A SAN MATEOAN APPOINTED TO THE NAVY - By a letter to a gentleman of
place, we learn that Mr. Charles Fair, who was a candidate for County
Treasurer at the first county election in this county, has received
appointment in the U.S. Navy, and is ordered to join the ship "Saranac"
the Pacific squadron.
Sheriff's Sale
By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the Twelfth
Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the County
of San
Mateo, and to me duly directed and delivered, in the suit of C.C. BOWMAN
ALVIN ADAMS, D.H. HASKELL, and I.C. WOODS, by which I am commanded
to make
the sum of five thousand dollars, ($5,000) with the interest from the
of said judgment, until paid at the rate of ten per cent per annum,
together with forty-nine dollars and fifty cents, ($49. 50-100) costs
disbursements at the date of said judgment and accruing costs, amounting
the sum of one dollar and seventy-five cents, ($1.75) I have levied
on the
following described property, to wit: all that part of the Pulgas Ranch,
commencing at Hackett and Judah's northwesterly corner, designated
as point
No. 2, in red ink on the map made by Troskiloski, and filed by the
in the County Recorder's office San Francisco County, thence running
fifty-eight degrees, west thirty-three chains twenty-four link, thence
north fifty-seven degrees thirty minutes west five chains two links,
north fifty-eight degrees thirty minutes west twelve chains forty-seven
links, thence north fifty-seven (sic) degrees west two chains thirty-eight
links, thence north fifty-nine degrees west two chains eighty links,
fifty eight degrees west twenty chains ninety-two links, thence north
fifty-eight chains twenty-nine links, thence north twenty-four degrees
eleven minutes east one hundred and thirteen chains to the Bay of San
Francisco, thence along the line of the Bay of San Francisco to Hackett
Judah's northwest corner and stake number twelve, designated on said
thence south twenty-one degrees thirty five minutes west along Hackett
Judah's westerly boundary line to the place of beginning, estimated
contain one thousand eight hundred and three seventy-six one-hundredths
acres, and also the marsh land to the northward and eastward.
Also, the commencing at a point number one, in red ink, as laid
down on
the map, made by Troskyloski aforesaid, thence southwesterly along
meanderings of San Franciquito Creek by County Road, thence northwesterly
along the County Road to lands of John Briceland, thence northeasterly
along the southeasterly boundary of said Briceland's land, to the so-called
middle road, thence southeasterly along the middle road to the place
beginning, containing three hundred and ten acres, more or less.
above described parcels of land being the same premises levied upon
virtue of an attachment in the above entitled cause, dated August 23d,
FEBRUARY, A.D., 1860, between the hours of nine o'clock A.M. and five
o'clock, P.M. in front of the Courthouse doors of San Mateo county,
Redwood City, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the
named defendants, or either of them, in and to the above described
or parcels of land, at Public Auction, for cash in hand, to the highest
best bidder, to satisfy said execution, interest, and all costs.
Sheriff San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Redwood City, Feb. 1, 1960
SALE - We learn that Capt. Macondray, of San Mateo, has sold his beautiful
residence and grounds at that place, to John Parrot, Esq., of San
Francisco. We are not at liberty to state the price, but it is
to satisfy any one that homesteads in that locality are held in high
estimation by men of taste and means.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the County of San Mateo, State of California
- In
the matter of the petition of PATRICK WARD, an Insolvent Debtor.
Pursuant to the order of the Hon. Benj. F. Fox, Judge of the
said County
Court, notice is hereby given to all the Creditors of the said Insolvent,
Patrick Ward, to be and appear before the Hon. B.F. Fox, County Judge
aforesaid, at the Court Room of said Court, in Redwood City, County
of San
Mateo, on the seventeenth day of March, A.D. one thousand eight hundred
sixty, at ten o'clock A.M. of that day, then and there to show cause,
any they can, why the prayer of said insolvent should not be granted,
an assignment of his estate be made, and he be discharged from his
and liabilities, in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and
provided; and in the meantime all proceedings against said insolvent
Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, on this 7th day of February,
A.D. 1860
SCHOOL STATISTICS - From the report of the State Superentendent (sic)
Public Instruction, we make the following interesting extracts:
At the close of the year 1858, the total number of children in
the State,
between four and eighteen years of age, was forty thousand five hundred
thirty. At the close of 1859, the number has increased to forty-eight
thousand six hundred and seventy-six, of which twenty-five thousand
hundred and forty-eight are boys, and twenty-three thousand three hundred
and twenty-eight are girls. On the first of January, 1859, the
number of children, under four years of age, was twenty-three thousand
hundred and fifty-eight; on the first of January 1860, the number was
twenty-eight thousand three hundred. The total number of children
eighteen years of age, was therefore sixty-four thousand and eighty-eight
in 1859, and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-six in 1860
- an
increase of twelve thousand eight hundred and eight-eight.
