San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
August 1860
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 4, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 18

Benefit Ball
A Ball will be given in Concert Hall, Redwood City, on Saturday evening, August 25th, 1860, the proceeds of which will be fro the relief of Mr. John O’BRIEN, who was deprived of his sight by an accident which occurred while endeavoring to perform a disinterested act of kindness.
Committee of Arrangements – Denis Martin, John McAvoy, Nicolas Devereaux, John Murphy, John R. Baxter, Lawrence O’Neill.
Tickets, including Refreshments $3.  Good Music will be in attendance.  Dancing to commence at 8 o’clock.  The public are respectfully requested to contribute their aid.

From the Subscriber, a branding Iron for marking Shingles, with the letter “O”.  Any person marking their shingles with said brand, will be dealt with according to law, for infringing upon my trademark.
July 28, 1860

State of California
County of San Mateo
In the Justice’s Court, Third Township in and for the County of San Mateo.  The people of the State of California, to Robert CAMPBELL., greeting: You are hereby summoned to appear before me, at my office in the Third Township, in the County of San Mateo, on the 25th day of August, A.D., 1860 at 1 o’clock, P.M., to answer unto the complaint of Mrs. C. Underwood, who brings this action to recover the sum of eighty-six dollars and eighty-six cents, on note due from you to the said Mrs. C. Underwood.  Also, for an account, which J.V. Diller assigned to the said Mrs. C. Underwood, amounting to $34.50, when judgment will be taken against you for the said amounts, together with costs and damages, if you fail to appear and answer.  Given under my hand, this 2d day of August, A.D., 1860.
Justice of the Peace, Third Township

I Offer for Sale, on very moderate terms, my claim on one hundred and sixty acres of enclosed Government land, situated on the west side of the Redwood mountains, adjoining the farm of Lemuel Rice, and near Lapham’s Mill, 3d Township, San Mateo county.  About ten acres of the inclosure under cultivation, the remainder excellent grazing land.  Also, a comfortable Frame Dwelling, a Barn, 30 x 40 feet, outhouses, Farming Utensils, Household Furniture, etc.  Also two American Milch Cows, about sixty Fowls, Hogs, etc., etc.
The place is well watered by springs throughout the entire year.  The whole will be disposed of at half the original cost.
Redwood City, Aug. 4, 1860

Pine and Redwood Lumber.
Having Recently Completed Our New Saw-Mill, in the Redwoods, San Mateo County, we will in future be prepared to furnish the best descriptions of Redwood and Pine Lumber in any desired quantity.
BILL LUMER Sawed to Order.
Lumber by the cargo, for shipment, will be furnished by the Agent of the firm in Redwood City
W.C. CROOK, Agent,
Redwood City

SMALL POX. – No new cases have come to our knowledge, and nearly all the old ones are recovering.  Mr. J.D. Rose, county assessor, we are please to see, is about again, and attending to the duties of his office.  Mr. D. Jaggers we are informed is quite ill.

THE GRIST MILL. – This establishment is being somewhat delayed in its construction we are sorry to note, owing to the non-arrival of the castings from San Francisco.  This is a great injury to the project, as the mill should be in operation by the end of the present month, in order to secure the fall patronage of the farmers, who have been calculating upon obtaining flour from it as soon as their grain is threshed.  The fall business of the mill will be the largest of the season, of course, and we regret, for the sake of the proprietors of the mill, that this loss will be incurred by them, on account of its incompleteness.  The farmers will suffer some inconvenience also from the delay.

FRIGHTFUL TRAGEDY. – On Sunday evening last an altercation arose among some of the guests at a wedding in San Jose, during which a Spaniard named Philip Hernandez fired a pistol at John Bee.  The ball took effect in his head and killed him almost instantly.  Mr. H. Bee rushed into the room, but another desperado named Jesus Flores fired a pistol at him also.  The bullet entered the thigh of Bee and shattered the bone so dreadfully that it is doubtful whether he can recover from the injury.  Flores was arrested and lodged in jail.  Hernandez has fled and has not since been heard from.

