San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
June 1860
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 2, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 9

Redwood City to San Francisco
The Proprietor of the above line informs the traveling Public that he has made permanent arrangement to run a Daily Stage to and from San Francisco after this date, leave each place as follows:
Leaves Redwood City every morning, at seven o’clock, arriving in San Francisco at 11 ½ A.M.
Returning, will leave San Francisco, (from the southwest corner of Clay and Kearny street,) at two o’clock, P.M., arrive in Redwood City at 6 ½
ELIAS ERNEST, Proprietor,
Redwood City, May 19, 1859

THE COUNTY’S PROGRESS. – We remark a number of new houses and enclosures in the valley to the west of Redwood City, which have been lately put up by new comers into this county.  There is an air permanence and progress in the improvements we noticed, which gave cheering evidence of the still increasing growth of the county, both as regard wealth and population.  There is yet plenty of good land obtainable in San Mateo county at low prices, and what with the low taxes, good soil, health climate, and the near proximity of the great mart, San Francisco, there is not a more desirable location for a home for farmers in this State than in San Mateo county.

Telegraphic dispatches from Carson Valley to San Francisco, May 30, state “the Pony Express has been cut off.  The stations are mostly burned and the stock has been driven off.  No one has any hopes that it will arrive, and it is not believed that the last one went through.
 In the skirmish yesterday, near Willows’ the Indians invited the volunteers out before breakfast.  Six Indians were killed.  The Indians were prepared and anxious to fight in every direction.  The disturbance extends far toward Salt Lake as we can learn, and fears for the southern country are also entertained.”
 The follow account of the battle of the 29th is given by Dr. R. Bell, who accompanies the volunteers as surgeon:
 “This morning, about nine o’clock, the Indians appears on the hills.  At the same time we learned that Captain Fleeson’s company had been cut off.  Colonel Hays, with a portion of our forces, hastened to their relief, and found two of the parties wounded, one in the thigh, the other in the chest – both slightly.  We had a smart brush with about two hundred Indians, completely routing them.  We do not know how many of them are killed.  They fought shy.  None of our men were killed.  Some horses were wounded.  Colonel Hays ordered his forces into camp, as he did not wish to ear down his horses, following them through the deep sands.  We now number about five hundred men.

TROUTING – The most delicious fish known to epicures are the mountain trout found in great abundance in the various steams having their source in the Sierra Morena and the adjacent hills.  On the banks of the Purissima, San Mateo, and many other fine streams, the Isaac Waltons, are now having rare sport with these finny delicacies, and almost every evening they many be seen carrying home long strings of them, which are by no means an unpleasant sight – suggestive of rare sport at the brookside.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 9, 1860, Vol. 2 No.10

Half-Moon Bay
I have the pleasure of Informing the residents of Half-moon Bay and vicinity that hereafter they can buy their goods at home on favorable terms.  The Stock will consist of a complete and extensive assortment of fresh and desirable Goods, and they will be sold
Call and examine for yourselves.  Satisfaction is guaranteed to all who may favor us with their trade.  We have
CLOTHING of every description, for Men and Boys’ wear.  DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES, TINWARE and STOVES.  The Stock of LIQUORS is extensive, and for quality cannot be excelled in the country.
à Grain and all kinds of Produce will be purchased at the highest market rates and be paid for in goods, or in cash.

NEW STORE AT HALF-MOON BAY. – The attention of our friends at Spanishtown and Half-Moon Bay is called to the advertisement of H.S. Bidwell, in another column.  A good store on the coast has long been needed for the accommodation of the numerous inhabitants of that vicinity, and we hope they may find in Mr. Bidwell’s establishment all that could be wished for.  We also wish the proprietor success in his enterprise.

