San Mateo County History
San Mateo County Gazette News
November 1861
(Transcribed by Chris Havnar)

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 2, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 31


The County Court opens on Monday next.  The Court of Session on Wednesday, with Grand and Trial Juries.  The following jurors have been summoned for the term.



MURDER IN SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Two men named DONOHUE and McNAMARA had a difficulty at Sebastopol, in Sacramento county, resulting finally in the death of the former.  McNAMARA accosted DONOHUE, saying that he could whip him.  DONAHUE replied that he had no license for saying so; when they stripped and fought, DONAHUE whipping him.  They then shook hands and parted, apparently good friends.  In a short time afterwards, McNAMARA accompanied by some half a dozen friends, returned, jumped upon DONOHUE and shot him, the ball passing through his imperial and upward into the brain, causing death in a few minutes.  McNAMARA and his companions were arrested immediately and await examination. Sacramento News.

BOOKS. We call attention to the card of A. ROMAN & Co. in another column.  A classified catalogue of the books for sale at this house, with prices annexed, may be seen at our office.  Some idea may be formed of their extensive assortment from an examination of this catalogue, which is a closely printed work of two hundred and sixty pages.  Having already traded considerably with ROMAN, we can assure our readers, that any book he may send them will be as perfect as if they had selected it personally, or if not, he will make it so.

The S.F. Herald has the following in relation to the murder of Geo. GORDON a mulatto, at San Francisco, on the 29th inst.

It was charged by the wife and sister-in-law of GORDON, who keeps an extensive millinery establishment on the corner of Minna and Second streets, that SCHELL came to their place on Monday afternoon, and while they were in the working room back of the salesroom, leaned over the counter and took $11 from the drawer.  They (as they assert) pursued him, and called for a policeman, but SCHELL made his escape at the time.  The same evening GORDON and his wife met SCHELL in the street and charged him with the theft, which he denied.  As this part of the subject has not been investigated SCHELL's guilt of the larceny may be doubled.  He informed some friends of the accusation which had been made against him, and it is probable that they advised him to take the course which he afterwards did.  Yesterday morning, about 11 o clock, he went to GORDON's barber shop, (it appears that he had previously lurked around his house for an hour or two.) and said to him; George that affair last night, was not correct.   Some further words passed between them, when SCHELL struck GORDON Over the head with his cane, breaking the cane.  They then clinched, when Ralph DORR, who with E.A. WILLETT had accompanied SCHNELL to the shop, attempted to separate them.  He was unsuccessful, but the employees of the shop succeeded.  As soon as they were separated SCHELL drew a Derringer pistol, which he had borrowed from Levi SOLOMON, and fired, the ball passing through GORDON's breast.  GORDON ran to the street, where he fell, and SCHELL followed and beat him over the head with the pistol.  He was soon after arrested.

FOR LOS ANGELES. Lady Franklin and her niece Collector RANKIN and wife, Commodore WATKINS and wife, and William R. GARRISON, Esq., left San Francisco for Los Angeles on the steamer Golden Gate, which sailed on the 1st of this month where they will pass a brief sojourn among the hospitable inhabitants of the Eden of our State.

SAN JOSE DAILY MERCURY. We have received a prospectus of the above paper.  Messrs. OWEN & COTTLE, the proprietors of this new enterprise in san Jose, have announced that they will publish the first number of the daily, on the 5th of November.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 9, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 32


Near Redwood City, on Thursday Morning, November 7th, from the effects of injuries received, JAMES SMITH, formerly of Weston, Fairfield County Connecticut.  Aged about 40 years.


Near Redwood City, November 5th, the wife of Mr. CURTIS BAIRD, of a son.

DEAD. James SMITH, whose misfortune we noticed some time since, died on Thursday morning.  A post mortem examination was made by Dr. COOPER in the presence of the Coroner, and of the attending physicians, Drs. McCLURE and ANGLE.  An inquest was also held on Thursday evening, the result of which we have not learned.

SERIOUS INJURY. On Wednesday last, Alexander BAILEY, Esq., of Purissima, was seriously if not fatally injured by being run into by another party and thrown from his buggy.  His lower jaw is broken, so also one of his ribs, and it is feared that he has received internal injuries which will prove fatal.  As the matter is undergoing legal investigation, we refrain from further comment upon the circumstances.

COURT OF SESSIONS. This Court convened for the November Term, on Wednesday last, Judge TEMPLETON presiding.  Justices GREER and DURHAM Associates.  On account of sickness in his family, Justice WHITTINGHAM, who was elected Associate, did not take his seat, and the County Judge appointed Justice DURHAM in his stead.

