San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
December 1859
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 3, 1859, Vol. 1 No.35

ARRAIGNED - David S. Terry, Ex-Judge of the Supreme Court of California,
was arraigned yesterday in the Court of Sessions, on the indictment for
fighting a duel with the late Senator David C. Broderick. - S.F. Times,
30th ult.

ACCIDENT - Capt. E. Beale, of this place, was injured on Monday last, by a
horse falling upon his left leg.  We are glad to learn that he was not
seriously hurt.

EARTHQUAKE - Old Mother Earth gave us a slight shaking up about eight
o'clock on Sunday evening last.  It was not a very great shake.

THE TELEGRAPH - The branch of the Alta Telegraph was put in operation in
Redwood City, on Thursday last.

The Courts of this county have been "hanging by the eye-lids" for some time
past, and have accomplished but very little.  In the Court of Sessions
nothing was done, further than heretofore noticed, until Monday last, when
John Eschenbecker and John Doyle were arraigned on charges of illegal
voting.  The first plead guilty, accompanying the pleas with a statement
that having been here eleven years, he supposed that he had a right to vote
and id so in perfect good faith without any intention to violate the laws,
or do defraud any one.  The Court being advised that the defendant was an
honest, well-meaning man, who had probably violated the statue through
ignorance, imposed upon him the lowest penalty of the law - a fine of
twenty dollars.  Doyle plead not guilty, and on Tuesday the case was tried
before a jury, and resulted in an acquittal.  Strong doubts arose under the
testimony as to the identify of the defendant, and the jury evidently
thought that the prosecution were after the wrong man.  Bench warrants were
ont in several other cases, but had not been returned, and there being no
further business ready, the Court adjourned for the term.

In the case of The People vs. D.S. Terry, a bench warrant was issued some
time since, and sent to the Sheriff of San Joaquin county where Terry
resides, for service.  Nearly two weeks ago it was announced through the
papers, that the defendant had been arrested on this warrant, and had given
bail for his appearance.  It was reported and generally understood that
Terry would be here on Monday last for trial, but up to the adjournment of
Court on Tuesday, neither had he appeared, nor the bench warrant and bond
been returned, so that nothing could be done in the case, and it now
necessarily stands over until the March term.

In the County Court, on Monday the case of Waterman vs. Holder was tried
before a jury, who failed to agree, and late in the evening they were
discharged, the case continued and the Court adjourned for the term.

Two weeks from next Monday the District Court will open, a jury for which
has been drawn.  From present appearances the calendar will be a short one,
and the probability is that Judge Norton will use it up with his usual
dispatch, inside of two days.

PAY YOUR TAXES - Those of our readers who have not paid their taxes will
have the pleasure of finding their names in print, on the first page of our
paper, and there is quite a list of them, too.

A disastrous fire occurred on the corner of Washington and Dupont streets,
on the night of the 28th ult. Six houses were burned.
On the same evening a man named Burns was shot and killed by P.R. Robinson,
in a house of ill fame, on Jackson street.
Six inquests were held by the Coroner of San Francisco during the last week
in November.
C.C. Breyfogle, the alleged defaulting Treasurer of Alameda county, was
tried at San Leandro, last week and acquitted.
Col. W.S. Pardee, a much respected citizen of San Francisco, died suddenly
in that city, on the 29th ult., of hemorrhage of the lungs.  Col. P. was at
the time of his death in the employ of the house of Garrison & Co.  His
gentlemanly conduct had endeared him to a large circle of friends.
B.W. Hathaway has received the nomination for the office of State Senator
by the Republican party in San Francisco, and A,C. Peachy has been
nominated for the same office by the Democratic party.
Operations in the new Woolen Factory, in San Francisco, are to commence in
a few days.
The steamer Cortez sailed for Panama on the 30th ult.
The libel case, Joseph Grant against the Evening Bulletin, in the 12th
District Court, San Francisco, resulted in a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff, for $500.

