San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
November 1859
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 5, 1859, Vol. 1 No.31

INDICTMENT OF JUDGE TERRY - The Grand Jury, yesterday, presented an
indictment against Judge Terry, for fighting a duel with the late Senator
Broderick.  The offense is designated, "fighting a duel, with dangerous
weapons, viz: pistols charged the gunpowder and leaden bullets by previous
agreement, and killing his antagonist in said duel, by inflicting upon him
a mortal wound, of which said antagonist died within one year after the
infliction thereof." S.F. Herald 3d

STABBING AFFRAY - On the 23rd ult., a serious affray occurred at a fandango
in the Canada Raymundo in which T. Hays was stabbed and dangerously
wounded, by one of two Spaniards named Therase and Martine.  We have been
unable to learn the particulars, but the affair will soon undergo a legal
investigation.  Mr. Hays still lies very low from the effect of his wound.


The first Fair of the Pacific Agricultural Society was held on Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.  The idea was a new one to most of the people here,
and many looked upon it with a suspicion that materially retarded its

The attendance was much larger than we had expected to see.  During both
days of the fair the town was literally crowded with people.  Buyers, it is
true, were scarce, but this we expected, everything must have a beginning.

A list of the entries at this fair, very nearly or quite complete was
published in our last and it would be a work of supererogation to repeat
it.  Suffice it to say, that nearly all the articles and stock entered,
were on the ground at an early hour on Tuesday morning.  There were in all
some four hundred head of horses, mules and horned cattle, most of which
were for sale, and some of which were descended from, and either cross or
full blood of, the very best stock in California.

The products of the farm were not numerous, yet we noticed some fine
pumpkins, potatoes and corn exhibited by Mr. R.J. Weeks, and some extra
fine corn by Mr. Roberts.  Some fine specimens of the sugar beet were
exhibited by the last named gentleman and by Mr. M.L. Brittan - this root
should be much more extensively cultivated for stock-feed. These fairs are
also a good place to get ideas about other matters, as well as
stock-raising; for instance, Mr. Brittan exhibited two or three very simple
yet effective contrivances, in the shape of traps, for catching squirrels,
those pests of this valley.  Mr. B. says that none of these traps are
patented, and any farmer may use them who has a mind to get them up.  A
single glance at any one of them would satisfy the most skeptical of their
utility and superiority.

Most of the fruit exhibited was that entered by Mr. Slartzer of Santa
Clara.  He exhibited fifty-five varieties of apples, and one or two of
pears, all fruit raised by himself.  M. L. Britton exhibited two varieties
of apples, and some grapes, raised here near Redwood City.  Mr. B. has a
fine young orchard from which he is already beginning to realize
handsomely.  Col. Warren exhibited some dozen varieties of very choice
fruit from Oregon.

On the whole, we think the display made a highly creditable one, and that
the Society may well free proud of the success of their first effort.

The new schooner, Dashaway, will be launched on Thursday or Friday next.

THE PUBLIC SCHOOL RETURNS - Already the returns begin to come in from the
several school districts of the county, we notice an increase in the number
of families, that in every precinct thus far reported, there is a very
considerable increase in the number of children entitled to share in the
distribution of the public moneys.  The returns are all in from the Third
District, and from them we learn that there are in the District two hundred
and sixty-nine children between the ages of four and eighteen years.  Of
these, one hundred and forty-two are boys, and one hundred and twenty seven
girls.  These are attached to the several schools as follows: Woodside, one
hundred and twelve; West Union, seventy-two; Redwood City, eighty-five.
There are in the district eighty-four children under four years of age.
The total number of children in the district, who were born in California,
is one hundred and eighty-one.  At different periods during the year, one
hundred and sixteen pupils have attended the public schools, and the
average daily attendance has been sixty-eight.

ANOTHER WARNING - John J. Jenkins, for the murder of J. McCarthy; and Thos.
Elder, for the murder of Machael Myers, were hung in Quincy on Friday, Oct.
28th.  They each confessed the crime for which they were to be executed.
Strong drink was given as the cause.

TERRIBLE INCREASE OF INSANTIY - Yesterday four men were arrested as
lunatics, in this city.  The majority of person so taken in charge are
laboring under religious excitement, and are generally harmless.  Most of
them are strangers, and it is a fair opinion to suppose that they are sent
from the country by their friends in order that they may be taken care of
by strangers.  If the same state of things continues it will, in a short
time, require more than one Stockton to contain the insane of our State.
S.F. Call

374 Stockton street, San Francisco
Informs the inhabitants of San Mateo county that he intends to be at
Redwood City on Saturday, Nov. 12th, at the Pioneer Bakery for the purpose
of affording Medical and Surgical advice, etc.  The Doctor will visit
Redwood City periodically, at dates, which may be known on application at
the Pioneer Bakery.  Refers given to Mr. J.W. Turner, Mr. Beck, and Mr.
Ayers.  Also to Mr. Sievers, San Bruno.

Charles P. Fessenden, Ambrotypist, respectfully invites the attention of
the public and those desiring correct likenesses to the fact that he has
lately erected a commodious saloon in Redwood city by means of which he
will in future be enabled to take Pictures on Glass, Paper, Steel, or
Leather, equal in correctness and in beauty of finish to any taken in San
Prices ……….. from $1.50 to $20
According to size of Picture and quality of the case.
Pictures (smallest size) of Children, $2
SALOON - Corner of A and Fourth streets, opposite the School-house, Redwood

A considerable sum having been raised by private subscription to open the
County Road leading from San Mateo to Crystal Spring, sealed proposals for
doing the work and furnishing the materials thereon, will be received by me
until the first Monday in December next.  Specifications showing the length
of the road, amount of work, quanity of material required &c., can be seen
at my office.
B.G. LATHROP, County Clerk
Redwood City, Nov. 3d, 1859

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 12, 1859, Vol. 1 No.32

SUDDEN DEATH - Neil McLaughlin died suddenly, at Templeton's Mill, on the
3rd, inst.  An inquest was held, which resulted in a verdict that he died
of apoplexy.

LETTERS SENT EAST - The Overland Mail, which left 7th, carried 2,902
letters, and 152 way letters - in all 3,054.

