San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
July 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 6, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 14


In San Francisco, on Thursday, July 4th, by Rev. Dr. Scott, ROBERT B. BARR, of Redwood City, to Miss MARY JANE MOORE, of San Francisco.


In Redwood City, June 21st, 1861, the wife of W.C.R. Smith, of a daughter.

REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY. The Grand Jury, having investigated the various criminal charges presented to them, respectfully report that in no case has the evidence been of a character, in the judgment of the Jury, to warrant the finding of a true bill.

Benj. F. Fox, Foreman

THE EARTHQUAKE. The shock on Wednesday was the most violent we have ever known in this country.  The ball on the top of the new flag-staff on Main street vibrated about three feet.  The Grand Jury and the Court of Sessions were convened in the court-house at the time of the shock, which was so great that it shook into the street with the exception of two, all the occupants of the building.  Hard shock, that.

SMOTHERED TO DEATH. Two men, Hillhouse and Jones were smothered to death in a tunnel at North San Juan, on Saturday.  They entered the tunnel shortly after a blast, and inhaling the smoke caused asphyxia and death.


State of California In the County Court of the County of San Mateo.  Charles Hanson, plaintiff vs. James Morrison, Dennis Martin and J.V. Diller, defendants.  Charles Hanson having this day filed in this Court a petition to foreclose a lien held or claimed by him under the Act for securing the liens of mechanics and others passed April 19th, 1856, and the several Acts amendatory thereof, upon the premises known and described as Lots Number Four and Five, in Block 1, Range B, in the town of Mezesville or Redwood City, according to the official plat thereof

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons holding or claiming liens upon said premises under the provisions of said Act, to be and appear before the said Court, in open court, at the July term thereof, at the court-room in Redwood City, in said county, on Saturday, the twentieth day of July 1861, at 10 o clock A.M., then and there to exhibit proof of their respective liens, or in default thereof the said liens will be declared waived and discharged.

Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at Redwood City, this 27th day of June 1861.


C.N. Fox, Att y for Petitioner

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

San Francisco Advertisements

New Carpets, Oil cloths, etc., Three-Ply Carpets, Ingrain Carpets, Super Tapestry Ing. Carpets, Velvet and Brussels Carpets.
By Wm. M. Hixon
162 Clay street, above Montgomery, San Francisco

314 & 316 Clay Street, Between Front and Battery street, San Francisco
The Choicest Brandies Sazerac and Godard, the finest in the State
Champagne, all Brands
Wines, Foreign and Native of all kinds,
Bitters, Oldner's Eye Opener
Boonekamp, Pale Orange
Whisky, Gin, Ale & Porter

Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods, Blankets, Clothing, Straw Goods, Hosiery, Yankee Notions, etc.
Corner of Clay and Battery streets
Where we are now opening the largest and best assorted spring stock ever imported in San Francisco consisting of every article in our line, and altogether too numerous to mention.

Agent of A. Sieberlich
Boot & Shoe Manufacturer, Of Philadelphia,
Warehouse, 214 California st.,
(Below Battery.)
Constantly on Hand, a large assorted stock of Gentlemen s, Ladies, Misses and Children's Wear, of superior quality; also French calf Boot Legs and Fronts.
Sole Agent for California
Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, and Achromatic Opera Glasses
Just received by
Options, Wholesale and Retail Dealers
No. 637 Clay street, San Francisco

L. Brunner
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Importer of Watches and Jewelry
No. 161 Clay Street, San Francisco
Books & Stationery
Ink, Pens, Pass and Memorandum Books, Pencils, and an endless variety in the Stationery and Book Business, kept constantly on hand and sold at the lowest prices, by
Kenny & Alexander
606 and 608 Montgomery street (Sherman's Building), San Francisco

Corner of Montgomery and California street,
San Francisco
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Choice Family Groceries,
Ranch Supplies, etc., etc.
BUTTER and EGGS received in exchange for Groceries, AT CASH PRICES
Particular attention is called to our stock of superior GREEN and BLACK TEAS.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 13, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 15


At Searsville, July 7th, by Chester Parshall, J.P., W.F. STANBAUGH, to Miss T.J. KISTNER, all of Searsville, San Mateo County.

FOR SALE. The undersigned is about to engage in other business, and will sell the Printing Material, business, etc., of the San Mateo County Gazette Newspaper and Job Printing establishment.  Term, one-half cash, the balance in six months.  For particulars, apply to the undersigned, at Redwood City, or to Frank Eastman, Esq., Washington street, opposite the postoffice, San Francisco.

The Gazette is now in its third year, and is one of the most prosperous country newspapers in California

Apply to Wm. Godfrey
Editor and Proprietor, San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City

OMISSION. In consequence of the press of other matter in our last issue, we omitted to chronicle several occurrences of the week.

