San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
May 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 4, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 5

ACCIDENTS. No less than four accidents have occurred during this week, caused by frightened and restive horses.  On Thursday morning, Mr. D. Kuck, of the firm of Corneps & Kuck Brothers, grocers, while returning from Searsville, was thrown from his horse with such violence as to leave him lying insensible in the road, where he was found some time afterwards.  His head is severely bruised and swollen.  His physician believes there will be no serious result, although it was at first supposed his injuries would prove fatal.  Mr. Humphrey Griffith, with his little daughter, were thrown from a buggy, on Thursday, opposite the courthouse.  The child's collar-bone was broken.  Mr. G. was somewhat bruised, but not seriously.  Mr. R. Jenkins, near Ravenswood, was thrown from his horse, upon a fence, his head striking against a post, and narrowly escaped being killed.  Judge Templeton's foot was injured by his horse falling with him.  All the injured persons are recovering.

LARGE SHIPMENT OF GOODS TO REDWOOD CITY. J.V. Diller, Esq., the principal of the pioneer mercantile men of this section of country, is now receiving the most extensive invoice of goods ever brought to this place.  It consists of an immense assortment of dry goods, fancy goods, hardware, crockery, and every description of groceries and provisions.  This addition has increased his already large stock to an extent surpassed, we dare say, by very few country stores in California.  Mr. Diller, in order to afford the patrons of his store the largest possible benefit, intends to dispose of goods for cash at the lowest prices which goods of good quality can be sold for anywhere out of San Francisco.

RAPID TOWN PROGRESS. We are advised from a reliable source, that no less than thirty-four town lots in Redwood City were sold last week.  This and many other indications of the growing importance of Redwood City, are owing to the proposed railroad from San Francisco to San Jose, which will bring with it enhancement of the value of all kinds of property.  These lots, which were purchased by a number of persons, residents here and in the neighborhood, principally, could not now be bought for one hundred dollars each, and six months hence cannot be bought for two hundred each, unimproved.

THE WASHOEITES. The party of four who have been preparing for some time past, left last week for the silver region.  The party consists of Col. James Jaques, C.P. Fessenden, J.M.P. Fessenden, and the illustrious Judd.  The train was composed of two wagons, a large portion of the cargo, as we learn, being liquid comforts for the luxurious silver miners, who are supposed to be waiting anxiously, with open mouths, for the much prized lubrication, this being of course the first invoice ever imported into that region.

KENNY & ALEXANDER. This firm, lately established, the senior of which was formerly of the firm of Bancroft & Co., have the best assortment of choice books and stationary in San Francisco.  They are in receipt of the standard works of the day, to which we shall call the attention of our readers as they appear.

LUMBER FOR SALE. C. Hanson, Esq., will hereafter supply any description of dressed lumber to order, at less than San Francisco prices.  Apply to him before going elsewhere.

DIVINE SERVICES Rev. J.S. Zelie will hold Diving Service at the Court-house, to-morrow at 3 o clock.

COUNTY SEAT QUESTION. We hear it rumored that a bill is to be immediately introduced in the Legislature, to submit the question of the removal of the county seat to a vote of the people of this county.

RESPITED. Governor Downey has granted Michael Hargain, who was to be executed in San Francisco on the 3d for the murder of his wife, a respite until the 14th of June next, to give time to examine applications for a commutation of sentence.

SMITH'S BARLEY-MILL This mill is now in full and complete operation, and is giving excellent satisfaction.  The price per ton for grinding cattle-feed, is $5.50.


The office and room of Judge McRae, at Oroville, were entered on Tuesday night last by burglars, who gave the Judge chloroform and took his gold watch and $75.

Dispatches from Sacramento state that no apprehensions of serious results are entertained by the Governor in regard to the Santa Clara squatter difficulties.

The Horace Smith trial has been set, at Auburn, for the 7th inst.

In a political discussion at Watsonville, on Tuesday night, Mr. Edward Cram was stabbed and instantly killed by Ed. Head.

INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. The Trinity Journal learns that the citizens who went from Hay Fork Valley to Ketinshou, to punish the Indians and look after stolen stock, had returned.  Our of four hundred head of cattle and hogs, only about fifty were found.  They report that Fulwider was certainly killed by the Indians.  A company intend leave Hay Fork Valley in search of the Indians, and to punish them.

THE NEW MINES UP THE COLUMBIA RIVER. The Oregon papers, almost daily, publish news from those mines, with sensation headings.  All previous reports from Nez Perces seem to be confirmed.  On the 19th inst., the steamer Julia brought one thousand ounces of dust, which was collected from the Rock Creek and Pen d Orielle miners.  The new mines discovered on the Columbia river, about thirty miles below the mouth of the Pen D Orielle, are very rich, and men are making from eight to forty dollars per day to the man.  The average is from eight to ten dollars.

Sheriff's Sale.

