San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
October 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 5, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 27

DECLINES. We understand that the newly elected Public Administrator declines to qualify. The fame is not worth the powder, he thinks.  We are inclined to think Dr. Tripp would feel under obligations, if he would relieve him of an office which has been an encumbrance ever since the county was organized and now promises to continue so for two years more.

CAUGHT. MOONEY, the escaped jailbird ran against a snag on Monday last, and is now in his old quarters again. T.W. LATHROP, our Deputy County Clerk, was stopping at the American Exchange in San Francisco, and on going into the back yard was surprised to meet MOONEY, face to face.  MOONEY declared stoutly that he did not know LATHROP, but it was no go he had to abandon his quarter at the American, and take lodgings at the Cross Bar again.  We think he will stay there this time.

REMOVAL. As we were creeping the mountain the other day, over the new road to Halfmoon Bay, we were surprised to find our friend, Supervisor BYRNES, half way to the summit.  He was moved his stock of goods, building and all, to this new location, and seems now to be finely located, with a fair prospect of a thriving business.

DENTISTRY. It will be seen by reference to advertisement that Dr. E.S. GABBS, at his office corner of Santa Clara and Market Streets, San Jose still continues to do all kinds of work in his line of business where he may be found at all times prepared to wait upon his customers.  Having had a long experience in the practice of his profession the Doctor is prepared to perform operations in the very best manner, on the most reasonable terms.

STILL AHEAD. By reference to advertisement, it will be seen that Mr. JAMES A. CLAYTON, corner of Santa Clara and Market Streets, San Jose, is still ahead in his line of business.  The fact that Mr. Clayton has received over all competition, all the premiums for both Ambrotypes and Photographs by the last county fair held in San Jose is a sufficient evidence that he will render satisfaction to all who may give him a call.

THE MORGAN HOUSE. We would call the attention of our readers and the public generally, to the advertisement of the Morgan House, Corner of First and San Fernando Streets, San Jose, which appears in another column of our present issue.  This well known Hotel, under the management of its present gentlemanly and accommodating proprietor, Mr. E.J. WILCOX, is fast finding favor in the eyes of the traveling public.


For the first time in several months we made a visit to this locality on Tuesday last.  We found that Redwood City is not the only place in the county which is improving.  At Halfmoon Bay we saw many indications of improvement business seemed to be on the increase, and new buildings going up, or just completed.  Leading among these is the Halfmoon Bay hotel, a fine new building just fitted up and opened by Messrs. ELLSWORTH & MORSE whose card will be found in another column.

The flour mill which was once thought a doubtful experiment has proved itself a success has all the business it can possibly do and now has but one thing to fear and that is that the Spring Valley Water Co. may rob it of its motive power.

We dropped in a moment on our friends BIDWELL & McCABE, whom we found full of business as that kind of men will ever be short of help, and rapidly getting short of goods.  The truth is they advertise freely&sell cheap, and they need more help and greater facilities for transportation, to keep peace with their rapidly increasing business.

The new road over the mountain has now bee thoroughly tried for everything except winter travel and proves to be a great and to all present indications, a permanent improvement.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 12, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 28

RECOVERED. Mr. Owen PARISH, of whom we spoke some time ago, and whose life was placed in so precarious a condition, from the effects of the wounds which he received from the ruffians who made the attack upon him, has entirely recovered from his injuries, and is now able to go around and attend to his business.

SERIOUS AFFRAY On Tuesday evening last, a dispute arose between S.D. GATEWOOD and James SMITH, both teamsters well known to most of the residents in this part of the county, which resulted in their coming to blows, when GATEWOOD drew a pocket knife and inflicted two or three severe and dangerous wounds upon SMITH.  GATEWOOD was immediately lodged in jail and has since been fully committed to await the action of Grand Jury.  SMITH is lying very low from the effect of his wounds, with very little ground to hope for his recovery.  This sad affair has created much feeling and anxiety in the community but as it has yet to go through a thorough legal investigation, we purposely refrain from stating any details of the affray.

ASSOCIATES On Monday last a Convention of the Justices was held at the Court-room, when John GREER and L. WHITTINGHAM Esqrs  were elected Associate Justices of the Court of Sessions for the ensuing year.

TOOK THEIR SEATS. On Monday last the several new officers took their positions and commenced the duties of their respective offices.  And in every instance the incumbent is here in person to attend to those duties.  The retiring Treasurer squared up his books to the very hour of transfer, presented vouchers for everything, and counted over the money to balance.  The same system and exactness was observed in every other department.