James Mee, Esq., Justice of the Peace, First Township, has been appointed Deputy Marshall for this county to take the census for 1860.  His duties commenced on the 1st instant; and in order that the people may be prepared to promptly respond to the questions which the law requires to be asked, we subjoin them:
 In the first place it is necessary to write down the name of every person whose usual place of abode, on the first day of June, 1860, was in the family.
 The age of each, sex and color, whether white, black or mulatto.
 Profession, occupation or trade of each male person, over fifteen years of age.
 Value of real estate owned.
 Place of birth, naming the State, Territory or country.
 Married within the year.
 Attending school within the year.
 Persons over twenty years of age that cannot read or write.
 Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiot, pauper or convict.
 Name of owner, agent or manager of the farm.
 Number of improved acres.
 Number of unimproved acres.
 Cash value of farm.
 Value of farming implements and machinery.
 Live stock on hand, June 1st, 1860, viz: number of horses, mules and assess, working oxen, milk cows, and other cattle, swine and sheep.
 Value of live stock.
 Value of animals slaughtered during the year.
 Produce during the year ending June 1st, 1860, viz: number of bushels of wheat, rye, Indian corn, oats, beans and peas, buckwheat, barley, Irish potatoes, pounds of wool and pounds of tobacco.
 Value of ore land products in dollars.
 Gallons of wine, value of produce in market, garden, pounds of butter, pounds of cheese, tons of hay, bushels of clover seed and bushels of grass seeds, pounds of hops, pounds of sugar, gallons of molasses, pounds of honey and beeswax, value of home-made manufactures.
 Name of corporation, company or individual, producing articles to the value of $500.
 Name of business, manufacture of product.
 Capital invested in real estate and personal estate in the business.
 Ray material used, including fuel, viz: quantities, values, kinds of motive power, machinery, structure of resource.
 Average number of hands employed, viz: male, female, average monthly cost of female labor.
 Annual product, viz: quantities, kinds, values.
 Names of every person who died during the year ending June 1st, 1860, whose usual place of abode was in the family, the age, sex and color, whether white, black or mulatto, married or widowed, place of birth naming state, territory or county, the month in which the person died, profession, occupation or trade, disease or the cause of death.

Monday, June 4th, 1860
The Board of Supervisors met this day, pursuant to adjournment.
Present, J.V. Diller, M. Wolf, and R.S. Thornton.
The petition for a public road commencing near Col. Haraszthy’s gate, Canada San Andreas, thence up the mountain to a point near Wilsey’s, thence down to the house of James Pease, was considered, and H.S. Loveland, Geo. F. Maynard, and D.W. Connelly, were appointed to view, locate and report upon the practicability of said road.
 The report of viewers on San Mateo and Crystal Spring road not having been made in accordance with law, it was ordered that they review the road, and have the County Surveyor survey and mark it out as it may be located, and that the District Attorney shall advise with said viewers in making their report.
 The First and Third School Districts were divided to form District No. 5, with the following boundaries: commencing at the house of J.P. Edinger, thence to Haraszthy’s; thence to Morgan’s; thence to Mrs. Harrington’s; thence to Dougherty’s; thence to place of beginning.  All the boundaries named to be included in the Fifth District.
 Bill of A.T. McClure $50, and bill of Wm. Godfrey, $16.50 were allowed.
 Notice from State Treasurer to County Treasurer was presented, showing $33.95 to be in the State Treasury subject to the order of the Board, and the County Treasurer was accordingly ordered to draw said sum and place it to the creid of the Indigent Sick fund of the county.
 C.N. Fox and B.G. Lathrop were appointed to examine and ascertain the best locations which can be made of school lands, and to secure and locate in other counties if the quantity belonging to this county cannot be found within its boundaries.
 C.N. Fox and J.V. Diller were appointed to inquire into and relieve the condition of _______Goodwin, (if necessary) who was represented to be in a suffering condition.
 Ordered, that notice be published of an election to take place the second Tuesday in July next, for subscription to the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad, and that the Clerk of this Board have ballots prepared as the law provides.  Also, that the places for holding this election and the Judges be the same as at the last general election, except that Burns John precinct, which is hereby abolished, and in the First precinct, the place for holding the said election shall be changed to the schoolhouse recently erected therein.
 The Board then adjourned, to meet the first Monday in July next.

IMPORTANT DECISION. _ The U.S. Supreme Court has decided adversely to the claimants of the Gonzales Rancho tract, on the Pescadero, in this county.  Three leagues of this tract is declared to be public land, and the squatters upon it feeling secure in their occupancy will now commence the work of improvement.  This is a valuable scope of country, and will add much to the wealth of this county. – Santa Cruz Sentinel.

