San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
April 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 6, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 1

TOWN CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS. -  Redwood City, and the county of San Mateo, generally, is steadily improving and increasing in population.  Since our last notice of this town, various improvements of town property, and evidences of progress otherwise, are visible, the whole going to form a more imposing appearance, and exhibiting a growth of which our citizens may well be proud.  Several excellent buildings, for residences and business purposes are in progress on construction and in contemplation.  J.V. Diller, Esq. is putting up a substantial frame building, 25 x 40 feet, a short distance north of his fine brick store, intended to be let for business purposes.  C.N. Fox, Esq., the District Attorney, is erecting on his new property, on A street, a fine frame residence.  Mr. C. Ayres has lately improved and beautified his establishment on Main street, which is now known as the Tremont House.  Mr. Chas. Prior has also built a frame edifice on his premises, fronting on A street, for a saloon or store, we believe.  Other improvements in buildings, etc., of minor note, are being made, all tending to enlarge and ornament the town.  A very pleasing feature, both as an ornament and as a substantial benefits, the planting of fruit trees in house yards, which is now becoming universal.  These trees and the beautiful flower-gardens about every residence, are rendering the town a real beauty spot.

WOODSIDE. The officers for the quarter commencing April 1st, were elected Saturday last by Mountain Dell Division, S. of T., as follows: S.H. Snyder, S.P.; W.P. Vane, W.A.; John Greer, R.S.; Thomas Wheaton, F.R.S.; J.W. Bum, A.S.; L. Williams, T.; D.W. Sampton, C.; G.A. Hamblin, A.C.; Peter Williams, I.S.; Andrew Teague, O.S.; William Lasswell, Chaplain; A. Teague, D.G.W.P.

The Woodside Library Association held their quarterly meeting Monday evening.  The report of the President showed an increase in the number of books, the greater portion being donations from Hon. M.S. Latham.


The Board met Monday, April 1st, pursuant to adjournment.  Present, a full Board.

The road through the lands of Ward and Maynard, as petitioned for, was ordered to be declared an open highway, on payment by the petitions of the damages, as assessed, and building proper fences.

The bill of Constable Johnson, of Santa Clara, for services was rejected, as the officers of this county were prepared to perform said services, and did not authorize their performance by said officer.

The following bills were presented and allowed, R.S. Thornton, $409.31; Dr. Angle, $51.50; W.B. Cook & Co., $67.50; J. Pierce, $80; J.C. Cooper, $18; S. Hovious $15; J.P. Ames, $195.20; G. Wentworth, $25,71.

Publication was ordered for proposals to cover the courthouse with tin or galvanized iron.  Bids to be opened first Monday in May.

The right was granted to Theodore Finger, to construct a wharf opposite his residence, on Smith's creek, for his exclusive use, for a term of ten years, with the right to charge wharfage at certain named rates.

The Board then adjourned to next regular meeting, the first Monday in May.

SUDDEN DEATH IN MARYSVILLE. A young lady, Miss Ellen Horgan, died very suddenly in Marysville on the 1st inst.  She was engaged at a sewing machine in the millinary establishment of Mrs. Healy, and pleasantly talking to some young ladies, when she fell over upon her face and died in a few moments.  A physician was immediately sent for, but before he arrived she was quite dead.  About a half hour previously she had eaten a hearty dinner and appeared in good health.  The cause of her death was apoplexy.

NOTICE. _ All persons are hereby notified that the Patent issued by the State of California to Alexander Bailey for the Southwest quarter of Section ten, township six, south, Range five, West, Mount Diablo meridian, will be exhibited before the Twelfth District Court, San Mateo, County, at the Court-house in Redwood City, on Tuesday, the 16th day of April, 1861, for the purpose of obtaining an order of said Court as to its being a genuine document.

Alexander Baily
April 1st, 1861

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Agent of A. Seiberlich
Boot & Shoe Manufacturer
Of Philadelphia
Warehouse, 214 California st.,
(Below Battery,)

Constantly on hand, a large assorted stock of Gentlemen's, Ladies, Misses and Children's Wear, of superior quality; also, French calf Boot Legs and Fronts.

