San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 1860
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 7, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 14

MEETING OF SUPERVISORS July 2d, 1860.  Order of last meeting calling election under Railroad Law rescinded, in consequence of dissolution of San Francisco and San Jose Railroad Company.
 The viewers’ report on road from Greenwood’s along the mountain ridge to Wilsey’s, received, and adopted; notice ordered for final hearing at next meeting.
 The viewers report on the road from Van Carnap’s over Bald Knob to Tripp’s adopted.
 Proposed change of Crystal Spring road, considered and report of viewers adopted.  Remonstance of H.F. Teschemacher filed and D.S. Cook, J.S. Colgrove, John Cumming, R.S. Eaton and J.W. Kisling were appointed to assess the damage, if any.

PROBATE COURT. – Monday, July 2, 1850 (sic) – Present. Hon. B.F. Fox, Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick Langan, deceased.  The administratrix filed a report duly verified showing the estate to be insolvent.  The motion previously made by counsel on behalf of minor heirs, was thereupon dismissed.
 Estate of Nathan Kendrick, deceased.  The administrator having filed his account for settlement, it was ordered that final hearing he had 4th Monday in August.
 Administrator of estate of Penelaus filed statement of property which was ordered set apart for the benefit of the widow of deceased.
 Notice for final settlement of the estate of W.D. Harrington on the fourth Monday in August, was ordered.
 Court adjourned till fourth Monday in August.

COUNTY COURT. – Monday, July 2d, 1860.
Present, Hon. B.F. Fox, Judge
People vs. Basil Clark – Appeal from Justice’s Court, 1st Township.  Judgment reversed and case dismissed.
People vs. John Langan – Appeal from Justice’s Court 1st Township.  Judgment reversed and new trial ordered.

Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out of the County Court of the County of San Mateo, State of California, in the suit of John WADE against Dennis MARTIN, and to me duly directed and delivered, by which I am commanded to make the sum of two hundred and seven dollars, seventy-five cents, ($207.75) and all accruing costs, I have levied on the following described property, to wit: All the right, title and interest of the within named defendant, Dennis Martin, in and to all that certain lot of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Mezesville or Redwood City, in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and being situated on the west side of Main street, in said city, and being known and numbered on the official map of said city as lot No. 10 (ten,) said interest  being about twenty (20) feet on the north side of said lot, and running back the whole depth of said lot.  Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.

Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the 13th day of July, A.D. 1860, at 2 o’clock, P.M., in front of the Court-house doors of San Mateo county, in Redwood City, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant, Dennis Martin in and to the above-described parcel of land at Public Auction, for cash in hand, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all costs.
Redwood City, June 21st, 1860
Sheriff San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff

THE TERRY TRIAL. – The trial of David S. Terry, for killing Senator Broderick, in a duel, commenced on the 2d at 10 A.M., at San Rafael Marin county, whither the case was removed by change of venue granted by Judge Hager, in the Fourth District Court in San Francisco.

NON-AFFILLIATED ODD FELLOWS. – The California Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows has decided that all members who are not in good standing in consequence of non-payment of dues in Lodges in the Atlantic States, and who wish to avail themselves of the privilege of affiliating with Lodges in this State, will be compelled to do so before the 31st of December 1860.

CHANGED HANDS. – We learn from the Mariposa Star that the Fremont grant has changed hands, and is now in possession of T.W. Park, of San Francisco.  It is said there has been some trouble among the employes of Col. Fremont about wages during last week.

COPPER DISCOVERIES IN CALAVERAS. – The San Joaquin Republic draws a cheerful picture of the effect which the discovery of copper ore in the foot hills of Calaveras, a short distance from Stockton, must exercise in the future upon the interests of that city.

On the fourth inst. our neighbor R.W. Tallant met with a loss which cannot fail to be severely felt, and in which he has the sympathies of the entire community.  At about 11 o’clock, A.M. while everbody was busily engaged in celebrating, each according to his own bent and inclination, but the great mass of the people were with the children in the grove near Mr. Hawes’ residence, a heavy smoke was seen to ascend in one dense column heavenward, about a mile to the south, and in an instant every horse and wagon in the vicinity was brought in requisition, and upon repairing to the scene of the conflagration, it was found that a fire was raging in the hay belonging to Mr. Tallant.  The hay constituted almost the entire crop raised by Mr. Tallant this season, and consisted of some two hundred and fifty tons, of superior quality, in excellent condition, and all nicely stacked, ready for baling.  Mr. Tallant was absent in town, for the purpose of getting rope to bale it, and we noticed that the press was already in the field.  All the other members of the family were absent celebrating the Fourth.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 14, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 15

