San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
September 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, September 7, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 23

We give the total vote for each candidate.  The first named are the People's nominee The next Democratic and independents last

District Attorney
Charles N. FOX &. 549 Maj. 44
H.A. SCOFILED    504

County Clerk
B.G. LATHROP   526 Maj 9
T.H. NOBLE    517
Robert BREET     51

Silas H. Bowman     644 Maj 138
John D. HAVENS    456

Tax Collector
William A. CLARK    483 10
John AMES    473
John G. MOORE    141
W.H. SHREVE     1

Solomon H. SNYDER    586 Maj 100 [Transcriber Note: numbers as printed but obviously not accurate math or printing error.]
J.J. HILL    144

Burns JOHN    590 Maj 120
W.C. CROOK    470

A.S. EASTON     795 Maj 558
S.B. Gilbert (not a candidate)   237

S.S. STAMBAUGH    676 Maj 297
W.D. Church    379
M.B. ANGLE (not a candidate)   25

Public Administrator
Charles LIVINGSTON    674 Maj 277
D.W. ALDRICH    397

 On township officers we were less successful.  In the first township James BYRNES was elected.  Mr. BYRNES is much of a politician, but as a business man is a good one.  He is a man of strong prejudices, but of honest purposes and a faithful worker in whatever he undertakes.  We have never seem him in any official position, but from our personal acquaintance with him are inclined to think that the fortunes of war have not thrown that office into bad hands.  Mr. SWEENEY and Mr. RICE were tied for Road master, and yesterday the Board of Supervisors appointed A. SMITH to that position.

In the second township we are also beaten on Supervisor and Road Master.  Mr. AMES the successful candidate has had some experience in the office is an active energetic man, and if he could separate politics from official duty, and personal from public ends, he would make an excellent officer.

In the third township we made a clean sweep, except J. W. TURNER for Justice of the Peace, who was beaten by Wm. DURHAM.  Geo. HARRINGTON was elected Supervisor by 224 majority.


For this office there was a beautiful four cornered fight.  The vote stood

Stephen TILTON, Republican &. 408 44
A.T. SWART, Democrat     364
R.O. TRIPP, Independent     223
B.J. WHITTIER, Independent  109

FIRE COMPANY. We see a call out for a meeting to be held at the Court House on Wednesday evening next for the purpose of organizing a fire company.  This move is certainly a commendable one, such a company being more needed here than any other place we know of.

RESPONSIBLE. For the gratification of some of our friends who express a determination to hold somebody responsible for articles which have appeared in the GAZETTE during the canvass, we would say that C.N. FOX is the senior member of the firm of David DOWNER & Co.

DOCTOR PERCY & CO., who's advertisement appears in our columns, are said to be very scientific and practical Physicians and Surgeons, and have performed operations successfully requiring skill of no common order, which have been noticed in several of the San Francisco newspapers. Dr. PERCY & Co., are fast establishing an enviable reputation in the State of California, in their profession, which could only be obtained by well deserved merit.  We call particular attention to their advertisement, which will enlighten our readers concerning the cures that they can effect, and even by simply corresponding with them, giving the symptoms of their diseases.  Address Dr. PERCY & Co, 514 Dupont Street, San Francisco.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, September 14, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 24


A meeting of the citizens of Redwood City was held at the Court House on Wednesday evening Sept. 11th, 1861, at 7 ½ o clock P.M. to take some action in relation to the organization of a Fire company.

On motion John W. ACKERSON was appointed chairman and John AMES Secretary of the meeting.

On motion, Messrs J.W. ACKERSON, W.C. GRAY, J.W. TURNER, J.V. DILLER and John AMES were appointed a Committee, to draft suitable Constitution and By Laws for such an organization.

On motion the meeting adjourned to Wednesday evening Sept. 18th, 1861, at the same hour and place to hear report of committee and for the transaction of any other business.

