San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
August 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 3, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 18

S.L. STONE. We call attention to the card of our neighbor, S.L. STONE, in another column.  His stock is a complete on in his line of trade, and his fruits are brought fresh, by everyday's stage.

FLAGS. We notice that our advertising patron, D. NORCROSS, in addition to his usually large stock of goods, is abundantly supplied with elegant National flags an article much in demand at this time.

DENTISTRY. Our readers should not forget the card of Dr. IRWIN, when they visit the city with an ugly tooth or with a deficiency of teeth.  The stages pass his door every day.


That back-handed cognomen belongs to our candidate for County Treasurer.  Mr. JOHN is but little known, except in his own immediate neighborhood, but wherever he is known, he is respected by all parties as a high-minded, honorable man.  He is one of the best qualified men, for any official position, in the county, and if elected, it will be found that for this office at least the People's Committee have made a most excellent selection.  The public funds will be in safe hands, and the books of the Treasury Department will be found at all times as neat and accurate as a systematic banker s.  He never has been before the people, and for this reason will probably not come in for his full proportion of abuse, but he is none the worse for that.  We look upon him as one of the strongest men on the ticket, and expect to see him elected.  He will reside at the county seat, and be always present to do the duties of his office.


A man named KENNEDY went into the Golden Gate tunnel on Saturday last, says the Virginia City Enterprise, and fell into a shaft sixty feel deep at the end of the tunnel, breaking his back in the fall.  He remained in the shaft for several hours, and must have suffered the most intense pain, as he stated, when taken out, that he drew his knife several times, with the intention of cutting his throat, but each time refrained, as he thought he heard assistance coming.  He expired on Sunday after much suffering.

The Stockton Republican of Sunday last says During the six days ending yesterday, no less than eighteen persons have been received at the Insane Asylum.  By the politeness of the Secretary, Mr. ROBINSON, we have been furnished with a list of the counties from which the patients were committed; San Francisco 6, Sacramento 2, Santa Clara 2, Tuolumne 2; San Bernardino 1, Butte 1, Sonoma 1, San Luis Obispo 1, Sierra 1, Sutter 1.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 10, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 19

NOTARIAL. The Governor has appointed John JOHNSTON, Esq., our able Justice of the Peace at Spanishtown, a Notary Public.  This is an appointment well worthy to be made.

REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Curtis BAIRD, Esq., was appointed Chairman, and D.W. HELMES, Secretary, Stephen TILTON, B.J. WHITTIER and Joshua LEAVITT, were proposed as candidates for assembly, and on the second ballot Mr. TILTON received the nomination.  It was resolved not to nominate for local offices.  Messrs. B.F. FOX, A.F. GREEN and Rufus MURPHY were appointed delegates to the Senatorial Convention and Charles LIVINGSTON named as the first choice of the convention for Senator.


The business and location of the People's Candidate for Tax Collector has perhaps given him a more extended personal acquaintance than many of the candidates on the ticket, and wherever he is known his personal popularity is unbounded.  This popularity is well deserved.  He is a young man of unblemished reputation and of good business habits.  Not only is his reputation good wherever known in California, but it also good elsewhere.  William A. CLARK has received high endorsements of character from his former neighbors in Illinois.


This is the name of the People's Nominee for Assessor.  Our people have never appeared to fully realize the importance of this office.  The validity of the entire assessment of the County the legality of her taxes, and the ability to collect the whole or any portion of them, all depend upon the regularity of the acts of this one man.

Mr. Snyder is not a politician, but a working man not one of those whose trade it is to make officers, but one of that class who fill an official position, when by accident they are placed in one, with credit to themselves, and fidelity to their constituency.   He has not sought this position, but the people have sought him for it.  He has long been a resident of the Redwoods in this County, and has ever earned his bread by the sweat of his brow.  Though the circle of his personal acquaintance is limited, his reputation is wide spread, and favorable.


&.Let him look at the ticket.  It is for District Attorney, D.J. MURPHY of San Francisco; Sheriff, J.D. HAVENS, of Redwood City; Treasurer, W.C. CROOK, of Redwood City; Collector, John AMES, of Redwood City; Assessor, J.J. HILL of Woodside, 3d Township; Surveyor, A.S. EASTON (People's candidate) of the Sand Hills; Public Administrator D.W. ALDRICH, of Redwood City; and Coroner, W.D. Church, an innocent gentleman on top of the mountain.

