859

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 8, 1859, Vol. 1 No.27

FRUIT - Since mention was made in our columns of the large fruit at
Woodside, quite a quantity of most excellent apples, pears, and other
description of fruit has been brought to our notice.  The fact is thereby
proven that San Mateo county is now producing some of the best fruit in the
State.  The best pears we have seen in California were those presented to
us on Wednesday last.  They were grown upon the Mountain Home ranch.

OFFICIAL BONDS - The following official bonds have been filed, and the
officers have entered upon their duties:
     COUNTY CLERK - B.G. Lathrop, principal, $6,000.  sureties, James
Berry, $2,000; S.M. Mezes, $4,000; W.C.R. Smith $3,000; A. W. Chen $3,000.
     COUNTY RECORDER - B.G. Lathrop, principal, $5,000; sureties, S.M.
Mezes, $5,000; Berry Jones, $2,500; Horace Templeton; $2,5000.
     DISTRICT ATTORNEY - C.N. Fox, principal, $10,000; sureties, T.G.
Phelps, $5,000; J. V. Diller, $5,000; J.W. Ackerson, $5,000; S.M. Mezes,
     SHERIFF - Silas Hovius, principal, $25,000; sureties, J.G. Denniston,
$10,000; Prudencio Dellaro, $10,000; Jacob Downing, $5,000; D.B. Bailey,
$7,000; AlexanderBailey, $8,000; Leonidas Haskell, $5,000; Berry Jones,
$3,000; James Johnson, $2,000.
     TREASURER - C.E. Kelly, principal, $25,000; sureties, A. Bayley,
$16,000; A. Ballard, $2,000; II.B. Kinnerson, $2,000; Hugh Hamilton,
$12,000; Saturnino Currear, $4,000; Jacob Downing, $8,000; Bernardo
Miramonte, $4,000; John Pursel, $2,000.
     ASSESSOR - J.D. Rose, principal, $5,000; sureties, J.P. Beck, $2,500;
D. Jaggers, $3,000; M.L. Wheeler, $2,000; James Hilten, $2,500.
     CORONER - B. Lambert, principal, $5,000; sureties, James Condon,
$2,500; John O. Butler, $2,500.
     SURVEYOR - A.S. Easton, principal, $5,000; sureties, A.I. Easton,
$5,000; D.O. Mills, $500.

ASSOCIATE JUSTICES - On Monday last, the Justices of the Peace met in
accordance with law, and elected Messrs J.P. AMES and W.A. CLARK, as
Associate Justices of the Court of Sessions, for the ensuing year.

EARTHQUAKE IN SAN FRANCISCO - At sixteen minutes past twelve o'clock, on
the 5th, "the earth was frightened and did quake."  The shock was somewhat
violent, but by no means as much so as several others we have had in this
city.  Happening at the hour when everybody was awake, it occasioned a
general alarm, and brick buildings were rapidly relieved of their
inhabitants.  Men, women and children rushed into the streets and their
countenances betrayed more or less alarm.  The oscillation was east to
west, nearly, and accompanied by a deep, rumbling sound.  There were two
shocks, which lasted just ten seconds. - S.F. Herald.

MISSION RAILROAD - This enterprise is being pushed rapidly forward to a
completion.  The greater part of the heavy cutting is done.  The track
extends beyond the Mission Delores.

HAS NOT RESIGNED - Gen. C.H.S. WILLIAMS, State Senator from this District,
has not resigned.

ROBBERY OF THE EL DORADO COUNTY TREASURY - The County Treasurer's office of
this county was robbed last night of $8,500.  The robbers effected an
entrance by cutting out a pane of glass in the rear door of the building,
and turning the key inside.  The safe keys were taken from the Treasurer's
bed, who slept but eight feet from the safe; they also took his pistols.
With the keys, an easy entrance to the safe was effected.  It is supposed
the Treasurer was stupefied with chloroform.  $6,893 of the money belonged
to the State fund - the balance to individuals.  No arrests or suspicions.
- Sac. Bee 20th ult.

