San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
November 1860
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 3, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 31

THE COURTS. – The County Court of San Mateo County will hold its regular session for November on Monday next.
The Probate Court will sit Tuesday next, and the Court of Sessions on Wednesday next.  The following is a list of the grand and trial jurors drawn for the tern of
the latter Court:
Grand Jurors – W.C. Crook, M.L. Brittan, Geo. Bement, J.M. Curtis, J.C. Green, S.B. Gilbert, Wm. Holder, T.W. Buckley, J.V. Diller, Albert Dexter, J.S.
Colgrove, James Burns, M.A. Halstead, S.D. Gatewood, Robert Green and Abner Boen.
Trial Jurors – Edward Ring, S.W. Springer, James Quinn, Artemas Rice, J.H. Richardson, Lyman Stevens, J.P. Swinney, William Maxfield, Michael Rodgers,
John Donald, Simon Knight, Geo. Harrington, C.C. Edinger, Thos. Wells, Leonard Hill, J.S. Sanborn, Hiram Pike, I.G. Knowles, N.C. Lance, Miles Swift, John
Schmoll, Isaac Shaw, James Wilson and Calvin Putnam.

Know all men by these presents, that I, the undersigned, Liana Lockwood, a married woman, wife of Ichabod Lockwood, now residing in the county of San
Mateo and State of California, being desirous of availing myself of the benefits of an Act of the Legislature of said State entitled “An Act to authorize married
women to transact business in their own name as sole traders” passed April 12th, 1852, do hereby announce, give notice and declare, that I intend to carry on
business in my own name and on my own account from and after the date hereof, and that the nature and kind of business so to be carried on by me is that of
Farming, Stock Raising and the Dairy business in said county; and that the sum of money together with the value of all property now invested in said business or to
hereafter invested therein, does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars.
Witness my hand, this 27th day of October A.D. 1860

State of California
City and County of San Francisco
On this 27th day of October, A.D. 1860, before me, F.J. Thibault, a Notary Public, in and for said city and county personally appeared Liana Lockwood, wife of
Ichabod Lockwood, and who executed the foregoing instrument as party thereto, and after having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said
instrument, acknowledged to me and declared, on examination apart from and with the hearing of her said husband, that she executed the same freely and
voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her said husband, and she did not wish to retract the execution of the same.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first before written.
Notary Public

NEW STORE. – The firm of Corneps & Co., grocers, have opened an excellent grocery on the corner of A and First streets, Redwood City.  This will prove of
great convenience to the people west of the creek, and with a proper quality of goods and moderate prices, a fair patronage will be realized by the new store.  The
proprietors are young men of energy and good business qualifications, and such men are sure of success.

PREMIUMS. – We observe in the list of premiums awarded at the San Jose Fair, that our friend Reynolds came in for his full share, as follows:  Stallion, for all
purposes – Selim; thoroughbred Devon bull, Narragansett; thoroughbred Durham heifer Ida Fifth; and Maria Morgan brood mare.

TWO MURDERS. – On Wednesday evening last two horrible murders were perpetrated in San Francisco.  At about six o’clock, a dispute occurred between
Patrick Donnelly, and Daniel Keeley, on First street, between Market and Stevenson, in which Donnelly stabbed Keeley with a large carving knife, inflicting seven
or eight wounds upon his body and head, of which he has since died.  About ten o’clock, in a room attached to a coffee stand on the corner of Pacific and Drumm
streets, while the wife of Michael Kerrigan, a steamboatman, was taking a cup of coffee, alone in the room, her husband rushed in with a knife in his hand, and
jerking her head back, at one cut severed the carotid artery, causing death in a few moments.

