San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
April 1860
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 7, 1860, Vol. 2 No.1

“Canada de Raymundo” Patent
All persons are hereby notified that the Patent issued by the United States Government to Maria Louisa Greet and Manuella Coppinger, for the Rancho of “Canada de Raymundo,” will be exhibited before the Twelfth District Court in San Mateo County, at the Court House in Redwood City on Monday the 16th day of April 1860, for the purpose of obtaining an order of said Court as to its being a genuine document.
By request of
B.G. Lathrop, County Recorder, San Mateo County
Redwood City, March 26th, 1860


We have seen glowing and brilliant descriptions of every mining and agricultural district in California, whose resources and facilities of every description would in any wise justify a work in its praise, but never have we seen a sentence in regard to the beautiful section of country, the most common name for which, heads this article.  We deem this a neglect which should be corrected, and we esteem it our duty and a pleasant privilege to give out readers a description, imperfect though it may be, of one of the most remarkable fertile agricultural districts that it is possible to conceive, and upon which Nature seems to have lavished in the utmost profusion, her choicest gifts.

The county is the western slop of what are laid down on the official map as the Santa Clara and Sierra Morena mountains, and may be said to average about two miles and a half in width by about twelve miles in length, composed of the western portions of the ranchos Corral de Tierra and Canada Verde y Arroyo Purissima.

Half-moon Bay, from which this section derives its name, is near the northern portion of it, and forms the shore of about one-third of its extent.

The northern portion of the slop is occupied by the rancho of J.D. Denniston, Esq., which is probably one of the most productive ranches of its kind, namely, for grain and stock-raising, in California.  The ground is fertile beyond all comparison and is composed of valleys and uplands upon which grain and all descriptions of farm produce grown most luxuriantly.  Cattle of all descriptions in excellent condition are grazing upon the immense pastures.  A promising feature in the business of this ranch is not an animal of the cattle kind is sold – they are all retained upon the ranch, and must in a short time, with their increase make their proprietor the heaviest cattle-owner on the Pacific coast.  Some accounts of the yield of grain and produce, were we to give them, would cause our eastern farmers to stare with astonishment, and will scarcely be credited by the people nearer home.  We will therefore simply allude to some of them in connection with remarkable productions in other parts of the valley.  At Mr. Denniston’s, during our short stay, we were a participant in an amusement the most exciting we have witnessed for many a day, and a full description of which would only be done justice to by the pen of W___es of the “Spirit,” in the columns of which would rival the hunting adventures of the most __re-devil sportsmen.  This amusement was nothing less than a wild-cat hunt.  The day was somewhat wet, but, notwithstanding, the ardent hunters, Don Prudencio de Haro, Messrs, Whitcomb and Bishop, and ourself, forming the party, sallied forth, following the baying pack, among which were seven fine fox-hounds.   Our course lay up a deep canyon, the trail skirting a thicket of willow and undergrowth of several hundred yards in width, through which meandered a steam whose continuous flow rendered the ground marshy and the vegetation thick – a fine resort for all kinds of smaller game.  On either side rose majestic hills, (elsewhere than in California they would be termed mountains,) upon whose sides and summits the cattle seemed mere pigmies.  In a short time the deep baying of the hounds indicated their scent of the track, and as each one scented the game and followed on, the far-off echoes, resounded with the cry, and with the sounding horn, and the hunters’ hallo, formed a scene to eclipse an English fox-chase.  Away the party followed in hot pursuit.  They have him ! resounded from the foremost hunter.  And after a gallop of a short distance, sure enough, there he was – a wild-cat in a tree-top, with the clamorous pack beneath.  Previously these animals were hunted for the sport alone, their skins only being saved, but on this occasion, hazardous as the undertaking appeared, the party were resolved to secure the cat alive.  Accordingly, a rope was arranged with a running noose, a forked pole cut for the purpose, and while his catship stared with glowing eye and threatening growl down upon the pack and the daring hunters, the noose was placed about his neck, and after much struggling on the part of the animal, with imminent danger to the hunters, he was safely bagged in a gunny-sack brought for the purpose, and carried in triumph to the ranch.  This was an achievement of which the oldest hunter might well be proud, and would be attempted by but few.  Bidding a reluctant adieu to the hospitable acting host, (Mr. Denniston being absent) we pursued our journey.