A GOOD CHANCE. – We would invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. Joel N. Brown in this paper.  A fine opportunity is therein offered to a person of small means to purchase a cheap home.  There are many persons having the requisite amount of money, who will be glad to hear of this change.  We believe $500 will buy the place.

ASSAULT AND BATTERY. – C. Prior was up again, after a short respite, before Judge Turner, on Wednesday last, for assault and battery upon his wife, and convicted.  Judgment was pronounced, apparently with much regret and feeling by the Judge, but still with commendable firmness.  Charlie has so often been up and convicted upon charges of this kind, and small penalties appear to have so little effect upon him that the court felt it a duty to be more severe on this occasion, and imposed a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars, or in default of payment, to go to jail for sixty days.

COL. CIPRIANI. – The friends of this gentleman will be pleased to observe in our news columns that from the position he occupies among the notables of France, he is appreciate.  He has the good wishes of all who knew him in San Mateo county.

THREE MEN SHOT. – Wells, who murdered and robbed a German saloon keeper named Wetzel in Sacramento, a few days since, was pursued and arrested in Virginia City.  On Thursday, (26th ult.,) Wm. C. Stoddard, a teamster living near Nicolaus, George Armstrong from Virginia City and Timothy Whorten, Deputy Sheriff of Sutter County, were escorting Wells from Nicolaus to Sacramento in an open wagon.  When within two miles of Sacramento, about 2 o’clock in the morning, he, with a pistol taken from Armstrong when asleep, fired on Whorten and mortally wounded him.  He then fired on the driver, Stoddard, killing him dead; and next on Armstrong, inflicting on him a wound from which he died in about an hour.  Wharton is since dead.  The country is flooded with armed men on horseback, in search of the murderer.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 11, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 19

At Woodside, San Mateo county, Thursday, August 2d, DANIEL JAGGER, aged 40 years.

It this week becomes our painful duty to announce the death of another esteemed and useful citizen. DANIEL JAGGER departed this life at his residence at Woodside, in this county, on the 3d instant, in the fortieth year of his age.
Mr. Jagger was born in Washington, Berkshire county, Mass. In 1836 he emigrated to Ohio, where he was for several year engaged in the drug business, being a practical chemist of no ordinary ability.  During his residence in Ohio he was much engaged in those official positions immediately connected with the public schools, in which he at all times and in all places took great interest, and which he always endeavored to elevate and encourage.  He was one of the pioneers of California, having arrived here in the spring of 1849, across the plains.  Since then he has resided most of all of the time in the valleys and agricultural districts, devoting himself to the various avocations peculiar to those localities.  In this county he was engaged in sawing shingles – having a mill near Woodside – and the raising of stock.  He was never an aspirant for public position, nor one calculated to push himself forward into public notice, but one who commanded the respect of all who knew him and who was beloved by all who became thoroughly acquainted with him.  He possessed a thorough English education, and was also a Latin scholar.  He was a man of much and varied reading, and used every effort to encourage a taste for reading and literature, among those with whom he was surrounded.  He was the founder of the Woodside Library Association, and the well selected library at that place will remain a monument to his memory, and an evidence of his good taste and sound judgment.
Mr. Jagger has never held any public position here except that of Justice of the peace, but this was owing mostly to the fact that he did not seek, and would not accept – office.  He was the choice of many, and have he lived, would probably have been nominated County Judge – a place which if elected to, no doubt he would have filled with honor to himself and to the county.  But what he might have been, none can know – what he was all can testify, and in his death all feel that a good man has been taken away.

Monday, August 6th, 1860
Present a full Board
Crystal Spring and San Mateo road established and ordered opened as reported by viewers.
Petition for road from Searsville to Hamilton’s filed.  R.J. Weeks, Moses Davis, and John D. Havens, appointed viewers.
Road on the Mountain, from Greenwood’s to Wilsey’s, declared a public highway, and ordered opened to the width of sixty-six feet.  County Surveyor ordered to survey and file map of it.
Road from Haraszthy’s gate across the Mountain to J. Pease, declared a public road.
County Assessor appeared and made affidavit to bill for assessing, which was allowed, $793.
County Surveyor’s bill, $25, and Wm. Godfrey’s bill, $12, were allowed.
Board adjourned to meet on Monday, 13th.

