San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
January 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, January 5, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 40

In Redwood City, Tuesday, Jan. 1st, the wife of Chas. N. Fox, of a daughter.

At San Mateo, Dec. 30, Capt. Joseph Emerson, Aged 62 years, formerly of Galveston, Texas. Texas, Massachusetts, and Maine papers copy.

TERRIBLE DEATH. A German by the name of Joe fell from the railroad cars in San Francisco, Wednesday morning, and the wheels severed both of his legs.  He died soon afterwards in the County Hospital.  The right leg was cut off at the thigh, and the left one just below the knee.

MURDER. S.T. Newell, editor of the Auburn Signal, was stabbed and killed in San Francisco, on Tuesday last, by Horace Smith, formerly Mayor of Sacramento.  Alleged cause, reflections in Newell's paper upon the character of Smith's wife.

AMERICAN HOTEL This well-known hotel in Redwood City, changed hands on the 1st instant, and D.W. Aldrich, Esq., late owner of the Mountain Home ranch, is now its proprietor.  Mr. Aldrich was formerly proprietor of the Metropolis hotel in Nevada, in connection with which famous house he became widely known throughout California.  He was engaged in hotel keeping from 1849 till 1857, and the future patrons of the American may rest assured that they will derive a benefit from his long experience by ample attention to their comfort.  We are told Mr. Thurber, the late proprietor, designs leaving San Mateo, which it is hoped, however, will not be the case, as his departure and that of his estimable lady will be much regretted by their many friends.

The mystery of the Lone Mountain murders is at last thought to be unraveled.  On information, the police have arrested Patrick Marran alias Marion Martin, who kept a milk ranch near the scene of the murder; and also the man who worked for Marran at the time named Thomas Hinebury or Hambury.  The latter was arrested near Stockton, having been paid to leave the city, as is supposed.  Marran is said to have been making preparations to leave for the East.  From a train of circumstances, the following theory of the matter is put forth: That Cook had been at work for one Marran, a milkman, in the neighborhood of Johnson s, at $25 per month, but Marran could not, or would not, pay him for his services; that Marran went into town (San Francisco) On the day of the murder, to get money; that he told Cook, on his return that he could not pay him; that sharp words were exchanged, and that Cook threatened to sue him, and might have raised the shovel in his hand, when Marran seized the axe lying by and killed him with it; that the daughter of Johnson saw the murder, and fled to the house to tell her mother; that the murderer followed her and killed her and her mother, and then set the house on fire to conceal his crime.  It is also said that a person witnessed the murders from a clump of bushes, but was afraid to reveal what he knew.

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Declaration as Sole Trader

Know all men by these presents that I, Mary A. Hamm, wife of Albert N. Hamm, a resident of San Mateo County, State of California, do in compliance with an Act of the Legislature of said State, entitled An Act to authorize married women to transact business in their own name as sole traders, approved April 12th, A.D. 1852, hereby make known publish and declare that from and after this first day of January A.D. 1861, I intend to carry on business in my own name and on my own account as a Sole Trader.  Said business to be that of Farming, Raising Stock, carrying on a Dairy, and everything concerning or connected with the ordinary business of farming, ranching and raising stock in this county country.  Said business to be carried on at present in the said county of San Mateo, and upon the premises or homestead of my said husband and myself and that from this date I will be personally and individually responsible in my own name of all debt contracted by me on account of my said business, and I hereby further declare that the amount of capital invested by me in the aforesaid business is less the Five Thousand Dollars.

     In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and self this first day of January A.D. 1861.


On this, 1st day of January A.D. 1861, before me, Heman A. Scofield, a Notary Public in and for said county of San Mateo, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared the within named Mary A. Hamm, wife of Albert N. Hamm, whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument as a party thereto, personally known to me to be the individual described in, and who executed the said annexed instrument, and on an examination apart from and without the hearing of her husband, being first by me made acquainted with the contents of the same, acknowledge to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that she did not wish to retract, the execution of the same.

    In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written.

Notary Public

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Main Street
Redwood City
David W. Aldrich, Proprietor

(Twenty miles from San Francisco)
San Mateo County
Anthony G. Oaks, Proprietor

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, January 12, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 41

Mr. Wm. Elliott, for several years past proprietor of the Mountain View Hotel, died Thursday last, after a very short illness.

WOODSIDE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION At the regular Annual meeting of this Association, held at Greer's School house, Woodside, on the 7th inst., the following named gentlemen were elected to fill the various offices the present year: President, Robert Greer; Secretary, J.P. Ross; Librarian, G. Taylor; Treasurer, Jas. O. Shaw; Directors, A. Teague, B. A. Rankin, Daniel Ross, John Greer and C. Edwards.

S. OF T. ELECTION   At the election for officers of Purissima Division No. 80, Sons of Temperance, held at Purissima schoolhouse on Sunday last, the following named gentlemen were elected to serve the ensuing term: John Johnson, W.P.; Thos. L. Boucher, W.A.; Chas. Jones, R.S.; Wm. Mapes, A.R.S.; J.D. Compton, F.S.; John Baldwin, T.; James Beckwith, C.; John Mapes, A.C.; H.S. Loveland, I.S.; Matthew Meader, O.S.; Willard Buzzel, Chaplain; H.S. Loveland, D.G.W.P.