JOHN AMES. Secretary

Hon. Edmund Randolph died at his residence in this city yesterday morning.  Mr. Randolph was a native of Virginia and related to the celebrated John Randolph of Roanoke.  He was about forty-two years of age.  Mr. Randolph was a highly respected citizen, a lawyer of fine abilities, an eloquent orator and an estimable man.  His funeral will take place at noon to-day from Trinity Church, which will be attended by the Society of California Pioneers, of which he was a member. S.F. Herald, 9th.

COMPLETED. The elegant mansion of F.D. ATHERTON, is just completed, and we believe the family have taken possession.  This dwelling is situate about two miles south of Redwood City, in a beautiful grove, and we believe we are safe in saying that it is the finest finished, and the most perfectly arranged house in the State.

FOUND DEAD. A telegram from Placerville says, that John NESBITT, formerly of Sacramento, was found dead yesterday morning near Sportsman's Hall, 12 miles from Placerville.  He left the Carson City state at the point on Friday morning last.

FRIGHTFUL MURDER. Mrs. KELLY, residing near Guadalupe, Santa Clara county, was lately found dead in her house with thirteen stabs upon her body, and her babe covered with blook, asleep at her side.  A Spaniard convicted of grand larceny upon her testimony, and just discharged from the State Prison, was seen in the neighborhood, and was doubtless the murderer.

MYSTERIOUS. Two men who were at work in a saw mill at Moorsville, Butte county, near Strawberry Valley, died recently a few days apart and several others in that neighborhood are sick at the present time, the symptoms being similar to those with which the deceased men were afflicted.  The decease is attributed to the water in the locality.

Sheriff's Sale

By virtue of an execution, issued out of the District Court of the 12th Judicial District of the State of California in and for  the County of San Mateo, in the suit of W.F. STAMBAUGH against F.C. GILBERT, to me duly directed and delivered by which I am commanded to make the sum of Two thousand one hundred and seventy-three dollars, and forty cents ($2173  40-100) with the interest and accruing costs at the date of the judgment amounting to the sum of Forty-six dollar ($46)  I have levied on the following described property, to wit All the right title and interest of the defendant F.C. GILBERT in and to 747 7-10 acres of land lying, being and situated in the County of San Mateo, State of California and being part of the San Gregorio Rancho and in the northeast corner thereof, with Saw and Shingle Mill thereon and all machinery and mill tools at the mill.  Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 7th day of October A.D. 1861, at 2 o clock P.M.  I will sell the interest of the above defendant in and to the above described tract of land at Public Auction for cash to the highest bidder at the door of the Court House of San Mateo County at Redwood City to satisfy said execution and all costs.

Sheriff of San Mateo County

Under Sheriff
Redwood City, San Mateo County Sept. 14, 1861


Is hereby given, that I, the undersigned will, on the fifteenth day of October next, apply to his Excellency, the Governor of the State of California, for a Patent for the following described lands, to wit Lots one, two, three, four and five, in section seventeen, and the south half of the south-ease quarter, and the east half of the north east quarter of section eight, located as Seminary lands, under, and in pursuance of the Laws of the State of California.  Also Fractional Section sixteen, purchased of the Board of Supervisors, of the County of San Mateo, under and in pursuance of an act to provide for the sale of the six-tenth and thirty-sixth sections of land donated to the State for school purposes by Act of Congress, passed March third, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty three.   Approved April 2, 1858, all in township six, South of Range Five West Mount Diablo Meridian.

San Mateo County, Sept. 12, 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, September 21, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 25