Passing along the sea-shore, about four miles, over the rich farm which reach to the very water’s edge, we arrived at Spanish Town.  This was originally a settlement of the older California residents, but is now a thriving village and a business point, increasing in importance.  A grist mill is in process of erection on the Pillarcitos creek in this place, by the brothers Halstead.  It is to have two run of stone, and will be propelled by waterpower.  From this point to the Purissima creek, including the summits and sides of the adjacent hills, are a continuation of farms and farming land excelling in very respect any land in California, if not the world, not excepting the far-famed __dega valley, which resembles it in location and in other respects, but to which in quality of soil, (as we are informed by farmers who were formerly residents in the Bodega country,) it is far  superior.  On several farms in this locality, where particular attention has been paid to the raising of certain kinds of grain and vegetables, yields have been obtained which would seem almost fabulous.  About five miles from the Pillarcitos, is the Purissima, Creek, a perennial steam, running through a valley of surpassing productiveness, with farms along its entire length to the mountains, which are covered with redwood timber.  Here again, Nature has provided abundantly for the wants of the inhabitants of the valley, for although along the entire slope very little timber is to be obtained or seen, yet at the distance of about three miles up this creek vast quantities of the finest redwood timer are to be found, easily accessible, and fully answering the purposes to which timber can be applied, and that too at the most favorable point for being worked to advantage.  At the head of the Purissima valley is located a saw-mill owned by Hon. D.W. Connelly, which is in continual operation, and supplies lumber for the whole district.  Below the Purissima, the country becomes more hilly to the southern boundary of the county, althou the land is equally susceptible of cultivation, even to the summits of the highest hills, where it is common to see farms many hundred feet above the sea level, near the precipitous shores of which they are located.  This would seem very remarkable to those living on the eastern slope of the same mountains, where the high lands are in summer parched and dry, but it is easily realized when we are reminded that there is no excessive heat upon the western side, owing to the fogs, which immediately upon the opening of spring, take the place of the winter rains, and thus the ground is continually supplied with moisture.  The verdure is consequently prolonged during the entire year over this whole western slope, and grazing for cattle is therefore abundant.

The people of the valley frequently obtain large quantities of oil from the seals on the coast, with but little trouble.  It is equal in many respects to the whale oil, and is generally used for like purposes.

While in the valley we were shown real wonders in the vegetable kingdom, and by undeniable authority were made acquainted with facts which will better illustrate the prolific nature of the soil than would a whole volume of description.  Eight acres of land produced in the aggregate twelve hundred and sixteen bushels of barley, or an average of one hundred and fifty-two bushels to the acre.  Upon one farm potatoes were raised averaging two hundred bushels to the acre.  The average yield of wheat throughout the valley the past year was not less than forty-five bushels to the acre, and over ninety bushels were realized on a single acre.  Oats, twelve feet in height.  Carrots, measuring over six inches in diameter, at the largest an over one inch at the smaller end, two and a half feet in length.  Beets weighing eighty pounds – the latter growing with but a small portion in the ground, and standing in the garden enclosure more like stumps of well grown trees than vegetables.  Upon the south bank of the Lobitos creek, as we ascended, we observed an enormous mushroom, and on measuring it found it to be nine inches in diameter.  We also saw in the field of Mr. H. Hamilton, on the San Gregorio, upon the space of about five yard square, ninety, which averaged six inches in diameter.

Such are among the enormous productions of this remarkable region.  The soil throughout the entire slope is a black loam, and appears inexhaustible, averaging a depth of from eighteen inches to three feet.

The general market for the produce is at San Francisco, to which shipments are made from two landing on the coast, one of which is at Denniston’s ranch, and another, which is rather novel in its construction of which Mr. Van Carnap (? tear in paper) is proprietor.  The mode of loading and discharging vessels at this place, which is we believe near Miramontez Point, is by means of hawser stretched from the shore to a rock in the sea.  The articles to be shipped are placed in a sling, and by means of a drag rope are drawn along the hawser to the vessel, which is anchored in a suitable position to receive its freight.  This is novel but very convenient method, and it not without merit.