JURORS, TWELFTH DSITRICT COURT. – The August term of the Twelfth District Court for the County of San Mateo, will commence on Monday, 20th inst.  Appended is a list of the names of jurors drawn:
J.W. Balwin
L.F. Brown
D.F. McLellan
J.E. Butler
Stephen Tripp
M.A. Wheeler
John Gardner
Joseph Harding
John Elliott
John Ralston
John Harkins
Patrick Brooks
J.R. Snyder
Wm. Barley
E.C. Graves
J.P. Beck
Saml. M. Cook
David Bare
J.C. Corbett
Michael Burns
A.T. Swart
R.R. Smith
W.J. Bunn
Thos. Durham
Wm. Brewer
S.H. Town
G.R. Border
John Greer
John I. Ellet
J. Osterman

UNAVOIDABLE – In last week’s paper we spoke of the illness of Mr. D. Jaggers.  His death took place of the Thursday night previous and would have been properly notices had we known of it.  This may go to prove that it is possible an event may escape the notice of an editor as well as any other person, the general opinion to the contrary notwithstanding. If a little more pains were taken to inform the editor of passing events, important omissions in local news matters would be prevented.

NEW LAW FIRM. – John Nugent, late editor of the Herald, and Charles D. Judah, Esqrs., have taken an office over J.P. Haven’s underwriters’ agency, San Francisco, for the prosecution of the law business.

SMALL POX – The small-pox is said to be in Redwood City.  This may be an error, as we have been unable thus far to satisfy ourself of the facts, but as it may be true, all should be on their guard.  Let every person immediately take the precaution to be vaccinated.  This is a duty about which their should be no delay.  Those who are so unfortunate as to become infected, should be speedily separated from contact with the community, and be seen only by those who have been affected by the disease.  Houses should be well fumigated and ventilated.  Foul matter which creates a stench should not be suffered to accumulate in the streets or house-yards, as it will foster the plague.  Thanks to the purity of the atmosphere hereabouts, with very little care this horrible disease cannot long remain in the neighborhood.

PURISSIMA NEWS. – The Division of the Sons of Temperance which holds its sessions every Sunday evening, in the school-house, is in a very flourishing condition, numbering at present about thirty-five members.
The Purissima school, under the direction of T.L. Boucher, a most worthy and capable teacher, as we are informed, now numbers about forty scholars.
On Saturday last, Dr. Matthewson, U.S. Deputy Surveyor, completed the survey of Dr. W.W. McCoy’s ranch, but some mistake occurring, a re-survey is now being made.  This ranch contains about nine thousand acres and is divided into tracts of from one hundred to five hundred acres; thus offering the greatest inducements to settlers.
Maj. D.W. Connelly has sold his mill and the tract of his timbered land adjoining it, consisting of about a thousand acres, to N.C. Lane, price about $9000.  The Major still continues farming, with his partner, W. Buzzell.
The grist-mill at Spanish Town, is progressing to the satisfaction of every-one; the flume will shortly be completed, and the mill-castings are soon to arrive.  The farmers are highly pleased at the prospect of having a mill so near them – the need of one has been much felt.
The new store of Mr. H.C. Bidwell has become a notable “institution” in the district.  The stock is large and of great variety, unusually so, in fact, for a country store.  Mr. B. is determined to compete with San Francisco merchants, and to this end his prices are very low.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 18, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 20

TWELTH DISTRICT COURT. – The session of this Court for San Mateo county, August term, will commence on Monday next, 20th.  The term will probably not exceed three days, as the cases are principally of a class which are speedily disposed of by the Judge.  It is not likely there will be more than three trials by jury, and possibly but one.  The following calendar for the term:
The People vs. David S. Terry
C. Lux et al. vs C. Clark et al.
C. Lux et al. vs. T. Frawley et al.
Wm. Martin vs. D.R. Jones
H.F. Teschemacher et al. vs. John Thompson et al
Wm. Martin vs. J.V. Diller et al
H. Hawes vs. J.W. Brittan et al
Richard Collins vs J. Langan et al.
H. Hawes vs. S. Hovious et al.
H.E. Harrington vs. Dennis Martin et al.
B.G. Lathrop vs. W.C. Crook et. Al
C.E. Kelly et al vs Guadalupe Miramontez et al
Basil Clark vs James Mee
W.W. McCoy vs. Alfred Cowles et al
S.O. de Arguello et al vs. E. Donnelly
David Mahony vs. J. Van Winkel et al.