The total number of children in the State, who were born in California,
was in 1859, thirty-three thousand five hundred and forty-six; in 1860,
forty-one thousand four hundred and fifty, showing the number born
the year 1859 to be seven thousand nine hundred and four. The
number of
orphans in 1859 was one thousand nine hundred and six; in 1860, two
thousand three hundred and fifty-four. The number of deaf and
dumb in
1859, was thirty-nine; in 1860, forty-two.
The number of children attending private schools in 1858, two
four hundred and twenty-two; in 1859, four thousand and eighty two.
The number of children attending schools, public and private,
in 1858, was
twenty-two thousand two hundred and forty-four; in 1859, twenty-seven
thousand six hundred and one.
The number of organized School Districts in the State in 1859,
was four
hundred and eleven; in 1860, four hundred and sixty-three.
During the year 1859 the number of private schools increased
fifty-five to one hundred and twenty-six. The total number of
schools and
colleges in the State was four hundred and eighty-seven in 1859 - six
hundred and forty-nine in 1860.
In 1859, the total number of teachers employed in the public
schools was
five hundred and seventeen - in 1860, seven hundred and fifty-four.
Of the
latter five hundred and thirty-six are males, and two hundred and eighteen
The total amount expended for school purposes during the year
1859, was
$427,000.70. Eight counties (San Francisco, Sacramento, Sonoma,
Joaquin, El Dorado, Yuba, Santa Clara and Butte) with twenty thousand
hundred and nineteen children between four and eighteen years, being
that one-half of the schoolable children of the State, contributed,
for the
support of schools, the sum of $289,775.95, or nearly seven-tenths
of the
whole amount. In other words, have paid twelve dollars and twenty-six
cents for the education of each child, while the other counties,
thirty-three in number with twenty-five thousand and fifty-seven schoolable
children, have paid but five dollars and forty-seven cents per child.
The total amount of State school funds apportioned by the Superintendent
of Public Instruction during the year 1858 was $53,404.95, and during
it was $72,349.52. The apportionment of January 1860, amounted
to $44,770.89.
DISTRICT COURT REPORTER - We have received a copy of a bill introduced
Mr. Anderson, to provide for the appointment of District Court Reporters,
whose duty it shall be to make complete stenographic reports of all
proceedings and evidence upon trials in District Courts, and afterwards
write them up in full, and when not engaged in those Courts to be subject
to the call of County Judges to render the like service in County Courts
and Courts of Sessions. This is one of the most high-handed attempts
create lucrative offices for political hangers-on, that we have noticed
many a day.
SHEEP IN CALIFORNIA - From a careful estimate, by one engaged in the
business, it is computed that there are now three hundred thousand
head of
sheep in this State. The largest flock by any one firm, is that
of Flint,
Bixby & Co., San Juan, Monterey county, who own about twenty thousand,
nearly all of which are of American stock, and a few bucks are full
merino, among them the well known French merino buck whose fleece,
of the
growth of fourteen months, weighed forty-two pounds after being washed.
In Probate Court,
San Mateo County
In the matter of the Estate of PATICK LANGAN, deceased.
Pursuant to an order of this Court, made this day, notice is hereby
that on Tuesday, the sixth day of March, A.D. 1860, at 2 P.M. of said
at the Court-room of this Court, at Redwood City, in San Mateo county,
been appointed for hearing the application of HONORA LANGAN, praying
that a
document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the Last Will
Testament of Patrick Langan, deceased, be admitted to Probate, and
letters testamentary be issued thereon to said Honora Langan, who is
therein as Executrix, at which time and place al persons interested
may appear and contest the same.
Witness my hand and the Seal of said Probate Court, this thirteenth
day of
February, A.D. 1860
not fail to visit the Restaurant of the old San Mateoan A.J. SAULMANN.
best that can be procured in the market may always be found upon his
See his advertisement in another column.