ELECTION FOR STATE SENATOR - The Governor of the State has ordered an
election to take place in the Fifth Senatorial District, composed of San
Mateo and San Francisco counties, on the tenth day of next month, for the
choice of a Senator to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the
Hon. C.H.S. Williams.

Order of Board of Supervisors
Notice to Physicians
Ordered, for the purpose of ascertaining and adopting the best plan of
providing for the indigent sick of the County, during the coming year; with
the fund raised for that purpose, amounting to about the sum of seven
hundred dollars ($700.)

That J.V. Diller, B.G. Lathrop and C.N. Fox be appointed a Committee to
receive proposals and plans from regular practicing Physicians for the best
manner of making provision for the same; also empowering them to contract
with the party offering the most practical plan, or reject all proposals,
as they may deem advisable.

Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with above order, proposals
will be received at the County Clerk's Office, on or before the 21st inst.

LAUNCH - On Thursday last, the new and beautiful schooner, Dashaway,
quietly left her berth on the bank of the creek, and gracefully glided down
and took a floating position upon that element which is hereafter to be her
home.  The Dashaway will soon be taken to San Francisco, where she will
receive her rigging, and be brought at once into service.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - The regular meeting of the Board for November took
place on Monday last.  A full Board was present, and a large amount of
business was transacted.  The Governor's proclamation, ordering a special
election to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Chas. H.S.
Williams, was received, and proper publication ordered made.  The election
precincts at this election are to be the same as those of the last, with
the exception of Burns John's, which is vacated.  A variety of other
business was transacted, including the consideration and approval of
numerous bills.

Auditor's Report
Statement of Disbursements:
Paid Court House Debt $2355.05
Paid John W. Ackerson, Sheriff $ 1,861,59
Paid B.G. Lathrop, Clerk 745.12
Paid R. Driscoll, cementing Court H'se 750.00
Paid R.F. Fox, Judge 666.60
Paid Road Overseers 620.50
Paid C.E. Kelly, Assessor 651.00
Paid C.N. Fox, Dist. Atty 570.26
Paid J.V. Diller, Supervisor, $200 salary, $265.17 lumber
Paid R.S. Thornton Supervisor, $100 salary, $302 lumber
Paid Curtis Baird, Treasurer 375.00
Paid M. Wolf, Supervisor, $100 salary, $250 lumber
Paid Justices Fees 330.55
Paid Jury Fees 265.79
Paid Coroners Fees 157.20
Paid S. Hovius, Sheriff !48.83
Paid Printing Bills 115.50
B.G. LATHROP, Auditor
Redwood City, Nov. 7th, 1859

COUNTY COURT - This Court was opened on Monday last.  Very little business
appeared upon the calendar.  In fact, this court has had but little
business for the year past.  The case of Valencia vs. Treat, a forcible
entry case, appealed from Judge Maxson's Court, was tried before a jury and
resulted in a verdict for defendants, when the court adjourned till Friday.

COURT OF SESSIONS - This Court convened on Wednesday, Fox, Judge, Ames and
Clark Associates.  Grand and Trial Juries were in attendance, but being no
business ready for the latter, it was discharged until Monday next.  The
Grand Jury was organized, Hon. D.W. Connelly as foreman, - charged by the
Court and proceeded at once to business.  At eleven o'clock yesterday, the
Grand Jury came into court and presented eight indictments, asked for an
attachment for some defaulting witness, after which they adjourned over
until Monday at twelve o'clock.

Declaration as Sole Trader
Know all men by these Presents that I, JANE VON CARNAP, of the County of
San Mateo, State of California, being a married woman, (to wit) the wife of
Richard Von Carnap, of same place, hereby make this my declaration that I
intend from the day of the date of these presents, to carry on and conduct
in my own name, and on my own account, the business or occupation of
Farming and raising Stock, in said County and State aforesaid; and that
from the date of these presents, I shall be individually responsible, in my
own name, for all debts contracted by me on account of said business or
occupation; and that I have invested in said business or occupation, a sum
not exceeding five thousand dollars.
Dated, San Mateo County, October 24th, 1859
Witness, B.G. LATHROP
State of California
County of San Mateo
On this 24th day of October, A.D. 1859, before me B.G. Lathrop, Clerk in
and for said County, personally appeared Jane Von Carnap, to me personally
known to be the individual described in and who executed the annexed
instrument, and acknowledge to me that she executed the same freely and
voluntarily, and for the purposes therein mentioned.
 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand an affixed my official
Seal, the day and year first above written.
County Clerk
Recorded in County Recorder's Office, San Mateo County, October 24th, 1859,
in Libro 1st of Separate Property of Married Women, page 32
County Recorder

Declaration as Sole Trader
Know all men by these presents that I, JANE COLLINS, of the County of San
Mateo, State of California, the wife of Richard Collins, of the County and
State aforesaid, do hereby declare and make known my intention to carry on
business and trade in my own name and on my own account as a sole trader,
in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California,
entitled, "An Act to authorize married women to transact business in their
own name as sole traders," passed April 12th, 1852, and I further declare
that the nature of my said business will be farming and raising stock.  I
further declare that my said trade and business will be carried on and
transacted in the County of San Mateo and from the date of these presents I
shall be individually responsible, in my own name, for all debts contracted
by me in my said trade and business or on account thereof.  And I further
declare that the amount of capital to be by me invested in said trade and
business, does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, ($5000.)
In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal, this 8th day of
November, 1859.
State of California
County of San Mateo
On this 8th day of November, 1859, before me, J.W. Turner, a Justice of the
Peace in and for said county, personally appeared the above name Jane
Collins, whose name is subscribed to the afore-going declaration as the
party thereto, personally known to me to be the individual described in and
who executed the foregoing declaration, and the said Jane Collins, wife of
Richard Collins, having been by me first made acquainted with the contents
of the foregoing declaration, acknowledged to me on an examination by me
and separate and apart from and out of the hearing of her said husband,
that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or
compulsion or undue influence of her said husband, and that she does not
wish to retract the execution of the same.
Witness my hand and seal; this 8th day of November, A.D. 1859.
Justice of the Peace, 3d Township
San Mateo County

