San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
March 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 2, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 48

DEAD. On the 12th ult. Word was brought here that a stranger had called at the house of one of our citizens at the north end of the county, in a very weak condition, and soon after died.  At the request of the District Attorney, Justice Cooper took the body in charge and gave it decent burial at the public expense.  Before burial such investigation was made as rendered it certain that the stranger died from natural cause consumption.  The Justice being so satisfied, no inquest was held.  Upon examination of his effects, nothing was found but some clothing, forty-five cents in money, and a certificate of intention to become an American citizen, issued at Sacramento, Oct. 25th, 1858.  From this it appears that the name of the deceased was John Reynolds, late of Texas, and that he was a native of some portion of the British realm.

DEATH OF G.B. POST. Mr. G.B. Post died Tuesday morning in San Francisco, after a protracted illness.  He was the last surviving member of the famous firm of G.B. Post & Co., which stood among the first commercial houses of San Francisco, from the earliest times up to with a few years back.

CONVICTED. John Sweeney, arrested sometime since for robbing $24,000 from C.P. Swift near Petaluma, which was buried in the earth, has been convicted and sent to State Prison for eleven years.

UNION CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. The regular annual meeting of this Association was held at the courts-house on Monday evening last.  The report of the Superintendent shows the number of interments during the year to have been seven.  Only three of these deaths, we believe, occurred in Redwood City. The Treasurer's report shows the receipts of the year to have been sixty dollars twenty of which was for trespass committed upon the grounds.  The expenditure amounted to $40.19.  The old officers, J.V. Diller, President; C.N. Fox, Secretary and Treasurer; and J.W. Turner, Superintendent, were unanimously re-elected.

THE BIG BARGE. The steamer Anna came to the landing on Wednesday last, towing a new barge, the largest, it is said on this coast.  It is 165 feet long, 28 feet beam, 6 feet depth of hold.  Her capacity, as given by Captain Trueworthy, is about six hundred tons, and can carry 30,000 posts a very large load, indeed.  She will take, this trip, 20,000 posts for the upper Sacramento river, and will probably soon return for more.

DIVINE SERVICE. Rev. J.S. Zelie will preach to-morrow at the San Mateo school-house, at 11 o clock, and in the court-room at this place at 3 o clock.  As Mr. Z. will remain here permanently, these appointments will be continued regularly every Sabbath hereafter.

SAWMILL AND WAGON TRAIN FOR MONO. There is at present in town a train of twelve wagons with four yoke of oxen to each, fitting up for Mono silver mines.  The train and mill are the property of a company at the mines, and will proceed to their destination in a short time under the superintendence of Mr. W. Whipple, late of Whipple's mill, in this county.  The forty-eight oxen are now being shod for the journey by Messrs. Chew & Hilton.

WHAT CHEER HOUSE. This famous hotel has lately received an addition of fifty single rooms, nearly all of which are upon the lower floor.  They are furnished throughout in the best style, with Brussels carpets, toilets, etc.  This house is one of the best as well as the cheapest, in San Francisco.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 9, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 49


In Redwood City, March 7th, the wife of Charles Hanson of a son.

MORE DIVORCES. At the February term of the District Court for Calaveras county, three decrees in divorce were granted, to wit: Madeline Kessler vs. Jacob Kessler; Fanny R. Snow vs. Franklin Snow; and W.N. Thompson vs. Fanny A. Thompson.

THE COURTS. The County Court commenced its March term on Monday last.  In the case of Templeton vs. McKeen & Crosby, ordered, that appeal be dismissed.  Adjourned till March 11.

In the Probate Court, Tuesday, 5th inst., final report of the administrator of estate of W.D. Harrington, was filed, and accepted.  Public Administrator filed report on the estate of Braxton Richardt. Appraisers were appointed on the estate of Joseph Emerson.  Adjourned till 11th inst.