Halfmoon Bay, October 30th, 1860
We, that is, us, and all the rest of Halfmoon Bay creation, are delighted to learn of the nomination of Col. Jaques, the handsome Col.  Could the dear ladies decide
who should be your next Supervisor, he would most certainly be the man.  Honest, clear-headed and big-hearted Colonel.  We are almost tempted to come over
and give you another vote.
 As for Col. Denniston, he will be elected if we are any prophet.  He is very popular here with men of all classes; he is an excellent man, and in the Assembly will
make his constituents heard.
   …  S.D.T.

communication was published in yesterday’s paper, we have to say that we have been furnished, with undoubted evidence that Judge Campbell is a citizen of the
United States. – Herald, 1st

We hereby notify all persons that a certain promissory Note, bearing date Sept. 1st, 1860, payable to John S. Parker, or bearer, forty days after date, for Fifty
Dollars ($50), has been paid; therefore all persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase or negotiate said Note, the same having been so paid.
San Francisco, Oct. 22, 1860

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 10, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 32

On Thursday evening, 8th inst. in Redwood City, Willie, infant son of Hon. Humphrey Griffith, aged 7 months.

Alex. Campbell is elected Twelfth District Judge by an overwhelming majority – the bar of San Francisco working for him with great unanimity.  Here his vote was a very flattering one, considering that he was wholly unknown to most of our citizens, and no one was specially canvassing for him, while the personal friends of Mr. Gough were using every possible means to swell his majority in this county.

In the county election, J.G. Denniston is elected Assemblyman, over Curtis Baird, by a majority of 94.  The vote received by Mr. Baird, was one of which he should feel proud, and would not have been received by any other gentleman in the county in opposition to Mr. Denniston, whose popularity was such as to assure every one of the result long before the election.  In Mr. Denniston we have confidence.  On returning to his home and his constituents after the labors of the legislator are concluded, he will receive the welcome of “well done, thou good and faithful servant.”  What can be done for this county we feel assured he will do.

Mr. Templeton is elected County Judge, and much as we opposed his election, we are quite willing to admit that the vote that he received at the precinct where he resides was a strong indorsement of him, and his conduct while Judge may yet show that our opinion of him, as well as that of many others, may have been ill-founded.  Had but one candidate opposed him, however, we think he would have been defeated.  Dr. Stanbaugh, notwithstanding his expressed aversion to the nomination, has been elected Coroner, and we know of no one better qualified for the office, which in certain contingencies, in one of much responsibility.

The Board of Supervisors will consist of Messrs. R.S. Thornton, J.P. Ames and J.V. Diller, the latter gentleman having, as we predicted, received a very large majority over his competitor.  With the new Board we are well pleased.  The governmental affairs of the County in their hands will receive that attention which their importance demands.

The Justices of the several Townships are as follows: 1st, S.S. Tilton, J.G. Cooper; 2d, John Johnson, G.R. Borden, 3d, J.W. Turner, Chester Parshall.

Probate Court, San Mateo County
In the matter of the Estate of Braxton Richardt deceased.
All persons having claims against the separate Estate of BRAXTON RICHARDT, deceased, are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned for allowance within ten months from this date, or the same will be forever thereafter barred.
R.O. TRIPP, Public Administrator
Redwood City, Nov. 7, 1860

THE COURT OF SESSIONS. – Hon. B.F. FOX, Judge, Justices J.W. Turner and J.P. Ames, Associates.  This Court opened on Wednesday, with Grand and Trial Jurors.  Same stipulation filed as in County Court, and trial jury discharged to appear at County Court on Monday.  Grand Jury empanelled, J.M. Curtis, Esq., Foreman.  The Court stated that so far as it was informed there was but little business, and it turned out to be true.  But one case was presented, and in that no bill found.  Witnesses had been subpoenaed in several other cases, but neither they or the prosecutors appeared, and under the advice of the District Attorney, the Jury so reported, and were discharged after a session of only a few hours.  On motion of the District Attorney it was ordered that the witnesses appear on the first day of the next term and show cause for non-attendance.  The Court then adjourned until Tuesday next.

COUNTY COURT. – This Court opened on Monday last.  The District Attorney filed a stipulation signed by all the counsel in the county to the effect that no jury trails should be had until Monday next, and asked the Court to be governed by the stipulation, which request was granted.  The case of Dolan vs. Brown, a forcible entry case, was taken up and argued, and submitted on several law points, when the Court adjourned until Monday next.