ERRATUM. – We were in error last week, in stating that the new grist-mill of Mr. Morrison was to be completed in July.  It will not be in operation until about the end of August.

LUMBER BUSINESS RECOMMENCED. – Last week the lumber teams began making their appearance in town from the mountains.  The roads are now in good condition, and we expect soon to see the wharves of Redwood City again replenished with the immense piles of lumber which we are wont to see during the summer season.  The arrival of ox-teams in Redwood City may be aptly compared, in point of general interest and importance to our locality, with the steamer arrivals in San Francisco.

DEATH OF EX-SENATOR HAUN. – Judge H.P. Haun, late United States Senator, died at his brother’s residence, in Marysville, about 10 o’clock, June 6.  On Sunday last, Judge Haun was in good health.  He was last Autumn appointed by Gov. Weller U.S. Senator in place of Mr. Broderick, and was superseded by Mr. Latham, in March last.

THE PERJURY CASE. – The case of Joseph Brothers, San Francisco, accused of perjury, has been concluded in the Police Court, in so far as the tribunal is concerned.  After hearing a mass of testimony as to the estimated value of the stock of goods in the store, the Police Judge ordered the case to be transferred to the Court of Sessions, and fixed the bail of respondents at $1500.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 16, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 11

Information Wanted
Of the whereabouts of Zenas Nash, Jr., formerly of Ann Arbor, Michigan.  If living, information of his address will benefit him, and confer a lasting obligation on an aged father.  If dead, legal proof of the fact is desired, and all expense incurred in procuring and sending it to me will be promptly paid.
Redwood City, June 14, 1860

DEPUTY ASSESSOR. – Mr. Thomas W. Lathrop has been appointed by J.D. Rose, as his deputy in assessing the property in this county.  We believe no better selection could have been made, as to qualification, and none we are certain, which would have been more satisfactory to the people.  Mr. L. has had experience in the office elsewhere.  Already we see a vast improvement in the assessment roll compared to last year, and the Treasury will show it when the taxes are collected.

THE GOLDEN ERA. – This valuable California literary newspaper is now in the hands of Messrs. Lawrence & Brooks, gentlemen known to the public as able writers.  Under their management the Era will receive that attention which will insure its prosperity, and maintenance in the front rank among the journals of the day.  We had read the Era since 1853, and always with pleasure.

TRY HIM. – Mr. C.P. Fessenden, ambrotypist, we neglected to state last week, has gone upon his summer tour through the country and will remain some time among our friends on the coast.  Mr. F. is a courteous and worthy gentleman, and deserves encouragement, both as a man and as an artist.  His pictures will compare favorably with the best in San Francisco.  Those who get one from him will have no cause to be dissatisfied.  Try him.

REMOVED. – The telegraph office, Redwood City, has been removed from the American Hotel to the store of Mr. A. Livingston, Bridge street, where communications by lightning will be promptly attended to.

CASE OF JUDGE TERRY. – The application for a change of venue in the above named case was argued this morning in the Fourth District Court, before Judge Hager.  Judge Campbell, acting as District Attorney, appeared for the People, and Messrs Hoge and Crittenden for the applicant.  The matter was taken under advisement by his Honor, and a decision will be rendered on Monday next.  – Telegram 8th inst.

WE WANT A PREACHER. – It is a sad truth that the people in this neighborhood are without a minister to their spiritual wants.  True they have occasionally a visit from some of the brotherhood of organized churches, but these visits are by far too unfrequent to be of practical benefit.  The Methodist church has appointed a pastor for this district, but notwithstanding the community have always shown themselves well disposed to support and pay a preacher of some ability, they are furnished yearly with the very poorest tools of the Lord, and these only visit Redwood City semi-occasionally, and when they do, although the cannot impose upon themselves so great a penance as to hear out their “discourse.”  There are over thirty families in this place and its immediate neighborhood, who would gladly attend service each Sunday, if a preacher of more than mediocre ability were their pastor.  They do not desire “sensation” preaching, but they want sensible sermons, a minister who will merit their respect.  Who will send such a one ?  no matter what denomination, let him come.