The Court of Session convened for the March term on Wednesday.  At the opening of the Court, the District Attorney, C.N. Fox, Esq., said that he felt it a duty to allude to a late act of the Legislature, which in his opinion called for the severest censure from the people, and was in effect an impeachment of the entire judiciary of California.  That in the change of venue granted by that body in the case of the People vs. Horace Smith, charged with murder, an outrage upon the laws and a violation of the Constitution had been committed, and a precedent established in the highest degree injurious to public safety; affording a protection and refuge to rich and influential murderers; an act to be deprecated wherever justice and good government prevailed; and all who had voted for that act had violated their official oath to support the Constitution.

The Grand Jury were empanelled, and after the charge from Judge Fox retired.  From the number of witnesses in attendance, we are induced to believe that a large amount of business has been and is to be brought before them.


The Board met pursuant to adjournment, on Monday March 4th. Present, R.S. Thornton, J.P. Ames, and J.V. Diller.

The following bills were presented and allowed: Wm. Godfrey, $30; S.S. Stanbaugh, $33; W. Bush, $12; J.V. Diller, $189.92; A.S. Easton, $149.10; Dr. Angle, $116.

Proposal of Wm. Godfrey for county printing, was accepted, without bonds.

A petition was received for a road from Belmont to Belmont embarcadero, upon which Messrs. D.S. Cook, J. Donald and J.S. Cosgrove were appointed viewers.

The Board then adjourned till first Monday in April.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Declaration as Sole Trader

Know all men by these presents, that I, Mary Jane Dolloff, wife of Jerome B. Dolloff, residents of the County of San Mateo, being desirous of availing myself of the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled An Act to authorize married women to carry on and transact business in their own names, as sole traders, passed April 12th, 1852 do hereby publish and declare my intention from and after this date, and the recording of this declaration in the office of the County Recorder, as provided in the 2d section of said Act, to transact and carry on business in my own name and on my own account, as a sole trader, under the provisions of said Act, and the nature of the business which I so intend to carry on is the ordinary business of Farming and stock-raising and that I intend to carry on the said business upon the premises where I now reside, in the region of country known as Halfmoon Bay, in the county of San Mateo, and that from and after this date I will be individually responsible, in my own name, for all debts contracted by me on account of my said business, and that the original capital invested and which I intend to invest in said business, is less than five thousand dollars.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 28th day of February A.D. 1861.


On this 28th day of February, A.D. 1861, before me, John Johnston, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, personally appeared Mary Jane Dolloff, wife of Jerome B. Dolloff personally known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the annexed instrument as a party thereto, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.  And the said Mary Jane Dolloff, wife of the said Jerome B. Dolloff, having been by me, first made acquainted with the contents of said instrument, acknowledged to me on examination apart from and without the hearing of her husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion or undue influence of her husband, and that she did not wish to retract the execution of the same.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this Certificate first above written.


Justice of the Peace.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Clark's Seventeen-Mile House
(Seventeen Miles from San Francisco)
Proprietor, Wm. A. Clarke

David McLellan
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Hay, Grain, Feed, Flour, Wood & Coal
Wholesale Store, No. 24 Market street, opposite Stewart street, running through to Sacramento street.
Retail Store, No. 30 Clay st., San Francisco.

Ford's Halfmoon Bay Express
A new Concord covered wagon for nine passengers in now in use.
S. FORD & CO., Proprietor

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 16, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 50

TAX COURTS. The County Court held an adjourned session Monday 11th.  Alonzo Young vs. B.F. Stevens Action for Unlawful Entry and Forcible Detainer.  Jury rendered a verdict of guilty damages, one dollar.  Court adjourned till 13th inst.

In Probate Court, on Tuesday, in the matter of the Estate of J. Befano, C.E. Kelly was appointed Administrator, instead of Priam Sulio.

In the Court of Sessions, B.F. Fox, Judge, and Associates S.T. Tilton and J.W. Turner, the Grand Jury recommended that the case of the People vs. Rufus Murphy be referred to the next Grand Jury, and the Court so ordered.  The Grand Jury were discharged, People vs. P.A. Ovgist verdict of not guilty.

On motion of W.T. Gough, D.E. Bush was, after examination, admitted to practice in the County Court.