SUPERVISORS MEETING The Board of Supervisors convened on Monday last, for the transaction of road business.  A full Board were present, Chairman R.S. Thornton, presiding.

     The report of the viewers appointed to locate the road running north from Crystal Springs, through San Andreas Valley, to the Buchanan House, was received, and notice ordered to be given to all parties interested to present their objections, if any, at the next regular meeting of the Board, on the first Monday in February.

     A petition was received from residents of Canada de Raimundo, for a road running from Maynard's residence, southerly, to the Redwoods, near Lampham's mill.  C. Bolinger, John Shultz, and M. Wolfe, were appointed viewers.

Killed by a Snow Slide Albert Tober, a native of Kennebec county, Maine, aged about 35 years was crushed to death on the 27th of December, by a snow slide, in the Urisko mining district, near North San Juan, Nevada county.  He was repairing a ditch at the time.

Found Murdered in Nevada County W. Marshall, who lived at Montezuma Hill, Nevada county, was found lying dead on Webber's South Yuba Bridge, on the 30th December.  He had been stabbed in the breast.  John Long, toll keeper, who was arrested and lodged in jail the same day, is charged with the murder.

Mysterious Child Murder

The dead body of an unknown infant apparently about a day or two old, was found, on the 5th of January, in the Sacramento, opposite Cadwallader's ranch about six miles above Sacramento city.  The body seemed to have been in the water several weeks.

Declaration as Sole Trader

Know all men by these presents that I, Elizabeth Batten, wife of Robert Patten, residing in San Mateo County, and State aforesaid, do hereby declare and make known my intention to carry on and transact business on my own account, and in my own name as Sole Trader, in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled An Act to authorize married women to transact business in their own name as sole traders, approved April 12th, A.D. 1852.  And I further declare that said business will be the Farming and Stock Raising, and also selling and buying of Cattle, Horses and Produce and will be carried on and transacted in said county of San Mateo; and that the amount of money invested in the said business does not exceed Five Thousand Dollars.

     In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of January, A.D. 1861, in presence of Robert S. Thornton.

Elizabeth Patten

John G. Cooper, Justice of the Peace.

On this, 7th day of January A.D. 1861, before me, John G. Cooper, a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid, personally appeared Elizabeth Patten, personally known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the above declaration as a party thereto, and that said Elizabeth Patten, wife of the said Robert Patten, having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said instrument acknowledged to me on an examination apart from and without the hearing of her said husband; that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her said husband and that she does not wish to retract the execution of the same.

     In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, in the county aforesaid, the day and year last above written.

Justice of the Peace, 1st Township, San Mateo County,
Redwood City, January 7, 1861

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the 12th Judicial District, in and for the County of San Mateo, State of California, in the suit of H.E. Harrington against Dennis Martin, by which I am commanded to make the sum of One Hundred and Fifty-nine Dollars and Seventy Cents ($159  70-100) costs and disbursements, and all accruing costs I have levied on all the right title and interest of the above named defendant Dennis Martin, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Redwood City, San Mateo county, State of California, said piece or parcel of land being known and numbered on the official map of said town (on file in the office of the County Recorder of said San Mateo county) as Lots Numbers Four (4) and Five (5) in Fractional Block 1, Range B; together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining.

    Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 5th day of February A.D. 1861 at 12 o'clock in front of the Court House doors of San Mateo County in Redwood City, I will sell the interest of the above named defendant Dennis Martin, in and to the above described lots of land at Public Auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder to satisfy said Execution and all costs.

Sheriff of San Mateo County

BY John Ames, Under Sherriff
Redwood City, Jan. 10, 1861

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New Advertisements

C.H. Remington
Proprietor of the
San Mateo Blacksmith Shop
San Mateo

With promptness and in a workman like manner, and warranted to suit
Particular attention paid to
Horseshoeing and Wagon Ironing

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, January 19, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 42

PROBATE COURT, SAN MATEO COUNTY. Monday, Jan. 12, - Estate of Patrick Martin deceased.  Ordered, that letters of administration upon the estate issue to Dennis Martin, upon filing proper bond.

NOTICE. Know all men that Dennis Martin is not, never has been, and will not be authorized to transact any business for me, directly or indirectly as an agent.


COUNTY COURT In chambers, Jan. 12th The People vs. J.W. Turner this was an application for mandamus, but it was made to the Judge, and not to the Court; the alternative was never issued, but the judge's order, unattested, was served.  Respondent refused to answer, but his reasons for such refusal were stated to the Court, and upon an examination of the law the proceedings was dismissed.

Mr. John Battersby has removed his Tin Shop from A street, near the Court House to the corner of A and First streets.

ERRATUM. An error occurs in our table of names of the County officers.  The present Judge is Hon. B.F. Fox.  The County Judge elect does not take his seat until May.  We ask pardon of Judge Fox for having thus prematurely ousted him from his office.  Consider yourself reinstated, Judge.