A “HIGH OLD” PROCEEDING. – In the Justice’s Court, Third Township, last week, a jury of twelve, after hearing the case before them, and having retired to determine on a verdict, disagreed, a seven of them left the jury room, as some say, “in disgust.”  This is the first proceeding of the kind that ever came under our notice, and we hope it will be the last.  We think it a bad precedent, as, whatever may have been the cause or excuse for such a step, respect for the tribunals of which the jury were a part and for the laws which are the common safeguard, they should have rendered a verdict, or at least have signified to the Court their inability to do so.

HUNG BY THE PEOPLE. – The Mexican who violated and then murdered a little girl at Knight’s Ferry on the evening of the 7th inst., paid the penalty of his infamy the next day, by being hung by the people.  After arresting the offender, says the San Joaquin Republican, the people were divided in regard to what disposition should be made of him – one party insisting on burning him, another on hanging, and a third, by far the fewest in number, wishing to hand him over to the authorities for trial.  Those who favored hanging being largely in the ascendant, they lost no time in swinging the prisoner into eternity.  The Mexican was named Antonio Rues, and his victim, Walther.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

San Mateo, San Mateo County,
H. Husing, respectfully announces to the people of San Mateo County that he has lately opened a Grocery and General Merchandise Store at San Mateo, and stocked it with a large and complete assortment of Goods to meet the wants of the community.  The stock consists, in part, of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Agricultural Implements, Ladies and Children’s Goods, Fancy Goods, and Provision of all kinds.  Also – Wines, Liquors, Beer, Ale, etc.
Goods can be bought Cheaper at this Store than in any other in the County.
H. Husing
San Mateo, Dec. 31. 1859
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Redwood City
All descriptions of Wagon-making and Black-smithing done in the most substantial and workmanlike manner at moderate prices and at the shortest notice.  All work entrusted to them will be guaranteed to give entire satisfaction.
Horse-shoeing and Wagon-Ironing
Promptly Attended to
Wagons and Carriages
Made to order or repaired
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Departures Tri-Monthly.
1st, 11th and 21st of each month.
Will leave San Francisco on the 30th June, (1st of July being Sunday,) with Mails, Freight and Passengers, For New York and New Orleans.
A Steamship will be dispatched on the 11th and 21st July; and after these dates; on the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 23, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 12

In Redwood City, June 15th, the wife of W.C. Crook, Esq., of a daughter.

COURT OF SESSIONS. – This Court will convene on Thursday, July 5th.  The following is a list of the jurors drawn for the term:
Grand Jury – Wm. H. Lyon, B. Kennerson, John W. Locker, Oliver McAvoy, H. Pullen, Col. Jakes, Wm. Lasswell, Alex. Stott, T. Finger, W.C.R. Smith, D. Little, C. Baird, W. Buckland, D.S. Cook, E.F. Beal, Wm. Denham
Trial Jurors – J. Rand, C. Huflaker, J.E. Selleck, Wm. Quarterman, A. McCormick, S.F. Ahe, Robert Patton, W.A. Clark, Sam’l White, F. O’Brien, Thos. Wheaton, R.S. Eaton, M.H. Colby, H.S. Loveland, J.C. McLeod, R.H. Hatch, William Rayner, R. Murphy, L. O’Neil, J.G. Moore, F.J. Pierce, G. Kendall, W. Squires, Jas. Wood

MAN MORTALLY WOUNDED. – A warrant was issued on Thursday last, by Justice Teague, for the arrest of one Garville, who was accused of an attempt to kill a Mexican on the ranch of Nicolas Martinez, three miles from Searsville.  Garville has fled.  We have been unable to learn particulars.

LOOK AT OUR ADVERTISEMENTS. – Our friends will no doubt be pleased to see that our advertising patronage is rapidly increasing.  This is the best possible indication of the prosperity of a newspaper.  Should the press of advertisements continue, we must soon enlarge.
 Quincy Hall, San Francisco, is the largest clothing establishment on the Pacific coast, and the house has become justly celebrated as a place to buy goods cheaply.
 Hixson’s Carpet store can furnish the best articles to be found in San Francisco.  We have tried it, and know.
 O.F. Giffen & Bro. Have a fine assortment of pyrotechnic goods for celebrating Independence Day.
 Our friends Blackman & Morrison have established themselves in the wholesale liquor business, 41 Commercial street.  If long experience and good judgment in a business are a criterion, a good article is always obtainable at this place.
 Mills & Franklin have recovered from their misfortunes by fire, and are again at work, manufacturing lumber.  Their indomitable spirit deserves success.

BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING. – The immediate benefit derived from advertising is only conceded by those who have proven the efficacy of thus applying directly to the public eye and ear through the great medium, the press.  Here is an instance of its great effects.  Thousands such, are daily occurring, which we make no not of, and we allude to this only because of its peculiarity.  It may have been noticed that an advertisement appeared in out paper, last week, asking information as to Zenas Nash, jr., formerly of Ann Arbor, Michigan.  The same was inserted in a San Francisco paper, and within three days information was forwarded to the advertiser, advising him of Nash’s abode in Mexico.  For more than a year past, the friends of Mr. Nash were endeavoring by every other means to find him, but without success.  Friends in California were written to, search made in all direction by individuals and through letters, but without success.  He was long thought to be dead.  Thousands of dollars were depending upon learning of his fate, and of course the search was thorough, yet after all this expense and time lost, a little advertisement finds him in three days.

NEW POSTOFFICES. – Now that Congress has passed the Postoffice Appropriation bill, we hope that the people of the more remote portions of this county will be furnished with the postoffices for which they petitioned two years since, and which were not allowed on account of the omission of last Congress to vote postoffice appropriations.  The citizens of the Halfmoon Bay country, the entire western and other portions of San Mateo county, are totally without postoffices, and are of necessity obliged to pay from their private purses for the conveyance of mail matter.  This has been a heavy tax to then, and when the fact is considered that a numerous class of the very life of our country, namely, farmers, are thus compelled to employ privately what should be furnished at public expense, and for which they pay a tax into the public treasury, it exhibits to say the least, a shameful neglect of the wants of the people.

LEND HIM YOUR ASSISTANCE. – If persons business at a distance from their dwelling houses will leave with their families a statement giving the information required by law, as published by us two weeks since, it will greatly facilitate the work of the Census-Marshal, and save that officer much trouble.

THE OUTGOING PASSENGERS. – Every seat was taken by through passengers for the East, in the next four stages after the one which left on the 15th.  No seats can therefore be engaged, for through passage, prior to the 29th inst.

FINE GRAIN. – A very large crop of grain will be harvested in San Mateo county the present season, even greater both in quantity and quality than was produced last year.

THE DASHAWAY PICNIC. – The picnic “came off” Wednesday last, as arranged, and a large number of persons enjoyed themselves on the occasion in the woods near Ravenswood.  Bur for the sad accident which happened on the ground, nothing would have marred the pleasure of the party.  In kicking about the grounds a huge foot-ball, it was urged against or over a horse on which Miss Fanny Bradford (a girl aged about thirteen, daughter of T. Bradford of San Francisco) had just been mounted.  The horse was startled, and threw the young lady from her seat, the pommel catching her dress in the descent.  This started him into a run, and the port girl was dragged head downwards, for nearly a hundred yards, fracturing her skull and horribly disfiguring her face.  As soon as possible she was released, and attended by those in the neighborhood, and a messenger sent for Dr. McClure at Redwood City, who attended her until her removal to the boat.  She is since reported dead.

THE MARIN COUNTY AFFRAY. – A correspondent of the Telegram, writing from San Rafael, rectified a statement that has been circulated relative to the late shooting affair between Benjamin Miller and Wm. E. Randell.  He says: “The first witnesses stated that Randell and Miller shot at the same instant.  Three witnesses stated that they saw the smoke rise from Randell’s pistol twice, before Miller shot, and one witness states that he heard two reports of a pistol then the report of a rifle.  Another witness states that Mr. Randell told him, when on his death-bed, that he shot at Miller first, and that he shot three times, and the reason he did not hit him he was to far off, and was sorry for it.  I would further state, which was in evidence also, that Miller and Randell both bought the land on which they live from Garcia, and that the land on which the difficulty occurred was common between then, as there is at this time a suit pending in the District Court concerning this same piece of land.”