Sole Agent for California

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 13, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 2


In Redwood City, on Saturday morning, 6th. Instant, the wife of A.W. Chew, Esq., of a son.


At Searsville, San Mateo County, April 1st, Levi Plummer, aged 24 years formerly of the State of Maine.

Mr. Levi Plummer, the notice of whose death appears in another place in this paper, died of consumption, and was interred in Union Cemetery, near Redwood City, on Tuesday, last, Rev. J.S. Zelie delivering the funeral services.

THE FORGERY CASE. This matter, which from the time of the preliminary examination, elicited much interest in the community, was disposed of on Monday last.  Hon. B.F. Fox, County Judge, before whom a thorough examination of the case was had, dismissed Mr. Murphy, saying, in his concluding remarks, that the testimony was altogether insufficient to convict the defendant, or to show that any crime had been committed.

PARTING PRESENT. The friends of T.L. Boucher, last week, at the Purissima, presented him with a superb gold watch, valued at $150.  Mr. Boucher has for the past two years filled to the satisfaction of the people the responsible position of teacher in the Purissima school, and has by his gentlemanly deportment won the esteem of all who knew him.  Upon the eve of his departure for the Atlantic States, his friends bestowed the testimonial above mentioned as a reminder of their good wishes for his welfare.  Mr. B. left on the steamer of the 11th, we are informed.

THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION. Ferris Forman has received his commission as boundary Commissioner.  He will proceed to Los Angeles on the steamer of the 18th, taking with him, as astronomer, Lieutenant Williamson, well known on this coast for his astronomical observations.  Mono, Bigler and Honey Lake districts will be found, on the completion of the , to comprise portions of the eastern limits of California.

PHILIP A. ROACHE'S WINES AND LIQUOURS. These liquors are superior to any imported into California.  Their purity is guaranteed beyond cavil, and a test of them only is asked for by the proprietor.

CITY MARKET. Attention is called to the advertisement of A. Dexter, present lessee of the City Market.  He assures the people that he will spare no pains to render entire satisfaction.

SENATOR McDOUGALL. The newly elected Senator, intended to start for Washington by the 11th, (Thursday last.) This is to meet the expected extra session of Congress which, it is generally conceded, will be called.

The sheriff's posse, in San Jose, to the number of two hundred, answered to their names on the day for which they were notified to appear (the 9th) to assist him in serving a writ of ejectment upon the settlers on the Chabolla ranch, lately confirmed to Spanish claimants.  The posse being asked by the sheriff if they were armed and prepared to assist him, a unanimous and emphatic no was the answer, and they were dismissed.  The settlers and their sympathizers are said to number over five hundred men, well armed, and having no less than four small cannon.

The Supreme Court has allowed a change of venue in the Horace Smith murder case.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

C.H. Remington
Proprietor of the
San Mateo Blacksmith Shop,
San Mateo

Would respectfully inform the citizens of San Mateo County and the Public at large, that he is fully prepared to execute with promptness and dispatch all kinds of work in his line, in a manner that will give entire satisfaction to all.

With promptness and in a workman-like manner, and warranted to suit.
Particular attention paid to
Horseshoeing and Wagon Ironing.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 20, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 3

DISTRICT COURT. This Court began the April term Monday last.  The calendar, with the exception of the murder case, was disposed of on Monday and Tuesday.  The case of The People vs. Norberto Larosa and Victoriano Quinto, was called on Monday, and the defendants were allowed till the following day to plead.  The trial of Quinto commenced on Wednesday and the examination of witnesses occupied the time until Thursday afternoon.  About half past eight o'clock, in the evening the jury retired, and at eleven returned a verdict of murder in the second degree.

CLOSE CONTEST. A most lively interest was exhibited at the late contest for School Trustees at Woodside.  There were five candidates, and eighteen votes in all.  On the first ballot R. Greer, Esq., received the entire eighteen votes, G. Taylor, nine; D. Ross, eight; John Greer, ten; Messrs. Taylor and Teague were a tie on the 2d ballot, and a third was taken before election was had, which resulted in a small majority for Mr. Taylor.

BIDWELL & McCABE, HALFMOON BAY. See advertisement of this firm.  The challenge competition in prices and quality of goods.  Their stock is large and continually increasing.  It comprises in variety every article to be found in a retail store.  Examine their goods.