The business of the county has so far increased that the Clerk and Recorder, though an untiring worker himself, has found it necessary to have a regular deputy and has appointed .T.W. LATHROP, Esq. to that position.  No better selection could have been made.  Upon entering upon the discharge of his duties Mr. BOWMAN appointed George W. FOX his Under Sheriff.  No other officer has yet found it necessary to appoint a Deputy.

 Wm. GODFREY, former proprietor of this paper, has made arrangements to start a daily paper at San Jose, on the eighteenth of next month.  We predict for this new enterprise a perfect success.  No better field could be found than San Jose presents, and Mr. GODREY is just the man to manage such a concern and make it pay.

His success in a business point of view will only be eclipsed by the personal appearance of his paper, for with him to superintend the mechanical department, our San Jose neighbors will soon boast the best looking daily in the State.

Probate Notice
In the Probate Court of the County of San Mate, State of California
In the matter of the Estate of John W. KISLING, deceased.
The People of the State of California, send greeting

In pursuance of an order of the Probate Judge, of this County, duly made and entered on the 7th day of October, A.D. 1861, notice is hereby given that Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 1861, at 2 o clock, P.M. of said day, of the November Term, at the Court Room of the Court, at the Court House in Redwood City, in the County of San Mateo, has been appointed for hearing the application of Maria KISLING, praying, that a document now on file in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of John W. KISLING, deceased, be admitted to Probate and that letters testamentary be issued thereon to said Maria KISLING, who is named therein as Executrix; at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest the same.

Attest, B.G. LATHROP, Clerk
October 7th, 1861


Know all men by these presents that I Catherine HEARLICHY wife of John HEARLIEHY a resident of the County of San Mateo, State of California do hereby make known and declare my intentions from and after this date to transact and carry on business in my own name, and on my own account as a Sole Trader in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California and passed on April 12th, 1852.  Entitled an Act to authorize married women to transact business in their own names as Sole Traders, and that the business so intended to be carried on by me, is Farming, raising and trading in stock, and all business usually incident to and connected with the business aforesaid and that from and after this date I will be individually responsible in my own name, for all debt contracted by me on account of said business, and I further declare that the capital originally invested in said business is less than Five thousand dollars.

 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal _________   on this 4th day of October A.D. 1861.


On this Fourth day of October A.D. One Thousand, Eight Hundred and sixty one before me H.A. SCOFIELD a Notary Public, in and for said County, personally appeared Catharine HEARLIEHY wife of John HEARLIEHY, personally known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the annexed Instrument as a party thereto, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.  And the said Catherine HEARLIEHY wife of the said John HEARLIEHY having been by me first made acquainted with the contents of said Instrument acknowledged to me on examination, apart from and with the hearing of her husband, that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion, or undue influence of her husband, and that she did not wish to retract the execution of the same.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal the day and year in this Certificate first above written.

Notary Public
(Herliehy/Hearliehy as printed)

 Sheriff Sale

Notice is hereby given that by virtue and in pursuance of a certain judgment and Decree of Foreclosure, and of an order of sale thereunder, issued out of the District Court, of the Twelfth Judicial District, in and for the County of San Mateo, in the State of California, in an action where in the Savings and Loan Society is Plaintiff and Wm. P. MORRISON, Ramona V. MORRISON; William HUGHES, F.T. POTTER, T.W. BUCKLEY, N.W. DAWLEY, Eleanor W. DAWLEY, Peter DONAHUE, Tully R. WISE, W.T. GOUGH, John D. HAVENS, E.B. BONNEY, James WALSH, N.W. SPAULDING, Aug. HUMBERT and J.Q.A. THURBER, are defendants; which said order of sale was duly tested on the 26th day of September, A.D. 1861, and to me directed and delivered, I shall on Saturday the second day of November, A.D. 1861, at two o clock P.M., at the front door of the Court House in Redwood City in said County, sell, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cast, the lands and premises hereinafter described, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the judgment in said cause of twenty-four thousand seven hundred and one 75-100 dollars, with interest thereon at two per cent per month from the nineteenth day of August, A.D. 1861, besides one hundred and twenty-six dollars, taxed, costs, and sixteen hundred and eighty-two 10-100 dollars for counsel fees, with interest thereon from the date last aforesaid, together will all accruing costs, and which may be sold separately without prejudice to the interests of the owner thereof; the said lands and premises being described as follows  All that piece or parcel of land situate in San Mateo county, but formerly in the county of San Francisco, in the State of California, and forming a portion of the larger tract of land known as the Canada de Raymundo originally granted to Juan COPPINGER, and bounded as follows, to wit on the west side by the summit of the mountains  called Sierra Morena, being the west line of the said COPPINGER grant of Canada Raymundo and is enclosed on all other sides, nearly by the two creeks or arroyos which run into each other, and known respectively by the names of Alembique Creek, and Arroyo de la Presa, now called by the Americans Bear Gulch, which creeks head near the summit of the mountains, and from the head of said creeks the lines of said tract continue in the general direction of said creeks to the summit of the mountains, and is the same land which was conveyed and agreed to be conveyed by Juan COPPINGER to Charles BROWN by instrument in writing or deeds, and was held in possession by said BROWN, and was afterwards known as HAYS Ranch.