Stage Line and Express
>From Belmont to
Spanishtown and Halfmoon Bay
>From and after Monday, Oct. 17th, 1859, the
Undersigned will run a tri-weekly stage to and from
The above named places, as follows:
Leaves Belmont at 1 o'clock, P.M. every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.  Returning, will leave Spanish-
town every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 o'clock,
A.M., arriving at Belmont at 12 o'clock, noon.
R.E. MORRIS, Proprietor
Freeman & Co.'s Express
Has been established on the above route, and will be forwarded by
every stage plying between Belmont, Spanishtown and Halfmoon Bay.
A.T. CASTOR, Agent, Belmont

Until further notice
Will run as follows:
Two Stages for Redwood City; Santa Clara, San Jose, Gilroy, San Juan and
Santa Cruz, EERY DAY, Sundays not excepted, at 8 o'clock, A.M., and 12
o'clock M.
FOR MONTEREY, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 A.M., and 12 M.
>From OAKLAND to SAN JOSE, via San Leandro, Hayward's, Mission of San Jose
and Warm Springs, daily of the arrival of the Morning boat.
FROM SAN ANTONIO, for San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Alvardo, Centreville and
Mission of San Jose, daily - on the arrival of the second boat.
Returning - From Monterey - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 5 A.M.
>From Santa Cruz - Daily, at 5 A.M.
>From San Jose, via Santa Clara and Redwood City, Daily at 6:30 and 7 A.M.
Passengers called for and left at their residences.
Office, EL Dorado Building,
Corner Plaza and Washington st., S.F.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 19, 1859, Vol. 1 No.33

COURT OF SESSIONS - Pursuant to adjournment this court opened on Monday and
proceeded with business as follows:

In the case of The People vs. Jose Roderigues, a demurrer to the
indictment was entered, which being overruled, the defendant plead not
guilty and was place upon his trial which resulted in a verdict of guilty
of the charge alleged in the indictment, grand larceny, with a
recommendation to mercy.  This prosecution was for the stealing of two yoke
of oxen from Geo. Dale, in August last.

The People vs. James Riley, indictment for grand larceny in stealing
sundry articles from the residence of Daniel Lunt, in August last, after
disposing of various preliminary motions the defendant plead not guilty.
On Tuesday the case was tried, and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty.

The People vs. M.H. Lowt.  This defendant was indicted for an assault, and
upon his trial was acquitted.

On Wednesday morning, motions for new trial and in arrest of judgment,
were made in Riley's case, both of which were overruled, and the court
sentences him to the State's Prison for two years.

In the case of Roderigues, a motion in arrest of judgment was made and
overruled   On being called for sentence, he made a statement in Spanish,
which was translated by his counsel, Hon. W.B. Maxson, admitting that he
did drive away the cattle as proved, but claiming that it was not done for
purposes of gain, but to punish Dale for certain injuries - which were
stated, but which being of a family nature, we shall not repeat - and that
he sold them for a low price so that Dale might get them back without the
payment of a large sum of money.  The statement altogether was much in
keeping with Spanish character and notions, and the prisoner having
heretofore borne a good reputation, and having been recommended to the
mercy of the court, the court sentenced him to one year in the State
Prison.  In the matter of the defaulting Grand Jurors, for whom attachments
were served last week, they all appeared in person, or sent their excuses.
In every instance but one the excuse was sickness, and was accepted.  In
that one instance the excuse was carelessness and over-sight, which being
deemed insufficient, the juror was fined twenty-five dollars.

On Monday afternoon the Grand Jury reported one other indictment, and
having no further business before them, were discharged.  On Wednesday, at
eleven o'clock, the court adjourned over till Friday, the 25th inst. at 10

Deputy Sheriff Hovius on Wednesday last left for San Quentin, having in
charge James Riley and Prudencio Roderigues, sentenced to imprisonment in
the State Prison by the Court of Sessions.

COUNTY COURT - On Friday of last week, in this court, the case of Vidal vs
Feliz was tried before the court without a jury.  The court took the case
under advisement, and on Tuesday rendered judgment in favor of defendant
for thirty dollars.  The court stands adjourned until Saturday the 26th
inst., at 12 M.

EMPTY - The jail of out County is once more empty and its doors stand
unbarred.  The present term of the Court of Sessions has emphatically dried
up that institution, and relieved the county of a considerable bill of

SOLD OUT - We learn that ex-Sheriff Ackerson has sold his place to Capt. E.
Beale, and is about to remove to his ranch near Monterey.

FOR TRIAL - The case of Webb vs Diller, et. al, in the U.S. Circuit Court,
an action of trespass against Supervisor Diller for removing a fence which
had been constructed across the Whippple Mill road, is set for trial on
Wednesday next.

CHANGES - We notice among other changes which have taken place that Chew &
Hilton have completed their splendid new brick shop, and commenced
operations in it.  They no doubt will find this more convenient, but we
doubt whether it can improve their hitherto excellent work any.  Messrs.
Heller & Co. are now occupying their large, new livery stable, in addition
to their old establishment.  They can now accommodate fifty horses.  Mr.
Ernest has also found it necessary to make a change in his business, and
during the rainy season, will run his stage only one way each day, as will
be seen by reference to his advertisement.

SCHOOL RETURNS - The returns from Districts Nos. One and Two are now in.
>From the report in District No. One there appears to be one hundred and
eleven children between the ages of four and eighteen, about equally
divided between boys and girls.  There are forty-six children in the
district under four years of age, and one hundred and three of all ages
born in California.  Only twenty-three attended school during the last
term, and the average daily attendance was a fraction over thirteen.
 In the Second district there are one hundred and seventy-five between four
and eighteen years of age - ninety-nine boys and seventy-six girls;
eighty-four under four years of age, one hundred and forty-five of all ages
born in California; nineteen attending school, with an average daily
attendance of twelve.

Saturday is informed by its correspondent that new and rich discoveries are
made on the other side of the mountains.  Brazil, Mexico and Peru, that
have so long supplied the world with the beautiful and precious metal, are
now surpassed.  The great American nation now owns the richest mines in the
world of all the needful and precious minerals.