MADAME TOUCHARD'S HOTEL - The attention of residents of this county
directed to the advertisement of the Union Hotel in another column
to-day's paper. Many of our people already know the lady proprietress,
Madame Touchard, and therefore, but little need be said of her
establishment. Those who patronize her house will find therein
as good
accommodations as can be met with in San Francisco.
INSANE - We have received the Seventh Annual Report of the Trustees
of the
Insane Asylum. This report shows the affairs of that institution
to be in
good condition, and a glance of its tables will convince any one of
necessity and importance of such an Asylum in our State. From
it we learn
that there were on hand on the first day of December 1858, two hundred
seventy-three patients, and admitted during the year ending December
1859, two hundred and seventy-nine. During the year there were
one hundred and twenty-four, - died forty-nine, eloped six, leaving
in the
Asylum, December 1st 1859, three hundred and seventy. Of those
during the past year, there were - married - males fifty - females
thirty-two - single, males one hundred and fifty-one; females nine
- not
known whether married or single - male thirty-two, females two.
patients were sent thither from almost every county in the State -
Francisco sending seventy-nine - Sacramento thirty-six, San Joaquin
twenty-three, El Dorado twenty-two - Petaluma seventeen - the other
counties sending each seven or less, many of them having only one each
San Mateo having three. These patients also represent at least
of the different States of this Union, and almost every foreign country
which has contributed to make up our general population. The
number from any one country is Ireland - fifty-seven, France furnishes
twenty-five, China seven, &c. The highest number from any
one State is New
York, twenty. It is also interesting to look over the causes
given, so far
as they can be ascertained, for the fearful malady with which these
patients are afflicted, but we will not enumerate them. Suffice
it to say
that of the two hundred and seventy-six received during the year, the
is unknown in one hundred and thirty-four cases,, leaving one hundred
forty-two accounted for, and of these at least sixty-one is attributed
dissipation and the lowest vices.
LEGISLATIVE LITTLENESS - The Legislature of our State sometimes lets
down to a very low ebb, and dabble in exceedingly small matters.
remarkable instance of this occurred a few days since, in the hurrying
through both houses of a bill requiring the transfer of dueling cases
Courts of Sessions to District Courts. This bill was evidently
gotten up
for the special benefits of Judge Terry, whose case in San Francisco,
to have been tried at an early day. Had no case been pending,
the action
of the Legislature might not have appeared so strikingly singular,
but even
then it would have been difficult to have found a sensible reason for
a souse. As it is however, the course pursued by that body seems
disgusting in the extreme, and almost leads us to believe that when
a man
has once entered the halls of a Legislature, he is no longer worthy
of the
confidence or respect of his fellow men. Not that we believe,
with many of our contemporaries, that it will make any material difference
with the result of Terry's case - for we cannot subscribe to the doctrine
that justice is not as well, or even better done, in the District Courts
than in Courts of Sessions. But it is the principle we find fault
with -
this low stooping, for the gratification of a single man to meddle
that with which the Legislature had no business - it being already
in the
courts under existing laws. Terry and Broderick both violated
the law of
the land with their eyes open - with a full knowledge of what the law
and whichever of them survived, after having "for honor's sake" set
up as a mark to be shot at, ought to have had sufficient moral courage
hold himself amenable to the law as it existed. Terry was indicted
in San
Francisco, and tried to get his case transferred to the District Court.
has applied for and received the decision of three different courts,
the Supreme Court, of which at the time of the commission of the offence
was a member, upon that point. It has been uniformly against
him - his own
pet court, if we may use the expression, told him that under the law
must be tried in the Court of Sessions. He then goes to the Legislature
and asks for a change of the law, and the members of that body, like
a set
of schoolboys who deserve flogging for their sneaking duplicity, make
hast to do his bidding. Judge Terry, late of the Supreme Bench,
rendered himself liable to prosecution for one of the minor offences
to our criminal code, but having once occupied an exalted position,
he has
conscientious scruples against being so belittled as to be tried in
a low
court like the Court of Sessions, and so the Legislature help him our
the scrape, by establishing it as a rule that hereafter the grade of
in which a man shall be tried shall depend, not on the magnitude of
offence with which he is charged, but on the dignity of his person!
shame! Where is thy blush?" We can see no other reason for this
intermeddling - certainly the Legislature would not have passed that
for the benefit, (or rather gratification, for we do not believe it
is a
benefit) of any common man, and certainly Terry could have had no other
object in asking it than a gratification of personal pride. The
same cause
that would entitle him to a change of venue in the District Court would
it in the Court of Sessions - every right that he could have in the
would be his in the other, and we will not believe that any baser motive
than the one alluded to could have actuated him, or would avail him
any thing.