They have some hopes of electing their Supervisor from the Second Township J. P. AMES.  The others don t stand a ghost of a chance.  They are First Township, James BYRNES, Third Township, W.C.R. SMITH.

Patent Notice
Notice is hereby given that on Monday the Nineteenth day of August 1861, at ten o clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, at the Court-room in Redwood City in the County of San Mateo, a Patent issued by the Government of the United States of American to MARIA CONCEPCION VALENCIA RODERIQUES for a portion of the Rancho known as the San Gregoria, which Rancho lies partly in the County of San Mateo and partly in the County of Santa Cruz, will be presented to the Hon. The District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District for its inspection and approval as a genuine instrument.
B.G. Lathrop, Clerk
Dated August 10, 1861

Patent Notice
Notice is hereby given that on Monday the Nineteenth day of August 1861, at ten o clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, at the Court-room in Redwood City in the County of San Mateo, a Patent issued by the Government of the United States of American to SALVATOR CASTRO for a portion of the Rancho known as the San Gregoria, which Rancho lies partly in the County of San Mateo and partly in the County of Santa Cruz, will be presented to the Hon. The District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District for its inspection and approval as a genuine instrument.
B.G. Lathrop, Clerk
Dated August 10, 1861

Patent Notice
All persons are hereby notified that the Patent issued by the Governor of the State of California for 198  24-100 acres of Marsh Land, in Township 5, South Range 3, West will be exhibited before the 12th District Court, in San Mateo County, at the Courthouse in Redwood City, on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1861, for the purpose of obtaining an order of said Court as to its being genuine document.
Redwood City, August 10th, 1861
Patent Notice
All persons are hereby notified that the Patent issued by the Governor of the State of California for 229 acres of Marsh Land, in Township 5, South Range 3, West will be exhibited before the 12th District Court, in San Mateo County, at the Courthouse in Redwood City, on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1861, for the purpose of obtaining an order of said Court as to its being genuine document.
Redwood City, August 10th, 1861

 Declaration as Sole Trader
Be it remembered that I, MARIAM W. RAND, wife of Joseph RAND, of the said County of San Mateo, desiring to avail myself of the Benefit of the Act of the Legislature of the said State, entitled "An Act to authorize married women to carry on and transact business in their own names, as sole traders," approved April 12th,1852 and of the several acts amendatory thereof, do herby make known publish and declare that I am a married woman the wife of Joseph Rand aforesaid that from and after this date, to wit August 9th, 1861, I intend to carry on business in my own name and upon my own account as a Sole trader, said business to consists in keeping a hotel, raising stock and a general dairy business to be kept and carried on in the said County of San Mateo.  And I further declare that the amount of capital invested by me in said business not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars.  Witness my hand and seal, this Ninth day of August 1861.
State of California, County of San Mateo

I, B.G. LATHROP, County Recorder of the County of San Mateo do hereby certify that Mariam W. Rand, well known to me to be the person named in the foregoing declaration freely and voluntarily made published and declared signed said deed before me on the day and year thereon named.  Witness my hand and official seal this 9th day of August 1861.
County Recorder

 ASSEMBLY. The candidates for Assembly are now both before the people.

The Republicans have placed in nomination, STEPHEN TILTON, one of the patriarchs of the party, and a man of whom, if elected, the county need not be ashamed.  He is at present one of the Associate Justices of the Court of Sessions, and as such is probably known to most of our readers.  We do not think that he would be an ardent worker in a political canvass, but in the Legislative Halls, his good practical sense, sound judgment and strict integrity of purpose, would be a guaranty that the interests of his constituency would not be neglected, not their wishes set at naught.

A.T. SWART, the Democratic candidate we have noticed elsewhere.  He is a much younger man, and will be more active in the canvass or at the capital, than the judge can be.  Whether he is more worthy of confidence, we leave for the people themselves to judge.

The nomination of A.T. SWART by the Democratic Convention on Tuesday last, is one of the strongest indications we have seen, that the power of the Highlanders is fading away.  Although a Democrat, Mr. SWART has never been one of the Highland clan, but has been in open hostility to them.  His name is one that will give character to any ticket, and it was placed at the head of this one to give character to the faction who nominated it.