We have thus endeavored to describe, feeble though the description may be, one of the most favored regions we have ever visited, and were we gifted with the greatest descriptive powers we would then feel our utter inability to do the subject entire justice.  A clear idea of things as they there exist cannot be well obtained except by seeing them.  It is a country where Nature in her most generous mood has scattered her choicest gifts, where all that man can require is obtainable, and where the great Arbiter of all things has spread before his reasoning creatures all that heart can desire, as if to invite their utmost gratitude.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 14, 1860, Vol. 2 No.2

MR. D. LUNT MISSING – We learn from the San Francisco Herald, that Mr. Lunt, the late schoolteacher in this District, has been missing since the 5th instant.  He had several hundred dollars upon his person at that time, and fears are entertained that he has been foully dealt with for the sake of getting possession of his money.  He is between thirty-five and forty years of age, about five foot seven inches high, light complexion, dark brown hair, cut short, full round face and dark eyes.

CALENDAR FOR APRIL TERM, Twelfth District Court – Commencing Monday April 16:
People vs. G.F. Wyman
People vs. D.S. Terry
Horace Hawes vs. John Brophy, et al
Wm. Martin vs J.V. Diller, et al
C. Lux, et al., vs T. Frawley, et al.
C. Lux, et al., vs. C.Clark, et. Al
Horace Hawes vs. Silas Hovious
Horace Hawes vs. Silas Hovious, et al.
Horace Hawes vs. J.W. & M.L. Brittan
Laban Langley vs. Silas Hovious
Richard E. Collins vs. John Langan, et al.
M. Comerferd vs. Dupuy & Cabannes
John D. Havens vs John Adcock, et al.
John D. Havens vs. Geo. Dale, et al.
John Parrott vs. San Mateo County, et al.
J. Mora Moss vs. A. Haraszthy, et al.
Maximo Martinez vs. S.L. Mastick, et al.

TRIAL JURORS APRIL TERM TWELTH DISTRICT COURT – The following is a list of names of the trial jurors for the ensuing term of the Twelfth District Court for the County of San Mateo, to convene on Monday next:
Milton Irish
Ai. Willard
C. Bolinger
John Hanley
J.C. Allen
W.G. Jones
J.P. Edinger
D.W. Aldrich
J.J. Roberts
C. Hanson
Marion Diggs
Geo. B. White
D.W. Sampson
A. Bailard
A. Eikernkotter
W.K. Emerson
Nick. Devereaux
Thos. McCoy
H. Hamilton
G.F. Maynard
Jas. Johnston
J.G. Cooper
Andrew Martin
Geo. Harrington
J.O. Shaw
Daniel Lunt
Amos French
J.E. King
G.R. Avery

Declaration as Sole Trader
County of San Mateo
On this Twenty-Eighth day of March, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, personally appeared before me B.G. Lathrop, County Clerk in and for said County, CATHERINE PRIOR, wife of Charles Prior, who on being duly sworn makes the following declaration:  That from this date henceforth she intends to carry on business in her own name and on her own account.  That said business to be carried on is that of general merchandize and commission, to be carried on at present in Redwood City, County of San Mateo, and that in carrying on said business, she will be personally responsible on her own account for all debts contract ed by her on account of her said business or trade, and that the full amount of capital invested in said business does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, ($5000.)
Subscribed and sworn before me this twenty eight day of March A.D. 1859
Redwood City

MOUNTAIN DELL DIVISION, SONS OF TEMPERANCE – The following officers were installed on Saturday Evening, 7th inst., to serve the present term:
L. Williams, W.P.; John Greer, W.A.; Wilson Whitlock, R.S.; J.D. Rose, A.R.S.; Robert Peterson, F.S.; James Gibbs, R.; Wm. Lasswell, C.; Wm. Walker, A.C.; John Jamieson, I.S.; J.P. Ross, O.S.; Wm. Sperlock, Chaplain.
Charles N. Fox, Esq., will lecture before the Division at their hall, Woodside, on Sunday, 15th inst., at 3 o’clock P.M.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 21, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 3