On Tuesday last James CASEY, Esq a Constable of the first Township, brought to jail one of the most abandoned looking wretches it was ever our fortune to meet Mr. CASEY's statement which was fully admitted by the prisoner before Justice TURNER to be true, was to the effect that on the day before, just after he had left the house from dinner, Mrs. CASEY stepped out doors for a few moments, and on her return found the defendants, who was blackened up and otherwise disguised, searching her bureau.  Immediately upon seeing her the prisoner abandoned the bureau and made an assault upon her.  She ran out of the house he following, and beating her till she begged for her life, and promised to give him all the money there was in the house.  He then desisted, and the poor woman more dead than alive, crawled in the house and gave him eighty dollars with which he made off.  Word was soon conveyed to Casey by the children, there being two small ones at the house at the time, when the whole neighborhood was roused, and after a search of several hours, the culprit was found, and though he made considerable resistance, taken.  After being taken he owned up and stated that he had lain in wait since the night before, watching to see when CASEY went away.  As he knew that there was money in the house, and he wanted to get some to send home to his wife.  The latter part of that statement is probably a fabrication as there is every indication that the fellow is a professional thief.  He turns out to be, on being relieved of his disguises, one William MOONEY, who was for a short time, some months since in the employ CASEY, and hence his familiarity with the premises, and with the fact that money was kept in the house.  When taken he was armed with a tremendous bludgeon, which had been much handled was evidently made for a weapon, and was probably used upon Mrs. CASEY.  The money was also found in his possession, - also some fifteen dollars besides, a silver watch, which was undoubtedly stolen, and a whole pocket full of keys adopted to almost any kind of a lock which can be found inside any house or office, and some door keys.

Having arrested him the parties took him back to CASEY's house, where they kept him over night, and brought him to town next morning.  He was in great luck to get to jail at all, for when they got back to CASEY's and found how severely she was injured, the neighbors prepared a gallows, and were determined to hang him on the spot.  She begged them to desist, and it was probably the entreaties of her whom a few hours before he had almost killed, that saved his life.

 Notice to Tax-Payers

On Monday, the Fourth Day of November next, the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County will meet as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing and finally determining the assessment of the followed named persons whose property has been added to the assessment Roll.

James CONNER Personal property raised & $800
J.S. COLEGROVE    1500
John CUMMIN   200
John Donald Land   to $12 per acre
Edward HOOPER Land   raised to 250 acres
J. RAND Personal property raised   200
A.J. SAULMAN Land   raised to $12 per acre
H.F. TESCHEMACHER San Mateo Ranch, raised to $8 per acre Personal property raised $300 160 acres
Land on Pulgas, raised to $12 per acre
Barr & Notham Money at Interest  $810
Alexander BAILEY  4,570
C.C. BOWMAN   12,750
D.S. COOK  5,000
M.H. COLBY  500
P. DONAHUE  2600
Geo. C. JOHNSON   2500
Robert MILLS   1,000
John PARROT Money at Interest $5,000
Spring Valley Water Company $3,000
C.R. KELLY 3,098

By Order of the Board
Redwood City, Sept 14, 1861

Sheriff Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the 4th Judicial District of the State of California in and for the City and County of San Francisco, to me duly directed and delivered, in the suit of E.C. SESSIONS vs Dennis MARTIN, by which I am commanded to make the sum of one-thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents (1958  38-100) with interest and $17  50-100 accruing costs.  I have levied on the follow property to wit  All the right title and interest of Dennis MARTIN, of in and to a certain tract of land situate within the limits of the present County of San Mateo, in the State of California, which tract is described as the place known under the designation of Canada de Raymundo bounded on the west by the Sierra Morena, on the East by the Rancho de las Pulgas, on the south by that of Senor Maximo MARTINEZ, and on the north by the great lagoon or Pond, said description being that contained in the original grant thereof to Juan COPPINGER, and also all the right title and interest of said MARTIN of in and to that certain other tract or parcel of land in said County of San Mateo, bounded and described as follows Commencing at an oak tree situate at the junction of Seco, Dry, or Coppinger Creek and the San Francisquito Creek, thence 258 chains down the San Francisquito Creek to the junction of the Francas Creek, thence southerly up the Creek 35 chains to the Frenchmans crossing, thence S.W. 40 chains to a large oak tree, adjoining a fence thence west 10 chains to a large oak tree marked thus (III) thence S. 53.30 W. 166 chains to a large oak tree on the bank of the Suscal Creek and Dennis Martin Creek, thence down the said Dennis Martin Creek 35 chains to the junction of the said Dennis Martin Creek, and Corke Madeira Creek, then down the said Corke Madeira Creek 53 chains to the place of beginning, containing 1250 acres more or less.

Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the 10th day of October A.D. 1861, at 2 P.M., I will sell all the right title and interest of the said Dennis MARTIN, in and to the above described real estate at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of the Court House of San Mateo County at Redwood City, to satisfy said execution and all costs.

