REMOVAL - J. THORPE, of the San Bruno House, has removed from his old
near the Twelve Mile House, and has opened a new and commodious hotel
the junction of the San Bruno and County roads.
Gen. James M. ESTELL, whose name is so widely known in connection with
our State prison affairs, died in San Francisco on the 26th.
Jos. White, a young man from Albany, N.Y., in a fit of insanity on
Monday last, three himself from the balcony of the City Hall in San
Francisco, and died soon after.
The San Francisco papers have been making a great blow about the
conviction of one Mary PFISTER, a pretty German woman, for larceny.
It may
be right, but we think they need hardly be so severe on so faithful
an old
Coon as the present Police Judge, on account of a single error.
In Stockton, on the 21st, Jacob ELYEA was sentenced to be hung on
the third of June, for the murder of McWADE.
By the arrival of the Salt Lake mail we learn that eleven men have
perished between Salt Lake and the South Pass, from cold.
Judge CRADLEBAUGH has left Provo, and the military have returned to
their old quarters.
The trial of Harry WAPPNER for the murder of Louis VOLMER in March
last, was concluded in the Fourth District Court on Wednesday last,
resulted in a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree.
Julius KORN, formerly of the German Journal, will next week commence
the publication of a daily German paper in San Francisco.
Wyatt BIRDSALL, the late engineer of the ferry-boat Contra Costa, was
arrested yesterday, on the charge of causing by carelessness, the death
H.L. OSTRANDER and Joseph HOLSTER. He was admitted to bail in the sum
SHERIFF's SALE - By VIRTUE OF A DECREE of Foreclosure of Mortgage and
of Sale Issued out of the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District,
County of San Mateo, State of California, in the action of Charles
DELANY against Charles D. JUDAH and John K. HACKETT, assignee of Charles
JUDAH, an insolvent debtor, duly attested the 18th day of April, A.D.
I am commanded to sell the following described property, to wit:
All the estate, right, title, and interest, which the said
defendants, or either of them had on the 29th day of June, A.D. 1854,
or at
any time thereafter, of, in, and to all the following described real
estate, to wit: All the undivided quarter or one-fourth interest of
defendant, Charles D. JUDAH, of, in, and to that certain tract, piece,
parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of San Francisco,
known as part of the Rancho de las Pulgas, and bounded and described
follows, to wit: Commending at a point where the San Francisquito Creek
intersects the line of the fence known as the Middle Field fence, and
designed on the map or survey made by FROWSKYLOWSKI, and filed by the
parties hereto in the County Recorder's office of San Francisco, as
No. 1, (one) in red ink, near which point of intersection is a stake,
the north side of said San Francisquito Creek, bearing, from a live-oak
tree marked with two crosses, south, four degrees forty-three minutes
forty-three seconds; east, distant one chain and nine one-hundredths;
thence running along said Middle Field fence north fifty-eight degrees
six chains to a point on said map or survey marked in red, No. 2, (two)
where commences the line of division between Hackett & Judah's
Ranch and
Hackett & Wood's Rancho; thence running along said division line
designated on said map or survey, south twenty-one degrees thirty-five
minutes east to the Bay of San Francisco and a stake, which stake is
designated as No. 12 (twelve) in said map or survey; thence along the
of the Bay of San Francisco, to the mouth of the San Francisquito Creek,
through its channel and meanders, to the place of beginning; said tract
above described being estimated to contain one thousand eight hundred
twenty three and seventy-six one-hundredths acres - save and excepting
tract of one hundred acres of land belonging to James P. and E.P. FLINT,
being bounded on the south by the San Francisquito Creek, on the east
the fence running from the Creek to the Bay and on the west and north
lines running at right angles to said last mentioned boundaries.
Also all the undivided quarter or one-fourth interest of the said
defendant, Charles D. JUDAH, of, in and to all that certain tract,
piece or
parcel of land situated lying and being the county of San Francisco
as a part of the Rancho de las Pulgas, and bounded and described as
follows: to wit: Commencing at a point opposite land of Chase's on
county road leading from San Francisco to the San Francisquito Creek,
said road is intersected by the southerly bend of the Hotel Road, which
road is laid out in survey of Humphreys, county surveyor, numbered
15, 16
½, and filed in the County Recorder's office of County of San
Francisco, by
the parties hereto, June 25, 1853, running thence northerly along said
Hotel Road and fence as now laid out on said survey, to the point where
Rancho road as laid out on said survey intersects with said Hotel road,
by courses and distances to said point of intersection, is as follows:
north sixteen degrees forty-five minutes west four chains fifty-nine
thence north five degrees west eight chains twenty-four links; thence
forty-five minutes west seven chains; thence north eighteen degrees
minutes west, four chains ninety-one link; thence north thirty degrees
forty-five minutes west; five chains fifty-one links to said point
intersection between the said Hotel road and said Ranch road; thence
in an
easterly direction along said Rancho road, as by said survey, to a
where the line of the Middle Field road and fence intersects with said
Rancho road and by courses and distance to said point of intersection
said survey is a follows: north sixty-four degrees fifteen minutes
four chains sixty-seven links, north sixty-eight degrees forty-five
east three chains sixty-seven links, north seventy-six degrees east
chains forty-five links, north eighty-two degrees thirty minutes east,
chains twenty-nine links, north seventy-nine degrees forty-five minutes
east, six chains seven links, north eighty-three degrees thirty minutes
east seven chains, eighty-five links; north seventy-seven degrees
forty-five minutes east; eight chains forty-five links, north seventy-nine
degrees forty-five minutes east three chains ninety-four links, north
eighty-three degrees fifteen minutes east five chains twenty-seven
to said point of intersection of the Rancho road with said Middle Field
road; thence easterly along said Middle Field road and fence as laid
out in
said survey, and by courses and distances south fifty-eight degrees
minutes west thirty-two chains seventy-seven links, to the line of
of the county road land between HACKETT & JUDAH's and Rufus ROWE's,
line is marked on said survey as division line A; thence in a straight
to the county road by courses and distances south thirty-one degrees
minutes west forty-nine chains and ninety-two links to the county road;
thence along the said county road to the place of beginning, by course
distance north fifty-eight degrees thirty minutes west sixty chains
ninety-seven links. Said tract estimated to contain two hundred and
forty-five one-hundredths acres, be the same more or less, which said
of land is colored on said survey in red or pink.