A Grand Jury was empanelled, with Curtis BAIRD, Esq., as foreman, and immediately, entered upon the discharge of their duties.  At the hour of writing they had not concluded their labors, or made any report.  The probability was that they would make their final report last evening or this morning.

Upon calling the trial Jury, they were discharged until Friday morning, and on the opening of Court on Friday, they were discharged for the tern, the District Attorney announcing that there would be but very little if any business to come before the Court this term, and it being deemed advisable in case there should be any, to call a special jury, rather than detain the present one.

ESCAPED AGAIN. MOONEY, the ubiquitous, although most heavily ironed, since his return, again effected his escape on Monday last, while the Sheriff was at supper.  He seems an old hand at escaping and we are strangely of opinion, that on both occasions he has been assisted by accomplices from without.  He carried off a good pair of shackles, but undoubtedly got rid of them before traveling far.  He escaped as before, through the back door, but how is a mystery, as it is known positively, that but a few minutes before, the door was double locked, and no possibility of any person getting at any of the keys belonging to the jail.  He and his cell had also been searched regularly and thoroughly, every two or three days during his confinement, so that the means of escape must have been furnished him but a short time before they were used.

GATEWOOD, a fellow prisoner, was in his cell at the time, and did not learn of the flight for some five minutes or more, but as soon as he did discover it, gave the alarm, and sent a boy for the Sheriff.  Sheriff BOWMAN at once offered one hundred dollars reward for his apprehension, and strenuous efforts are being made for his discovery.

NEW GOODS. By reference to advertisement, in another column it will be seen that S.L STONE, has replenished his stock of goods, and in view of the approaching holydays, has supplied himself with a variety of articles in his line of business, suitable for making holyday presents, which he offers to his customers at very reasonable prices.

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 16, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 33


Burns JOHN Esq., County Treasurer, died at his residence, in this place on Thursday last, after a period of more than ordinary suffering, from the effects of injuries received four weeks since, and noticed by us at the time.  Cut off in the prime of life, and the midst of usefulness, the loss of Mr. JOHN is a heavy blow to the community, but the loss falls with peculiar severity upon his afflicted family, to whom he was much attached.  Mr. JOHN was not one of those who formed rapid and extended acquaintances, but to whom every one who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, was strongly attached.  The united verdict of all who knew him, constitutes one of the highest tributes which can be paid to the memory of a departed friend he was an upright honest man.   He had but just come here at the time of his injuries, to assume the duties of his office, and was preparing to bring his family hither to take up their residence among us.  They have since followed him, but alas, in sorrow and affliction, to a desolated home.

At the time of his death, Mr. JOHN was about 38 years of age.  He leaves a wife and four small children to mourn his untimely end, and with whom all our citizens deeply sympathize.

NOTARIES PUBLIC. Heman A. SCOFIELD, Esq., and E.G. HEIGHT, have been appointed, and received their commissions as Notaries for the County of San Mateo.


The Grand Jury convened for the November Term of the Court of Sessions, beg respectfully to report that they have found true Bills.  2 for murder, 1 for assault with intent to murder, 1 for robbery, 1 for fraudulent and malicious mischief.

That they have examined into the official bonds of the several officers and find them satisfactory.  Also, that they have examined into the condition of the county jail, and the circumstances attending the late escape therefrom, and considering all the testimony before them, cannot attach any blame to the Sheriff or his Under Sheriff.

All of which is respectfully submitted

COUNTY COURT. The following business was done in this court at its late Session.

The People vs LANGAN et al.  Def ts convicted in court below of malicious mischief, and judgment here affirmed.  STEWART vs EASTON.  This was an action under the statue, against Def t for receiving illegal fees as County Surveyor.  Plaintiff had judgment below, but on appeal, Def t proved an express contract, by which he was to have an extra price, if he would procure some competent assistant and do the work immediately, which he did; also that several of the chainmen and other assistants, were employed by him, which the charge within the legal fees.  Upon clearly proving these facts, Pl ffs counsel abandoned the case, and Def t had Judgment.  MIRAMONTEZ vs PARSHALL et. Al review.  The prayer of the petitioner was denied, and petition dismissed.  UNDERWOOD vs WARD, by leave of Court, case place on the calendar by Respondent, and appeal dismissed.

COURT OF SESSIONS. This Court dragged its slow length along until Wednesday morning last, but really without accomplishing anything beyond the filing of four important Indictments, none of which have yet been disposed of.