POST OFFICE AT SPANISHTOWN. – We are informed by H.C. Bidwell Esq., who has been exerting himself to that end, that there will shortly be a postoffice established at the above point on the coast.  The expense will be met by individuals and the office will be in Mr. Bidwell’s store.  This will prove of great convenience to the people of Half-moon Bay country, and great credit certainly is due the persons who were instrumental in having the route established.  Efforts have been made heretofore to get a post office at that place, but owing to various causes, principally the neglect of public officials, they have not been successful.

WOODSIDE. – A rumor was in circulation for some time past that Tripp & Parkhurst had dissolved their copartnership, which had existed for several years.  We are assured that such is the fact from one of the late firm.  Neither of the parties are to leave, we are glad to learn.  The store will be conducted by M.A. Parkhurst, and Dr. Tripp will hereafter superintend the ranch.

Mr. Wm. P. Morrison, it is rumored, has purchased the interest of his partner, Mr. Havens, in the Mountain Home ranch.  The sawmill lately purchased, is being put up in Bear Gulch, and is expected to be in operation next week.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 25, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 21

The undersigned is now prepared to grind any quantity of Barley at a very low price, at his mill on Brittan’s Ranch, one mile north of Redwood City.

Notice of Creditors.
In the County Court of the County of San Mateo, of the State of California.
In the matter of the Petition of ALFRED F. GREEN, an Insolvent Debtor.
Pursuant to an order of the Hon. Benj. F. Fox, Judge of the said County Court, notice is hereby given to all the creditors of the said Insolvent, Alfred F. Green, to be and appear before the Hon. B.F. Fox, County Judge aforesaid, at the Court Room of said Court, in Redwood City, County of San Mateo, on the twenty-second day of September, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty, at ten o’clock, A.M., of that day, than and there to show cause, if any they can why the prayer of said insolvent should not be granted, and an assignment of his estate be made, and he be discharged from his debts and liabilities, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided; and in the meantime all proceedings against said Insolvent be stayed.
Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court this twentieth day of August, A.D. 1860
B.G. Lathrop, Clerk

COURT. – The Twelfth District Court for San Mateo concluded its labors after a session of three days, as we predicted last week.  There were but few cases of general interest.  The case of The People vs. Terry – the duel case – elicited some attention.  It was submitted to a jury on the question as to whether the proceedings in Marin county were a regular trial.  The records of the District Court for that county, the Judge charged, were evidence of such trial, and the jury accordingly tendered a verdict for defendant.  The case of Lathrop vs. Crook et al., was continued till next term.  Hawes vs Brittan – verdict for plaintiff.  Teschmach er al. vs Thomspson et al. – Ejectment – tried by jury.  Verdict for defendants.   Arguello et al. vs. Donnelly – Ejectment.  Judgment for plaintiffs by default.  Hawes vs. Hovious et al. – action to recover taxes paid under protest.  Argued and submitted on demurrer to answer.

THE SAND HILLS. – We are advised that the north end of the county, though making little stir in the world at this time, is still in existence.  Potatoes do not “grow small, over there,” and can be had in any quantity by those desiring to purchase.  The people are very much pleased that the stages have given preference to the San Bruno road, as the sand hill turnpike is improving in consequence.

CROPS. – We learn that the crops in the Halfmoon Bay country have suffered greatly from blight.  Many fields of wheat will scarcely pay for harvesting.  A threshing machine last week at work near the Purissama, did not turn out more than one fourth the usual quantity of grain.  Oats and vegetables have been and are doing well, as usual.

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