DISCHARGED BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT "COME DOWN" - Officer Gay, one of the most
efficient men on the Sacramento Police, has been dismissed.  He got his
"walking papers" because he would not submit to an assessment of $10, at
the last election, for party uses.  Mr. Gay was engaged in the killing and
capturing of the highwaymen who attacked the Todd Valley stage the other day.

SUDDEN DEATH - A man named James Bennett, entered a saloon in Sacramento,
on Thursday evening sat down in a chair, and in a short time was seized
with congestive chills and breathed heavily.  Before medical assistance
could be procured, the man died.

A NEW TELEGRAPHIC COMPANY - Mr. Bee has made arrangements to open a
telegraph office at Strawberry Valley, to accommodate the traveling public,
which will be of great importance to persons crossing the mountains.

MORTALITY AMONG CHILDREN - Scarletina and putrid sore throat are prevailing
among the children of this city to a fearful extent.  These diseases seem
to be very virulent and fatal.  -Call

MASONIC - The members of California Lodge No. 1, F.A.M., celebrated the
Tenth Anniversary of the introduction of Masonry into California, at their
Lodge Room on the 15th inst.

MEXICAN DOLLARS - The bark Adelaide, which arrived at San Francisco on
Sunday night, from Mazatlan, brought 152,992 Mexican dollars.

OVERLAND MAIL - More than 5,000 letters were sent 14th inst., by the
Overland stage.  About 150 were way letters.

The claims of Henry Combuston, to eleven square leagues of land in
Sacramento Valley, was on Wednesday rejected by Judge Hoffman, of the U.S.
District Court.  The principal ground on which the decision was made, was
that the applicant, at the time the grant was authorized, was a foreigner.
The Judge says: "I have thus, in obedience to the injunction of the Supreme
Court, inquired into and scrutinized this case with great care as to the
authority of the Governor to make the grant and the bona fide of its
exercise.  The result of that inquiry is, that the grantee was a foreigner,
and does not appear to have been naturalized.  Nor does it appear that the
express license of the Supreme Government was obtained.  The Governor,
therefore, had no authority to make the grant.  The claim must be rejected."

The steamer Columbia arrived on Sunday.  The latest papers from Oregon are
of the 8th; Crescent City, of  9th; Humboldt Bay, of the 5th.

The new Sim-il-ka-meen mines are exciting considerable interest.  The
members of the Bundary Commission, who are now at Portland, corroborate the
first report relative to their richness.  All fo them have more or less
dust, and from all that can be gathered from the employees there can be no
doubt that the diggings are extensive.  Prospects have been made five miles
each way from the bar on which the gold was first discovered, and 50 cents
to the pan has been the yield.

George Allen, one of the engineers of the steamer Belle, was accidentally
downed at Portland on 4th November.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 26, 1859, Vol. 1 No.34

San Mateo County

In pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California,
entitled, "An Act to provide Revenue for the Government of the State,"
passed May 15th, 1854, and the several Acts amendatory thereof, and by
virtue of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide Revenue for the support of
the Government of the State," passed April 29th, 1857,
 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I did duly levy upon all the property
assessed, and upon which the Taxes had not been paid.  According to the Tax
List placed in my hands for collection by the Auditor of said San Mateo
County, in the year A.D. 1859, as follows, to wit:  Opposite each name is
the amount due.  Each and every assessment is made with the addition of the
words, "and all other owners and claimants, known and unknown."

J.B. ALLEN - House at Belmont $2.54

ALFRED BELL - House, etc., on Denniston's Ranch  $4.25
BAIRD & BERRY - 130 acres of land, being a portion of the Las Pulgas Ranch,
bounded on the northwest by land owned by H. Hawes; on the south by land
owned by R.W. Tallant; and on the northeast by the road leading from
Redwood City to Oakley's mill.  Also, lot in Redwood City, and
Improvements.  $67.43
BOWMAN & DOYLE - 1965 acres of Land, being a portion of the Pulgas Ranch,
bounded on the northeast by the Bay; on the northwest by the land of M.D.
Sweeny; on the southwest by the so-called Middle Road; on the southeast by
the land of Fox and O'Conner.  Fences, and Building   $596.25
A. BOWERS - House in Bowers' Gulch $2.13
JOHN E. BRADLEY - 500 acres of Land, being a portion of the Buelna Ranch,
bounded on the north and east by land of Henry Wilkins; on the south by the
County line; on the west by the land of F. O'Brien.  Fencing  $18.43
PETER BERGIN - House, Barn and Fencing one mile south-west of Abbey House.
JUAN BOUYE & CO - House and Fencing near 12 Mile House. $32.40
WILLIAM BURLEY - House etc., on Patton's Ranch.  $5.55
S.H. BOWMAN - House on Purissimo.  $7.27
J.W. BELL - House and Fencing (Guadalupe Valley)  $67.23
JAMES BYRNES - House and Fencing (Canada Raymundo.)  $ 27.04
GEORGE BEMENT - House (Canada San Andreas.)  $9.46
MERCHER BERDUDO - House and Fencing, below Crystal Spring House $10.44
M.L. BRITTAN - 1,255 Acres of Land, being a portion of the Pulgas Ranch;
bounded north, by land of T.G. Phelps; east, by the Stage Road; south by
land of Finger & Beyer; west, by land of Eaton and S.M. Mezes; house
Fencing etc.  Also 985 Acres of Land, being a portion of the Pulgas Ranch;
for description see Liber 1 of Deeds, pages 510. 511 and 512, San Mateo
County Records.  $290.54