MEETING OF THE SUPERVISORS. – The Board of Supervisors of the San Mateo county held their regular meeting for November on Monday last, 5th, a full Board present.
 A petition was presented and considered, for a road from Crystal Springs, through Canada San Andreas, to the San Jose road, near Buchanan House.  Jacob Tyson, George Bement and John Voorhies, were appointed reviewers, to report at the next regular meeting of the Board, upon the location and practicability of said raod.
 Auditor’s bill for making tax-book was presented and examined, and eight cents per folio allowed therefore.
 A petition was presented from John Perry, for refunding a portion of the funds paid to the tax-collector on the tax of Helen E. Harrington.  The Board, finding that taxes had been assessed upon seventy-three acres more land than was assessable to her, the Auditor was directed to refund, by warrant, taxes to that amount.  Other deductions prayed for were not allowed.
 Taxes to the amount of $13.17 were ordered to be refunded to Palo Leo, that amount having been twice paid.
Bids for the county printing to the end of the official term were received from the “Gazette” and “Courier,” printing offices.  The printing was awarded to the “Courier,” at the rate of one cent per square of twenty-four lines, for the first insertion, and half-a-cent for each subsequent insertions.  Bonds in the sum of three hundred dollars were required for the performance of the contract.
The following bills were presented and allowed:  Lapham & Co., $35.52; Wm. H. Shreve, $30; J.V. Diller, $225.86; Wm. Godfrey, $17.

BOUTH OUT. _ Messrs. S. Ford and H.D. Bush, of Ford & Co.’s Express, have purchased Meyer’s Halfmoon Bay Express, and will hereafter run a tri-weekly line to San Francisco.

THE NEW STORE. – Messrs. Corneps’ & Co. present their claims for patronage in to-day’s paper.  Their goods are choice and their prices low.  Try the new store, and you will be satisfied with the result.
  ~ ~ ~
Redwood City, Cor. A and First streets.
Having leased Prior’s Building, Corner of A and First streets, Redwood City, and completely stocked it with the choicest goods of all kinds kept for sale in a Grocery Store, the proprietors would inform the people of Redwood City and San Mateo County that they are prepared to furnish them with
Goods at Low prices
Wholesale and Retail.
Including Liquors, Wines, Segars, Cordials, Syrups, etc.,
Crockery, Hardware, Glass Ware, and many kinds of goods not usually found in stores out of San Francisco.  Remember we sell at low prices.  Call and see our good and ascertain the prices.
Redwood City, Nov. 10, 1860
  ~ ~ ~

DIVINE SERVICE. – Services will be holden at the Court-house Redwood City, to-morrow 11th inst., by the Rev. F.M. Staton, M.E. Church South.  Mr. S. has been appointed pastor of this circuit by the Pacific Conference lately holden at Sacramento, and will preach throughout the county, during the remainder of the Conference year.

NEW TIN SHOP. – We understand that there will be a Tin Shop and Stove Store opened on Monday next, on Main street, by Mr. Wm. Durham, Sen.

Belmont is situated about twenty-five miles from San Francisco, and in its immediate vicinity are some of the most beautiful and attractive localities in San Mateo county.  The name Belmont is derived from the French word belle mont, signifying “beautiful hill;” having allusion to the prominent elevation or knoll, about sixty feet in height, near which the village is built.  The name was given to the locality by Messrs. Steinburger and Beard, who in the year 1851 were the ostensible proprietors of tracts of land in the vicinity.