A terrible accident occurred at Woodside.  The little daughter of Mr. J.O. Shaw, about eighteen months old, was burned to death.  It appears she had made her way up stairs in the family dwelling, and while playing with friction matches, set fire to her clothes.  Her mother, who was engaged in some domestic duties outside the door, hearing a noise as of something falling, looked in, when the horrible sight met her eye of the child with all of its clothing except a small portion around the waist, burned completely off, leaving the body blacked and almost roasted.  It seems the child had in her struggles reached the head of the stairs, and had then fallen to the bottom, causing the noise which attracted Mrs. Shaw's attention.  The little suffer lived but a few hours.  The loss is a severe blow to the bereaved parents, who are much respected.

The prettiest liberty-pole in this county was raised last week at San Mateo by that enterprising gentleman, Mr. H. Husing and his friends.

A splendid flag-staff was also raised by Mr. A.T. Castor, at Belmont.  Patriotism and its concomitant demonstrations are the order to the day.

PLACED IN POSSESSION. Wm. Rabe, Esq. U.S. Marshal, on Wednesday last, accompanied by Col. Curtis, his deputy, visited this place on his way to execute a writ from the U.S. District Court, placing S.M. Mezes, Esq. and others in possession of lands included within the boundaries of the Pulgas rancho, but which have been claimed as belonging to the rancho Canada de Reymundo.  The title to these lands has been some time in dispute before the U.S. Courts, in the case known as S.M. Mezes et al., vs. John Greer et al.  The decree was rendered a few weeks since in favor of plaintiffs.  There were altogether about twenty-five parties holding under Mr. Greer, upon whom the writ was to have been served.  All of them so far as we have heard received leases from Mr. Mezes, and obeyed the writ quietly.

COURT OF SESSIONS. This Court adjourned on the 3d, until Monday 15th.  Up to the 3d the following business was transacted.  People vs. Osmond Glover Nol. Pros. Entered.  People vs M.A. Caravahal arraigned. Three absent Grand Jurors were fined $25 each.

ANOTHER MURDER. We learn that a Mexican was shot by one of his countrymen, on Saturday last, in the Canada Raymundo, near the Randal farm, and died on Tuesday.  The murderer escaped.  The people in the vicinity seem to take the matter very quietly, some of them remarking to the Sheriff when he went there on hearing of the affair that it was of no consequence, as the neighborhood was well ride of two more Mexicans.  This indifference to crime may be dearly repented of when some valuable life is take in consequence of it.

THE LATE EARTHQUAKE IN ALAMEDA. The Alameda Gazette remarks that the shocks of the recent earthquake were quite severe and disastrous in Amador Valley, Alameda county.  The furniture of J.W. Dougherty was considerably damaged; the roof of his kitchen (a tile one) was thrown off, chimney thrown down, and several persons thrown violently to the ground, while others were made temporarily blind by the shock.  The waters in the creeks in that vicinity were thrown from their beds upon the plain, and near Mr. Dougherty's house a large chasm was formed in the earth.  The chimneys of the dwelling house of Joel Harlan, near by, were destroyed, and Mr. Harlan was thrown heavily against a wall, the side of his head and face being considerably bruised thereby.  The prisoners confined in the jail at San Leandro were badly frightened.  Romero says he was walking to and fro in his cell at the time, and was thrown down by the violence of the shock.

DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT MARYSVILLE. A fire broke out on the 3d of July, at Marysville in Charles Cora's stable on the east side of C street, opposite the U.S. Hotel, and before it could be arrested, destroyed property to the value of $25,000 or $30,000.  Besides the stable, and a dozen of horses in it, there were also consumed the store and stable of C.G. Bockins, John Turcolt's mechanic's restaurant, A.B. Spear's blacksmith's shop, and some Chinese wash-houses.

TREED BY A GRIZZLY. As two men Collins and Boyle, were on their way from Omega, Nevada county recently, to the lakes at the head of Kidd & Whartonby's South Yuba Ditch, a grizzly, which was lying across the road, rose and ran after them.  They deserted their mules and took refuge in a tree.  The bear followed to the foot of the tree, and watched them closely for an hour and a half.  He then deserted them, and they came down and made tracks very fast for home. 

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 20, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 16

MEETING OF SUPERVISORS. The Board of Supervisors met on Monday, pursuant to adjournment.  Present R.S. THORNTON, J.V. DILLER and J.P. AMES.

The following bills were presented and allowed William GODFREY $35; Edward RYAN, $20; Horace HOLTON $68; Charles H. STITNON, $93; John JOHNSTON $30.75; Heywood & Harmon $149.50; W.A. CLARK $31; Clark & WALTERMIRE $1.50; George HARRINGTON $62,91; Wm. T. GOUGH $100.