JUAN CARTHAGENA - House and Fencing on Pedro Rancho $14.67
D.W. CONNELLY - 960 Acres of Land, bounded on the north by the Canada
Verde; on the west by the Ocean; on the south by the Purissimo Creek; on
the east by the foot hills; Houses and Fencing.  $125.50
W. COCKRAN - House and Lot and Ravenswood.  $ 1.32
JENARO CARBIJAL - House and Fencing on Pilarcitos Creek  $16.45
JOHN CLAFFY - 570 Acres of Land, being a part of the Coppinger Ranch,
bounded on the north by the land of E.S. Maynard and P. Ward; on the west
by the top of the Sierra Morena; south by land of J. O'Callaghan; east, by
Pulgas; House and Fencing. $ 23.94
R.E. COLLINS - House and Fencing on San Francisquito Creek.  $2.95
CHEW & HILTON - 3 Lots in Redwood City, Nos. 59, 60, and 61.  House and
Shop.  $39.97
WM. H. CLARK - 736 Acres, undivided ¼ of so much of the Rancho La
Visitacion, Canada de Guadalupe y Rodeo Viejo, as lies in the county of San
Mateo: bounded on the north by the line dividing the County of San Mateo
from the City and County of San Francisco; south by the Buri Buri; east by
the Bay; west by the Portezuello, and old San Jose road, excepting from
said Tract the pieces described in the following deeds: About 500 Acres in
Visitacion the property of Schwerin, Gwin and Johnson, described in Deed
recorded in Liber 3 of Deeds, page 219, in the office of the Recorders of
Deeds of the City and County of San Francisco.  About 3 Acres on the San
Jose road, the property of A.W. Rice; described in Deed recorded in Liber
20, of Deeds, page 415, San Francisco County.  About 10 ½ Acres on the San
Jose road, the property of J. Rand, described in Deed recorded in Liber 38,
of Deeds, San Francisco County.  About 8 Acres on San Jose road, the
property of J. Beplar described in Deed recorded in Liber 55, of Deeds,
page 269, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the City and County of
San Francisco.  About 108 Acres on San Bruno Mountain, the property of J.
Lockwood, described in Deed recorded in Liber 63, of Deeds, page 13, San
Francisco County.  $84.36
WM. H. CLARK - 250 Acres of Land, being a portion of the San Mateo Ranch,
bounded north, by Howard's land; east, by the County Road; south by
Howard's; west by A. & M.A. Wheeler, and Improvements. $33.05
JAMES DONAHUE - 80 Acres of Land, being an undivided piece of the Buri Buri
Ranch, bounded on the north by the Ridley and De Haro Ranches; on the west
by the Canada San Andreas; south by the San Mateo Ranch; east by the Bay.
PATRICK DUFF - House near Gang Mill.  $9.14
Thos. & WM. DURHAM - House and Fence on Bald Knob.  $32.40
PRUDENCIO DE HARO - 225 Acres of Land, being an undivided 7th of a 10th of
Buri Buri Ranch, and Fencing.  $31.03
ESTATE OF PATRICK DILLON - 20 Acres of Land of Pulgas Ranch, in Canada del
Diablo.  $4.74
J.V. DENNISTON - 226 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in Buri
Buri Ranch. 1-7 of 1-10 and Fencing.  $31.13
JAMES G. DENNISTON - 226 Acres of Land being an undivided 1-7 of 1-10 of
the Buri Buri Rancho.  $26.25
JAMES G. DENNISTON - 7766 Acres of Land, being the Rancho granted by the
Mexican Government to Francisco Guerrero, bounded on the north by the San
Pedro Ranch; west by the Ocean; south by the land of T. Vasques; east by
top of the Coast Mountains.  Houses and Fencing.  $584.48
FRANCIS DE HARO, heirs of, and D. MAHONEY - 2219 Acres of Land, being the
Rancho de la Merced, bounded as follows: commencing at a point near Laguna
San Bruno; thence north 45 degrees 44 chains, west 40 chains; north 120
chains, west 105 degrees 65 chains; south 120 chains, east 40 chains, south
121 degrees 13 chains, west 12 degrees 18 chains; north 49 degrees 30
chains, east 115 degrees 50 chains, to place of beginning.  $885.89

W.K. EMERSON - House, Barn and Fencing west of 10 Mile House.  $41.19
JOHN I. ELLET - 10 Acres of Land, being part of the Pulgas Ranch, bounded
north by land of Lassen; west by road; south Belmont Embarcadero; east by
land of S.M. Mezes.  House, Barn and Fencing.  $110.93

THOS. FLEMING - House, Barn and Fence, in Canada Raimunda.  $21.50
DOMINGO FELIZ - 270 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in Buri Buri
Ranch House and Fence.  $44.12
FLANBY & HALEY - House and Fence near Buchanan House.  $4.08
THOMAS FRAWLEY - House and Fence, west of Buchanan House.  $9.62
EDWARD FISH - House and Fence, near C. Clark's.  $6.21

JOSEPH GREENWOOD - House, on the Mountain.  $18.57
BENJAMIN GARDNER - House and Fence, in Redwoods.  $7.42
JOHN GREER - 3720 Acres of Land, being the Coppinger Ranch, bounded south
by land of Aldrich; east by the Pulgas; north by Duffy's land; west by top
of Mountain.  Houses, Fencing, Saw Mill and Machinery.  $211.03
JACKSON GILLAM - Shop at Spanish Town.  $2.95
CHAS. GALLAGHER - 225 Acres of Land, undivided 1-7 of 1-10 interest in Buri
Buri Ranch.  $26.15

EDWARD HOPPER - 160 Acres of Land, the undivided __ of 250 acres, being a
portion of the Ranch La Visitaction Canada de Guadalupe y Rodeo Viejo,
situated on the slop of the San Bruno Mountain, on the south side of the
Guadalupe Valley, upon the Bay shore, and bounded as follow; commencing at
a point 30 chains due east in a direct line from the most easterly corner
of the Old Ranch House, standing in the lower part of the Guadalupe Valley;
thence due south 30 chains; thence at right angles, due west 50 chains;
thence at right angles, due north 51 chains; thence at right angles, east
50 chains; thence south 21 chains, to place of beginning.  $19.65
THOS. H. HYATT - 21 Acres of Land on Pulgas Ranch, being Lot 8, Block A,
Stedman & White Tract.  $3.93
JAMES HILTON - 3 Lots in Redwood City, Nos. 50, 51, and 52.  $24.11
HORACE HAWES - 2670 Acres of Land, being in 3 Tracts on the Pulgas Ranch;
one tract of about 2000 acres particularly described in Deed now on record
in the Recorder's Office, San Mateo County, Liber 1 of Deeds, pages 426 and
427; the other two Tracts description unknown; Houses, Barn and Fencing.
JOSEPH HARDIN - House and Fence, west of Searsville.  $28.67
E. HILDRETH - Barn at the San Bruno Embarcadero.  $14.75
HURST & FRINK - House &c., in Guadalupe Valley.  $19.96
LEONARD HILL - Warehouse, at Half-moon Bay.  $2.94
LEONARD HILL - House, in Canada De Leon.  $11.50
A.C. HARMON - House and Fencing on Purissimo Creek.  $3.76
HELEN E. HARRINGTON - 715 Acres of Land, known as the Dr. Boring Tract,
bounded north by land of J.W. Osborn, and S.M. Mezes; cast by land of G.C.
Johnson; south San Francisquito Creek; west by D. Martin's House, Fence.
MICHAEL HAYES - 523 Acres of Land, being an undivided 1-30 interest in the
Buri BUri Ranch, bounded north by Ridley and De Haro Ranches; west by
Canada San Andreas; South by San Mateo Ranch; easty by the Bay.  $60.09
JAMES HAZELTINE - Shed and Fencing in Redwood City.  $5.80