The loveliness of the scenery from the knoll which gives its name to Belmont, almost defies description, and can in fact, be but faintly attempted in words.  Looking from this point to the eastward we seen loom up the blue summits of the Coast Range Mountains, their sides covered with verdure, and through their gaps here and there, in clear weather, a slight view is obtained of the lofty, snow-capped Sierra Nevada.  Farther northward extends the Coast Range, including Monte Diabolo, whose high and abrupt point is presented in strong relief against the sky.  Farther to the west are seen the islands of the Bay, Goat Island, the Sisters, etc.  In the fore-ground of this picture is the extended shore of the Bay, the Bay itself, with its hundreds of small craft plying to and from the interior ports of the State; and beyond, seeming, from the view obtained, to be nestling at the base of the mountains, are seen the various flourishing towns and villages, now springing up with magic rapidity along the shores.  Cast over this entire picture that softly bluish haze with which the true painter on canvass of nature, so loves to decorate his representations of Italian scenery, and if the reader has followed us closely, he has a view which Italy, with all its fame, cannot excel.

Crossing the Bay to its western side, looking toward San Francisco – whose houses could almost be counted, so clear is the atmosphere, an so bright the sum, were it not for a single intervening hill – the San Bruno Mountains are the prominent features of another landscape view of that beautiful class which the great Landseer dearly loved to paint, made up of the neat farms which cover the fertile hills and valleys as far as the view extends, with the mountains for a background.  Turning gradually to the southward, the view follows the Sierra Morena, with their abundant covering of timber, including the famous redwood, until the hills finally lose themselves to the sight in the distant south.

The beautiful hill from which this magnificent scenery may be viewed, is covered with umbrageous oaks from base to summit, and is considered among the most valuable property in San Mateo county.  It is a portion of a large tract owned by Mr. Fonda, of the firm of Fonda & Gray, San Francisco.  The hill and the choice land in the immediate vicinity, the proprietor has often been importuned for, and has been offered very high prices, but up to the present time has declined to dispose of it, as he has objects in view with regard to the land which have become favorites with him, and in prosecuting which he designs making Belmont a town of note in San Mateo county.  He has lately erected a brick store in the town, and proposes soon building a large warehouse at the embarcadero, about half a mile distant, where all the shipments of produce, etc, from the numerous farms in the vicinity, to the San Francisco market are made.  This warehouse will be of immense advantage to the farming community, and we hope soon to see it completed.  The property of which the belle mont is a part, is certainly the most desirable we know of, when the effect of the projected San Francisco and San Jose railroad upon property in San Mateo county is considered.  This will be the point at which purchasers of beautiful residence sites must, perforce, first look for locations, for there are no such sites purchasable at any price, even if they were as desirable, between Belmont and San Francisco.  The fine climate, and the natural charms of the location are rapidly calling attention to this section of our State, and all who have possession such as the above must refuse enormous amounts for their property if they desire to remain the owners of it.

Belmont is in a somewhat peculiar manner connected with the early history of this county.  Here in 1850, Angelo, an active participant in local affairs, and since somewhat celebrated as an accessory in certain defalcations at Victoria, V.I., built the hotel which he for some years kept, and which was one of the first frame buildings in this district, then in San Francisco county.  Here was held the first county court, Hon. B.F. Fox, Judge.  At the first election, the people were by the county organic Act directed to choose a county seat, and the Commissioners declared Belmont chosen, but the county Judge, at the first session of the court, decided that the voting at three precincts, namely, Crystal Springs, Rock House, and Belmont, was illegal, and those precincts were consequently thrown out, which materially changed the result as to county officers, and made Redwood City the county seat, which it still remains.

 In a most beautiful valley, at the entrance to which Belmont is situated, are a number of residences, built by ex-Governor John McDougal, Steinburger, Col. Cipriani and others in early days, embowered among the evergreen oaks, forming retreats which are pictures of comfort and beauty.  Here resides S.M. Mezes, Esq., the active proprietor of the Pulgas Rancho, the largest Spanish grant in San Mateo county.  This valley, which we think has been very inaptly named, (Canada Diablo,) is another of those spots which, in speaking of its aspect, “beautiful” is but a tame expression to convey a proper idea of.  Imagine a fertile valley, nearly circular, about a mile in extent, shut in all sides by towering hills, with its bowl-like interior covered with the richest verdure, spotted with groves of shady oaks, cottages here and there peeping from among them, cattle grazing upon the hills, a balmy atmosphere, a supreme quiet, and evident luxuriousness of everything natural and mechanical presented to the view, and you have before Canada Diablo.  It should have been named the Valley of Beauty.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 17, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 33

