San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
March 1860
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 3, 1860, Vol. 1 No.48

The Agricultural Convention, called by the Alameda County Agricultural Society, of the counties around the Bay of San Francisco, met in the Twelfth District Court-room, in this city, says the San Francisco Herald, at 10 o’clock the morning of February 25th. A.H. Myers, President of the Alameda Society, called the meeting to order, and nominated Judge Daniels (President of the Santa Clara Society) for temporary President of the Convention. F.F. Fargo, of Alameda, was chosen Secretary. Mr. Meyers then stated the objects of the Convention, reading the circular call, and letters from G.N. Swasey (President of the Northern District Society,) and others, sympathizing with the movements of the Convention.

The following named persons were reported as permanent officers:
For President – William Daniels, of Santa Clara
For Vice-Presidents – R. Matthewson, of Sonoma; G.P. Loucks, on Contra Costa; and J.L. Burtiss, of San Francisco
Secretary – Frank F. Fargo, of Alameda

The different delegation named the following committee: J.F. Kennedy, Santa Clara; H.H. Fassett, contra Costa; John Center, San Francisco; H.S. Weston, Sonoma; A.H. Moers, Alameda; John Cumming, San Mateo; George Coffman, Mechanics’ Institute; George H. Butler, Sonoma Horticultural Society; W. Wadsworth, State Horticultural Society; Mr. Terrell, of Monterey.

INTERESTING POINT IN THE LAW OF PATNERSHIPS – In case of John Bates v. Lewis Baker, which was decided by Judge Norton, in the Twelfth District Court on last Saturday, presented a very nice point in regard to the law of partnerships. Lewis Baker and Hyman Josephs were doing business as partners under the name of Lewis Baker, and made a note to Bates for $3000, which was signed “Lewis Baker.” Bates brough suit on the note against Baker alone, who set up in answer a defect of parties, alleging that he could not be used alone as the note was a partnership affair; that Bates knew it to be such; that the firm had a right to use any firm name, and that Josephs should have been sued with him. To this answer the plaintiff filed a demurrer. Judge Norton held that Baker, by signing his own name to the note, was individually liable on it. The fact of a firm using the name of Lewis Baker, might make Josephs also liable; but it did not prevent the individual liability of Baker, even though Bates knew at the time of taking the note that it was for a partnership debt, and that the firm name was “Lewis Baker.” The demurrer to this answer was sustained. – S.F. Times

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 10, 1860, Vol. 1 No.49

On Monday, March 27, (as written), the wife of W.C.R. Smith, Esq of a daughter.

An adjourned Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County was held on Monday, March 5th.
Present, a full Board. The report filed of viewer heretofore appointed to view the road on the Sierra Morena, and also the proposed change in the Whipple Mill road, for the purpose of running said road across the west end of the Engert tract, was adopted, and notices ordered to be made to parties interested to appear at the next regular meeting of the northern portion thereof District No. 4, was considered, and the division made as prayed for.
J.V. Diller, Esq., was authorized to make contract on behalf of the county for repairs necessary on the bridge crossing San Francisquito creek, on the County road.
The County Hospital Committee were empowered by the Board to act in the cases of indigent sick brought to their notice.
Wm. Krysher was appointed Constable of 3d Township.

Bills of F. McCrellish & Co., for $7, and of S. Hovious, for $25 were allowed, and that of Cassenth Eaolyo, for interpreter’s fees in Justice Mee’s Court, was rejected.

The Board then adjourned until the regular meeting, first Monday in May next.

THE COURTS – An extreme dearth of business was the principal feature in legal matters the present court week. Probably there is not a county in the State where a less amount of legal talent was in requisition. And no better evidence can be adduced of the quiet and peaceful character of the citizens of San Mateo County. With all good will towards those who profit by suits at law, we hope to see this state of things continue. We look upon it as the best recommendation our community can give to those who may wish to make this county their home.

The County Court convened for the March term, Monday last, and after a session of about five minutes, adjourned, till the first Monday in July, the next regular term.