AMUSEMENTS - During the past week our town has been treated to two
exhibitions.  The San Francisco Minstrels performed on Sunday night.  On
Wednesday evening, Mr. J.G. Kenyon, who is not excelled in most of his
efforts by the great Anderson, himself, gave one of his very pleasing
entertainments in the Court House Hall.  This gentleman we think is one of
the most deserving of his class.  His performances are chaste, and he never
fails to please.

FOR WINTER QUARTERS - John Wilson, the showman par excellence, the prince
of his class (for financiering) with his troupe and the elephants, flitted
through our town yesterday, on his way to his winter quarters in San

EL DORADO ELECTION - Returns of the special election in El Dorado county
from fifty precincts have been received, which give about 500 majority for
Conness, the Anti-Lecompton candidate, and insures his election beyond a
doubt. - Sac. Union

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 10, 1859, Vol. 1 No.36

PAID THEIR TAXES - The following named persons have paid their taxes since
the first publication of the delinquent tax list:
George Bement; Thos. & Wm. Durham; Thos. Frawley; E. Hildreth; Simon
Knight; G.B. Miramontez; Ramona Miramontez; B. Robles; R.W. Tallant; J.
Tison; Julius Levy; J.H. Richardson; S.S. Simmons; John Schmoll; Wm. Stanley.

GRIST MILL -  According to the advertisement in another column a grist mill
is about to be put up in Redwood City.  This time we believe the project
will be carried out.  Mr. Morrison informs us that the building will be
erected on the site of the present lumber yard of Jones and Co., on the
east side of Redwood Creek, near J.V. Diller's warehouse.  The mill will
have two run of stone.

Sheriff's Sale
By virtue of an execution issued out of the Twelfth District Court of San
Mateo County, and to me directed and delivered for a judgment rendered in
said Court on the eighteenth day of August, A.D. 1859, in favor of THE
UNDERWOOD, for the sum of four hundred dollars ($400) with interest on said
sum of sum hundred dollars, from the eighteenth day of August, A.D. one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, at the rate of ten per cent per
annum, together with thirty-eight dollars and ninety-five cents, costs of
suit, and accruing costs, I have levied on the following described
property, to wit:

All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the
County of San Mateo, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at a stake on the summit of the Sierra Morena mountains, near
the northeasterly corner of lands enclosed by Joseph D. Hardin, and running
southerly in a straight line of a redwood tree blazed and marked with the
letters B.G., and standing on the south side of the road leading down the
gulch known as the Harding Gulch, thence southerly in a straight line to a
stake on the summit of said Sierra Morena mountains, about three hundred
yards in a southerly direction from the house now occupied by Benjamin
Gardiner, thence along the summit of said mountains in a southerly
direction to the northeasterly corner of land enclosed and occupied by
Robert Weeks, thence westerly, in a line with the northern boundary of said
Week's land to the creek known as the Arroyo Honde or San Gregorio Creek,
thence running down said creek to the mouth of a timbered gulch situated on
the westerly side of a small tract of land known as the deer pasture,
thence following up said gulch in a northerly direction in the summit of
the hill, thence in a straight line to the head of a redwood timbered gulch
known as the Smith Gulch, thence easterly along the northerly side of said
gulch to the said Arroyo Hondo or San Gregorio Creek, thence in an easterly
direction, to the place of beginning.  Also, one Saw Mill, Mill Fixtures
and House, situated on said land.

Notice is hereby given that on SATURDAY the thirty-first day of December,
A.D. 1859, at 10 o'clock, A.M., I will sell all the right, title, and
interest of said defendants or either of them, in and to the above
described property, in front of the court-house door, at Redwood City, at
Public Auction for cash in hand, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy
said execution, and all costs.
By John Ames, Undersherrif
Dated, Redwood City, December 9th, 1859


FRUIT TREES - Messrs. Sanderson & Co. advertise their "River Bank Nursery,"
at San Jose, in our columns of to-day.  They have on hand a large variety
of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs and no better opportunity will
probably be presented for our citizens to supply themselves.