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, June 30, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 13

GONE! – It is our painful duty to chronicle the departure from the scene of his very useful and erudite labors, Dr. Lambert, coroner of San Mateo county.  The information of his departure was given us by an appreciative friend of the distinguished departed, with tearful eyes and mournful deportment.  The Dr. will long be remembered as one who “knew a thing or two,” and could make a political speech.  Just previous to his departure, deeming himself ex officio Justice of the Peace, he tried a case wherein a man was acused of cutting another severely with an axe, and acquitted him.

DEPUTY ASSESSOR. – W.L. Millard has been appointed Deputy Assessor, for San Mateo county.


John C. Fremont was sworn as a witness in the case of the claim of Andres Castillero to New Almaden, before U.S. Commissioner Chevers, on the 26th.  He said:

The character of the survey made by me across the continent in 1845 was that of a topographical exploration, with the immediate object of ascertaining the most direct route across the continent.  It was made under the orders of the Topographical Bureau.  I was at that time a Captain in the Topographical Engineers.  I arrived at Sutter’s Fort on or about December 10th, 1845.   I remained there about four days.  On the 14th, I traveled from the Fort towards the head waters of King’s River, with the object of meeting the main body of my part, which I had left at Walker’s Lake.

Returning, I reached Sutter’s Fort, on January 15th, 1846.  I remained four days, and on the 19th left the embarcadero in Captain Sutter’s launch, accompanied by eight of my party, for Yerba Buena, where we arrived in the course of a day or two.  If my memory serves me, we reached there on the 20th.  As the river was high at that time, we had the advantage of the current, and so made a quick passage.  Captain William A. Leidesdoroff and Captain William Hinckley were the principal acquaintances I made.  I was there but a short time, but became well acquainted with them.  I visited the pueblo of San Jose with Captain Hinckley.  I had arranged with Captain Leidesdorff to go with him to Monterey, and having a day or two of leisure before he could be ready, Captain Hinckley offered to go with me to the quicksilver mines, near San Jose, which Captains Leidesdorff and Hinckley had mentioned to me as an object of interest, and as having been recently discovered.  I left Yerba Buena on or about January 21st, 1846, at 1 o’clock, P.M., in a whale boat.  We reached the embarcadero, now Alviso, about day break the next morning.  There we procured horses, and passing through San Jose, reached the mine on the same day.  I think no one went with me to the mine but Hinckley.  We arrived there about noon.  At the mine, Captain Hinckley introduced me to Mr. Castillerro, the owner of the mine, who showed me about – showed me the excavation from whence he had taken the ore; showed me two or three heaps of the ore, and gave me some specimens, some of which I brought away.  Before visiting the mine, Captain Leidesdorff and myself had some conversation together with regard to purchasing the mine.  When there, I spoke slightly with Castillero on the subject, and Mr. Hinckley, also, said something to him at greater length, tending to the same end; but Castillero was not at all disposed to converse about selling.  At this time, I think, Castillero was engaged in building a house, below, in the valley, to be used for the occupation of himself or his workmen.  He also went through the process, roughly, of extracting the silver from the ore, by putting some on red hot iron, and collecting the fumes in a cup.  We remained there, perhaps two hours.  I learned from Castillero that he held the mine by denouncement.  I then, for the first time, became acquainted with the Spanish system of acquiring mines by denouncement.  Whether I learned this in answer to questions propounded by me to Castillero, or whether he volunteered the statement I do not remember.  The impression distinctly and strongly remained upon my mind as a piece of knowledge acquired at that time, and which I afterwards made use of in this State during my operations in 1849.