DIVORCES GRANTED - In the Sacramento District Court, on Monday, says the
Bee, Jeremiah TUCK was granted a divorce from his wife, Laura N. TUCK, it
being shown that defendant is at this time living with one Leonard ALLIE,
and previously lived with Samuel ROBERTS, acting all the time the part of
wife to both of these parties.  A divorce was also granted Henrietta TOMECK
from Andrew TOMECK, for desertion for two years, he probably being now in

STAGE LINE ! FROM Redwood City to San Francisco
The Proprietor of the above line informs the traveling public that he has
made permanent arrangements to run a daily stage to and from San Francisco
after this date, leave each place as follows:
Leaves Redwood City at 7 o'clock, precisely, every morning - arriving in
San Francisco at 11.
Returning, will leave San Francisco (from the southwest corner of Clay and
Kearny streets) at 2 o'clock, precisely, every afternoon - arriving at
Redwood City at 6.
ELIAS ERNEST, Proprietor
Redwood City, October 1, 1859

A POLICE OFFICER ATTACKED - Officer BROWN of Mission Dolores, near San
Francisco - was desperately attacked by a Mexican named OVIERA, alias
BRIONES, whom he was endeavoring to arrest on Tuesday last, for horse
stealing.  The officer was severely cut in the face, and beaten upon his
head with his own pistol.  His skull was fractured.  The Mexican made his
escape.  He was aided in his attack upon the officer by a women, who
inflicted the cut with a knife.  OVIERA was captured on the evening of the
5th inst., as he was about going on the Oakland ferry-boat.

BROKE JAIL - A man calling himself James WILSON, confined in jail awaiting
trail for grand larceny, on Wednesday night, getting tired of his quarters
effected his escape.  He was confined with two others in the large double
cell, which is lined throughout with boiler iron, and over that with heavy
plank.  In the outer wall there is a ventilator constructed, running down
from the top of the building, and opening into the upper part of this cell,
leaving an open space on the inner surface of the brick wall, of ten by
twelve inches.  Over this opening there was no iron, but it was planked
over and bored full of auger holes for the passage of air.  By some means
unknown to the officers, probably through the aid of a friend outside,
Wilson had got possession of a bar of iron and secreted it in his cell.
With this, according to the statement of his companions, as soon as locked
up for the night, Wilson went to work, breaking out the planking over the
ventilator, and then digging a square hole through the wall, the same size
of that on the inner surface.  Through this he made his exit between one
and two o'clock, and asked the others to follow; but this they say they
refused to do, because they did not wish to escape; but the truth probably
is that they could not get through the hole and could not make it larger.
The wonder is that even Wilson, who weights only about one hundred and
twenty-five pounds, could get through so small an aperture in so thick a wall.
     Wilson is about five feet six inches high, sandy complexion, hair red,
thick and curly, light grey eyes.  He wore when he ran away, a blue flannel
shirt, old drab pants, and drab felt hat considerably worn.  He also wore a

The Indian, THOMAS, who lately escaped from jail, has been captured and
returned to his cell, through the exertions of deputy sheriff W.C. WARREN.
THOMAS has been a troublesome customer, having twice escaped from custody;
he is said to be a terror to his own people; from which, however, they will
soon be relieved by the execution of the penalty of the law - his crime
having been the murder of his wife and children.
The correspondent of the Star writing from San Bernardino, Sept. 27th says:
Several families arrived here to-day from Salt Lake.  They report that all
is peace and quietness in Utah; money is scarce.  A large emigration may be
expected this fall.  Several families arrived here a few days ago, from
Texas; they report more on the road.  - Los Angles Star.

NOT FOND OF FREEDOM - About two months ago, seventeen negroes, who had been
slaves in Mississippi were brought to this State by their owner, for the
purpose of emancipating them, which was accordingly done.  So far from
enjoying the freedom with which they have been presented, they have become
discontented and anxious to return to Mississippi.  They were informed that
they would not be allowed to live there in a state of emancipation, but
determinedly expressed their preference to live as slaves at home than be
free.  The only one who has been able to raise sufficient mean to return is
a woman named Rebecca Bracy, who will go by the steamer to-day with her two
children.  She will probably be followed by the others as soon as they are

CARRYING THE ATLANTIC MAILS - Messrs. Garrison & Co. have announced that
the Atlantic mails will be transported hereafter, until other arrangements
may be made, on their ships to Panama.  The contract with the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company having expired, the Postmaster here, Mr. Weller, has
informed Garrison that he has orders to give the mails to their line.  In
charge of Mr. Garrison, the public will feel sure that the mail will be put
through safely and with the utmost speed.  - S.F. Times

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 15, 1859, Vol. 1 No.28

AUCTIONEER - We notice that W.C.R. Smith, Esq., has filed his bond and
taken out license as an auctioneer.  This is the first license of the kind
issued in this county.