THE ELECTION - To-day an election is to be held in this and San Francisco
counties, for a Senator in place of Mr. C.H.S. Williams resigned.  A.C.
Peachy and B.W. Hathaway are the candidates.

The citizens of the north-western portion of San Francisco have petitioned
the Board of Supervisors for a separate municipal organization for that
portion of the city.  Inattention to their want is ascribed as the cause of
the movement.
Dennis Mahoney, convicted of murder in the first degree, in Mariposa, has
been sentenced to be hung on Friday, the 30th inst.
Hay is worth $80 per ton, and barley six cents a pound, in Weaverville,
Trinity county.
E.G. Paige, Esq., well known as the popular writer "Dow Jr." died in San
Francisco on the 5th.
Thomas Raleigh, a negro minstrel, was accidentally shot and killed on the
night of the 5th, in the Bella Union, San Francisco.
The Bensley Water Company, in San Francisco, will commence furnishing the
upper portion of that city with water in a few days.
Quite a desperate and fatal affray occurred in Sacramento, between the
runners for the steamboats, on Front street, between J and K.  A man named
Hughes, a runner for the Dashaway, and one Roberts, alias San Juan Jack,
got into a quarrel, which led to a fight, during which the latter drew a
pistol and shot his antagonist through the body, inflicting a fatal wound.

On the night of Nov. 17 a bold an daring attempt was made by a large party
of Indians who are supposed to be Maricopas, by parties living in that
vicinity, to murder the occupants of a mail station, known as Sutton's,
located at the foot of the forty mile desert, on the Gila river, besides
setting fire to the house and stealing all the valuable stock of the
Overland Mail Company, stationed at that point, the particulars of which as
we gather than, are as follows:
On the above night, about 9 o'clock, the hostler and teamster of a freight
wagon, sleeping in the corral, were awakened by seeing the house occupied
by Mr. Sutton and his wife, an aged lady, with their young children,
wrapped in flames, and supposing it had taken fire through neglect, they
started toward the house to alarm the occupants, and extinguish the fire,
when they were welcomed by a shower of arrows, fired by the Indians hid
from sight behind a deep embankment; they escaped being hit, but the light
enabled the Indians to see them, while they could not be discovered, they
made for the house on the opposite side.  Upon entering they found all were
up, and making every exertion to extinguish the fire, which, however, was
almost impossible, through the danger of being shot by the black rascals in
front.  Mr. Sutton's son George, a young man, was seriously injured,
receiving an arrow in his thigh, and also one in the left arm.  Mrs. Sutton
succeeded, after much effort and danger, in covering up the children; but
in doing so, her clothes were filled with arrows - she, however, escaped
uninjured.  With the aid of the hostler and teamster, they at last
succeeded in subduing the fire, and being well armed, the Indians finding
they couldn't take the house, or kill the inmates, concluded to leave with
the stock of the Company.  They opened the corral, and drove out seven of
the finest California horses and four mules, all belonging to the Company,
but only got away with five of the former and three of the latter.  This is
certainly the boldest attempt yet made by Indians to destroy valuable
property, besides stealing stock, and murdering women and children, and the
perpetrators are supposed to be Maricopas.  We hope they may be ferreted
out, that the guilty ones may be known.
BY DEFAULT - On Monday morning last the citizens of San Francisco were
stricken as by a thunderboldt, by the announcement of a decision in the
District Court of the U.S., confirming the Sherebeck grant.  This is a
grant made in 1845 of pueblo lands, and comprises eight hundred varas
square, including South Park, and the lands and splendid residences in the
vicinity.  It seems the claim was rejected before the Land Commission, an
appeal taken to the District Court, and there the case has rested for the
last four years, in almost undisturbed repose.  From time to time the
claimants have been introducing testimony, making up for the deficiencies
before the Commission.  All this has been known to the U.S. District
Attorney, and others interested in opposing the grant, nevertheless they
have paid no attention to it.  Have allowed the claimants to make out a
case on their side, and then have submitted it without argument of any
kind, without evidence, without raising any one of the nice legal questions
which might have been raised, and which would unquestionably have
controlled the decision.