On Saturday morning last the Grand Jury came into court, and submitted five indictments, and their final report, which will be found in another column.  On Monday L. WHITTINGHAM was indictment for misdemeanor, and the case set for the following day.  But lo, when the case came up for trial, the prosecuting witness failed to appear, and after waiting two hours, a verdict of acquittal was rendered for want of evidence.  The prosecuting witness was then cited to appear and show cause why he should not be fined for contempt.  On Wednesday, the court having heard his excuse, and not deeming it sufficient, fined him $75.

On Monday, B.F. STEVENS was arraigned on an indictment for assault with intent to commit murder, and the case set for Wednesday, but when Wednesday came, the defence were not ready, and upon Def ts motion the case was continued for the term.  The court then adjourned for the term.

PAID. Ex-Sheriff HOVIOUS has paid over to T.W. LATHROP Esq. the reward of fifty dollars for the arrest of MOONEY.  Mr. L. arrest MOONEY at the American Exchange in San Francisco and placed him in the station house for safe keeping.  Afterwards, a policeman, in violation of instructions, brought him out here, and claimed the reward.  It was this claim which occasioned the delay.


The usual quiet of our city was somewhat startled on Wednesday Evening, by the shrill whistle of a steam engine on the Bay approaching the city.  Upon further inquiry, we found it to be the Steamer ANNA, commanded by Captain TRUEWORTHY, just arrived and coming into port, having in tow, a very large and fine Barge for the purpose of taking on a cargo of posts, destined for different points on the Sacramento River.  The Barge drew up at the Railroad Wharf of Mr. J.W. ACKERSON, for the purpose of loading, and we are informed that she will take with her on this trip about seventeen thousand posts, besides other freight.

NEW GOODS. Dropping into our friend J.V. DILLERS store the other day, we were not a little surprised to see the change in the appearance of his shelves and counters.  The mammoth store seemed literally crammed with the new stock and more coming.  DILLERS assortment is more extensive than ever, and in prices he can successfully compete with the retailers of San Francisco.

SUPPOSED MURDER. Henry CROZIER of Santa Clara left his home some three weeks ago to visit San Jose, and has not since been heard of.  He was known to have $150 on his person at the time, and is supposed to have been foully dealt with by some unknown persons while passing the Almeda.  He was 22 years of age and about 5 feet high. Mercury.

Mr. N.C. ADAMS, driver on the Watsonville stage, stepped from his box, last Friday morning, to assist a lady to alight, handing the reins to a gentleman by his side, when, from some cause, the horses commenced to turn short around.  Mr. Adams attempted to regain his seat, when the stage upset dislocating his shoulder and injuring him otherwise. San Jose Mercury


MILITARY COMMISSIONS The UNION says that military commissions have been issued to the following persons Samnel Claudis ELLIS, Assistant Adjutant General with rank of Major, Second Brigade, Second Division, staff of General DOANE; John HILL, Brigade Inspector, with rank of Major, Second Brigade, Second Division, staff of Gen. DOANE; Curtis S. HILLYER, Captain of the Auburn Greys vice A.S. GRANT, mustered into service of the United States, Second Brigade, Fourth Division; George W. BOWIE, Colonel Fifth Infantry California Volunteers, vice John KELLOGG, resigned; Ferris FORMAN,  Colonel Fourth Infantry, California Volunteers, vice H.M. JUDAH, resigned; Chas. TUPPER, Captain Company F, Fourth Infantry California Volunteers, Charles Stuart BROOKS, Company H, Fourth Infantry California Volunteers; Isaac B. HALL, Second Lieutenant Company H, Fourth Infantry California Volunteers.

BURNED TO DEATH. On the night of November 9th, William VANNEST, brother to S.D. VANNEST, who keeps a store on Butte creek, four miles from Chico, was fatally burned by the ignition of camphene while filling a lamp, the wick of which was burning.  The sufferer died next morning.

The UNION says that a shocking murder was perpetrated near Fort Churchill, 11th inst. Wm. GOSHART killed one McMULLET with a knife.  The murder was arrested, and narrowly escaped lynching.  He was finally taken to Carson.

A few days ago, at Fairplay, El Dorado Co., the cabin of one French Pete, a gardener, was consumed by fire.  When the flames were discovered several gentlemen hastened to the spot, but arrived too late to save the life of the poor Frenchman who was in bed in the cabin.  The door being opened his body lifeless, and partially consumed by the devouring flames, was the first sight that met their horrified gaze.  The bones, only, were rescued.  The old man was of intemperate habits.