By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo, under a Judgment of Foreclosure of Mortgage, to me duly directed and delivered wherein Thomas Day is plaintiff and J.P. and J. Ames are defendants, by which I am commanded to make the sum of thirty-seven hundred and seventy-two dollars ($3772) and costs of suit; amounting to $38,25, together with 2 ½ per cent interest from the date of said Judgment, and all accruing coasts, I have levied on the following described property, to wit:

A certain lot of land situated in the Second Township of the County of San Mateo, now, or at the time of the commencement of said action, in possession of the party of the first part named in said mortgage, that is to say, in possession of said defendant, J.P. Ames, consisting of a possessory claim of one hundred and sixty acres of land, about forty of which is under fence, together with all the improvements thereon, house, stables and out-houses of all description.

Notice is hereby given, that at two o-clock, P.M. in front of the Court House doors of San Mateo County, at Redwood City, I will sell all the right, title and interest of said defendants or either of them, in and to said above described parcel of land at Public Auction for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said judgment and all costs.

Sheriff San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Dated, Redwood City, May 1st, 1861

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Dressed Lumber, Flooring, etc.
Charles Hanson will supply dressed lumber of every description in large or small quantities, at less than San Francisco prices.
Apply at Hanson's Wharf, Redwood City.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


All persons are hereby notified that I have this day executed in favor of Charles Hanson, of Redwood City, a lease of my wharf on Redwood Creek for a term of two years from this date.  Also, that all lumber, hay, etc., etc., now lying upon said wharf is under his control from this date.

Redwood City, May 4, 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 11, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 6


At Purissima, San Mateo county, May 3d., a daughter to the wife of H.S. Loveland.

In Redwood City, 9th inst. A son to the wife of S.L. Stone.


A regular meeting of the Board took place Monday, 6th inst.  Present, R.S. Thornton, Chairman; J.P. Ames, and J.V. Diller.

In the matter of the forfeited bonds of G.W. Colemeyer, it was ordered that the suit commenced against the bondsmen be dismissed on payment of $100 within thirty days from this date.

In accordance with a late Act of the Legislature, the Board proceeded to elect a County School Superintendent.  H.S. Loveland was the only candidate before the Board, and he was unanimously elected to serve during the term of the present Supervisors.  The salary was fixed, as by law, at $300 per annum, with bonds of $2000.

The following bills were presented and allowed: R.S. Thornton, $601.50; B.A. Rankin, $400; N.C. Lane, $143.80; D. Little, $77; McClannan and Breedlove, $13.50; A.S. Easton, $201.44; Dr. Angle, $55.50; S.S. Stanbaugh, $55.60; B.G. Lathrop, $13.  Total, $1,561.24.

NEW ARRANGEMENT. On Monday last, Mr. E. Earnest, proprietor of the Accommodation line of stages plying between Searsville, Redwood City and San Francisco, commenced the summer arrangement, by which the convenience of his patrons will be much enhanced.  His stage will leave Redwood City every morning at seven o'clock, arriving at San Francisco at eleven.   Returning, will leave San Francisco every afternoon at two o clock arriving in Redwood City at six o'clock.  The comfortable Concord coach now used by the accommodation line, places it in every respect, as to equipment, upon an equality with the best stage lines in the State, and the happy adaptability of the proprietor to his business has made him popular with the entire community.

PASSED THE ASSEMBLY. We observe that on Saturday last the bill to place the question of the removal of the county seat before the people of San Mateo county, was introduced into and passed the Assembly.  It is believed that the bill cannot pass the Senate.


The Governor's Message to the Legislature on the Santa Clara Settler's troubles, says the law must be maintained, and asks for an appropriation of $100,000.

The ship Sea Nymph went ashore Saturday last, three miles north of Point Reyes.  All the officers and crew were saved except the steward, who was drowned.

John S. Ellis, late Under Sheriff of San Francisco has resigned, and will be a candidate before the People's Nominating Committee for the office of Sheriff..

The steam saw mill of J.N. Turner, on Rock Creek, two miles from Nevada, caught fire at about eleven o clock on Tuesday evening, April 30th and was totally consumed.

The people of Knight's Ferry were considerable excited last week by the discovery of rich and extensive copper-lodes at Mineral Springs.

The State Treasury has been entirely emptied by the Legislature.

Judge McKee, of the District Court, San Jose, declined to hold Court the present term because the judgment of that Court in the present term because the judgment of that Court in the Chabolla case had not been enforced.  His course in so doing has been generally approved.  In adjourning the Court for the term, he said that he would not degrade his office by engaging in the judicial farce of holding a Court whose judgments and process are dishonored by this people.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 18, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 7

ADDITION TO REDWOOD CITY A map has been shown us of the new addition to Redwood City, on its southeastern side, which divides the property in that direction owned by Messrs. Stanbaugh, Chew, Hilton, Hancock, Heller, Parsons, and Reed, into a large number of blocks and town lots.  This arrangement has been entered into in view of the rising importance of the town, and to promote its growth in the direction named.   The whole area of land thus laid out comprises one hundred and fifty-six acres, divided into eighty-one block of twelve lots each, the lots having dimension of fifty by one hundred feet.  The tract is bounded by the county road and Main street, and by the lands of Mr. D. Sweeney and T. G. Phelps.  We are requested to state that the prices of this addition will be set at a lower figure than that at which lots are held elsewhere in the town.  The streets will be of uniform width, of the same number of feet as the others throughout Redwood City.

