San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
April 23, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 3.
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar, December 2004)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 23, 1859, Vol. 1 No. 3.

In Searsville, on Sunday, April 17th, the wife of Chester PARSHALL, of a son.

The Twelfth District Court opened on Monday last, Judge Norton presiding,
and adjourned sine die on Tuesday at 11 A.M. The following was the
disposition of the calendar:
ARGUELLO et al vs KELLY and wife - decree of foreclosure entered
BOWMAN vs ADAMS & Co. - Demurrer argued and overruled. Case referred to
HAWES vs BROPHY - Stipulated that case be tried before Judge Norton, at San
Francisco. Law argument upon the distinct question as to whether the
boundaries set out in the map annexed to a patent are conclusive. Set for
Monday next.
BALDWIN and GRAVES vs CALDWELL - Demurrer to answer to be submitted on brief.
The People vs UNDERWOOD and TEMPLETON - Action on forfeited recognizance.
Demurrer to complaint sustained with leave to amend.
DELANY vs JUDAH et al - Decree of foreclosure entered
CURRIO and RICHARDSON vs TEMPLETON & GARDNER - Defendants were sued as
copartners - this allegation of complaint was not sustained and def't
TEMPLETON had judgment. Verdict for plaintiffs, against GARDNER alone.
WATTS vs MAYNARD - Judgment by stipulation for plaintiff.
JONES vs MARTIN - Argued on demurrer, demurrer overruled, with leave to
VALENTINA vs De LEON - Motion for new trial denied.

ADMITTED - In the District Court, on Monday last, on motion of C.N. FOX,
and upon presentation of certification of admission to the Supreme Court of
Ohio, J.H. PRATT, esq., was duly admitted as an attorney at law.

SHERIFF'S SALE. - By Virtue of a Decree of Foreclosure of Mortgage and
Order of Sale, issued out of the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial
District, County of San Mateo, State of California, in the action of J.
Soledad O. de ARGUELLO, Jose Ramon ARGUELLO and S.M. MEZES, against Richard
KELLY and Ann KELLY, his wife, duly attested the eighteenth day of April,
A.D. 1859, I am commanded to sell the following described property, to wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land forming a portion of the
ranch known as the Pulgas Ranch, lying and being in the County of San
Mateo, aforesaid, which, according to a survey made thereof on the
twenty-ninth day of January, A.D. 1858, by Alexander GARDI, County Surveyor
of San Mateo County, is bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a
stake in a willow thicket at the foot of the Lake Raymundo, in a mound of
earth and stone being a small stump two inches in diameter, and about
twenty inches high, S, 55 3/4 degrees E, five links and a willow tree
blazed and marked with a cross about one foot in diameter S 36 ½ degrees E
fifty-seven links, said stake being one of the corners of the Pulgas Ranch
on its western boundary in the Canada de Raymundo, as confirmed by the
Supreme Court of the United States at Washington, and surveyed and located
by the Surveyor General of the United States; thence, by true meridian,
(magnetic variation being 15 degrees 17 minutes E.) along the same boundary
of said ranch S 45 ½ degrees eight 70-100 chains; thence north 54 thirty
minutes E eighty-six 80-100 chains, to a stake for a corner; thence N
forty-nine degrees W twenty-six 16-100 chains, to a stake for a corner,
driven against the northeast side of a live oak tree forked from the
ground, having the north fork blazed and marked with a cross; thence along
Thomas G. CAREY's boundary S 62 ½ W eight-three 60-100 chains to the
eastern bank of the south branch of the San Mateo creek, to a stake at the
junction of said creek with a small creek; thence in a southeasterly
direction up said creek, to the place of beginning; containing one hundred
and fifty-six and one-half acres.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on THURSDAY, the 12th day of May, A.D.
1859, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the Court House doors, Redwood City,
San Mateo county, I will sell said property at Public Action to the highest
bidder for cash, pursuant to said order.
Sheriff San Mateo County

County of San Mateo
I, MARION DIGGES, A MARRIED WOMAN, residing within the State and County
aforesaid, being desirous of availing myself of the benefits of an Act of
the Legislature of the State of California, passed April twelfth, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, entitled "An Act to authorize married
women to do business in their own names, as sole traders," in conformity
with said act do hereby declare that it is my intention to carry on the
business of Farming and stock-raising, in my own name, and on my own
account, and that I will be individually responsible, in my own name, for
all debts contract by me on account of said business. The amount of
capital invested in said business is fifteen hundred dollars.
- - - -
County of San Mateo
On this twenty-first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-nine, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace in and
for said county, Marion Digges, known, known to me to be the person,
described in and who executed the within instrument, who acknowledged to me
that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned.
Justice of the Peace