SILAS HOVIOUS, Sheriff, San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Dated, Redwood City, September 19, 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, September 28, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 26


At the residence of Mr. BABCOCK, on the Alameda Road, Jan Rose, By Rev. O.B. STONE, Mr. Franklin HAMILTON to Miss Alice TRAVIS.

JOCKEY CLUB. Quite a number convened at the court-room on Tuesday evening last, to organize a Jockey Club.  A lively interest seemed to be taken in the matter, several citizens taking hold of the matter, with an apparent determination to carry it through.  Messrs. A.H. ALLEN, J.D. HAVENS, B.J. WHITTIER, A.W. CHEW, Geo. HELLER, Rufus MURPHY, B.J. SALSBURY and W.H. Clark were appointed to select sit for a track, find its probable cost and report at a meeting to be held this evening.

FIRE COMPANY. A fire Company was finally organized at the court-room on Monday evening last. Thirty members were enrolled, a Constitution adopted, and the following officers chosen; - Foreman, W.C. GRAY; First Assistant W.H. SHREVE; Second Assistant C.A. PERKINS; Secretary John AMES; Treasurer, J.W. ACKERSON.  The organization is designated as Redwood City Fire Company No. 1, and holds its regular meetings on the first Monday in every month, a 7 o clock P.M.


On Sunday Evening last, William MOONEY, the prisoner of whom we spoke last week, effected his escape from the County Jail.  It has been the habit hithero, during the day time to let prisoners have the liberty of the jail, that is, to let them out into the main room, locking them in cells at night.  This was the course pursued towards Mooney.  On Sunday Evening, at about seven o clock, Mr. AMES, the jailor, took MOONEY his supper, which he left him eating, while he went for his own.  In about half an hour, AMES returned to the jail, and found that his prisoner had fled, having escaped through the back door, and over the wall of the jailyard.  From the best judgment we can form of the matter, it seems that Mooney must have got hold of a small bar of iron, and during the day forced the lock of the back door, then when the Sheriff came had it all nicely closed, so as not to attract attention, and as soon as again left alone, it being then dark, made good his escape.  The door nears evidence of having been opened in this manner.

The escape of this prisoner has created considerable feeling and excitement in some quarters, on account of the desperate character of the man, and the inhuman manner in which the offence with which he was charged, was committed.  Much fault is found with Mr. AMES, and we have heard one man even go so far as to charge him with having been bribed to let him go.  We think such an idea wholly erroneous, - it would take very strong proof to convince us that there was a particle of evil intention on the part of Mr. AMES in the whole transaction.  He is not the man who would intentionally suffer such an escape, even for pay.  Yet we are not the apologist of the Under Sheriff, and do not think him wholly blameless in the matter.  But his greatest fault has been an over confidence in human nature, and a fear of putting too much restraint on an unconvicted prisoner.  He was frequently cautioned against this man, as a desperate fellow, and urged to keep him in irons.  But MOONEY put on a pitiful face, and talked as if he liked his quarters, and would not run away, even if the doors were left open.  In view of his apparent quietness, and of the fact that he had not yet been tried, he was treated with the same lenity as if there for the most trivial misdemeanor, and when an opportunity occurred, he took advantage of it.  Our jail is none the safest, although much better than we used to have, and when a man of his stripe gets in there, our jailors cannot be too cautious in providing for his safe keeping.

The Sheriff has offered a reward of fifty dollars for the arrest of MOONEY, and two Deputies have been in search of him during this week, but as yet without success.  He had on when he left dark pants and vest, old shoes, and black slouched hat, is about five feet seven inches high, dark hair and whiskers can be readily distinguished by a deep cut on the upper lip; has also a deep cut on one of his fingers.

Any person who may arrest him will not only receive the regard, but will also perform an act of great justice to humanity; as we believe him, though a coward, one of the greatest villains in the State.

FIRE IN MARYSVILLE. A fire on D street, Marysville, on Thursday, burned the tannery of Mr. REDMAN.  Loss $4000.

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