IN GOOD HANDS AT LAST. J.V. Diller, Esq., has purchased the half-completed and long-neglected grist-mill, which, with its great staring, vacant windows, like melancholy sightless eyes, has been reproachfully glazing at us across the street for many months past, as though we were to blame for its helpless condition.  It may now be expected that it will not long remain in its present sad plight.  Mr. D. has the means, and is a business man who does not permit a profitable enterprise such as this mill will be when competed, to remain inactive.  Our farmers, for their convenience sake, and the business portion of Redwood City, particularly will be rejoiced at the prospect of this mill being soon put in operation.

SEVERE ACCIDENT. A most shocking accident occurred to Mr. Lyman Stevens, a teamster, on Sunday last.  Being obliged to bring his team down the mountain, while proceeding down the road with a wheel locked, which on this occasion was the left hind wheel, he stumbled and fell under the locked wheel, which passed over one of his thighs, crushing the bone and flesh, and almost severing the leg.  Dr. Stanbaugh is attending the injured man, and believes that notwithstanding the serious nature of the wound, the limb may be not only saved, but, so cured as to render it useful.  If he accomplishes this, it will a great triumph for the doctor and for surgery.


The number of letters taken by Pony Express to the east is increasing largely.  The postage is now two dollars for half-ounce letters.

A pretty good hoax has obtained circulation in the State, that Nevada Territory was about to secede, and that Judge Terry was to be the Governor under a commission from Jeff. Davis.

Mr. Meek, of the firm of Dupuy, Foulkes & Co., of San Francisco, is missing and is thought to be murdered.  He was last seen about four miles from Martinez, Contra Costa county.  It is supposed that he has been murdered by some person who believed that he carried about his person some very valuable gold specimens.

A SUICIDE. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning, a well known stage driver, who is usually recognized as Sam, committed suicide at San Jose.  He had gone to an apothecary and bought four bits worth of strychnine, and swallowed the fatal does.  It seems that he was in love with a woman at Redwood City, who failed to reciprocate the affection which he felt for her, and thereupon put an end to his existence.  Morning Call 12th.

FATAL ACCIDENT IN NEVADA COUNTY. Caleb Curry of Dutch Flat, on the 6th May met a terrible death.  He was on his way says the Nevada Transcript, from Dutch Flat to Lost Camp, on horseback, with another in leading.  He had inconsiderately tied the halter, with which he held the led horse, fast to his wrist.  It is supposed that the led horse becoming frightened, jerked him to the ground and ran dragging him by the halter.  When found he was dead, having been dragged more than a mile, and his body much bruised by kicks from the horse.  He was entirely denuded, every particle of his clothes having been torn off.

THE SQUATTERS IN SANTA CLARA The Squatter troubles in Santa Clara will probably be definitely and peaceably settled the coming week.  The promptness with which the Governor has declared his intention to enforce the laws and orders of the courts, together with his demand upon the Legislature for funds to enable him to commence operations, have brought the leaders to reflection, and they will now listen to reason.  Firmness in those in authority, often prevents bloodshed among the people.  Had Mr. Downey vacillated, much trouble to the State would have ensued.

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U.S. Land Surveys

To all it may concern U.S. Surveyor General's Office
San Francisco, May 15th , 1861

In compliance with the first section of an Act of Congress, approved June 14, 1860, regulating surveys of private land claims, notice is hereby given, that the plats of the following private land claims, notice is hereby given that the plats of the following private land claims, surveyed in pursuance of the thirteenth section of an Act entitled  An Act to ascertain and settle Private Land Claims in the State of California, approved March 3d, 1851, have been examined and approved by me:

Name of Rancho:  Feliz                                   Confirmee:  Domingo Feliz

The plats will be retained in this office, subject to inspection, for four weeks from the date of this publication.

James W. Mandeville
U.S. Surveyor General

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, May 25, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 8

THE SPANISHTOWN HOTEL. The excellent building at Spanishtown, intended for a hotel, now being erected by H.C. Bidwell, Esq., will be finished about the first of June.  We are authorized to say that the building, on completion, will be for sale or rent to a person only who is competent to manage the establishment, as a first class country hotel.

BLACKSMITHING AND WAGON-MAKING Notice Mr. Remington's advertisement, in another column.  His work is commended, by all his patrons the best guarantee of its quality.


Mr. F. Argenti, formerly a banker in San Francisco, died in that city Sunday morning last, aged fifty-nine years.

The Knickerbocker Hotel, the property of A.J. Bailey, situated near Centerville, El Dorado county, and about five miles distant from Auburn, was entirely destroyed by fir on the 16th.

Senators McDougal and Latham did not start for the east on the steamer of the 21st as expected.

A dreadful tragedy took place Monday last at San Juan, Monterey county, in which two men, named Pitz and Bixley were killed.  Pitz was drunk and attempted some outrage upon the other, when each fired several shots, causing the death of both, immediately.

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