Know all men that Dennis Martin is not, never has been and will not be authorized to transact any business for me, directly or indirectly as an agent.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At Spanishtown
San Mateo County
M.A. Halsted & Brother Respectfully inform the farmers and inhabitants of the Coast that they have completed their new Grist Mill at Spanishtown and will from this date be prepared to furnish them with milling of every description.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

San Andreas Valley is one of those picturesque districts which we have heretofore observed are so numerous in San Mateo County.  It is about twelve miles in length, running parallel with the Sierra Morena, by which on the west and the foothills on the east, it is bounded.  Its northern commencements is near the northern boundary of the county, and extends to a point about three miles south of the Crystal springs, where it becomes merged in the Canada de Raimundo.

Entering the valley from the north, the beholder is entranced with the romantic beauty of the scenery by which he is surrounded.  We hear and read of the far famed Alpine hills and their beauty, which perhaps, excel these in majestic grandeur, and in extent; the mountains are of course a giddier height, and the precipices steep and rugged, inspiring altogether a greater awe in the beholder, but we doubt whether more romantic and really beautiful scenery is found among that famous range of mountains than that which may be viewed in the Valley of San Andreas.  Throughout its whole extent there are gently rounding hillocks and flats, covered with evergreen oaks and fragrant artimesia, which here give the whole earth’s surface that peculiarly verdant appearance, even in the driest season, that so forcibly reminds one of an ever present springtime.  The springs of water which, forced by nature to the surface, start here and there from the hills, and whose waters meander down their smooth sides into the valley, forming in it little lakes, increasing the already prolific qualities of the soil, cause the growth of numerous beautiful shrubs and water plants, where small game, in great abundance, seek refuge.  Far up in the Sierra to the west of the valley are now found deer, occasionally a bear or two, and immense numbers of quail and other feathered game.  Passing down this beautiful valley, among the echoing hills which, though so near the great metropolis of the west, are seldom pressed by the foot of man, we gradually near the valley of the San Mateo, whose clear waters have their source high up in the Sierra Morena.

Upon the banks of the stream, at the base of the mountains, and nestling in one of the most charming of the many beautiful parts of the valley, is the widely known Crystal Spring House.  This establishment was built, we believe about 1851, and has since that time, notwithstanding serious impediments to its success, in the shape of bad management, been visited by immense numbers of people from San Francisco, who were drawn thither by the attractions of the charming scenery, healthful climate and pure waters.  We are credibly informed that the property is now about to be leased for a term of five years to a gentleman whose capacity as a host and caterer to the public taste is of the first order, and it may be therefore confidently expected that if the lease is consummated the change so long desired by visitors and the people at large will soon be made, and the serious objections which have stood so long in the way of an extended patronage to this beautiful place of resort, be removed.  The grounds are laid out with much taste, and the gardens, in which are every variety of choice flowers, trees and plants, with arbors and fountains, forming elegant ornaments, are an exceedingly pleasant resort for visitors.  The whole neighborhood is covered with those large evergreen umbrageous oaks, madronas, and fragrant buckeyes, which nearly hide the ground from view so luxuriant are they, which lend a peculiar charm to the locality.  Attached to the grounds is an attractive park, composed of the thickest undergrowth, through which promenade avenues have been made, winding in every direction, with seats placed at proper intervals for the convenience of the promenaders.  Plentifully interspersed through the park are the fine oaks, and other large trees, giving it a most beautiful shady appearance.  From the summits of the neighboring hills the grandest views of the country, for many miles in all directions are obtained.  Crystal Spring is a place where those who seek relaxation from business in quiet and in the enjoyment of nature’s choicest  scenes and rural beauties will in days to come flock by thousands, while Napa and similar over estimated results will be desolate.