The County of San Mateo has hitherto been the most fortunate County in the State.  She sprang into existence in the most trying times which California has ever seen fraud and dripping corruption gathered around her cradle at the period of her birth; stuffed ballot boxes and forged election returns were brought into requisition to fill her offices with shoulder strikers, rowdies and gamblers, but thanks to a firm and fearless administration of justice, these vipers were driven from the doors of her offices, and a set of officials were place to watch over her infancy who well faithfully executed the high trust reposed in them.

VERDICT IN THE BONNEY CASE. The jury on July 27th, in the BONNEY case, at San Leandro, returned a verdict of guilt of murder in the first degree.  The trial of BONNEY for the murder of HIRSCH has been one of the most remarkable in the annals of crime in the United States.  Had it not been for the indefatigable exertions, industry and fixedness of purpose of Dr. BURKE, Chief of Police of San Francisco, and officers LEES, JOHNSON, BOVEE, CHAPPELLE, and others of the police force, the mystery of this foul murder would never have been discovered.  The cause of justice owes much to their efforts, although the locale of the deed was in an adjoining county.  The attorneys for the defence adopted a peculiar line of denunciation to shake the belief of the jury in the testimony of the police, and did not avail themselves of every technical chance to invalidate their statements, but it seems unavailingly.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The undersigned offers for sale lots Nos. 5 and 8 Block 2, Range B in Redwood City, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of TWO FRAME DWELLINGS, stable and barn, etc.  The Dwellings are substantially built, and well furnished throughout.  The Cottage is one the neatest and most comfortable residences in Redwood City.  This property is in every respect the most desirable now for sale in the town.

Apply to WM. GODFREY
August 3d, 1861, Redwood City

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 17, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 20


Our candidate for County Surveyor seems thus far to have the field pretty much to himself.  He is the present incumbent, in that important office, and is fully known to our people.  The office cannot be better filled than by his re-election.


The office of Coroner in this County is one without profit, and almost without honor, but nevertheless circumstances may at any moment arise, to make it one of the most important in the county.  For it behooves the people to keep the position constantly filled with a man of standing in the community one in whose intelligence and integrity business men can repose confidence, and feel that the important duties, which may devolve upon him will be faithfully performed.  Such a man did the People's Committee find in S.S. STAMBAUGH, the present incumbent.


The People's candidate for Public Administrator is too well known to all our readers to need a word of commendation at our hands.  The office for which he is running costs much more than it comes to, but it nevertheless needs an honest man in the position, for none can tell the day when a considerable estate may come into his hands for an administration.  Mr. LIVINGSTON's reputation is above reproach, and if there is a man in the County who is the proper person to take care of and have the custody of the property of deceased strangers, he is that man.  Though one of the earliest settlers in the county, he has ever kept aloof from politics, and now for the first time he consented that his name might be used for any office in the County.

INDEPENDENT. We notice quite a disposition on the part of gentlemen to run for office on their own hook this fall.  So far as we have learned, the following independent candidates are in the field For County Clerk, Robert GREER of Woodside; for Tax Collector, John G. MOORE of Woodside; and W. __ SHREEVE, of Redwood City.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing Saloon
Wm. Miller has recently opened a shaving, hair cutting and shampooing saloon in Bridge street, Redwood City, opposite Chas. Livingston's store.  Hair Dressing in all its various modes performed to the entire satisfaction of patrons.

H.S. Scofield, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Notary Public,
Redwood City, San Mateo County.
Office Corner Third and A streets.

J. Johnston
Justice of the Peace, and Notary Public,
Residence, near Spanishtown Second Township,
San Mateo County

Counsellor At Law,
Court House Redwood City

101 Merchant Street, San Francisco
Messrs, McCabe & Fox will practice together whenever desired, and arrangements may be made with either for the retaining of both.