THE SCHOOL HOUSE - Mr. R. Grund, in compliance with a generous offer made
some time since, has lain down a new floor in the school house, and made
some other necessary repairs.

SALE OF STOCK - We call attention to the sale of stock and farm implements,
advertised in another column to take place on next Saturday.  It has always
been a difficult matter to obtain choice stock.  Any farmer will sell
portions of his stock at a fair price, but it is only when he is going away
or withdrawing from the business altogether that he will part with the
choicest animals.

    We notice in some of our exchanges lists of the men assed in their
respective counties at $10,000 and upwards.  This led us to examine our own
assessment roll, with a view of seeing how many of that class we had, and
below we give the result of that examination.  We think for a small county
like ours, the list compares favorably with any we have seen:

D.W. Aldrich/ $14,850/ 230.17+
Bowman & Doyle/36,605/567.37+
F.A. Bishop/25,000/387.50
M.L. Brittan/17,821/276.22+
D.W. Connelly/14,911/231.??+
Cabbannis & Dupree/24,300/376.65
Henry Dubbers/10,792/167.27+
James G. Denniston/37.469/590.69
James Dow/10,130/157.01+
Francisco DeLeon/10,990/170.34+
D. Mahony & Heirs of Francisco DeHaro/22,190/313.94
Easton & Mills/10,000/155.00
A.I. Easton/18,390/207.54+
John Greer/12,935/200.49+
Geo. H. Howard/40,576/628.93
Horace Havies/23,225/359.98+
James Johnson/23,415/362.93+
Geo. C. Johnson/12,825/198.78+
Jones Mills Franklin/13,325/206.53+
Chas. Lux/15,490/240.09+
Maximo Martinez/14,830/229.86+
W.W. McCoy/16,749/259.47
F.W. Macondray/13,095/202.97+
D.O. Mills/13,450/209.02+
Mezes  & Arguillos/32,735/507.39
T.G. Phelps/17,652//273.60+
Francisco Sanchez/30,910/479.10+
Gustave Touchard/10,600/164.30
S.G. Wheeler/16,506/255.84+
Henry Wilkins/19,404/300.76+

QUICKEST TIME - The quickest time yet made from New York to San Francisco
by the Butterfield Overland Mail route, was yesterday consummated, through
the enterprising efforts of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express agents, they
having laid upon our table, at 7 ½ o'clock yesterday morning, a copy of the
New York Daily Herald, published Tuesday morning, Sept. 13th; thus
accomplishing the distance in 24 days.  Considering the highwater and the
rains on the route, this is a wonderful performance, and reflects great
credit upon all concerned, who certainly have our thanks for the favor
conferred. - S.F. Herald 8th

OVER THE BAY  - Judge McKee was holding a term of the District Court,
whereat several important cases were pending.  Among other causes tried was
that of MARQUEIEZ, a Mexican, who was convicted of the murder of S.E.
LESTER, in Oakland, on the 4th of July last - the first conviction for
murder in that county.