BRODERICK MONUMENT. The Broderick Monument is to be commenced forthwith, although the sum at the disposal of the Committee is not so large as might be desired.

Dissolution of Partnership

The partnership heretofore existing between Messrs. James McGOVERN, John TAYLOR, and William BEASEMORE, in the Ranching Business, carried on under the name and style of MCGOVERN TAYLOR and BEASEMORE, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

The business will be carried on as heretofore by James McGOVERN & Co., who are authorized to attend to all unsettled business of the firm.

Redwood City, Nov. 9th, 1861

Sheriff Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court, of the Twelfth Judicial District, in and for the County of San Mateo, against David MAHONEY, and in favor of van WEINKLE, et als., duly tested on the 9th day of November, A.D. 1861, and to me directed and delivered, by which, I am commanded to make the sum of one hundred and seven 25-100 dollars, together with accruing costs.  I have levied on the following property, to wit  All that certain piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the said County of San Mateo, and known as, and called the Rancho Laguna de la Merced containing one half of one square league of land, and being the same land granted to Jose Antonio GALINDO, on the 27th day of September, A.D. 1835, by Jose CASTRO, first Member of the Territorial Deputation, and chief superior authority ad interim, of the Territory of Upper California, and afterwards confirmed to Josefa De HARO and others by the United States Land Commission, by decree filed July 24th, A.D. 1855, in case No. 102 in said Commission.

Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 14th day of December, A.D. 1861, at 2 o clock P.M. in front of the Court-House door, in Redwood City, in said County, I will sell all the right title and interest of the said David MAHONEY, which he had on the sixteenth day of April, A.D., 1861; or at any time since hath, in and to the above described property, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, and all costs.

Sheriff of San Mateo County
Dated Redwood City, November 14, 1861

Sheriff Sale

By virtue of an execution issued out of Justice's Court of the Third Township of the County of San Mateo, State of California, in the suit of the People vs. Bernardo MIRAMONTEZ, to me duly directed and delivered by which I am commanded to make the sum of Forty-one 2-100 dollars damages, and Eight 65-100 dollars costs of suit; together with accruing costs, I have levied on the following property, to wit All the right title and interest of the said Bernardo MIRAMONTES in and to that certain tract or parcel of land situate in the County of San Mateo known as the San Bonito Rancho, bounded North by the Pilarcitas Creek, East by the Oat Hills, South by the lands of James JOHNSTON, and West by the Ocean.

Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 14th day of December A.D. 1861, at 2 o clock P.M. in front of the Court-house door, at Redwood City in said County I will sell at Public Auction all the right title and interest of the said Bernardo MIRAMONTEZ in and to the above described property to the highest and best bidder for cash to satisfy said Execution and all costs.

Sheriff San Mateo County
Dated Redwood City, November 14, 1861

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 23, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 34


At St. Mary's Cathedral November 14th, J.P. AMES Esq., of Halfmoon Bay, to Miss Elizabeth FREEMAN of San Francisco.

NEW POST OFFICE Tony OAKS of the San Mateo Hotel, has made another move for the especial accommodation of the public, and accepted the appointment of Post Master, for a new office, located at San Mateo.  The new office is now in full blast, and will be found a great convenience to the people in that vicinity, as well as the guests of the San Mateo House.

A COUNTY TREASURER APPOINTED. We notice by the proceedings of the Supervisors at their last meeting, the appointment of Mr. John AMES, of this place as County Treasurer, to fill the unexpired term of Burns JOHN deceased.  The friends of Mr. AMES, throughout the county will recognize in this appointment of the Supervisors, a high and deserving tribute to the merits of a gentleman who is not only well fitted for the position, but in whom the County will have an honest, faithful, and efficient public officer.

GREAT BARGAINS. We would call the attention of our readers, and those wishing to purchase goods at great bargains to the notice which appears in this weeks paper, of Mr. A.T. CASTOR, of the Belmont Store, who is now closing out his entire stock of goods, for the purpose of quitting business.  Among his stock may be found a varied assortment of goods of the best quality, which he now offers at great bargains to purchasers, for cash, or in exchange for country produce, delivered at his store, at Belmont.  Mr. CASTOR also offers for sale or lease his Embarcadero, with adjoining lands, on very advantageous terms, and also several valuable town lots in Belmont, situated on the line of the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad see advertisement in another column.


The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, was held in the Court-house, Monday November 4th, 1861.

Members all present.

The following bills were allowed.