THE COURTS. The Court of Sessions and County Court, both resumed their sessions on Monday last, and closed the general business of the term on Tuesday evening.  In the Court of Sessions the case of the People vs G.W. COLMEYRE was tried, the defendant convicted of assault, and fined one hundred dollars.  In the fraudulent voting cases there were but five or six where arrests had been made, and these it was not contemplated to try at this term; for two reasons, first, the same witnesses are wanted for all the cases, and the District Attorney was desirous of having the parties all arrested, before he went into any further trials, so as to call the witnesses but once second, it was tacitly understood by all parties, that this term was to be as short as possible, on account of the difficulties in getting witnesses and jurors from the harvest field.

In the case of WHITMORE vs AVERY, a trail was had, with a verdict for Plaintiff.  CASTOR vs FOX, the jury failed to agree and the case was continued to August 17th.


The People's Nominating Committee, convened at the Court Room, in Redwood City, on Saturday the 13th day of July 1861, at twelve o clock M., full delegations being present. J.V. DILLER, Esq. President of the Committee, called the meeting to order.

On motion, the Committee then proceeded to the nomination of a County ticket, in the order, and with the result following

Charles N. FOX was proposed and unanimously nominated by acclamation for the office of District Attorney.

Benjamin G. LATHROP was proposed and unanimously nominated by acclamation for the office of county Clerk.

Four different names were proposed for the office of Sheriff, and on the second ballot, Silas H. BOWMAN, of Purissima, was nominated by a majority of ten.  On motion, the nomination was made unanimous.

Three names were proposed for the office of Tax Collector, and on the second ballot William A. CLARK of the 17 Mile House received a majority of thirteen, and by vote was declared the unanimous nominee of the Committee.

Three names were proposed for Assessor, and upon a vote being had, Solomon SNYDER of Woodside, receiving a majority of fourteen, was declared unanimously nominated.

Three names were proposed for Treasurer, and upon the first ballot, Burns JOHN of Searsville receiving a majority of seven, was made the unanimous nominee for that office.  Mr. JOHN'S name having been proposed and strongly urged for this position, he declined to act, and during the discussion and vote thereon, withdrew from the Committee.

On the first ballot for Surveyor, Asa S. EASTON of the Sand Hills received a majority of twelve, and was unanimously nominated.

Dr. S.S. STANBAUGH was then unanimously nominated for Coroner, and Charles LIVINGSTON for the office of Public Administrator.

The Delegations from the several townships were then requested to make nominations for their respective township offices, which was done and reported to the committee as follows

First Township for Supervisor Robert S. THORNTON Justice of the Peace, J.G. COOPER, and S.S. TILTON; Constables, James CASEY and David MARVIN.

Second Township Supervisor, George R. BORDEN, Justices of the Peace, John JOHNSTON and Leonard HILL; Constables J.W. THOMPSON * and William H. JONES.

Third Township Supervisors, George HARRINGTON; Justices of the Peace, John GREER, and J.W. TURNER; Constables, John MOORE, and Joseph S. KEITH.

Charles LIVINGSTON was appointed Treasurer of the Committee, an assessment made upon the members and a fund raised sufficient to defray all expenses thus far incurred and then the meeting adjourned.

*[Mr. THOMPSON declines to accept this office under any circumstances, and at his request, we omit his name from the ticket. ED.]

On retiring from the position which I have filed since April 9th, 1859, as conductor of this journal, I deem it my duty to express to the many warm friends & my sincere and earnest gratitude for the many favors I have received at their hands, and also for the kindly consideration which has been extended towards my humble efforts to furnish the people with an acceptable newspaper.

Having purchased the entire interest and property in the San Mateo Gazette, it is but proper in assuming control of its columns, that we inform the community among whom we intend to live and continue its publication.

Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, will, on the 16th day of August next, apply to his Excellency, the Governor of California, for a Patent for the following described Land, to wit Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 15 40 acres; also Lot No. 1 13 2-100 acres; Lot No 2 39 44-100 acres; Lot 3 12 25-100 acres; Lot No. 4 38 90-100 acres; Lot No. 5 14 6-100; all in Section 15; Township 6, South Range 5, west, Mount Diablo meridian
Alexander BAILEY
San Mateo County, July 15th 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, July 27, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 17


In San Francisco, July 6th, by Rev. T. Starr KING, Mr. Samuel BEAN, of Redwood City, to Miss Celia W. HANKERSON, of Readfield, Maine.


Near Searsville, in this County, on Saturday, the 20th, from the effects of an accident, Mr. Jefferson HIGGINS, formerly from near Augusta, Maine.  Aged about 31 years.