Also, all the undivided quarter interest of the said defendant,
Charles D. JUDAH, of, in and to the Pulgus Wharf, situated on the
above-mentioned property, and with all rights, privileges and benefits
heretofore made and granted by the Legislature of the State of California
to the party of the first part and John K. HACKETT, by an act passed
31, 1854, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the
reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and
profits thereof.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on THURSDAY, the 12th day of MAY, A.D.
1859, at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the Court House doors, Redwood
San Mateo county, I will see said property at Public Auction to the
bidder for cash, pursuant to said order.
Sheriff San Mateo County
BIG BARN. - Messrs. SHAW & KENDALL are now erecting on the ranch
of Horace
HAWES, Esq., the largest building in the county, being a barn fifty
wide and one hundred and fifty-two feet long. It is designed chiefly
as a
storehouse for hay, but is being well framed, and will remain for a
permanent institution.
BRICK YARD. - On the completion of the courthouse, last Fall, the
brick-yard, opened by the contractor upon that building, and the only
brick-yard in the county, was abandoned. But we are pleased to learn
another one has been opened on the farm of T.G. PHELPS, Esq., where
townsman, W.C.R. SMITH is making arrangement to turn out brick in any
required number. This fact alone is significant of another - that
considerable improvement in this vicinity must be in contemplation
justify the undertaking of such an enterprise. Indeed, we learn that
thousand brick are already contracted for, to be used here and at Belmont.
CHANGE OF STATIONS. _ Stables are being built at THORPE's new Fifteen
House, for the U.S. Mail stages, which will be the first station out
of the
city, when they drive over the new road. The next station will be at
place, where the Company are about to build stables for their use.
ON THE STOCKS - The sloop Sarah Ann, of San Francisco, has been for
days on the stocks at McLeod's ship-yard, in this place undergoing
SPEEDY CONVEYANCE. - The Overland Mail, which arrived in San Francisco
the 12th, brought letters to merchants in that city, from Boston,
postmarked "March 18." This is the most speedy mail overland conveyance
have yet had, being only twenty-five days on the journey.
The following is taken from an extra of the Sierra (Downieville) Democrate,
dated April 19th:
On Monday evening at about sundown, the inhabitants of Monte Cristo
were started by a rumbling noise like that of an earthquake; the earth
parted, and a large mass, about twenty five feet in width, and of great
bulk was precipitated down the mountain side, a distance of about four
hundred feet, carrying away three dwelling houses. There was great
consternation among the inhabitants in that part of the town. It was
ascertained that four persons were missing, Mrs. Howe __________ of
children, one _______________ the other a little girl between two and
years of age, and also the little some of Mrs. P. WRIGHT, aged four
The city turned out immediately after the accident in search of the
missing, and recovered the dead bodied of Mrs. WRIGHT's boy and that
Mrs. HOWE's infant. That night about nine o'clock, there was another
avalanche, which compelled those in the neighborhood to flee from the
threatened danger.
Early this morning the search was resumed, when Mrs. HOWE's body was
found, having a large beam resting upon the neck. She must have been
killed almost instantly. The body of Mrs. HOWE's little girl was not
up to the time our informant left; another child of Mrs. HOWE, a bright
girl of about seven years, was carried on the top of the avalanche,
and was
saved, though considerably bruised and scratched.
Mr. HOWE (husband of the lady above mentioned) was saved by one of
those mere chances which are of such frequent occurrence in events
of such
a nature. He had but a moment or two been out of the house where Mrs.
and the children were, and was talking with a man about the probable
of a landslide, when the crash came. Three miners, living in a cabin
to the house of Mr. HOWE, had just finished supper and left their cabin
when it was crushed to atoms, and they had barely time to flee from
impending death. Parties living in that part of the town had been warned
of the danger of remaining.
POISONED. - A Frenchman, whose name we have been unable to learn, residing
with several others at the landing, on the San Francisquito creek,
suddenly on Monday morning last, evidently from the effects of poison.
we have heard the story, he arose early in the morning with a view
of going
away to work before the others about the house were up. Having partook
some coffee, which he had prepared, he was seized with convulsions,
shortly after died. An investigation was made by the people of the
which resulted in the conclusion on their part that a cask of water
was always kept near the door, outside the house, and from which the
for the coffee was taken, had been poisoned with strychnine. Whether
conclusion is correct, we are unable to say. The affair is shrouded
mystery. Some parties are suspected of having intentionally poisoned
water, but we understand none have yet been arrested.