Judge Hoffman tells us in almost so many words, that the case has been
permitted to go by default, that the District Attorney and parties
interested have grossly neglected their duty, and that his decision, made
as it is, was a matter of necessity on his part.  The result is that the
owners of much of the finest property in San Francisco find themselves
virtually turned out of doors and their property given to others, and that
too to persons who but a few days before would have sold their entire claim
for a song.  It is true, the property may not actually change hands, but at
what a sacrifice will it be saved, compared to the little trouble and
expense of properly presenting the case to the court.  The city papers
censure the District Attorney in bitter terms, and he is evidently not
blameless, but we think the property owners themselves may lay much of this
misfortune at their own doors.

LETTERS OVERLAND - The Butterfield Overland Mail stage left this city
yesterday, for St. Louis and Memphis, carrying the unusually large number
of six thousand two hundred and nineteen letters.  This is the greatest
number by nearly two thousand, ever yet conveyed at one time overland, and
gives promise of the early employment of the Overland Mail, exclusively,
for the carriage of all those letters the postage on which will not exceed
three cents.  - S.F. Herald, 3d

San Jose
The Subscribers invite the attention of their former patrons and the public
to their large and varied stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees.  The coming
seasons of 1859 and '60 they offer a very great number and variety of Pear
(on Pear and Anger's Quince stock), also Apple, Peach, Plum, Cherry,
Appricot, Nectarine and Quince Trees.  Also Lawton Blackberry,
Gooseberries, Currants, Raspberries, Grape Vines, &c.  The stock of
Ornamental Trees is very large and fine, consisting of American Elms,
Slippery Elms, Silver Maple, Mountain Ash, European Flowering Ash,
Chestnut, Chinese, American and California Arbor Vitae, California Redwood,
California Laurel, &c., with a fine variety of Flowering Shrubs.
Catalogues sent on application.
Terms Cash, and prices as low as any responsible Nursery in the State sells
Agents in San Francisco - KENDRICK & SMITH, No. 16 Clay street wharf, where
the Trees can be seen.
The Nurseries are situated on the Road leading from San Jose to Alviso,
about three-quarters of a mile north of Beaty's Hotel.
The Division meets every Saturday Evening, in their Hall at Woodside.
Members of sister Divisions are cordially invited.
OFFICERS - William Lasswell, W.P.; John Grier, W.A.; J.S. Bollinger, R.S.;
A. Hamlin, A.R.S.; Chas. Peterson, F.S.; L. Williams, T.; Thomas Beebe, C.:
M.H. Jennings, A.C.; Andrew Teague, I.S.; James Gibbs, O.S.; A.S. Kent,
The Association meets on the first Mondays in January, April, July and
October, at Greer's Schoolhouse, Woodside.
OFFICERS - D. Jaggers, President; J.D. Rose, Secretary.
Board of Directors - D. Jaggers, J.D. Rose, R. Greer, W. Whitlock, A.
Teague, D. Ross
The Undersigned begs leave to inform the inhabitants of San Mateo County
that he has already purchased a lot in Redwood City, and has made
arrangement to build a
And expects to have it completed by the 1st of July.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 17, 1859, Vol. 1 No.37

THE TERRY INDICTMENT - The matter of the mandamus to compel Washington
Bartlett, County Clerk, to transmit the indictment against David S. Terry,
was heard in the Fourth District Court yesterday forenoon.  The grounds
urged by counsel of the defendant, for the transmission of the indictment
to the Fourth District Court, were, that the crime charged was murder, and
the Court of Sessions has no jurisdiction of murder cases.  District
Attorney Browne contended that dueling was a statutary crime, and that the
statute gave the Court of Sessions jurisdiction.  Judge Hager denied the
motion of the argument, and in so doing adopted the views of the District
Attorney, that "the crime of fighting a duel" was neither murder nor
manslaughter, the only crimes the District Court has cognizance of.  The
case goes at once to the Supreme Court, having been appealed by Terry.  -
S.F. Times, 13th