Following the valley towards the south we find it gradually widening until the broad and fertile Canada de Raimundo presents itself.  Here are many beautiful farms, not so large as those on the eastern slope of the foothills, but equally fertile, and uner the care of the thrifty farmers, equally productive.  From the point about where the two valleys unite, the road to Halfmoon Bay crosses the mountains.  Here the mountains are very precipitous, rendering the passage one of extreme hardship  It is unnecessarily steep, we think, and may be remedied by a grade through the canyon in the rear of Condon’s house, which connects with a ravine running into the valley of the Pilarcitos.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 24, 1860, Vol. 2 No. 34

On M.L. Brittan’s ranch, near Redwood City, Monday, Nov. 19th, FREDERICK ABE, aged 32 years, a native of Pennsylvania, late of Ohio.
At Searsville, on Wednesday, Nov. 14, Mrs. THEODORE (note: not positive does start TH----) GARDNER, of New York, aged 36 years.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

DIED OF LOCKED-JAW – Mr. Frederick Abe, the notice of whose demise we publish in this week’s paper, was an old and much respected resident of this county, and his untimely death is sincerely mourned by all who knew him.  About ten days before his death, in leaping a fence, he stepped upon a nail, which pierced his boot and penetrated his foot to the depth of nearly an inch, which wound was not at first properly attended to, and resulted in locked-jaw.  Every possible attention was bestowed by Dr. S.S. Stanbaugh, who was called in too late, however, and by the sufferer’s friend, M.L. Brittan, Esq.  He died in the utmost agony.

THE NEW CLOTHING STORE – Messrs. Steinheiser & Weinschenk have established a new clothing and dry goods store, near the corner of Maine and Bridge streets, where they invite all to visit them who wish to purchase a first rate article of dry goods or clothing at a very low price.  They are resolved to give entire satisfaction to their patrons, and ask but a trial.

QUARTERLY MEETING M.E. CHURCH SOUTH. – This meeting will take place in Redwood City, Saturday and Sunday, 1st and 2d inst., at 11 A.M. and 6 ½ P.M. each day and evening.  The people generally are invited to attend.  M. Evans, Presiding Elder of the San Francisco District, and Pastor F.M. Staton will conduct the services on the occasion.

NEW TIN AND STOVE STORE. – We would call attention to the advertisement of Mr. Wm. Durham, in to-day’s paper.  Mr. D.’s prices are low, and his wares and work cannot be excelled.  Give him a portion of your patronage.

We invite special attention to the advertisements of G.W. Snell, in this paper.  His establishment is the old favorite house of Park & White, with large additions of the choicest goods from the eastern market.

ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. – A desperate case of butchery and attempted assassination took place in San Francisco on Saturday evening.  A Mexican, or Chileno, named Camilo Subiata, had for a considerable length of time been living with a young Chileno woman, called Marquita Marquez, but latterly they quarreled, and Marquita forbade him the house and managed to keep him away.
 On Saturday evening, driven desperate by jealousy and liquor, he proceeded to the place armed with a knife and two pistols.  He knocked at the door and as Marquita opened it, shot her in the breast.  She fell to the floor, but the would-be assassin went on completing his hellish work, lifted her up, shot her again and then stabbed her several times.  He then left her weltering in her blood and ran across the street, where he was soon afterwards arrested.  Another account of the affair is to the effect that Camilo commenced his attack by using the knife first and then shooting with the pistols.  One of the balls penetrated the right breast and is supposed to have gone into the lungs.  The second ball entered the back near the right shoulder blade.  There were several knife wounds, the principal of which was in the left breast

SCHOOL MATTERS. _ According to the School Census returns, there are 829 children in San Mateo county under 21 years of age – 16 between the ages of 18 and 21 years; 624 between the ages of 4 and 18 years; and 189 under the age of 4 years.  There are four school district, No. 2 being classed as “primary,” the others as “mixed.”  The total number of children attending school is set down as – boys, 102; girls, 89.  There are eight schools in the county.  Receipts for school purposes from all sources, during the years, was $2846.92.  Total amount paid for teachers’ salaries, $2465. 18.  Amount expended for school purposes, $2922.53.  There were four male and three female teachers employed during the year.  The schoolhouses and furniture are valued at $3130.53