The discovery of gold in the rock was first made in 1849, on my Mariposa tract.  It was considered that that discovery was the first of the kind in California.  In the uncertainty respecting titles in California, which then existed, I denounced the mine before Judge Geary, in San Francisco, before Alcalde May, in San Jose, and before the Alcalde in Stockton, whose name I do not remember.  That vein is now known as the Old Mariposa or Fremont vein, near the town of Mariposa.  I made these denouncements entirely upon the information which I derived at the time spoken of from Castillero.  When I left California in 1847, the gold pacers had not been discovered.  I heard of it as I was leaving the western frontier of the United States in 1848, to return to California, where I arrived in the spring of 1849.  I returned directly from the mine to Yerba Buena, which place I left about sundown on January 24th, 1846, in company with captains Leidesdorff and Hinckley, and remained that night at Sanchez’ ranch.  In the morning Captain Hinckley returned to Yerba Buena and Captain Leidesdorff and myself continued our journey to San Jose, where we stopped at Sunol’s house.  The next night, we reached Mr. Larkin’s house, at Monterey.  I then called on General Castro, and the Prefect, named Castro.  On the journey to the town of Monterey, I talked the subject of purchasing the Almaden mine over with Captain Leidesdorff, but the amount required was larger than my means.  At that time, the mine was exceptional to any other kind of property; everything else, such as land, cattle, etc.; being very low, and of little exchangeable value; while the mine was considered as something of immense value, compared with other property.  Thirty thousand dollars, which was the sum fro which Leidesdorff supposed the mine might be purchased was considered an immense sum of money in California in those days.  This circumstance gave great prominence to the mine.  I think I have not been at the mine since January, 1847, I do not remember that I heard it designated other than as the quicksilver mine.  I never, at that time hear it called the Almaden so far as I can recollect; this latter designation stands in my mind as one subsequently given.  At the end of February – I crossed the mountains called the Sierra de los Gatos, part of the Santa Cruz Mountains, early in March, encamped on the Gavilon peak, Salinas range, thence around by Sutter’s Fort north.  I had some difficulties with the California authorities; those covered the space of five days, and occurred in the early part of March.  I remember to have received a Spanish grammar and some letters from Mr. Larkin about the time, while I was in camp.  Mr. Larkin sent information to Mazatlan, in relation to my difficulties, and I have always supposed that the sloop of war Portsmouth came up in consequence of the receipt of the information.

FINE FRUIT. – Mr. M.L. Brittan’s large orchard at the present time presents a splendid array of fine fruits of all kinds, as yet immature, but promising an immense quantity of the choicest apples, pears, peaches, apricots, quinces, cherries, grapes, etc., etc.  If the promised product of this fine orchard may be taken as an indication, the crop of fruit in this valley the coming fall will be very large.

INCREASE. – We are of opinion that the population of this county will be reported by the census marshal to be about five thousand.

THE MINT’S OPERATION. – Into the Branch Mint last week came $435,000 worth of gold bullion and refined gold, 2,909 ounces of silver bullion.  The coinage was $150,000 in double eagles.

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the 12th Judicial District in and for the County of San Mateo, State of California in the suit of J. Alexander YOELL against John GREER, and to me duly directed and delivered duly attested under the Seal of said Court on the 21st day of June A.D. 1860, by which I am commanded to make the sum of three hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents ($309.50) with interest and all accruing costs, I have levied on all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant John Greet in and to –
 All that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of San Mateo State of California, known as the Rancho Canada de Raimundo, being the same tract of land granted by the Mexican Government to one Juan Coppinger and finally patented by the Government of the United State of America to Maria Louisa Greer and Manuella Coppinger: Together will all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong or in any wise appertaining.
 Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the 18th day of July A.D. 1860, at 2 o’clock P.M., in front of the Court House doors of San Mateo County at Redwood City, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant John Greer in and to the above described tract of land, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging at Public Auction, for cash in hand, to the highest and best bidder to satisfy said execution and all costs.
Redwood City, June 27th, 1860
Silas Hovious
Sheriff of San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff

$10 Reward. – Lost or stolen
From Phelp’s Ranch, near Belmont on Monday, 18th inst., a small, mouse-colored mare MULE, branded on the left hip AD joined together, right ear cropped.  The mule is very gentle, and will work kind in harness or under the saddle.  Any information concerning the animal will be gratefully received by the undersigned if left with A.T. Castor, Belmont, and the above reward will be paid for the recovery of the property.
Belmont, June 20, 1860

Proposals will be received up to the first day of July next for repairing the School House at Redwood City, according to the following Specification:
The house is twenty-four feet wide and thirty feet long; twelve feet high to the eaves, with about a quarter pitch of roof; to be clapboarded all around; base or water-table, 8 inches wide; corner-boards, 4 and 5 inches wide; cornice projection, about 12 inches wide; frieze, 8 inches deep; face-board, 6 inches wide.  All the materials will be furnished on the ground.  For further particulars inquire of
J.W. TURNER, Trustee
Redwood City, June 20, 1860

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