THE OVERLAND MAIL - The great Overland Mail hence to St. Louis is steadily
increasing in popular favor.  Our people are learning by experience that it
is quite as reliable as the steam mail, and more expeditious.  Twice a week
it arrives here with the regularity of clock-work, and almost always in
less time than that made by the steamers.  We patronize it altogether, and
would recommend all our readers to do so.  Several times of late, we have
received letters from the east, mail too late for the steamer, and
delivered to us two days in advance of that mail.  As a gratifying evidence
of its increasing popularity, we notice that the mail of the 9th inst.
carried out over 12,000 letters, double the number carried on any former
occasion.  A few such mail as this must tend to satisfy the Department at
Washington that the Overland mail is a necessity with which the people of
this coast cannot and will not dispense.

TAX SALES - On Monday last, Horace Hawes and Samuel Brannan, Esq.,
gentlemen who are presumed to be always anxious to pay their full
proportion of the revenue of the government, but who desire before they do
it that every thing should be technically correct, sought to enjoin the tax
sales of San Francisco upon technical grounds, and also upon the ground
that certain amendments to the revenue law were unconstitutional.  Their
cases were ably presented by Mr. Haight, but Judge Norton refused the
injunctions, and intimated that he could only grant them when he had made
up his mind to stop the entire sales, which he saw no reason for doing.
Similar applications have been anticipated with reference to the sales in
this county, but it is presumed the proposition will now be abandoned.
Judge Norton loses none of the confidence which has been heretofore reposed
in him, by this prompt, and as we believe just decision.  This system of
enjoining tax sales has become quite too common - the convenient resort of
all these men who find it less expensive, and more in accordance with their
natural disposition, to fee lawyers than pay taxes - and should be put a
stop to.  The remedy of injunction is one which ought not to be trifled
with, or granted on every trivial occasion, but upon the most urgent
necessity, and then only when there is no other remedy left.

DISTRICT COURT - This Court opens on Monday next.  There are sixteen cases
on the calendar, which the clerk thinks will occupy the Court, on an
average, about two minutes each.  This may be allowing a pretty short time,
within which to dispose of such a calendar, but from the character of the
cases, there is a strong probability that the court will not sit more than
one day.

LETTERS OVERLAND - The Overland Mail stage, which left San Francisco on the
12th for St. Louis, carried away 3566 letters.  The mail before carried the
enormous number of 12,000, only 6000 less than were sent by the mail
steamer of the 5th.  It is only by thus patronizing the mail stage that we
can prove to Congress its absolute value, and high estimation in which it
is held by Californians.

DISCOVERY OF A LEAD MINE - The Mountain Democrat says that Mr. G.H. Beach
of Marysville, showed us some very rich specimens of lead ore taken by
himself from a vein recently discovered by some Indians, on a hill about
three miles south-west of Steamboat Springs, and two miles north-west of
Smith's house, in Pleasant Valley.  It is slightly mixed with silver, and
assays about ninety per cent.  Col. Hagan bought it from the Indians at a
very low price.  New discoveries of silver veins were made in the same
vicinity, and Mr. Beach informs us that the lead is but the covering to a
rich silver vein.  Bur little work has been done on the lead.

Lost, on the 19th Inst., on M'AVOY'S Ranch, near Redwood City, a portion of a
About two and a half feet long, made of Iron, and painted black.  Anyone
finding it and taking it to the San Mateo House, will receive the above
Redwood City, Dec. 14, 1859

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 24, 1859, Vol. 1 No.38

On December 13th, by Rev. Dr. Ver Mehr, at the residence of Sidney L.
JOHNSON, Esq., San Francisco, S.M. MEZES, Esq., to MISS JULIET J. JOHNSON.