To the Hon. Edward Norton, Judge of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of California and to Charles D. Judah, Esq., former District Attorney of San Mateo County, and in said District.  You will please take notice that thirty days after service of this notice I will make application to his Excellency John G. Downey, Governor of the State of California, for the pardon of Madison James, who was convicted of the crime of murder in the second degree at the December Term, A.D. 1857, of said Court, held in and for the county of San Mateo, and sentenced by said Court on the 30th day of December, A.D. 1857, to imprisonment in the State’s prison for the term of ten years.
We hereby acknowledge service of the foregoing notice.
Edward Norton
Judge Twelfth District
C.N. Fox
Present Dist. Att’y, San Mateo County
C.D. Judah
Late Dist. Att’y, San Mateo County
April 9th, 1860

Twelfth District Court, San Mateo County. – The following is the disposition of the calendar for the April term:
The People vs. G.W. Wyman – Stay of proceedings vacated
The People vs. D.S. Terry – Continued.
M.L. Brittan vs. San Mateo County – Demurrer sustained
James Graves vs. John Caldwell – Motion for a Writ of Assistance denied.
H.F. Teschmacher et al vs. Thompson et al – New trail ordered.
Horace Hawes vs. John Brophy et al – Judgment for plaintiff
W. Martin vs. J.V. Diller et al – Continued
C. Lux et al vs T. Frewley et al – Continued
C. Lux et al. vs. C. Clark, et al – Continued
Horace Hawes vs S. Hovious – Continued
Laban Langley vs. S. Hovious – Judgment for plaintiff
M. Commerford vs Dupuy and Cabannes – Judgment for defendants
John Parrott vs San Mateo County – continued
Wm. Martin vs. D.R. Jones – Continued
Currie & Richardson vs. Gardiner & Templeton – Order for Execution, to pay Sheriff’s bill of keeper’s fees.
John D. Havens vs John Adcock et al – Tried by the Court – to be submitted on briefs
John D. Havens vs Geo. Dale et al – Verdict for plaintiff against Sampson and Bacon, and for defendants Dale and Southerland.

To the Hon. Edward Norton, Judge of the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District, in and for the County of San Mateo; and C.N. Fox, Esq., District Attorney of San Mateo:
You are hereby notified that it is the intention of the undersigned to apply to his Excellency the Governor of California for the pardon of Geo. F. Wyman, convicted of the crime of Manslaughter at the August term of the above court in A.D. 1859, and sentenced to the State Prison for the period of one year.
April 16th, A.D. 1860
Due service of the above notice is hereby admitted this 16th day of April, A.D. 1860.
Due service of the above notice is hereby admitted this 16th day of April, A.D. 1860 C.N. Fox
Dis’t Att’y of San Mateo County

The public are requested to take notice, that the undersigned will start upon his Summer Tour on the First of May, next.  All who desire to secure a Good Likeness, either in the form of a Photograph, Ambrotype, or Melainotype, can procure it by applying before that time, at his Gallery, nearly opposite the schoolhouse, Redwood City.
Redwood City, April 14, 1860 

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 28, 1860, Vol. 2 No.4

APPLICATIONS FOR PARDON. -  The Judge of the Twelfth District and the District Attorney have been notified of an intended application to the Governor for the pardon of G.F. Wyman, and petitions are now actively circulating in that behalf.  Applications is also about to be made for the pardon of Madison James, who was sent two years ago from this county, to the State prison for ten years.

APPLICATION IN INSOLVENCY. -  On Monday last application was made to Hon. B.F. Fox, County Judge, in chambers, by Neils Iverson, to be discharged from his debts.  The sheriff was appointed assignee.  Liabilities, $1400; assets, nothing.

NEW SUPPLIES. – We observed last week a large supply of new goods on Diller’s wharf, just arrived from San Francisco, and destined for the store of Tripp & Parkhurst, Woodside.  This firm is supply large quantities of goods to the people of their neighborhood.  Wm. Page, of Searsville is also providing like supplied to the denizens of Searville and vicinity in quantities which are gradually increasing.  These facts are palpable indications of the increasing population and business in the Redwoods, notwithstanding the continuous cry, which, by the way, has been prevalent for the past four years, that the timber is “worked out.”  These same fact also show, (which gives us real pleasure to note,) that the firms above mentioned are doing well.  We wish them success.

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