It is not for the present reader alone that the journalist of to-day records his observations of occurrences, and his ideas of the times.  Scores, perhaps hundreds, of years hence, his writings will be data for histories for the use of after-coming millions.  We can imagine a production such as this, after having been preserved by the successors of some of the present generations in the family archives, and finally presented as a curiosity of ancient date, which those who will then read can hardly persuade themselves is truthful, so changed will everything be at that distant period.  As though the veil which hides futurity were lifted, we can picture in our “mind’s eye” the interest with which descriptions such as these we write will be read when the expanse of country composing the isthmus, of which this county is a part, will have been, upon all its hill-sides and valley, peopled by millions instead of hundreds, as at present; when the county road of to-day will be a thoroughfare such as Cheapside or Broadway, and where now the chirping squirrel gambols among his burrowed hillocks, busy trade will reign in its many forms; and instead of a single way farer, jostling thousands will meet and pass each minute. When the palaces of the merchant princes of the Pacific will grace, in many-pinnacled fancy architecture the hill-side groves where now the lowing herds alone are seen, and when the hand which writes and the eye which now reads this, will have long been cold, immoveable, and forgotten dust.

Redwood City, viewed from the northern approach, is a beau ideal of a picturesque village, seeming to be embowered among trees, its house-tops peering above the surrounding foliage of the invariable live oaks everywhere seen in its vicinity; but the green mask being removed on a near approach, it is found that but very few of the shady trees which appeared to cluster among the houses are to be seen.  It may be said, with no view of disparagement, however, that “distance lends enchantment to the view” of ostentatiously named Redwood City.  No steeple-topped church, with spire pointing its people to heaven, as yet attracts the attention from a distance, but the court-house looms up in “fair proportions,” indicative of more attention to things of earth.

The appearance of the oak-groves upon the farms in the neighborhood are exceedingly beautiful, and our oldest inhabitants, even, never tire of admiring them.  To the left, as we approach from the north, extends the broad marsh or “tule” lands, through which winds the Redwood Creek, as it is called, but which is in reality but an estuary of San Francisco Bay, having no spring source, but made entirely by the current caused by the ebb and flow of the tide-water.  This with many similar water-courses, form, throughout the whole marsh – which extends from the dry land about four miles into the Bay, along nearly its whole western side – an interminable net-work of steams and diminutive lakes, rendering the higher land unapproachable except through the principle channels, which are navigated to the various embarcaderos or landings, by the small craft used for shipping the staples of the county to a market, and return freighted with goods.

The older portion of the town, like most of the original town settlements in California, is built principally along a single street, which is now considered the business portion, while the western part is principally made up of dwellings.

The number of new buildings and other improvements, including stores, and business in various forms, in the western portion, all having an air of permanency, and the fact that the town-lots in the eastern portion are all sold and occupied, with no present room for further additions in that direction, show that future expansion must be limited to the western side, where a fine, level plain of considerable extent, laid out in town and villa lots, now awaits purchasers; which will not long be the case, if the improvements visible during the past year are a criterion by which to judge.

We predict, that in a year or perhaps less, a furor for speculation in property in and about Redwood City will take place, which will astonish the people, as the construction of the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad will by that time be fairly under way, and public attention will naturally be directed to this neighborhood as a business locality, and as a most desirable place of residence, on account of the unsurpassed climate.  It requires no great stretch of the imagination to conceive that the pleasant oaks groves in our vicinity, if they can be purchased, will, when they can be reached in an hour or less from San Francisco, be greedily sought as building sites, as a retreat from the cares of business and from the cold winds and other disagreeables of that city.

There are many interesting reminiscences of Redwood City and the “Pulgas,” a name by which this locality was best known in early days, which are interesting, but are fast being forgotten, showing a peculiar phase of California lige, and will be read even now with serious doubts by some as to their reality.
(Continued Next Week.)

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