EXTENSIVE ROBBERY - On Monday night, 10th inst., the gunsmith establishment
of Mr. A.J. Plate, No. 103 Commercial street, San Francisco, was broken
open, and a number of pistols and other goods, amounting in value to the
sum of $700 was stolen.  Twenty-four revolvers were among the stolen goods.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 22, 1859, Vol. 1 No.29

Declaration as Sole Trader
Know all men by these presents, that I, Emma Church, of the County of San
Mateo, State of California, the wife of W.D. Church of the County and State
aforesaid, do hereby declare and make known my intention to carry on
business, and trade, in my own name and on my own account as a sole trader
in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California,
entitled, " An Act to authorize married women to transact business in their
own name, as sole traders," passed April 12th, 1852, and I further declare
that the nature of my said business will be farming and raising stock. I
further declare that my said trade and business will be carried on and
transacted in the County of San Mateo, and from the date of these presents
I shall be individually responsible, in my own name, for all debts
contracted by me in my said trade and business or on account thereof.  And
I further declare that the amount of capital to be by me invested in said
trade and business, does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, ($5000.)
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the 20th day of
October 1859.
State of California
County of San Mateo
On this 20th day of October, A.D. 1859, before me, J.P. Ames, a Justice of
the Peace in and for said county, personally appeared the within named Emma
Church, whose name is subscribed to the within and a foregoing declaration
as the party thereto, personally known to me to be the individual described
in and who executed the foregoing declaration, and the said Emma Church,
wife of W.D. Church, having been by me first made acquainted with the
contents of the foregoing declaration, acknowledged to me on an examination
by me had separate and apart from and out of the hearing of the said
husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or
compulsion or undue influence of her said husband, and that she does not
wish to retract the execution of the same.
Witness my hand and seal, the 20th day of October, A.D. 1859
Justice of the Peace, 2d Township
County of San Mateo

Under the auspices of the Society, for the sale, exchange and exhibition of
every description of Live Stock and Farm Produce, will be held at Redwood
City, on
Stock for sale, exchange or exhibition, will be received on the Society's
grounds, up to the day of the Fair.
Members of the Society are requested to give immediately to the Soliciting
Committee a full list of the articles they will enter for sale or exchange
at the Society's Fair - which list be duly advertised by the Society
previous to the Fair.
The following gentlemen compose the Soliciting Committee.
B.G. Lathrop, C. Livingston, George Heller, Curtis Baird, Redwood City;
R.P. Tripp, Woodside;
S.S. Stanbaugh, Searsville;
M. Wolfe, J.E. Selleck, H. Hamilton,  Halfmoon Bay;
M. Shaffner, J.E. Butler, San Mateo;
A.T. Castor, J.I. Ellet, Belmont;B.V. Weeks, Piscadero; (sic)
W.C. Clark, Seventeen-mile House;J.C. Maynard, Canada Raymundo;
A.I. Easton, Blackhawk Ranch;
John Thorpe, San Bruno;
John Cumming, A.W. Rice, Twelve-mile House;
W. Wadsworth, Col. Watten, Wm. White, B.F. Fish, San Francisco;
S.B. Emerson, Wm. Elliot, Mountain View;
S.I. Jamison, Santa Clara;
Wm. Reynolds, Wm. Paul, Mayfield.
All entries not made on or before the 21st October, will not be advertised.
Secretary Pacific Agricultural Society

Declaration as Sole Trader
State of California
County of San Mateo
Cynthia Haskins, being duly sworn, hereby makes public declaration that she
intends from this date, herein underwritten, in her own name and on her own
account to carry on business in the County of San Mateo, State of
California.  That said business so conducted in said county and State, is
that of raising, herding, taking care of and ranching stock, and all things
whatsoever connected therewith and appertaining thereto, and all other
business generally pursued upon a grain farm or Stock ranch.
And further declares, that she is a married woman, of proper age, and that
the amount so invested in said business does not exceed the sum of five
thousand dollars.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 12th day of October, 1859
Justice of the Peace, Third Township

MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE - On the first day of July last, J.H. Pratt, Esq.,
who had been for some time engaged as teacher of the school at West Union,
in this county, drew from the county treasury, one hundred and sixty two
dollars, and two days afterwards started for San Francisco, since which
time he has not been heard from.  He was to have been absent but a few
days, and was to have reopened his school after a short vacation.  Mr.
Pratt was temperate and regular in his habits, and his long-continued
absence has created considerable uneasiness on the part of his friends.
Fears are entertained that he has met with foul play.  All his clothing and
effects were left as usual - he having taken nothing with him except the
clothing he wore at the time, and his money. He had recently purchased some
land in Petaluma, and went to San Francisco to make a payment on it.  We
had a conversation with him just before he left, in which he stated that he
should be absent but a few days, that he expected his wife out soon from
the East, and intended to make this county his home.  We do not know what
State he came from.  He was recently admitted to the bar in the District
Court of this county, upon a certificate from the Supreme Court of Ohio.
He was a rather short, thick-set man, sandy complexion, slightly bald, and
about thirty-five years of age.