In Santa Clara, on the 11th December, at the residence of John Whisman,
Esq., by Rev. Henderson, S.B. GORDON, Esq., of Monterey, to MISS NANNIE
JANE WHISMAN, of Santa Clara.

DISTRICT COURT - The December term of this court opened on Monday last, and
contrary to the expectation of everyone, continued until Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock.  The following is the disposition made of the several cases.
Pauland Wife vs. Magee - Motion for a new trial denied.
Hill vs. Sciber et. als. - Injunction pending for plaintiff.
Burr et. Al. vs Valencia et al - Foreclosure.  Decree entered.
Martin vs. Diller et al - Action on Injunction bond.  Default set aside,
and cause continued.
Jones vs. Martin - Dismissed
Moss vs. Harazthy et als - Foreclosure.  Decree entered
Lux et als vs. Mandelbaum et als - Injunction.  Case called for trial, and
upon conclusion of plaintiff's evidence, nonsuit entered.
Lux et als vs. Clark et als., and Lux et al vs Frawley et als. - Continued
Martinez vs. Mastick et als. - Trespass for removing a mill.  Continued
Davis vs. Caldwell et als. - Action on appeal bond.  Judgment for plaintiff
Teschmaker et al. vs. Thompson et als. - Ejectment.  Special verdict for
plaintiff, subject to decision of Court on law argument.

GETTING THICK - During the early part of the week lawyers were unusually
numerous in our town.  On the trial of the case of Lux vs. Mandlebaum, not
only were nearly the entire bar of this county engaged in it on one side or
the other, but in addition to them there were Messrs. Height and Campbell
for the plaintiffs and Messrs. McDougall, Sharpe and Porter for the defence
(sic), all present from San Francisco. Besides these, Mr. Johnson and Mr.
Papy of San Francisco, and we believe some others were present during the
week in attendance upon the Court.

JAIL DELIVERY IN NAPA - Last Wednesday night about 8 o'clock, says the
Reporter, the notorious Louis Mahoney, Frank Hastings, John Keane or Kane,
alias "Skotty" and Antonio Velasquez, escaped from the Napa jail and have
not since been heard of.  Their escape was first discovered about 11
o'clock, when the modus operandi of the rascals became apparent.  There
were, at the time, nine or ten prisoners in the jail, and the four above
named occupied the same cell.

About five hundred Pitt River and other Indians were brought to San
Francisco, last week, on their way to the Mendocino Reservation.
The new U.S. steamer Saginaw, made an experimental trip last week.  This
vessel was built entirely of California materials, and has given the utmost
satisfaction as to construction, speed, etc.  The Government cannot but
acknowledge her superiority, and give California the full benefit of this
triumph in shipbuilding by ordering more vessels built in this State.
An escaped convict was shot in San Francisco, on the 15th inst., while
attempting to escape from officers who had him in charge.
Several shocks of an earthquake were felt in San Bernardino, on the 2d.
The people that county complain much of the depredations of thieves.
The Dashaways are exerting themselves to prevent the excesses so common
during the holidays.  Success to them.
Twenty-two ladies and gentlemen were confirmed in Grace Church, San
Francisco, on the 18th.
The Gas Company in Stockton is organized, and promises to be of immediate
benefit, in lighting the city.
Considerable feeling was manifest among the merchants and business men
generally in San Francisco and other cities of this State, on receipt of
news that that Vanderbuilt (sic) had bought out the Pacific Mail Steamship
Company.  The latter report is entirely reliable.
2000 pounds of wheat sold in Genoa, Carson Valley, on the 19th, at ten
cents per pound.
Judge Crandlebaugh, late of the United States Court in Utah, will shortly
be in California on his way to Washington to propose measures to Congress
and the Government for the suppression of the Mormon fanatics.  The plans
of the Judge are said to present the most effectual means for accomplishing
this much desired result.  He hates the Mormons, not from prejudice, but
from conviction.  He has witnessed their iniquities, and as a bold, upright
man, he has set himself to work to root them out.  Every honest man bids
him" God speed."
Henry Wappner, convicted of the murder of Louise Vollmer, some months since
in San Francisco, has been granted a new trail by the Supreme Court.