We have said more about Judge Terry's case than we intended to,
but we
have carefully avoided a discussion of its merits, or the expression
of an
opinion thereon. He is yet to be tried by a jury somewhere, and
we desire
to see him have a fair and impartial trial, and would not do aught
prejudice him in this respect. We think he will ultimately be
tried in
this county, for we believe no other has jurisdiction, and so far as
simple question of courts is concerned, we would as soon it should
be in
the one as the other, for in either we believe justice will be done
him and the people, but we do not believe in having one man meet with
greater favor at the hands of a Legislature or a court, than another.
he has sinned like other men, let him meet the consequences like other
and let not the highest authorities of our land crouch and cringe at
feet, more than they would at the feet of his servant. Let nor,
for the
sake of gratifying his or any other mans whims, the criminal code of
State present the anomaly of having cases punishable by seven years
imprisonment, placed in the same category of those punishable by death,
tried in a high court devoted more particularly to civil cases, while
of a greater magnitude, and punished with many times the severity,
tried in the common criminal courts of our county. In a work
- change not
the system of a whole government for the accommodation of one man.
We have
not seen the vote on this bill, but trust that none of our members
for it.
A schedule of the real estate owned by the late Senator Broderick, has
made up by D.P. Belknap, of San Francisco. It embraces fifteen
water lots,
eighty vara lots, and some smaller parcels. The estate is valued
$135,000, and is mortgaged fro $80,000. Mr. Broderick made a
will in the
city of New York on the 2nd of January 1859, and which was found among
effects is Washington City. The provisions of the will are, that
after all
just debts and liabilities against his estate are paid, $10,000 is
bequeathed to Mr. John A. McGlynn, of San Francisco, and all the residue
his estate, real and personal to George Wilkes, of the city of New
George Wilkes, John A. McGlynn and Andrew J. Butlor, are appointed
Executors, without sureties.
MURDER - At a quarter past eight o'clock last night, says the S.F. Herald
of the 22nd a man named Edward Sherridan, a contractor and keeper of
boarding house, was shot on Front street, opposite the Sailor's Home.
ball took effect in the back, just below the shoulder blade, and passed
nearly through, lodging under the skin, in the left breast, just below
nipple. A man named James Whitford has been arrested, charged
with the
commission of the deed, and is accused by the wounded man of being
guilty party. It will be remembered the Whitford snapped a pistol
at Capt.
Soulis, of the ship Beau Monde, and at Mr. Lowrey, the stevedore, not
months since in this city. The wounded man is probably injured
to a fatal
The Association meets on the first Mondays in January, April, July
October, at Greer's Schoolhouse, Woodside.
OFFICERS - D. Jaggers, President; J.D. Rose, Secretary, Board of Directors
- D. Jaggers, J.D. Rose, R. Greet, W. Whitlock, A. Teague, D. Ross
On or about the 10th Instant, a dark brown filly, white star in the
forehead, black, heavy mane and tail, two years old, no brand.
Any person
who will deliver the above described animal to the subscriber at Langan's
Ranch, Canada Raymundo, near Woodside, will be liberally rewarded.
Canada Raymundo, Feb. 25, 1860
About three months since, a mouse colored Horse, about 14 hands high,
branded 45 on left shoulder and left hip, also other brands, walks
still as
if foundered, right hip drooping. Twenty dollars reward will
be paid for
recovery of said Horse, and no questions asked. Apply to:
WM. HUGHES, Redwood City
gives an account of the killing of Mr. G.L. Roberts, a Justice of the
in Calaveras county, by a Mexican horse thief. A constable had
been sent
to arrest the Mexican, who resisted. The Justice, seeing that
the thief
was about to escape fired at him, but missed. The Mexican returned
fire, and Roberts fell, fatally wounded. The Mexican made for
river, pursued by the crowd, who fired upon him continuously.
He swam the
river three times, but was at last brought down by a bullet through
leg, fired by Frank Tuder. It was found that he had four wounds
on his
person. Even in that condition he fought like a tiger.
Justice Roberts
leaves a wife and two small children.
And Repairing
Daniel Ford Herby gives Notice to his friends and the public who have
in his line of business which they wish done in a prompt and workmanlike
manner, that he is now prepared to fill all orders entrusted to him,
in a
style warranted to give entire satisfaction.