A.S. Easton
Surveyor and Civil Engineer
County Surveyor of San Mateo County
Persons wanting surveys can leave their orders with B.G. Lathrop, County Clerk, Redwood City

TEETH! TEETH! Extracting Without Pain !
Dr. W.H. Irwin, Dentist, Third Street, near Howard, (opposite Estill's Mansion) San Francisco.  All branches of Dentistry performed in the neatest possible manner

L. Brunner
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Importer of Watches and Jewelry
Wholesale and Retail
No. 161 Clay Street, San Francisco

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 24, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 21

Attention is directed to the advertisement of Messrs. STEINHEISER & Co., which appears in the present issue, by which it will be seen that they are closing out their entire stock of goods, at cost, for the purpose of quitting business. Give them a call.


At the meeting of the People's Committee on Saturday last, they completed the ticket by making nominations for these important township offices.  The candidates on the People's Ticket for these offices, are, in the First Township, W.A. RICE, Second Township, W. BUZZELL, and in the Third Township, J.O. SHAW.  The first two named have been tried upon the road, and found to be energetic, efficient men.  Mr. SHAW is known to be a thorough working man, and a careful manager.


It may seem a little singular to most of our readers that we should have left the first two names on the People's Ticket until the last in our series of notices of candidates.  Two years ago the present nominee for District Attorney was elected to that office without opposition.  He has filled it for two years.  He is again before the people, but not at his solicitation.  He makes no claims to the office and it is certain that his opponent can have none, not being a resident of the County.

Whether defeated or elected, Mr. FOX has and will continue to have the consolation of knowing, that he has performed the duties of the most laborious and at the same time the most poorly paid position in the county in a manner which meets the approbation of every court before which his duties have brought him.


Mr. LATHROP was once called, in derision, in our hearing the watch dog of the treasury.  There was more truth then irony in the expression.  As County Auditor, he has ever been a faithful guardian of the treasury, and by reason of his watchfulness over the expenditures of the public funds, and his careful financial management in the erection of the public buildings, he has succeeded in keeping down taxation, and keeping the county from debt.

As County Clerk he has no equal in the State and for such a position we defy the whole State to produce a superior, in office or out.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, August 31, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 22

ADMITTED. We inadvertently omitted at the time to notice the fact, that at the adjourn day of the County Court, Aug. 17, GEORGE W. FOX was admitted to practice in the several courts of this county.

U.S. Marshal's Notice

Whereas, Objection has been made to the official survey and location of land finally confirmed situated in case No. 148 to Domingo FELIZ, known as Buri Buri, and situated in the County of San Mateo, in said District.  Now Court of the United States for said District; to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all parties having or claiming to have, an interest in such survey and location, to be and appear before the said Court, sitting in Land Cases, on or before Wednesday, the 11th day of September, A.D. 1861, at 11 o clock A.M. (If that day shall be of a day of jurisdiction, and if not, on or before the next Wednesday thereafter) and then and there to intervene for the protection of such interest, or their defaults will be taken.  Dated at San Francisco, in the District aforesaid. Aug. 22d. 1861

WM. RABE, U.S. Marshal

 Declaration as Sole Trader

Be it remembered that I, ANN HANCOCK, wife of Edward HANCOCK, of the said County of San Mateo, desiring to avail myself of the Benefit of the Act of the Legislature of the said State, entitled "An Act to authorize married women to carry on and transact business in their own names, as sole traders," approved April 12th,1852 and of the several acts amendatory thereof, do herby make known publish and declare that I am a married woman the wife of Edward Hancock aforesaid that from and after this date, to wit August 20th, 1861, I intend to carry on business in my own name and upon my own account as a Sole trader, said business to consists in keeping a livery stable, raising, buying, and selling stock, training in wagons, carriages, &c.

To be carried out in said county of San Mateo.  And I further declare that the. amount of capital invested by me in said business not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars.  Witness my hand and seal, this twentieth day of August 1861.

State of California, County of San Mateo

I, B.G. LATHROOP, County Recorder of the County of San Mateo do hereby certify that Ann Hancock, well known to me to be the person named in the foregoing declaration freely and voluntarily made published and declared signed said deed before me on the day and year thereon named.  Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of August 1861.
County Recorder

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Independent Candidate!
For Assembly

Republican Nominee,
For Member of Assembly

By authority of Brig. Gen. E.V. SUMNER, I have opened a roll, at the Court house in Redwood City, for enlistment of a Company of Dragoons, to form a part of Lieut. Col. DAVIES Battalion.
The roll will be open until Thursday nest.
EDWIN A. ROWE, Captain

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