MAXWELL's HOTEL, BELMONT. Mr. Maxwell, the proprietor of this establishment, is about making some extensive alterations and improvements in the buildings, and grounds.  He will spare no pains or expense to render the hotel worthy of patronage.

HUSING's SAN MATEO STORE. We invite public attention to the advertisement of our friend Husing in another column.  His fine goods and low prices are gaining for his business a wide-spread reputation.

THE BELMONT STORE. The store of Messrs. Clark & Waltermire at Belmont, is deserving of patronage.  Their stock is not excelled either in quantity or quality, by any other store in the county.  Adjoining this establishment has lately been put in operation a good blacksmith shop, a most useful institution, and one which has long been wanted.

We are advised that a hotel is being built at Spanishtown.  It will as a house of accommodation, prove most acceptable to the community.  A hotel has been much needed in that locality, and its completion will be hailed with pleasure by the traveling public especially.

G.W. Clark, northeast corner of Clay and Sansome streets, San Francisco, has the only establishment where wall-papers are kept exclusively and in full variety.


State of California In the Justices Court, Third Township, in and for the County of San Mateo, The People of the State of California, to Benjamin Gardner, greeting: You are hereby summoned to appear before me at my office, in the 3d Township, in the County of San Mateo, on the 4th day of May, A.D. 1861, at 2 o'clock, to answer unto the complaint of S.S. Stanbaugh, in an action brought to recover the sum of thirty-four dollars, upon an account as per bill on file in my office, when judgment will be taken against you for the said amount, together with costs and damages, If you fail to appear and answer.

Given under my hand this 12th day of April, A.D. 1861
Chester Parshall
Justice of the Peace of said Township

Sheriff's Sale
By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the 12th Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo, in the suit of George Haas against Dennis Martin, for a judgment rendered in said Court on the 21st day of December 1859 and to me duly directed and delivered, by which I am commanded to make the sum of twelve hundred dollars ($1200) with interest on said amount from the date of said judgment and all accruing costs.  I have levied on the following property, to wit: 1st a certain indenture of mortgage bearing date March 24th 1859, together with the notes accompanying the same, one note bearing date March 24th, 1859, for the sum of three thousand dollars, due on the 1st day of October, A.D. 1859; another note bearing date March 24th, 1859 on the 1st day of April A.D. 1860, for the sum of thirteen hundred and sixty-eight dollars and fifty cents, and another note bearing date March 24th, 1859, for the sum of three thousand dollars, due on the first day of April, A.D. 1862; said mortgage being given by John Mills and John Franklin to Dennis Martin, to secure the payment of the above notes, the first of said notes being payable to Dennis Martin or order, the other two being payable to Dennis Martin, the mortgage above described being recorded in the County Recorder's office of the County of San Mateo, in Liber one (1) of mortgages, page 219, and to which reference is hereby made for a more definite description of said notes and mortgage.

Also 2d.  All that certain piece or parcel of land in the County of San Mateo, State of California which is bounded and described as follows, to wit; commencing at the northeast corner of lot ten (10) in the town of Redwood City, thence in a northerly direction along the west side of Main street, two hundred and fourteen (214) feet.  Thence along a line known as the Pulgas line, in a northwesterly direction to the Redwood Creek, thence along the bank of said creed with its meanderings, to the northwest corner of said lot number Ten (10) thence in an easterly direction along the line of said lot number Ten (10) to the point of commencement, containing about one (1) acre, more or less, together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belong or in anywise appertaining.

Also 3d. All that certain lot or piece of land situated, lying and being in the town of Mezesville or Redwood City, in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and being situated on the west side of Main street in said city, and being known and numbered on the official map of said city as Lot number Ten (10) running twenty-to feet on Main street, and thence taking in all the lands from Main street to the channel of the creek known as Redwood City Creek, included within the lot marked as lot number ten (10) on the official map of said city, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining.  Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 11th day of May A.D. 1861, at 2 o clock P.M. in front of the courthouse doors of San Mateo County, in Redwood City, I will sell all the right, title and interest of the above-named defendant, Dennis Martin, in and to the above described property, at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all costs.