FIRE - The gang mill of Messrs. Jones, Mills & Franklin, in the Redwoods,
was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night last, with all its contents,
together with about forty thousand feet of lumber lying near.  The fire
originated near the aperture in the roof, through which the smoke-stack
passed.  The flames were discovered about ten o'clock, and so rapid was
their spread, that in less than five minutes the entire building was in
flames.  A man sleeping in the mill narrowly escaped being burned.  The
burning of this mill will prove a heavy loss, not only to the proprietors,
but to the community at large.  It was by far the best mill in the county,
running a full gang of saws, a planning mill, picket mill, turning lathe,
etc.  The mill has been considered worth about $30,000, but probably cost
more than that sum.

THE COURSTS - On the first Monday in next month there will be a regular
term of the County Court; on the Tuesday following, a term of the Probate
Court, and on the Wednesday following, a term of the Court of Sessions, of
this county.  There will be very little business in either the County or
Probate courts, but in the Court of Sessions it is anticipated there will
be a considerable calendar.  Grand and trail juries for that Court will be
drawn this afternoon, at two o'clock.

ARRESTED - On Friday of last week, constable Keith arrested a person here
on suspicion of being an escaped convict.  He was confined until Monday,
when it was ascertained that he was the convict named Frank Smith, who made
his escape from a prison vessel which he employed upon.  He was wounded in
the shoulder at the time he made his escape.  He was taken back to his old

TAXES - Up to the hour of closing business on Monday last, taxes had been
paid in to the amount of thirteen thousand one hundred and thirty-nine
dollars and thirty-five cents.  This amount is, of course, less the five
per cent, which by law is allowed to be deducted from taxes in this county,
when paid on or prior to the third Monday in October.  Two hundred and
sixty-seven taxpayers have availed themselves of the advantages afforded by
this discount, by paying their taxes in due season.  There still remains
upon the book, to be collected, taxes to the amount of ten thousand five
hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty cents, upon which levy has been
made, and five per cent added.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 29, 1859, Vol. 1 No.30

The Pacific Agricultural Society

The Pacific Agricultural Society will hold a Market Fair at Redwood City,
on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 1st and 2d.  The following described
property will be offered for sale or exchange by the respective
proprietors, at this Fair:

Charles AYERS enters one two-year old Canadian Mare; one Brood Mare, one
six months old Colt by Peacock.
Curtis BAIRD enters one span Team Horses;
T.G. PHLEPS enters 6 Horses and Colts.
B.F. FOX enters 1 3 yr old Horse Colt.
Heller & Harmour enters 3 Carriage Horses.
Ostrom & Co. enters 4 Team Horses; 3 Carriage Horses; 2 Saddle Horses
Bowman & Doyle enters 4 2 year old Stallion Colts, by Peacock; Sir Archy
six months old Stallion Colt, by Peacock; 2 Fillies, two years old, by
Peacock; 1 Gelding, three years old, by Peacock; 1 Gelding three years old,
Canadian; 1 yearling Filly, by Peacock.
John C. McLEOD enters 1 Brood Mare, in foal, by Peacock.
Edward BEALS enters 1 two year old Stallion Colt, by Woodward's Peacock; 1
Span large American Horses.
J.B. MORTON enters 1 sic months old Stallion Colt, by Peacock.
A. BRONSON & Co. enters 4 large Team Horses.
R.E. DOYLE enters 3 California Saddle Horses; 1 California two year old Colt.
A.T. CASTOR enters one bay Mare, seven years old; 1 sorrel Mare, two years
old; 1 grey Mare, seven years old.
D. McCLELLAN enters 17 California Horses.
J.Q.A. TILTON enters 1 Carriage Horse.
A.I. EASTON enters 1 three year old Black Stallion; 1 two year old do.
John S. COLGROVE enters 1 yearling Black Hawk Stallion; 1 5 year old
Peacock Stallion; 8 Brood Mares.
Thos. KIFER enters 1 three year old Shakespeare Colt; 1 two year old
American Boy Colt
E. HANCOCK enters 1 Carriage Horse
J.O. SHAW 1 span Team Horses
W.M. WILLIAMSON enters 1 two year old Colt, by Belmont; 1 six year old
Horse, by Belmont
C.N. FOX enters 1 three year old colt.