COURT OF SESSIONS- July Term. – Present, Hon. B.F. Fox, Judge, J.P. Ames and J.W. Turner, Associates.
The Grand Jury were impannelled on Thursday July 5th, J. McCormick and Juan LeHara who were under bonds to appear, were discharged, by the Court, no bill having been found by the Grand Jury.
 Paul Godarez was assigned upon a charge of grand larceny.  A verdict of guilt was rendered, and sentence of three years in State prison passed by the Court.
 Juan Perez was convicted of “assault with a deadly weapon, with intent to inflict great bodily injury,” and was sentenced to imprisonment for two years in State prison.
 In the case of the People vs. Langan et als., for assault, a nolle prosequi was entered as to Thomas and John Langan, and the trial of Honora Langan was continued till next term.
 The court then adjourned for the term, after having been in session five days.

RESIGNATION. – Paul Godarez, who was convicted at the recent term of the Court of Sessions, of grand larceny, and sentenced to the State prison for three years, on leaving for his new home requested that his sweetheart might be informed of the fact, and that as he was engaged by the State for three years, he would not be able to fulfill his promise of marriage; that he relinquished his claim, hoping she might find solace in the affections of a less unfortunate suitor.  Paul is a philosopher and a time-saver.  In one breath he resigned himself to his fate and his love to another.

SUDDEN DEATH. – Braxton Ritchart who has for some time past been living in the Canada Raymundo, died suddenly on Thursday last.  He was apparently in excellent health the previous day, and was working in the field with a reaping machine.  He was about twenty-three years old, and from Crawford county, Missouri.

COUNTY COURT. – Hon. B.F. Fox, Judge. –
H. Templeton vs. S.P. McKeen et als. Suit for trespass – Jury disagreed, and were discharged, and the case was continued till next term.
Robinson vs. Underwood – suit for damages – Verdict for plaintiff $70.  Stay of proceedings for ten days was granted.
People vs. John Langan.  Assault and battery.  Verdict not guilty.
Court adjourned for the term.
On Thursday of last week J.W. Turner was appointed Associate Justice of Court of Sessions, for the term, vice, W.A. Clark, resigned.

NOTES ABOUT TOWN. – Bub says he has been about this burg and has collected “items.”  Large piles of lumber are on the wharves, ready for shipment, and the prices are very low.  Littlejohn is painting his house the color the Mose moved to paint “der machine.”  The new grist-mill is progressing, and is to be one of the best buildings, if not the best in Redwood City.  Brittan’s traveling market supplies goods very cheap, and the Captain is an accommodating gentleman.  The bridge across Redwood creek is still in the same place.  The liquor trade is dull, owing to the adjournment of the Courts.  The late additions to the populations are as well as could be expected, the prospective ditto.  (this is rather obscure. ED.)  The Pierce-ing appeals to the hard-hearted Grand Jury were disregarded – the “goose question” remains as yet undecided.  Blackberries are abundant in the hills and are duly gathered.  An office is being erected at Mills & Franklin’s lumber yard, and a new saddler’s shop on Bridge street.  The town pump has been repaired.  Shuffles is a very nice game, and threatens to supercede billiards.  There is a man in town who made $878,000 in the show business, and retired.  A fine crop of cord-wood has been raised on a place just out of town, and just opposite said farm, a few cords of mustard are on hand for sale.  A “short-carder” has left town – quite a loss !  Can spare a few more.  Fine cigars are a drug in the market.  The courthouse is a useful building.  It is church, ballroom, hall of justice, political meeting room, concert and exhibition room, and loafer’s headquarters.  The robed priest, the politician, the judge, and the mountebank, all in their turn address the audience from the same rostrum.  On dit, that a magician was “sold” on the shawl trick, Thursday night.

FOUND DROWNED. – On Tuesday last the body of an unknown man was found partly covered with sand, lying on the ocean beach near the ranch of Francisco Sanchez, in this county.  Justice Turner being called upon proceeded to the place and held an inquest on the body, when a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts.  Deceased was a white man, about five feet eight inches high, was dressed in fisherman’s costume, and was supposed to be drowned out at sea, and washed ashore.  The body was much decayed, the flesh having been separated from almost the entire skull.