Silas Hovious
Sheriff San Mateo county
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Dated Redwood City, April 19th, 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, April 27, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 4


In San Francisco, April 21st, C.E. Kelly to Sacramento Bifano, both of San Mateo County.

RETURNED John D. Havens, Esq., and family, returned from the east on the steamer Golden Age.

DISTRICT COURT. The Court adjourned for the term on Monday last.  But little business was transacted, two cases occupying nearly the entire term.  On Monday evening sentence was passed upon Victoriano Quinto and Noberto Larosa, found guilty of murder in the second degree.  The former was sentenced to imprisonment for like in the State prison, and the latter to imprisonment for ten years.  These men, it will be remembered, were charged with the murder of Jose Bifano, at Spanishtown, two months since.  The result of the trial was a surprise to many, as the evidence at the preliminary examinations appeared most conclusive against them.  Evidence was adduced upon the trial, which raised serious doubts in the minds of the jury, as to the killing being unprovoked, as appeared at first to be the fact.  The prisoners were taken to San Quentin on Tuesday.

HOLCOMB BROTHERS. This celebrated boot and shoe firm are selling goods at surprisingly low prices.  Their stock is one of the largest and most complete in the United States.  All who want a choice article at a low price, show go to Holcombe & Brothers.

COURT OF SESSIONS. This Court convened Tuesday.  Present, Hon. B.F. Fox, Judge J. W. Turner and S. Tilton, Associates.  People vs. J.G. Denniston The jury, without quitting their seats, rendered a verdict of not guilty.

SHAFFNER'S ADDITION TO SAN MATEO. It is reported that several lots have  lately been sold in San Mateo, upon the above-named locality, and that buildings are to e soon erected upon them.

LADIES DRESS GOODS. Messrs. Kerby, Byrne & Co., 623 Clay street, have just received one of the largest and handsomest stocks of ladies dress good ever brought to the California market.

BUSINESS CHANGE. Geo. L. Kenny, Esq., has withdrawn from the firm of H.H. Bancroft & Co., and with J.D. Alexander, Esq., will hereafter continue the book and stationary business, in all its branches, at 606 and 608 Montgomery street, San Francisco, opposite the old store.  The stock of this firm is, the most complete and extensive on the Pacific coast.

STATE NEWS. On Monday, a bill was introduced in the Assembly, by Mr. Conness, of El Dorado, to provide for taking a new census by the State.

The Santa Clara squatters are now reported to must seventeen hundred men.  They have refused to receive or recognize the special messenger sent to them by the Governor, and several companies of the State militia are under orders to march to the Chabolla ranch, to assist the Sheriff in placing the proper owners in possession.  The whole number of settlers or squatters on the ranch, does not exceed fifteen.  The others have joined them for some reason, as yet not quite clear.

On Saturday afternoon, John Brown, a deck hand on board the steamer Bragdon, was stabbed and killed by McGreavy, the cook.


U.S. Surveyor General's Office
San Francisco, April 17th, 1861

In Compliance with the First Section of an Act of Congress, approved June 14, 1860, regulating surveys of private land claims, notice is hereby given that the plats of the following private land claims, surveyed in pursuance of the thirteenth section of an Act entitled An Act to ascertain and settle Private Land Claims in the State of California.: approved March 3d, 1851, have been examined and approved by me:

Name of Rancho: Lot near Mission Delores      Confirmee:  C.S. de Bernal et al

Name of Rancho: do                                          Confirmee:  Heirs of G. Palomares

Name of Rancho:  San Antonio or Pescadero   Confirmee:  Juan Jose Gonzales

The plats will be retained in this office, subject to inspection, for four weeks from the date in this publication.

James W. Mandeville
U.S. Surveyor General


A special meeting of the Board was held on Monday last, pursuant to the Act of the Legislature providing for an election upon the Railroad proposition.

The following order was passed:  In pursuance of an Act of Legislature of the State of California, entitled An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo to take and subscribe one hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad Company, and to provide for the payment of the same, and other matters relating thereto,: approved April 9th, A.D. 1861, it is ordered by the Board of Supervisors of said county of San Mateo, that a special election be held in said county, at the several places of holding elections therein, on the third Tuesday of May, A.D. 1861.

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