In the Probate Court, the report of the Public Administrator in the matter of the estate of Henry Clements, deceased, was filed, and the affairs of the estate having been finally settled, the Administrator was discharged from further responsibility. In the matter of the estate of Nathan Kendrick, deceased, the petition of the Public Administration was denied.
In the Court of Sessions, neither of the Associates being present, and there being no business to come before the Court, it was adjourned for the term.
STATE REGISTRAR - We are indebted to a friend at the State capital for a copy of the report of this officer. It is decidedly one of the richest public documents we ever read. He registrar has tried every argument in his power to procure a general observance of the law relative to the recording of births, deaths and marriages, but without success, and now he has taken up that keen edged weapon, satire, and he ____t with a vengeance. The only recommend____ he makes is that the law be repealed. He has evidently good reason for making such a recommendation, but it seem a pity that it should be done. A regular system of registration, properly carried out, has always been found to be one of the useful and salutary measures ever adopted in a civilized government, and no country exists where it is more necessary than in California. We would observe that the law is not yet repealed, and recommend a commencement of the observance of its provisions in this county. No birth has yet been recorded here – who shall be the first to open the record of births? Let us see.

SAD ACCIDENT – The Marysville Express of the 3d instant, contains the following : Mr. David Rantz, a blacksmith, living at the Indiana Ranch, Yuba county, accidentally shot himself last Wednesday, while in the act of removing a rifle from his wagon. The rifle had been placed in the bottom of the wagon, with the muzzle pointed to the rear end. In attempting to remove it from the hind end of the wagon, he drew it towards him, when the cock caught against the side of the box and discharged. The ball passed through his body, entering the right side near the lungs and came out on the left side near the back bone. Dr. Cannon was called immediately, and dressed the wound, but expresses great doubts of his recovery. Mr. Rantz, went to that place from Marysville. He has a wife and nine children. He is poor, but much respected.

THE CASE OF DR. R.P. CHASE – The case of Dr. R.P. Chase having been called, the counsel for the prosecution said that the counsel had agreed to enter on the case on Wednesday, the 14th inst.; whereupon the Court, Justice Culver, ordered a process for one hundred jurors to be issued, returnable on the above named day, at one P.M. The Court was then adjourned. – S.F. Herald 7th

DISASTROUS FIRE IN SACRAMENTO – A very disastrous conflagration occurred in Sacramento Monday morning, between three and four o’clock, destroying much property. It originated in the rear of the basement of a brick building on the west side of Seventh street, between K and L streets. The building belonged to Mr. Weston, a baker. The Standard gives the following list of losses, as far as had been ascertained: P.J. Toll, loss of building, horses, harness, hay, etc., $10,000; Weston, loss of building, $5,000; D. Morgan, buggies and harness, $2,000; J.H. Stewart, law library and papers, $1,000; Robert Lynch, buggies, harness, etc., $1,500; Messrs. Searles & Bragg, wheelwrights, $2,000; H.M. Bernard $400; J.W. Reeves, $300; Senor Juan Y. Vaseta $200; Mr. Hill, $100; Mr. Browner $100; Mr. Wingate, saloon damaged by water, $200; Robbins & Blanchard, saloon damaged by water, $150 – total $24,950. Mr. Toll’s building was insured for $4,000.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 17, 1860, Vol. 1 No. 50

THE CLOUD REMOVED – Some time since a cloud was raised over the title of the Pulgas Grant, by the announcement that a deed from a daughter of the elder Arguello to the other heirs was defective. Immediately upon discovery of the defect, Mr. Mezes the agent and part owner of the Ranch, dispatched his cotenant Don Jose Ramon Arguello to Spain to procure another deed from his sister. Don Jose returned a few weeks since and brought with him a second deed, perfect in all its parts, thus removing the cloud, and leave the title on this grant among the very best in the State.

DRAWING TOWARDS AN END – The famous old case of Alvin Adam v. Haskell and Woods came up before the Fourth District Court on Saturday, when the following entry was made; Ordered that the funds in the hands of the Receiver, except $4000, be distributed among the creditors. The sum of $4000 to be retained by Receiver, to bide the result of case now pending before the Supreme Court. Books and papers to be deposited with the Clerk to save further expense. S.F. Times

Sheriff’s Sale
By virtue of an order of Sale issued out of the Twelfth Judicial District Court in and for the County of San Mateo and State of California, and to me directed and delivered, for a final judgment and Decree of Foreclosure, rendered in said Court on the eighteenth day of October, A.D. 1856, in favor of JOHN SEARLE and against JOSE DE LA CRUZ SANCHEZ, GEORGE SCARPA, MINGUEL NOE and JOSE DE JESUS NOE; an Intervenor, for the sum of two thousand eight hundred and thirty-four dollars, ($2,834,) together with interest thereon from the date of said judgment, at the rate of three per cent per month; also the sum of two hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty-seven cents, costs and disbursements, I have levied on the following property, to wit:

All the undivided one tenth part of the tract of land known as the Buri Buri Rancho, together with all and singular the privileges and apputenances thereunto belonging; and also all the estate, right, title and interest which the said defendants or either of them had in or to the said premises upon the twenty-second day of June, 1855, (that being the date and delivery of said mortgage, and the recording thereof.) Together with all and singular and tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, rents, issues and profits thereof.

Notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 7th day of April, A.D. 1860, at two o’clock, P.M., I will sell all the right, title and interest of said defendants, or either of them in and to the above described piece or parcel of land, at the door of the Court House of San Mateo County, in Redwood City, at Public Auction, for cash in hand, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said Judgment, interests, and all costs.

Sheriff San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Redwood City, March 16, 1860

NOVEL MODE OF TRANSPORTATION IN THE REDWOODS – The enterprise of some of the shingle dealers in the Redwoods has brought out a rather unusual mode, at least for this section of country, of bringing their goods to market. It consists of a train of mules with pack-saddles, each mule carrying three bunches of shingles, estimated to contain two hundred and fifty each. Nine thousand shingles were thus brought down from the mountains the early part of last week to one of the wharves. This is the first carrying of the kind that has been done. We are informed that the plan is a speedy and much more economical one than the old plan, which was to bring them on wagons, after much time and labor were expended in getting the shingles from the gulches with unwieldy oxen. Now, the mules are loaded at the gulches, and make but a single trip to Redwood City, saving more than half the usual time of a trip with oxen. A second train similar to the one above mentioned, is being got up, and will be in operation in a few days.

SENTENCE OF DEATH – Judge McKune, of Sacramento, has passed sentence of death upon Peter Lundburg, convicted of the murder of J.P. Ritzz. It was in the following words:

“You are to be taken to the place from whence you came, and there be kept in close confinement, until Friday, the 13th day of April, 1860, and then be taken from there between the hours of twelve and one o’clock, and hung by the neck until you are dead, and may God have mercy upon your soul.” As the Judge concluded the sentence he could hardly speak.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 24, 1860, Vol. 1 No. 51

Notice to Creditors

In the County Court of the County of San Mateo, of the State of California.

In the matter of the Petition of NEILS IVERSON, an Insolvent Debtor.

Pursuant to an order of the Hon. Benj. F. Fox, Judge of the said County Court, notice is hereby given to all the creditors of the said Insolvent, Neils Iverson, to be and appear before the Hon. B.F. Fox, County Judge aforesaid, at the Court Room of said Court, in Redwood City, County of San Mateo, on the twenty-third day of April, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, at ten o’clock A.M., of that day, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of said Insolvent should not be granted, and an assignment of his estate be made and he be discharged from his debts and liabilities, in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided; and in the mean time all proceedings against said insolvent be stayed.

Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court,
This 21st day of March, A.D. 1860
McCabe& Fox, Att’ys for Petitioner

We attended the examination of the scholars in this school on Tuesday, and were highly pleased with their apparent progress in the various branches of learning in which they were examined. The respective classes had evidently studied hard and were well prepared for the examination. Nor did they seemed to have confined their studies to particular parts for the occasion. Questions in explanation of their studies, giving proof of their thorough understanding of them, were given promptly and satisfactorily to the visitors.

The scholars in this school are all quite young, but few being over the age of twelve years, and but little could therefore be expected of them. We think the examination was very creditable to them, and to their teacher.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 31, 1860, Vol. 1 No.52

CONVICTED. – Wm. Maguire was on Monday last convicted before Justice Turner of the crime of petit larceny and sent to the county jail for ten days.  Maguire got on a spree and helped himself to boots from the shop of J.C. Edgar.

SHOCKING SUICIDE – On Monday last, a man named Joegker, committed suicide at the Mission Dolores, near San Francisco, in the “Nightingale” hotel, under the following circumstances:  A few moments after eight o’clock the report of a pistol was heard to proceed from the room occupied by the wretched man, and on opening the door, he was found in a sitting posture, perfectly dead.    ………

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(Late O’Meara and Painter,) DEALER IN
And PRINTERS’ STOCK, generally,
132 Clay street, near Sansome, San Francisco

Wm. Faulkner & Son
Dealers in
123 Sansome street, co. Merchant, San Francisco
à Printers are invited to make our acquaintance

McCabe & Fox
OFFICES – 101Merchant Street, San Francisco,
And in the Court-house, Redwood City
James McCabe San Francisco
Chas, N. Fox, Redwood City

H.A. Schofield,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office – Corner Third and A streets

Bernard Peyton
San Mateo County
(Belmont Post office.)

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