THE FARCE AT SAN RAFAEL. – Our reporter has furnished us with a synopsis of the proceedings at San Rafael, at the so-called trial of Judge Terry.  The Court was opened with the due number of “Oh Yes’es” at nine o’clock, when James H. Hardy, Esq., late of Sacramento, where he was distinguished for small wit and as the bully defender of a Chief Justice, who has since gone to the highest Court from Trial, took his seat as Judge. The Court having been opened in due form, the clerk was required to call the day’s calendar.  The first case was that of “The People of California vs. David S. Terry.”  It was notorious that the offence was that of dueling, and that every witness for the prosecution was to come from San Francisco, yet a pliant Judge and a willing District Attorney hurried the calling of the case, and at an hour unknown in Judicial usage on the Pacific, submitted to the Jury a case so important, that the attention of the people of the whole State is directed to it, without evidence and with a virtual direction to find a verdict of acquittal.  At 11 o’clock A.M. yesterday, the witnesses summoned on behalf of the prosecution reached the town only to find that the court to which they were subpoenaed had been adjourned for over an hour and that the defendant had been fully acquitted by a jury without a hearing.  Our reporter has furnished us with a number of points which we refrain from setting out at the present time, confident that enough has already been stated to arouse public indignation against the tribunal which has enacted this most miserable travestie of justice. – Morning Call.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 21, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 16

In this place, on the 18th, inst., Caleb Godwin, a native of Maine, and late of Cincinnati O., aged 69 years.

San Mateo is less known by people not residing in it that the remoter parts of California, notwithstanding its boundary is within six miles of San Francisco.  There is not a man in the metropolis except such as have had business or a residence in San Mateo county, who cannot tell the inquirer more about Yreka, Downieville, Shasta, or Weaverville, than he can about the county which joins San Francisco, although those places are hundreds of miles away, and the person may have been to neither.  This is a fact, owning probably in the first place, to the superior attractions possessed by mining over agricultural districts.  Yet it is somewhat singular that so little should be known of a portion of the country so rich in climate and all that Nature can bestow.  The people of San Francisco cross the Bay to enjoy the mild atmosphere, and partake of the healthful waters of Napa springs, while within a few hours’ drive of their homes, on the banks of the beautiful Purissama, in this county, that can quaff the waters of medicinal springs as superior to those of Napa as spring water is to that of a mud-hole.  They go to the far-off wood where “distance lends enchantment,” to enjoy “the country,” but ignore the shady groves, and magnificent scenery within twenty miles of them.  This is another peculiarity of the people, and is upon the same principle as that Californians would rather go five hundred miles after a humbug than stay at home and make money, particularly if it is to be made slowly.  Nothing seems of value that is near home.

A very common error concerning this locality is that its vicinity to San Francisco is advantageous; but the contrary is the fact.  The traveler passes through this county and seldom thinks if he desire a farm, that in a locality so near San Francisco, one can be obtained at a price which the trees upon it, cut into cordwood would pay.  Yet such is the fact, and that, too, within a few hundred yards of the county road.  The laborer who trudges along the highway with a diffident mein, casts a glance at Redwood City but does not apply for labor – there can be no change, it is too near San Francisco.  He does not know that ordinary laborers, receive from two dollars and a half to three dollars per day at this place, and cannot be had even at that high price.  We and others have frequently needed the services of laborers and were unable to procure them, even at the high price stated, and at the same time it was well known that men were daily offering their services on the road for their board.

San Francisco draws from this place and from the country at large money which should be retained here, and would be, were it not that the city is so near.  Its prices, though really no lower than at this place, draw off patronage from home, and checks the progress of town and county improvement.  A change to some extent can be wrought, by encouraging tradesmen among us.  Let those who have the means make the first advance by building houses to rent.  It is to be hoped that this town and neighborhood will at an early day, by some means, emerge from the shadow of its big neighbor, San Francisco, whose “convenient distance” is one of the greatest impediments to its growth, instead of being an advantage.  Let us rely more upon ourselves as a community.

BAY DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. – Mr. John Cumming of Twelve Mile Farm, San Mateo county has been appointed by the Bay District Agricultural Society, as the agent, to represent the Society in selling memberships, and procuring subscriptions and donations to further the objects of the Society.  The first Fair will be held in this City in October next, and it is hoped that will exceed anything of the kind ever given in this State. - Farmer

VALUABLE DONATION. – Hon. Horace Hawes has donated to the Ladies’ Protection and Relief Society, a tract of land, bounded north by Post street, east by Van Ness Avenue, south by Geary street, and west by Franklin street, comprising the whole of Block No. 83, official map, and equal in extent to six fifty vara lots.