The U.S. Grand Jury ignored the indictment for murder against Capt.
PENDLETON, and asked leave of the Court to present him at some future time
for manslaughter.
A corner's jury in San Francisco have decided that the explosion of
the boiler of the steam ferry-boat Contra Cost, on the 3d inst., was caused
by an undue pressure of steam, which was allowed to accumulate through the
neglect of the engineer, Wyatt BIRDSALL.
Charles BARSS has been tried for the second time in the Fourth
District Court, for the murder of A.A. MATSON, at Michigan Bluffs in 1857,
and acquitted.
The U.S. Grand Jury have presented one more indictment for cruel
treatment (making five in all) and one for manslaughter, against Capt.
The Juty in the SEALS case, referred to last week, failed to agree.
Another trial has been had, but we have not learned the result.

We received, a few days since, a letter from one who, with his family, is
desirous of locating here, making inquiries as to schools, titles, prices
of land, etc. For the benefits of its author and all others desirous of
obtaining information relative to our county, we give the following
additional statistics:

SCHOOLS - Each township in this county constitutes on school
district, and such district is divided into two or more precincts. In
every precinct in the county, we believe, with a single exception, schools
are now taught during most of all of the year. In the First district, but
on school is not taught. This one is located at San Mateo, and is under
the supervision of Mrs. S.E. SEGRAN, who is said to be an excellent
instructress. Heretofore, this school has been well and liberally
sustained, the wealthy citizens of that vicinity taking much pride in its
maintenance, and contributing liberally towards its support by private
subscription. An increase in their pro rata of the public money does away
in a great measure with the necessity for this kind of aid, but whenever
required, the people of San Mateo can be relied upon for a liberal
contribution for the support of this or any kindred institution.
The Second district has been recently divided into two precincts, in
both of which we believe schools are now kept. We have not yet learned the
name of the teacher in the new precinct. In the old one, at the Purissima,
Thomas L. BOUCHER is acting in that capacity, and from the fact that he has
been constantly engaged there for a long time past, we are lead to infer
that he is popular among the people.

The Third district is divided into three precincts, with a school at
Redwood City, one at Woodside, and one at West Union. The school at
Redwood City is under the charge of Daniel LUNT, a gentleman who enjoys an
enviable reputation, both as a tutor and as a man. We are happy to know,
from personal observation, that this school is in a flourishing condition,
that the pupils are rapidly advancing, and that the attendance is much
larger than usual. Some improvements have recently have been made in the
interior of the school house, and others are still needed. We are informed
by the trustee that an effort will soon be made to raise a sufficient sum
among our citizens to put the building and grounds in good condition. Let
us hope that the effort may proved successful.

At Woodside, O.P. MASON, has for several months been the teach, and
from what we learn, enjoys the confidence of his patrons. The same may be
said of J.H. PRATT, the teacher at West Union.

An effort is being made to create still another precinct in this
district, with a school located at Searsville. The inhabitants of the
place have already provided a comfortable house, and the granting of their
request in this particular would be but an act of simple justice to a large
number of people.

The number of children in the county, in October last, between the
ages of four and eighteen years, was, in the First district, one hundred
and eight; Second district, one hundred and eleven; Third District, two
hundred and twelve. Those in the Third district are divided among the
precincts as follows: Redwood City, seventy-five; Woodside, seventy-eight;
West Union, fifty-nine.

TITLES -The titles of land in the county have not all been settled,
yet still they have been so far determined that a person exercising
reasonable care and judgment need have but little apprehension in this
respect. Anywhere, however, in the vicinity of Redwood City, Belmont, or
San Mateo, the titles are perfected and good. Prices of land are not as
low as, for the good of the county at large, we might desire, still good
farming or grazing lands may be purchased in this vicinity, with good
title, at moderate rates, and upon easy terms.


W.C.R. SMITH, Redwood City
A very extensive and choice assortment of pure and fresh Drugs and
Medicines, and a large quantity of PERFUMERY and FANCY GOODS !
Of every description.
Persons in want of ANY ARTICLE TO BE FOUND IN A DRUG STORE, may apply at
this Store with the certainty of obtaining it. The same may be said of the
Perfumery and Fancy Articles. No one need go to San Francisco for any of
the above described Goods, as they can be supplied at this Store, at the
very lowest prices.
Sawed Lumber, Posts, Rails, Fencing, Shingles, and Firewood For Sale.
??.ALSO Cash Advanced On Consignments of all kinds of Lumber.
??.ALSO 1,000,000 Bricks For Sale
??.ALSO STORAGE FOR GRAIN In a Fireproof Warehouse

A street, north of the Courthouse,
Redwood City and vicinity that he is prepared to manufacture to order all
descriptions of MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING, in a neat and substantial manner.
Old Garments repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and made to
look as good as new. Charges for work very reasonable.

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