W.B. JEWEL - House on Hagh's road.  $37.13
BENJN. J. JACOBS - 225 Acres of Land, being 1-7 of 1-10 of Buri Buri Ranch.
S.L. JACOBS - 225 Acres of Land, being 1-7 of 1-10 of Buri Buri Ranch.  $26.15
W.G. JONES - 300 Acres of Land, being part of the Corte Madera Ranch,
bounded north, east and south by Martinez' land; west by top of mountain;
House and Fencing.  $21.34

JOHN W. KISLING - 422 Acres of Land, being a portion of the Pulgas Ranch,
bounded north by J. Dow's land; east by the Bay and land of Sweeny; south
by land of Bowman and Doyle; west by unknown owners; House, Barn, &c.  $91.97
SIMON KNIGHT - 300 Acres of Land, being a portion of the Corte Madera
Ranch, bounded north by land of Martin; west by land of Martinez; south by
land of Mills and Franklin; east by Alembique Creek; Houses and Fences.
KENDRICK & McCOY - House and Fence, on Purissimo. $11.90

FRANCIS LAROCQUE - House, on Buri Buri Ranch.  $8,81
M. Le DEIT - Lot and House, in Redwood City.  $4.34
JOHN W. LOCKER - House, Barn and Fence, west of Clark's Ranch.  $53.73
PETER LEATHERS - 4 Lots, in Redwood City, Nos. 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 2;
House and Shed.  $15.97
GEO. W. LOPEZ - House and Fence, near Laguna Alta.  $17.36
LITTLE, RANKIN, WHITLOCK & CO. - 155 Acres of Land, on the Pulgas Ranch,
bounded north by the County road, leading from Redwood City to Tripp's;
east, south and west by lands of Mezes; Houses and Fences.  $83.02

E.S. MAYNARD - 503 Acres of Land, being part of Coppinger Ranch, bounded
northeast by Domingo Feliz's Ranch; east by Pulgas Ranch; south by John
Claffy's land; west by Patrick Ward's land; Houses, Fencing, &c.  $65.04
NELSON MARTIN - House, in Canada Verde $9.62
THOS. MOYLAN - House and Fence, on Mountain south of Wilsey's.  $17.92
A. MOOGAN - House and Fencing, north of Wilsey's, on the Mountain.  $32.40
McQUEEN & COLES - House and Fencing, on B.F. Fox's claim.  $6.21
JAMES McGEOUGH - House and Fencing, on Phelps' Ranch.  $26.36
W.W. McCOY - 7480 Acres of Land, being part of the Alviso Ranch, bounded
north by lands of Sellick, Bowman and Lathrop; west by the Ocean; south by
the Tornitas; east by the top of the Mountains; House, Fence and Corral.
PETER McCARTHY - House, Shed and Corral in Guadalupe Valley.  $23.61
OWEN McMAHON - 10 Acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri Ranch;
House, Shed and Fencing.  $45.59
JOHN MARTIN - House and Fencing, near Searsville.  $10.11
THOMAS MASON - House and Shop, near Greer's.  $3.76
DAVID McLELLAN - 2 Lots in Redwood City, in Block 2 Range C: Houses.  $13.78
EDW. MULLEN - House and Fence, on Pulgas ranch.  $6.36
O.P. MASON - House, near Greer's.  $2.13
JOHN MITCHELL - House, on Buri Buri ranch, near 17 mile House.  $10.27
MEYER & HEIFNER - 400 Acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri ranch;
House, Barn, and Fencing.  $94.90
GUADALUPE BRIONEZ MIRAMONTEZ - 270 Acres of Land, undivided 12th interest
in Miramontez ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by Jas. Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills; House and Fences.  $29.59
BERNARDO MIRAMONTEZ - 270 Acres of Land, undivided interest in Miramontez
ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean; south by J.
Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills.  $30.41
ARCENIO MIRAMONTEZ - 270 Acres of Land, undivided interest in Miramontez
ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean; south by J.
Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills.  $27.96
RAYMUNDO MIRAMONTEZ - 70 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in
Miramontez ranch, bounded north by the Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by J. Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills; House.  $14.10
GUADALUPE MIRAMONTEZ - 70 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in
Miramontez ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by J. Johnston's; east by the hills; House, &c.  $15.32
RAMONA MIRAMONTEZ  - 270 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in
Miramontez ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by J. Johnson's; east by the Coast Hills.  $27.96
BECINTE MIRAMONTEZ - 270 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in
Miramontez ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by J. Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills; Houses and Fencing.  $42.16
SANTOS MIRAMONTEZ - 270 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in
Miramontez ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by J. Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills; House and Fencing.  $38.05
J.J. MIRAMONTEZ - 270 Acres of Land, being an undivided interest in
Miramontez ranch, bounded north by Pilarcitos Creek; west by the Ocean;
south by J. Johnston's; east by the Coast Hills; House and Fencing.  $32.84

DAVID H. NEAL - House &c.; near Knight's. $12.22

JOHN O'CONNOR - House, Shed and Fence, Guadalupe Valley.  $26.95
MICHAEL O'RILEY - 50 Acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri ranch,
House. $7.83
J.W. OSBORN - 75 Acres of Land, part of Pulgas ranch, bounded north by land
of W.F. Rowe; east by the road; south by lands of Mezes; west by land of
Mezes; House and Fencing.  $17.60
ARPOLITO ORTEZ - Houses and Corral, ½ mile west of J. Clark's ranch.  $2.13