CAPITAL CONVICTION - Thomas Crawford, indicted for killing John B. Lewis,
and William Crosson for killing John V. Ford, have been found guilty, in
Stockton, of murder in the first degree.

LETTERS BY OVERLAND MAIL - The Overland Mail Stage, which left on the 19th
for St. Louis, carried away 4111 letters.

Court-House, Redwood City.
PARRISHS COTILLION BAND, of San Francisco, has been engaged for the occasion
Tickets,                     Five Dollars
Wm. Callaghan, Redwood City
Wm Krysher, Searsville
William Maxfield
William Brockway
John Mills
Augustus Bronson
John Vanderoff
Frank Huber
R. Murphy
B.F. Fox, Jr.
H. Shreves
E. Graves

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, December 31, 1859, Vol. 1 No.39

Stome's Stock Reporter and Bankers' Advertiser, for December, a Sacramento
paper, is before us.  In it we find a report of the "Financial condition of
the Counties of this State, Nov. 1st, 1859."  Only fifteen counties are
reported, but we believe this is sufficient to show about the average
condition of most of the counties in the State.
 San Mateo is the smallest county in the State, she owes no debt - pays no
interest, her public property is worth about fifteen thousand dollars,
estimating it at about what it cost, and is of a better and more
substantial character than that which in many other counties has cost three
times the amount.  Her personal property is assessed at six hundred and
thirty thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six dollars; her real estate at
six hundred and eighteen thousand, eight hundred and forty-five dollars.
The tax she pays is only one dollar and fifty-five cents on the hundred
dollar, sixty cents of which is State tax - an amount which is uniform
throughout the State - fifty cents, county tax, twenty-five cents court
house tax - an item which will be left out of next year's assessment - ten
cents school tax, five cents toad tax, and five cents indigent sick tax.

M.C. McALISTER, of San Francisco, Judge, Terms of holding court in San
Francisco, first Monday of January and July.  In Los Angeles, first Monday
of March and September.

Southern District of California
Isaac S.K. Ogier, of Los Angeles, Judge
Joseph R. Gitchel, U.S. District Attorney
J.C. Pennie, Marshall
Columbus Sims, Clerk
W.W. Stetson, deputy clerk
Wm. H. Wallace, United State Commissioner at Santa Barbara
Alex S. Taylor, Deputy clerk and United States Commissioner at Monterey

Northern District of California
Ogden Hoffman, of San Francisco, Judge
Wm. H. Cheevers, Clerk
P.L. Solomon, Marshal
P. de la Torre, District Attorney
W. Pen Johnson, United States Commissioner at San Francisco
The place of holding court in the Northern District is in San Francisco.

California State Government
The present is the fifth Executive term of the State Government, and began
on the first Monday of January, 1858.
John B. Weller, of Sacramento, Governor
Joseph Walkup of Placer, Lieut. Governor
A.R. Meloney, of San Joaquin, Controller
Thomas Findlay of Nevada, Treasurer
Ferris Forman of Sacramento, Secretary of State
Horace A. Higley, of Alameda, Surveyor General
T.H. Williams, of El Dorado, Attorney General
A.J. Moulder, of San Francisco, Superintendent of Public Instruction
John O'Meara of San Francisco, State Printer
Manuel T. Brocklebank, Private Secretary to the Governor

S.F. Field, of Marysville, Chief Justice
W.W. Cope, of Amador, Associate Justice
J.G. Baldwin, of San Francisco
B.C. Whitman, of Benicia, Reporter
Charles S. Fairfax, of Yuba, clerk

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last updated: 03 July 2005