OMISSION. Much to our regret, we omitted to mention the departure last week from Redwood City, of three of our much-respected citizens, Messrs, John D. Havens, J.Q.A. Thurber, and Herman Byers the two former being accompanied by their families.  Mr. Thurber and lady will probably not return to California, which is regretted by numbers of friends to whom they have, during their residence here, become endeared by their many praiseworthy acts and kindly social intercourse.  Mr. Havens goes eastward on a visit to parents and friends, though for hosts of the latter he need not have left California.  He will return this summer.  Mr. Byer, well known as the partner of Mr. Finger, near this place, goes to Europe, to visit the scenes of his youth.  He will return in about one year.  We wish them all a safe voyage, a pleasant reunion with their old-time friends, and a safe return to San Mateo County.

THE NEW GRIST MILL, NEAR SEARSVILLE. Mr. Cameron, the present proprietor of this mill, which will be remembered as Martin's old grist mill, informs us that it is now is successful operation, and that he is manufacturing flour of the best quality.  As heretofore noticed by us, the mill has been almost entirely rebuilt, and the facilities of all kinds for doing business are perfect.  The farmers will hereafter find it much more economical to obtain their flour at this mill than to depend on transportation to the city.

SUPPOSED MURDER. Francisco Barra, a Spaniard, living on Thomson's ranch, Santa Cruz county, has been missing for some days, and his friends fear that he has been murdered.  His wife and brother-in-law were arrested and examined and discharged.

FOUND DEAD. On Saturday evening, the 6th inst., Casper Baern was found dead about a mile below Drytown, Amador County, lying beside the trail leading down the creek.  His murderer, a partly filled hand-keg of whisky, lay by his side.  Comment is unnecessary.

MAN FOUND DEAD. On the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 25th, a man by the name of Reno Baxter was found dead, near Sandy Gulch, in Calaveras county.  A Coroner's inquest was held and rendered a verdict, that the deceased came to his death by drowning in a ditch.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, January 26, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 43

NOTICE. All persons indebted to J.Q.A. Thurber, late of the American Hotel, are requested to make immediate payment to Thomas H. Noble.

VARIETY STORE. Mr. Stone's new store is quite a novelty in Redwood City.  It is a perfect curiosity shop, and contains thousands of small wares and good things which everybody needs.  To look over his stock of goods alone is worth a visit.

BELMONT HOTEL. -  This establishment is undergoing a marked change under its present proprietor, Mr. Maxwell, who is sparing no expense to render it a commodious hotel.  An addition has lately been made to the building, and other improvements of consequence are contemplated.

COMPLIMENTARY. We see that our Member of Assembly, Hon. J.G. Denniston, has been appointed chairman of the Committee on Elections.

FISHING TACKLE. Anglers should be certain to procure good tackle before going upon their piscatory excursions, otherwise annoyance, endless trouble and consequent disappointment in the day's sport must be the consequence.  R. Hall & Co., on Clay street, San Francisco, below Montgomery, can supply the best articles of flies, hooks, lines and rods now made.

Information Wanted. The friends of Geo. Correll, a resident of California since 1855, are anxious to hear from him.  Address A. Bentz, San Andreas, Calaveras county, California.

Mountain Dell Division, No. 74, S. of T. Officers - Robert Peterson, W.P.; Solomon Snyder, W.A.; John Greer, R.S.; D.W. Sampson, A.R.S.; W.O. Vane, F.S.; L. Williams, T.; Augustus Hamblin, C.; Geo. Abe, A.C.; James Cunningham, I.S.; John Jamison, O.S.; A. Teague, D.G.W.P.; Wm. Lasswell, Chaplain

Professional Cards

Dr. Vailes, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
And Licentiate of Apothecary's Hall, London, England; and late Surgeon in the British and American armies; tenders his services to the citizens of Redwood City and the surrounding country.  Offices at the residence of Mr. Thomas Woodhead.

A.E. Easton,
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor of San Mateo County

McCabe & Fox
Counsellors at Law
Offices 101 Merchant street, San Francisco
And in the Court-house, Redwood City
James McCabe, San Francisco
Chas. N. Fox, Redwood City

H.A. Scofield
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
And Notary Public
Redwood City, San Mateo County

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Variety Store
Bridge street, near Main
S.L. Stone respectfully informs the public that he has opened a Store in Redwood City, where he intends hereafter to keep on hand for their accommodation, an extensive stock of excellent goods of a kind not heretofore kept exclusively for sale in any other store in this locality.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Main & Winchester
Manufacturers and Importers of
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Saddlery Ware, Whips, etc.,
No. 68 Battery street, corner, Richmond, San Francisco

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At Spanishtown
San Mateo County
M.A. Halsted & Brother respectfully inform the farmers and inhabitants generally of the Coast, that they have completed their new grist mill at Spanishtown, and will from this date be prepared to furnish them will Milling of every description.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Groceries, Liquors, Hardware, Dry Goods
Wholesale and Retail at
San Francisco Prices !

The Undersigned have the Pleasure to announce to the citizens of San Mateo County, that they are now occupying the NEW BRICK STORE, lately erected at Belmont, where may be a choice variety.
Clark & Waltermire

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