The present term of the Court of Sessions will probably be the longest yet held in this county.  Cases are set for two weeks from Thursday last.

WOODSIDE SCHOOL Mr. M.G. Kelly, lately appointed teacher, has opened this school, and we are disposed to believe that under his tuition increased satisfaction will be given.  Mr. K. professes a competence to instruct in the higher branches of education, of which the young men and ladies in this district, who are so disposed, may avail themselves.


Although the number of Indictments presented may appear large in comparison with former sessions, we regret to be compelled to state to your Honors that we are satisfied that in one class of the cases at least, a much larger number than those against whom true bills have been found, must necessarily remain unpresented, owing to the impossibility of obtaining the necessary legal proof of guilt. This difficulty arises in part form the complicity of various parties in shielding each other, and again, the imperfect manner of entering the names of voters upon the different poll books has presented an almost insurmountable obstacle to the detection of those engaged in illegal voting at the last election.  Yet we have, by the admirable method and persevering application of the District Attorney, been enabled to detect a small amount of those so engaged.

We have had before us for consideration, nearly fifty cases, besides having instituted a very general inquiry in reference to the late election, and have examined about seventy different witnesses, man of whom were examined each in several different cases, besides a large amount of documentary evidence.  We have presented thirty-two true bills to wit; One for murder, against two persons, one for assault with deadly weapon, with intent to inflict great bodily injury, one for assault and battery, one for assault, two for perjury, one which we have designated by the simple name of felony, twenty-four for illegal voting, and one for nuisance.  We have also made a partial examination of the evidence offered in one other case, and made what our statute terms a presentment, as distinguished from an indictment.

J.J. ROBERTS, Chairman

J.O. Shaw, G.L. Sampson, Samuel Hall, J.W. Rogers, R. H. Hatch, L.D. Roberts, G.S. Hasman, L.A. Parsons, A.W. Chew, Burns John, Owen McGarvey, John Ralson, J.L. Snow

CONVICTED Clarkson, the mulatto who murdered Caroline Park, by cutting her throat with a razor, was on the 11th convicted of murder in the first degree in the 12th District Court, San Francisco.

The Change of Venue in the Horace Smith Case. The Governor vetoed on the 11th the bill to change the venue in the Horace Smith case, from San Francisco county, on the ground that it is judicial in character and in violation of Section 3 of the Constitution; and that he believes it is not true, that a fair trial could not be had in San Francisco.  The bill passed both Houses of the Legislature notwithstanding the Governor's veto.  In the Senate the vote stood 22 to 9.  Mr. Phelps voting against it.  In the Assembly the vote was 45 to 22, Mr. Denniston voting for it.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fisher & Co.
Introducers of Fashions!
Announce that they issued the
Spring Style for 1861,
On Saturday, March 2d.

In order that every man may have a new hat, we shall, from this date, manufacture our finest silk hats to order for

Montgomery st., corner Commercial, San Francisco.

New Fire-proof Brick Store,
This store is always provided with a large and complete assortment of Goods suitable for this market.  Consumers are requested to call and examine the stock.

Seed Wheat,
Seed Barley,
Seed Oats, and
Garden Seeds,
For Sale by
W.C.R. Smith
Redwood City

On Main Street, Opposite J.V. Diller's Store
Redwood City

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 23, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 51

SENTENCED Michael Hargain, convicted in the Fourth District Court, San Francisco, of the murder of his wife, was on Saturday sentenced to be hung, on Friday, May 3d.

Sole Trader Notice

Be it Remembered that I, Mary Ostermann, being desirous to avail myself of the benefits of the Act of the Legislature of the State of California passed April 12th 1852 to authorize married women to transact business in their own names as sole traders, have, and do, on this Twelfth day of March A.D. 1861, make known and declare, that I am a married woman, the wife of J. Ostermann, late a resident of said County, that it is my intention from and after this date to carry on business in my own name, and on my own account, that the business so to be carried on is that of farming and stock-raising, in all its branches, and the business usually appurtenant thereto; that said business is to carried on at my farm in the said county of San Mateo; that the capital invested in said business does not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars; and that I will from this date be individually responsible in my own name for all debts contracted by me on account of my said business.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year first above written.