JOHN PURSEL - House, Barn, &c., on Purissimo Creek.  $22.48
T.G. PHELPS - 225 Acres of Land, undivided interest in the Bui Buri ranch;
House, Barn and Fencing.  $26.15
JAMES PEASE - House, Fence &c., on Pilarcitos Creek.  $12.22

WM. C. RYDER - House, Fences, on San Pedro ranch.  $10.35
JAMES P. ROSS - House and Fencing, in Canada Raimunda $37.22
Wm. RAYNER - 300 Acres of Land, being a portion of the San Gregorio ranch,
bounded north by lands of Wilkins; west by land of Allen; south by County
line; east by F.O'Brien's land.  $15.15
BENITO ROBLES - House and Fencing, on Pilarcitos Creek  $17.84
RANDALL & ELKINS - House &c., in Canada Raimunda.  $23.29
E.R. ROCKEYFELLOW - Shop, on Pilarcitos Creek. $3.28
JACOB ROSSLER - Shop, on TIburcio Vasques ranch.  $3.76
POLONIO RODRIGUES - Houses and Fencing on Tiburcio Vasques' ranch.  $28.26
JOHN RALSTON - House and Fencing on San Gregorio ranch.  $28.26
JOHN S. RICHARDS - Cabin, in Canada Raimunda.  $50.23
WM. F. ROWE - 80 Acres of Land, part of Pulgas ranch, bounded north by
lands of Austin; east by stage road; south by land of Osborn; west by land
of Mezes; House, Barn and Fencing.  $56.66

ED. SWEENY - 152 Acres of Land, being Fraction No. 4 of Section 13, and
north ½ of south-east ¼ of Section 14, and Fraction 3 Section 14, in
Township 3, south range 6, west.  $8.64
M. SUTHERLAND - 80 acres of Land, on Domingo Feliz' ranch, House, &c., near
Condon's.  $6.04
ALEX. STOTT - 200 acres of Land, being a portion of the Coppinger ranch,
bounded north by land of Jas. O'Callaghan; east by the Canada Raimunda;
south by the land of Mrs. O'Conner; west by top of Mountains; House and
Fencing.  $15.97
J.W. & T. SARGENT - 126 acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri
ranch; House and Fencing.  $63.68
G.W. SHIRLEY - House and Fencing, on Martinez's ranch.  $25.82
JOHN H. SEARS - 1 Lot in Searsville, House and Shop.  $33.71
SIMON STEPHENS - Cabin, in Deer Gulch.  $2.63
SIMPSON & PLUMMER - ½ interest in Steam Saw Mill, formerly Templeton &
Gardner's.  $49.50
LEANDER SAWYER - House, Barn and Fencing, north of 10 Mile Farm.  $24.92
SANCHEZ HEIRS and all other owners and Claimants Known and Unknown - 850
acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri ranch, bounded north by the
Ridley and De Haro ranches; west by the Canada San Andreas; south by the
San Mateo ranch; east by the Bay.  $94.09

R.W. TALLANT - 100 acres of Land, part of Pulgas ranch, bounded north by
land of Hawes; west by land of S.M. Mezes; south by the county road; east
by land of Baird & Berry; Houses and Fencing.  $66.36
TREAT & TRACY - 300 acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri ranch,
supposed to be the piece bounded north by the Hayes Tract; east by the Bay;
south by lands of S.S. Tilton; west by the Stage road; House Barn and
Fencing.  $59.09
JACOB TISON - House &c., in Canada San Andreas.  $4.41
HORACE TEMPLETON - ½ interest in House occupied by B. Gardner, ½ interest
in Saw Mill, near southern end of Redwoods.  $49.58
S.S. TILTON - 190 acres of Land, undivided interest in Buri Buri ranch,
bounded on the north by Visitacion ranch; west by the Canada San Andreas;
south by San Mateo ranch; east by the Bay; House and Fencing.  $104.01
ANDREW TEAGUE - House and Fencing, near Gilbert's.  $6.29

CHAS. UZNAY - 205 acres of Land, part of Pulgas ranch, bounded north by
land of Gough; west by the top of the hills; south by lands of Phelps; east
by the Bay. $77.00
UNKNOWN OWNERS - 295 acres of Land, part of Pulgas ranch, bounded north by
land of Touchard, Fox & O'Connor, and B. Doe; east and south by land of
Bowman & Doyle; west by the Stage road.  $48.52
UNKNOWN OWNERS - 2000 acres of Land, being a portion of the Corte Madera
ranch; bounded north by Coppinger ranch; west by the top of the Coast
Mountains; south by the south branch of San Francisquito Creek; east by the
Pulgas ranch and the San Francisquito Creek; being a portion of the rancho
granted to Maximo Martinez, by the Mexican Government.

RAMON VALENCIA - 50 acres of Land, undivided interest in the Buri Buri
ranch.  $6.21
IGNACIO VARO - House, &c., at Spanish Town. $2.13
P.S. VAN WINKLE - House, Barn and Fencing, on the Mountain. $34.20
JOHN VOORHEES - House and Fencing, on Feliz's ranch.  $23.70
RAFAEL VIDAL - 260 acres undivided interest in Buri Buri ranch.  House.