A. BRONSON & Co. enters 1 Span American Mules
R.E. DOYLO enters 7 American Mules

John CUMMING enters, for exhibition, the Devon bull "Red Rover" - for
sales, the following bull calves of this year: "Redgauntlet: brother to
"Red Rover"; " Rattler," Half-brother do; "Rorey O'Moore" do do do; "Rob
Roy" do do do; 1 yearling half Durham Bull; a small lot of Steer Calves and
sundry Milch Cows and Heifers
Nicholas DEVEREUX enters 14 yoke American Working Oxen
Curtis BAIRD enters 1 Heifer Calf, grade Devon, by "Naraganset."
A.W. CHEW - 1 Milch Cow.
M.L. BRITTAP - 20 Milch Cows; 1 Durham Bull; 1 grade Burham Bull
B.F. FOX - 1 Bull Calf of this year; 1 Bull 2 years old; 10 fat Steers 3
years old
BOWMAN & DOYLE - 6 fat Steers; 1 Bull; 2 Milch Cows (choice.)
H. TEMPLETON - 10 3 year old Steers.
HARMON & LEAVITT - 17 Beeves
Oliver McAVOY - 1 Cow grade Hereford; 1 yearling grade Durham Heifer
R.J. WEEKS - 1 yearling Bull; 1 Heifer Calf, Durham; 1 Milch Cow and Calf,
quarter Durham
E. BEALS - 10 two and three year old Beef Steers
J.B. MORTON - 1 grade Durham Bull 2 years old
A.T. CASTER - 1 yoke working Oxen; 1 four year old Cow
Geo. H. HOWARD - 2 Durham Calves by Orion, out of Lady Hopeful and
Nightingale; 4 grade Durham Calves by Orin; sundry Cows and Heifers
J.Q.A. TILTON - 1 yoke working Oxen
D. McCLELLAN - 10 Cows & Heifers, grade Durham
Daniel LUNT - 10 Milch Cows; 1 yearling Bull; 1 muley Bull Calf, by Orion;
1 Heifer Calf, by Orion
A.I. EASTON - 10 American Bulls.

J.R. WEEKS - 50 Boars and Sows; Half-breed, Suffolk; 50 Porkers
A.T. CASTER - 1 Yorkshire Boar
A.I. EASTON - 2 Suffolk Boar Pigs
S.B. EMERSON -10 Suffolk Breeding Sows
M. SHAFFNER - 1 Berkshire Sow and 4 Pigs

A.T. CASTOR - 1 Poland Hen

Curtis BAIRD - 1 Concord 2 Horse Wagon; 1 set double Harness
E. BEALS - 1 Top Buggy; 1 set double Harness
A. BRONSON & Co. - 1 Manny's Reaper
A.T. CASTOR - 1 Rifle Gun
D. McCLELLAN - 1 Top Buggy, with pole and shafts; 1 single Harness; 1 set
double Harness
Hiram SHARTZER - 50 varieties Fruit

The Society will also make a Horticultural Exhibition, in the Court House,
during the Fair.
This Sale Fairs offers a better opportunity to all desirous of increasing
or improving their live stock than has ever before been offered in California.

SENATOR - Gov. Weller has appointed Judge H.P. HAUN, of Yuba county, to the
vacant U.S. Senatorship.

LATE - For the first time in the history of the Gazette, it comes out a few
hours behind time.  Sudden and severe illness in the family of the
Publisher, must be our excuse, and with such an excuse, we know our readers
will not find fault, either with the appearance of the paper, or the late
hour at which it is issued.

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© Copyright  2003-2005 Ron Filion and Pamela Storm.  All rights reserved.
last updated: 22 June 2005