S.H. BOWMAN, Sheriff of San Mateo County
Dated at Redwood City, this 11th day of October 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 19, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 29

We are pained to announce that our County Treasurer, Burns JOHN, Esq., on Thursday last, met an accident which is likely to prove fatal, or at least to make him helpless for life.  While engaged in stacking up a lot of lumber to season, on a lot where he was about to build a residence, the lot canted over, striking him in the back, and instantly paralyzing his whole body.  Upon examination it was found that he had received a severe contusion upon the head, but the most serious difficult is with the spinal column.  It is supposed is broken.  If so, there is little hope for his life, he now lies perfectly lifeless, so far as any use of his limbs, or any feeling of pain is concerned.  His mind is as clear as a bell, and he converses freely with his friends and family.

This is one of the most serious accidents which has occurred in our place for many a day, and one which casts a gloom over the whole place.  All hope for his recovery, but at the same time feel that it is hoping against fate.

Yesterday, Mr. JOHN appointed W.F. STAMBAUGH Deputy Treasurer to attend to the business of his office.

LARGE SALE. On Monday last, J.W. ACKERSON, Esq., of Railroad Wharf, sold in one lump, and all lying in a single pile, three hundred and thirty-nine cords of wood, at $4.50 per cord.  Wood is frequently sold at a better price, but so large a pile was never before sold here at once.  ACKERSON is doing a thriving business, in the shipping, wharfing, and commission line.

AUCTION. By reference to another column it will be seen that the great San Mateo farmer, Henry DUBBERS, will offer his entire stock of farming implements at auction on the 31st. instant.  This will be an extensive sale, and one at which many valuable implements may be purchased at low rates.

S. OF T.

On Wednesday afternoon last, A.D. JONES, the Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance for the State of California being in town, a number of our citizens applied for a charter, almost impromptu, Redwood City Division No. --- was chartered and instituted, the G.W.P. officiating, assisted by District Deputy Andrew TEAGUE, acting as Grand Conductor.  The Division was organized in due form. Temporarily adopted rates of initiation fixed at $2.50, and monthly dues at 50 cents.  The following officers were elected and installed to wit C.N. FOX, W.P., Wilson WHITLOCK W.A., J.W. TURNER, R.S., B.G. LATHROP F.S., S.H. BOWMAN T., B.A. RANKIN C., and J.L. SNOW A.C., and C.N. FOX Representative to the Grand Division after which they adjourned until last evening.

Dissolution of Partnership

The partnership heretofore existing between Messrs STEINHEISER & WEINSHENK in the Dry Goods and Clothing Business, and carried on under the name of STEINHEISER & WEINSHENK, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. STEINHEISER retiring from the firm.


The business will be carried on as heretofore by Mr. WEINSHENK alone, who is authorized to attend to all unsettled business of the firm.

Maj. BIDWELL, of Chico, will manufacture this season some two thousand gallons of wine from grapes grown in his vineyard.

Sheriff Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of the 4th Judicial District of the State of California in and for the City and County of San Francisco, to me duly directed and delivered, in the suit of E.C. SESSIONS vs Dennis MARTIN, by which I am commanded to make the sum of one-thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-eight cents (1958  38-100) with interest and $17  50-100 accruing costs.  I have levied on the follow property to wit  All the right title and interest of Dennis MARTIN, of in and to a certain tract of land situate within the limits of the present County of San Mateo, in the State of California, which tract is described as the place known under the designation of Canada de Raymundo bounded on the west by the Sierra Morena, on the East by the Rancho de las Pulgas, on the south by that of Senor Maximo MARTINEZ, and on the north by the great lagoon or Pond, said description being that contained in the original grant thereof to Juan COPPINGER, and also all the right title and interest of said MARTIN of in and to that certain other tract or parcel of land in said County of San Mateo, bounded and described as follows Commencing at an oak tree situate at the junction of Seco, Dry, or Coppinger Creek and the San Francisquito Creek, thence 258 chains down the San Francisquito Creek to the junction of the Francas Creek, thence southerly up the Creek 35 chains to the Frenchmans crossing, thence S.W. 40 chains to a large oak tree, adjoining a fence thence west 10 chains to a large oak tree marked thus (III) thence S. 53.30 W. 166 chains to a large oak tree on the bank of the Suscal Creek and Dennis Martin Creek, thence down the said Dennis Martin Creek 35 chains to the junction of the said Dennis Martin Creek, and Corke Madeira Creek, then down the said Corke Madeira Creek 53 chains to the place of beginning, containing 1250 acres more or less.

Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, the 10th day of October A.D. 1861, at 2 P.M., I will sell all the right title and interest of the said Dennis MARTIN, in and to the above described real estate at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of the Court House of San Mateo County at Redwood City, to satisfy said execution and all costs.

SILAS HOVIOUS, Sheriff, San Mateo County
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Dated, Redwood City, September 19, 1861
The above sale is hereby postponed until Saturday November 9th, 1861, at the same hour and place, by order of Plaintiff's Attorney.
By John Ames, Under Sheriff
Dated October 10th, 1861

Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, will, on the 16th day of August next, apply to his Excellency, the Governor of California, for a Patent for the following described Land, to wit Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 15 40 acres; also Lot No. 1 13 2-100 acres; Lot No 2 39 44-100 acres; Lot 3 12 25-100 acres; Lot No. 4 38 90-100 acres; Lot No. 5 14 6-100; all in Section 15; Township 6, South Range 5, west, Mount Diablo meridian
Alexander BAILEY
San Mateo County, July 15th 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, October 26, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 30


At Redwood City, on the 21st inst., Nathan Coleman, son of Nathan C. GILBERT, Aged 4 years, 8 months, and 4 days, of putrid sore throat.

BURNS JOHN. This gentleman still lies very low from the effect of his injuries, but we learn that his physician entertains some hope that they will not prove fatal, as at first feared.

SAN FRANCISCO ITEMS. Capt. Daniel B. MOSBY of the steamer Bragdon, a native of Kentucky and aged 40 years, died yesterday.

Capt. LANDRUM is said to be recovering from the effects of the accident at the crossing of Powell and Francisco street.

August HECHT, who was run over by Empire engine lately, died yesterday of his wounds received. S.F. Eve. Bulletin, 24th

DRUG STORE FOR SALE. We would call attention to the fact that the Drug Store in this place is now offered for sale, a notice of which will be seen by reference to the advertising column of W.C.T. SMITH in this paper.  To persons wishing to engage in the Drug Business no better opportunity could present itself, for a profitable investment.  The Stock is well selected and of the best quality, and the store at present has an excellent run of custom.  Mr. SMITH will dispose of the stock on very advantageous terms to any person wishing to purchase, on account of having a great deal of other business to attend to which prevents him giving it that attention which the business requires.

CARPETS & PAPER HANGINGS. We know of no better place for our readers to supply themselves with these articles than with our patron, F.G. EDWARDS, whose card will be found in another column.  We dropped in on him the other day, and found him supplied with a large and well selected stock, and upon examination judged that the goods were marked low.

FOR THE EAST. The following U.S. Army officers took their departure on the steamer Orizaba, for the East, which sailed on the 21st.

Brig. Gen. E.V. SUMNER, Col. C.S. MERCHANT, Capt. JUDD, Capt. BOOTES, Lieut. J. J. UPHAM, Lieut. SINCLAIR, Lieut. WARNER, Lieut. HARDIN, Lieut. DANDY, Lieut. KIP, Lieut. LIVINGSTON, Dr. J.J. MILHAU, Dr. J.C. HERNDON, Captain BOGGS, and GREEN of the Navy, together with three companies of the Third Artillery and four companies of the Sixth Infantry.


Editor GAZETTE Having sold out and withdrawn from the management of the above named house, permit me through your columns to return my sincere thank to my many friends and the traveling public for the favors shown upon me, while the same was in my charge, and at the same time recommend renewed and increased patronage to my successor, R.J. DOWNS, Esq.  He is an experienced landlord, and I feel confident that he is one who will give entire satisfaction to the public.


  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

New Advertisements

Now Landing, Ex Late Arrivals
Brown Drills and Sheetings
30-Inch Shirtings, Bleached Sheetings
Assorted Widths, Blankets
All Grades and Colors, Prints and DeLaines
In Great Variety, Dress and Fancy Dry Goods
Alexandre's Genuine Kid Gloves, Gents Furnishing Goods
Davis & Jones Shirts, Flannel Hosiery, Etc.
House Furnishing Goods, Brussels and 3-Ply Carpets,
New Pattern, Paper Hangings, Druggets Matting, Hollands, Hemp Carpet,
Agency For Jewett's and Comon's Oil Cloths,
For sale for Cash, or to first class, prompt paying trade, at a discount from market rates
110 and 112 Clay street, San Francisco

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