SMALL POX. – Some anxiety has been manifested by the people here on account of a report that small pox is among them.  This report has been caused by the fact that two cases of varioloid are now under treatment in the Redwoods.  We are informed it is but a light type of the disease so much dreaded, and that there is no danger of its becoming epidemic.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 28, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 17

At Woodside, San Mateo county, July 21st, Edward K. NORRIS, a native of Maine, aged 26 years.
On Saturday last, the people of Woodside and neighborhood were called upon to mourn the loss of Edward K. Norris.  A young man of irreproachable character and most exemplary habits.  He was the soul of honor, being more jealous of his wide-spread reputation for integrity and probity than is a miser of his gold.  He was of a genial disposition, kind-hearted and a most pleasant companion.  His circle of acquaintance was very large, yet none knew him but to love and respect.  He had lived several years in California, yet the temptations that beset young men in early days made no impression upon his already formed character.
Poor Ed. what a pity that you, of all others, should have been selected, and by that dreaded and loathsome disease.  Stricken down in the very prime of youth, with a bright future before you and an untarnished past to look back upon with honest pride and satisfaction.  Your memory will ever be reserved and cherished.

EDITOR GAZETTE – Sir – We desire through the medium of your column to express our grateful thanks to our neighbors and the citizens through whose exertions our houses and grain were preserved from destruction on Tuesday, 24th inst.  Their generous assistance will ever be held in remembrance by us.
Redwood City, July 25th, 1860

THE PLAGUE. – We were led into error last week, regarding the small-pox cases in the Redwoods, having been informed, as were also others, by what we considered the best authority, that the disease would amount to nothing, and that no alarm need be felt on account of it.  Since it has proved fatal, in one instance, we see we have been deceived, and now warn the people to take the usual preventive measures.  It is to be regretted that on account of some rivalry or misunderstanding among the doctors, or whatever may have been the cause, that timely notice has not been given, so that the most stringent means could have been adopted to prevent the spread of this horrible disease, and the necessary sanitary regulations be enforced.  As it now is, no one can tell where it will stop.  Our being misinformed last week may have already led to serious consequences, by causing neglect of the usual preventive, and the responsibility must rest upon those who assumed to know and who communicated the information.

The difficulty in regard to the transportation of the California mails has been temporarily arranged with Commodore Vanderbilt.  Vanderbilt aggress to carry them till the 4th of March for postage, and the President is to recommend, in his annual message, such additional compensation as may be reasonable.
 Gwin had a grand blow up with the President and the Postmaster-General.  Holt refused to carry out his promise relative to overland ocean mails.  Gwin appealed to the President to know if he sustained Holt.  It is said that Dr. Gwin left and told the President that he deserved to have no friends.  He would never darken the doors of the White House while he filled it.  It is not known whether the difficulty is yet reconciled.  Efforts are being made to get the Postmaster General to send semi-monthly service over the Central route; also, to appropriate $100,000 for the Pony Express.  The result is not yet known.
 Orders have been issued by the War Departments to furnish all aid in their power to the Pony Express between Missouri and Camp Floyd, to insure speed and certainty.
 Gwin leaves on the steamer of the 13th for San Francisco.  Latham and others go on the overland coach of the 12th.

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the 12th Judicial District in and for the County of San Mateo, State of California in the suit of J. Alexander YOELL against John GREER, and to me duly directed and delivered duly attested under the Seal of said Court on the 21st day of June A.D. 1860, by which I am commanded to make the sum of three hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents ($309.50) with interest and all accruing costs, I have levied on all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant John Greet in and to –
 All that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of San Mateo State of California, known as the Rancho Canada de Raimundo, being the same tract of land granted by the Mexican Government to one Juan Coppinger and finally patented by the Government of the United State of America to Maria Louisa Greer and Manuella Coppinger: Together will all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong or in any wise appertaining.
 Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the 18th day of July A.D. 1860, at 2 o’clock P.M., in front of the Court House doors of San Mateo County at Redwood City, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant John Greer in and to the above described tract of land, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging at Public Auction, for cash in hand, to the highest and best bidder to satisfy said execution and all costs.
Redwood City, June 27th, 1860
Silas Hovious
Sheriff of San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
The above sale is hereby postponed until Friday, July 20th, 1860, at 2 o’clock, P.M.
July 18th, 1860
Sheriff San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
The above sale is further postponed until Saturday, August 25th, 1860, at 2 o’clock, P.M., by order of plaintiff’s attorney.
July 20th, 1860
Sheriff San Mateo County
By John AMES, Under Sheriff

SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN JOSE RAILROAD. – The subscribers to the stock of this road have met and perfected the articles of organization.  The following gentlemen were elected as temporary directors:  Gen. J.A. McDouglass, Timothy Dame, C.L. Weller, Henry Newhall of San Francisco; Hon. T.G. Phelps of San Mateo, and Geo. H. Bodfish of San Jose.

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