S.G. WHEELER - 2358 acres of Land, being an undivided three-fourths of so
much of the ranch La Visitaction, Canada de Guadalupe y Rodeo Viejo, as
lies in the County of San Mateo to wit: Bounded on the north by the line
dividing the County of San Mateo from the City and County of San Francisco;
south by the Buri Buri rancho; east by the Bay; west by the Portozuello and
old San Jose road; excepting therefrom land thereon assessed to others.
M. ALLISON WHEELER - 60 acres of Land on San Mateo rancho, bounded north by
the new road to Crystal Springs; south and east by land of W.H. Clark; west
by land of Alfred Wheeler; being the same premises described in deed
recorded in Liber 63 of Deeds, page 135, San Francisco.  $12.22
ALFRED WHEELER - 140 acres of Land, being part of the San Mateo ranch,
bounded north by the new road to Crystal Springs; south and west by land of
Howard; east by land of Clark and M.A. Wheeler.  Houses and Fencing.  $21.26
Z. WOOD - 138 acres of Land, part of Pulgas ranch, bounded north by land
assessed to Polhemus; east by stage road; south by land of A. Yanke and P.
Casey; west by land of S.M. Mezes.  House and Fencing.  $52.76
W.A. WILSEY - Houses and Fences, on the top of the Mountain.  $32.66
S.B. WHIPPLE - 178 acres of Land, part of the Pulgas ranch, bounded north
by land of F.W. Macondray; west by land of J.B. Morton; south by land of
J.B. Morton; east by Stage road; House and Fencing.  $85.40

Personal Property.
A.H. ALLEN    8.82
D. ADCOCK    16.30

FRANK BOYD     7.18
BROWN & KUSTEL     18.57
A. BRONSON & CO   60.07

JOHN CAMMY    29.47
JOHN COCHRAN     23.78
THOS. E. CLARK     8.84

R.E. DOYLE   44.12



DAN'L HAVER    2.95
M. & L. HUTCHINSON  33.05
HUGHS & MOREY  27.77

A.B. JAMES   11.90
WM JOHNSON   11.09
COL. JAKES  3.76


JOSE M. LEON    17.78

GEO. F. MAYNARD   17.78
THOS. S. MILLER   54.21

NEMITH & STARK   10.76
E.K. NORRIS   21.83


H.C. PATRIDGE   13.13


D.W. SAMPSON    11.90
S.S. SIMMONS  15.15
G.L. SAMPSON   11.41

WM. TROTTER    5.64
J.N. THOMPSON   17.11
SIM TOWN  16.78

CHAS. VALONA   29.80

D.H. WESSON  2.95
CHAS. WHITE   8.64

Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 20th Day of December, A.D.
1859, between the hours of ten o'clock A.M. and three o'clock P.M., in
front of the County Court-house, Redwood City, I will see the Real Estate
and Improvements advertised, and upon which the Taxes and Costs have not
been paid, to the person or persons who will take the least amount or
quantity of the same, and pay the Taxes and Costs due; and continue from
day to day, commencing at the head of the List, and continuing it
alphabetically through.

Sheriff and Collector, San Mateo County
Dated, Redwood City, November 19th, 1859

A ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN REDWOOD CITY - It gives us please to state that
arrangements are in progress by which Redwood City will shortly be in
possession of a Catholic Church.  A donation of a lot of ground has been
made by S.M. Mezes, Esq., upon which to erect the building, and it is the
intention of those who have take the matter in hand, to commence it as easy
in the coming Spring as possible.  It will be built by subscription.  The
block of ground donated for the purpose, is Block 4, Range C, situated
northeast from the county courthouse, and is but one block distant from it.
 The deed for the land is given to Archbishop J.S. Allemany, of San
Francisco, in trust for the Roman Catholic Church of California.

GOOD STOCK FOR SALE - The attention of those desiring to purchase good live
stock is directed to the advertisement in another column, of Wm. Reynolds,
Esq., near Mayfield.  Mr. R. is well known as a stock raiser, and
purchasers may rely upon their obtaining animals from him which are worth
the purchase money.

With the above mentioned stock the celebrated bull "Prince," was lately
advertised to be sold.  We learn that he is now in the hands of Capt. E.
Beale, of this town.  This animal is only two years old, and weights
eighteen hundred and forty pounds, as we are informed by the owner.  It is
the intention of Capt. B., the coming season, to enable farmers to improve
their horned cattle and other stock at a much lower rate than they have
heretofore paid.

ARREST OF JUDGE TERRY - Judge D.S. Terry, says the San Joaquin Republican,
has been arrested by Sheriff O'Neal upon a bench warrant from the County
Judge of San Mateo county, on the charge of fighting a duel with D.C.
Broderick in that county.  He gave bail in the sum of $5000.

Henry Shipley, well known in connection with the California press,
committed suicide on the 17th inst., in Sacramento, by taking strychnine.
The Republican says a gentleman in the vicinity of Stockton commenced two
years ago with five hives of bees, and has since sold ten thousand dollars
A sale of stock took place on Monday, near Stockton.  The animals were far
from being in good condition.  Milch cows and calves sold at from $35 to
60.  Fifteen two-year old steers $25.25  Twelve one-year old heifers and
calves $17.75  Ten two-year old heifers $25.25  Twelve steer calves, $10
Ten dry cows, and a bull $27
The French ship Chatilon, at San Francisco, will take for Australia in a
few days, 8,000 sacks of wheat.
The vintage crop of Los Angeles is very light this year.
Another discovery of silver ore has been made in the southern county, which
is said to be of extraordinary richness.  The location is in the vicinity
of Bear valley, about one hundred miles from Los Angeles.
The Republican Convention of San Francisco met on the 18th inst. when the
following names of candidates were presented for the office of State
Senator; Chas. Watrous, Leonidas Haskell, Nathan Porter, J.A. Banks, and
F.B. Folger.  The convention then adjourned to meet last evening.
The Pacifica and Atlantic Telegraph Company are rapidly extending their
line, and in a few days Los Angeles will be in instant communications with
San Francisco.
Petitions are in circulation in Sierra to create out of that and adjoining
counties the proposed county of Alturas.
Lieut. Gen. Scott left for the east on the steamer John L. Stephens, 21st.
On his departure he was saluted by the First California Guard, San
Francisco, with fifteen guns, the number due his rank.
The amount in the State Treasury at the close of business Nov. 19th, was

DISTINGUISHED DEPARTURE - The fine, new schooner "Dashaway," of whose
movements we have kept the public pretty well posted of late, was liberated
from her bridge-bound condition on Tuesday last, by enlarging the aperture
through which ordinary-sized vessels have hitherto passed, and was hauled
down the creek, preparatory to being taken to San Francisco to be furnished
for sea.

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© Copyright  2003-2005 Ron Filion and Pamela Storm.  All rights reserved.
last updated: 03 July 2005