In Redwood City, Thursday, July 25th, Mrs. Julia wife of Mr. Daniel FORD, aged 32 years.

SINGULAR DREAM, AND REMARKABLE VERIFICATION OF IT. On Saturday morning last, Jefferson HIGGINS, whose death is announced in another column, on getting up told his companions that he dreamed they had attempted to remove certain logs, describing them, and that in the attempt, he had been crushed and killed.  These logs were two which the men had lying near together, and one above the other, on the side of the mountain, in the Redwoods, and they had all the arrangements made for their removal, on this fatal morning.  Nothing daunted by the singular dream they went at it, but examined the position of the logs, and concluded that neither of them could roll so as to do any injury.  About nine o clock, having the dogs securely fastened to the upper log, and the team hitched on, HIGGINS mounted the lower log, and his companion started the cattle.  The moment the log started, both commenced to roll, when poor HIGGINS attempted to spring from the lower one, over the upper one, but his own footing being so uncertain, he fell between them, and was instantly so crushed that he died about two o clock the same day.  This is a causality which has cast a gloom over all the loggers in our Redwoods, and is one of the most remarkable verifications of a dream, which ever came under our observation.  Mr. HIGGINS was a man about thirty-one years of age, formerly from near Augusta, Maine a sober industrious and careful man, one who has been more free from accidents than almost any other teamster in the woods.  He was very highly respected by all who knew him, and his loss is deeply felt by the entire community.

RIOT. On Sunday last the quiet of our little town was disturbed by the breaking out of a regular whisky insurrection.  Great noise and confusion, much loud swearing, an unlimited amount of torn linen, several swelled heads, bunged eyes, and bleeding noses, and four new boarders at the Cross-bar Hotel was the immediate result.  The next morning Justice Turner issued his warrant against seven persons, charged with riot,  Only the four in jail could then be found.  They were brought up, tried and convicted, and on Tuesday Morning, His Honor pronounced judgment on them as follows James McGOVERN $75, or thirty days in jail; John CARROL, $75, or thirty days; J.P. HOWLEY $50 or twenty days; John ALLEN $25 or ten days in jail.  The fines were all promptly paid, and then the parties gravely inquired if they could not renew the fight, and employ the District Attorney to defend them.  On being told that that could not be done, they swore they would leave this  ------- town, as fast as possible and they did it.

This is the name of our candidate for Sheriff.  He is an old resident of the county, having lived on the banks of the Purissima since before our county organization.  He is an honest industrious and competent man capable of filling with credit any position in the county just such a man as the people would naturally seek for office but one whom political wire pullers would avoid, because they could not use him, when they had elected him.

Mr. BOWMAN did not seek this position, although he had been urged to it by a few personal friends for months past; and even at the time of his nomination it was very doubtful whether he would accept.  But we can now confidently say that he accepts the nomination, since so respectable a body as the People's Committee have by giving it, virtually proclaimed that it is for the best interest of the county he should do so.

The names of three other gentlemen were presented before the Committee for this position, either one of whom we could have cheerfully supported, and would have gladly assisted to elect.  But they could not all be nominated, and it seems that after a full consultation among the Committee, unbiased by outside influence (for we know that none was brought to bear in his favor,) the mantle has fallen on Mr. BOWMAN, and we think all things considered, wisely so.  It only remains now, for the unbought electors of the county to ratify that nomination at the ballot box, by an overwhelming majority.

APPEALED. John ROBINSON, who killed Gregoire AUBOMET, near Greenwood, El Dorado county, on the 4th of March, and was therefore found guilty of murder in the first degree, at the May term of the District Court, and sentenced to be hanged at noon on the last Friday in August, has appealed to the Supreme Court.

HUNG HIMSELF. John ELLIOTT who was sentenced to the Penitentiary for life, by the last Court of Josephine county, Oregon, hung himself in the county jail.

FRUIT. We call the attention of our readers to the card of Graves, Williams & Buckley in another column.  To our certain knowledge, by sending to them, by stage, fresh fruit can be obtained at about half the prices we pay here for that of doubtful age.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We would call the attention to our readers to the advertisement of the Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company, which appears in another column.  Persons desirous of purchasing would do well to give them a call and examine their stock.

Also the advertisement of Dr. D. Percy & Co., 514 Dupont Street, between California and Pine, San Francisco.

Attorney At Law
Canada de Raymundo
San Mateo County
(Belmont Post Office)

Wholesale Grocer
First Street  Redwood City
Respectfully gives notice to the people of Redwood City and of San Mateo county, that he has on hand and is constantly receiving, the choicest stock of Groceries and Provisions, at Wholesale, at the very lowest market rates !

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