I.B.G. Lathrop, County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, do hereby certify that Mary Ostermann, well known to me to be the person in the foregoing declaration described, made and executed the said declaration described, made and executed the said declaration in my presence, on the day and year therein named.

Witness my hand and official seal, this 12th day of March, 1861.
B.G. Lathrop, County Recorder

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Practicle Printers and Dealers in
Type, Presses, Printing Materials,
Ink, Paper, Cards, &c.
510 Clay street, above Sansome, San Francisco
J.B. Painter, J.M. Painter, T.P. Painter

Redwood City to San Francisco
E. Earnest, Proprietor of the above line, respectfully informs the Public that he will hereafter run TWO FOUR-HORSE STAGES between Redwood City and San Francisco.
Elias Earnest, Proprietor

Chew & Hilton
Blacksmiths and Wagon-Makers
Main Street
Redwood City

All descriptions of Wagon-making and Black-smithing done in the most substantial and workmanlike manner at moderate prices and at the shortest notice.  All work entrusted to them will be guaranteed to give entire satisfaction.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, March 30, 1861, Vol. 2 No. 52

RETROSPECTIVE. The present number of the Gazette ends its second volume.  In mentioning this fact, we are led to refer to matters connected with our progress thus far in the world of newspaperdom.

A NEW ACQUISITION. For the first time in the history of Redwood City, we have a minister resident among us.  Rev. J.S. Zelie, with his family, has taken up his adobe here, and it is an acquisition to our community, well worthy of notice.  He is a plain, easy and elegant speaker, and an educated man, one who we feel confident will make many friends in our midst.  He preaches at the Court-room every Sunday (to-morrow at three o clock) and our readers need not hesitate to attend through fear that the congregation will be so small that he will not preach.  He is such to preach, if there is anybody to hear him judging from last Sunday.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J.D. Arthur & Son.  This firm have the most extensive and varied stock of implements of all kinds for farmers and gardeners, on the Pacific coast.  Their articles are of the latest patterns and include the most acceptable and popular improvements in all of them.  From the smallest to the largest tool from a pruning knife to a four horse reaper and mower, or an eight-horse thresher all may be found at this great emporium.  Pay them a visit.


Estate of Jose Befano, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the Undersigned, Administrator of the above-named Estate, to all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months from the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned at his office, Redwood City, or residence, Halfmoon Bay, San Mateo County.

Administrator of said Estate.
Redwood City, March 25th, 1861

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo, and to me duly directed and delivered, for a final judgment and decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court on the 20th day of August, A.D. 1860, in favor of C.E. Kelly and Alexander Bailey, and against Santos Miramontez and Geronimo, his wife, Raimundo Miramontez and Patrick Ryan, by which I am commanded to make the sum of fifteen hundred and thirty-four dollars and seventy-seven cents ($1534.77) together with ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents ($93.75) costs of suit, with interest on said amounts from the 20th day of August, A.D., 1860, at the rate of three per cent, per month and all accruing costs, I have levied on the following described property, to wit:  All that part of the Rancho of San Benito, situated in the County of San Mateo, State of California, confirmed to Candelario Miramontez, deceased, commending at point where the Arroyo de Pilarcitos centers the ocean, thence in a southerly direction with said ocean, to the fence of James Johnson and Andrew McCabe, thence in an easterly direction following said fence, as far as the land owned by said Johnson and McCabe, thence in a southerly direction along said land to the Canada Verde, along the meanders of said Canada Verde in an easterly direction to a point one league from the coast, thence at a right angle in a northerly direction to the Arroyo de Pilarcitos, thence following the said Arroyo to the point of beginning; together will all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging.

Notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 20th day of April, A.D. 1861, at two o clock, P.M. I will sell the above described property at Public Auction at the Court House of San Mateo County, in Redwood City, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said judgment, interest and all costs.

Sheriff San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Dated, Redwood City, March 30, 1861

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