Wm. GODFREY   $41.80
David DOWNER & Co.     23.20
Silas H. BOWMAN    63.30
R. WHITMORE      9.25
Silas HOVIOUS     37.50
LAPHAM & co.     66.54
W.R. SMITH     8.40
Geo. HARRINGTON     41.85
J.V. DILLER     46.85
J.G. MOORE    41.50
J.P. AMES     447.00
M.B. AUGIE     40.80
John AMES     20.00
A.J. HUTCHINS     10.00
Silas HOVIOUS     50.00
J. DORLAND    44.60
W.B. COOK & Co.     80.00
B.G. LATHROP     77.31
John KEHOE      520.00
J.A. CASTOR     4.05

Adjourned to 19th.

Board met pursuant to adjournment Tuesday 19th inst.  Members all present

John AMES elected Treasurer for unexpired term of B. JOHN, deceased.

On petition road dist. No. 1 was divided and Edward SWEENEY was appointed Road Master for the 2d Division of said district, which lies west of the Main road from San Francisco to San Jose, and includes the Main road and all east of said road is Road Dist No. 1. first Division Road Master L. SMITH, heretofore appointed.

The following bills were allowed

B.G. LATHROP    $6.60
J.W. ACKERSON     15.75
D. FORD     30.00
M.B. ANGLE     100.00
James CASEY     50.00
David Downer & Co.    48.00
And $171.50 for making 2 additional offices in Court House.

Wharf privileges granted to Owen O NEIL on Belmont Creek.

Adjourned to Monday 25th inst.

Notice! Notice!
All persons indebted to the undersigned, are requested to call and settle their accounts on or before the 1st of December 1861.  All accounts not settled at that time, will be collected according to law.
Belmont Store

Bargains! Bargains!
All the entire stock of goods on hand will be sold for cash, all kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange.

Belmont Store
For Sale or to Lease
The Belmont Wharf or Embarcadero and adjoining Marsh lands.  Also, town lots in the town of Belmont on the line of the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad, for particulars.  Apply to the undersigned in person or by mail.
Belmont, San Mateo County

Notice to Creditors
Estate of JOHN W. KISLING, deceased
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Executrix of the above named estate to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against John W. KISLING deceased, to exhibit the same, with the necessary vouchers within ten months from the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned at her place of residence near Redwood City in the County of San Mateo, State of California.
Executrix of the Estate of JOHN W. KISLING deceased
Dated, November 23rd, 1861

Estray Notice
On the night of the 11th of November 1861.  Came into my enclosures a Bay, long tailed Horse, 2 white feet, white face, branded on left hip.  By proving property, and paying charges the owner may take him away.
San Mateo, November 19, 1861

New Tailoring Establishment !!
Bridge Street, Opposite Livingston's Store.  Redwood City
F. HALAHAN would respectfully give notice to the citizens of Redwood City, and the vicinity, that he has recently opened a tailoring establishment in Redwood city, where he will at all times be found ready to attend to the wants of his customers, at the shortest notice and at prices to suit the times.
Clothing made to order

San Mateo County Gazette
Redwood City, San Mateo County, California
Saturday Morning, November 30, 1861, Vol. 3 No. 35


In Redwood City, November 25, 1861, Lorenz Friedrich, son of Theodore and Mina FINGER, aged two years, nine months, and twenty-six days.
At Redwood City, November 23d, 1861, Thomas son of Thomas H. and Serena NOBLE, aged 10 months.

APPOINTED. Sheriff BOWMAN finding it necessary to have another Deputy, has appointed J.S. KEITH, to that position.  Mr. KEITH has seen much service in that capacity, and has always proved himself a prompt, efficient, and faithful officer.


The following letter of resignation has been handed us for publication, with a request that we then file it with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.

When I first learned of the course which you have pursued, for the purpose of ousting me of my office, and of giving vent to your personal spite towards you illustrious predecessors, I did think of contesting your proceedings, and the right of the gentleman whom you had thus illegally attempted to set up in my stead.

 I am satisfied that the interests of constituents will not suffer by the course which I have adopted, for it is quite certain that it will not be necessary during the coming year, to construct a public highway through the Bay of San Francisco, not even over the malt marsh adjoining it, and there is not at present a public road, not any other place to put one, within my district, and so you well knew, when you cut it down to its present magnificent proportions.

And now gentlemen, since you dare not legislate me out of office, but did curtail me of all territorial jurisdiction, permit me, most respectfully to tender my resignation of the office of Road Master of the first district, in the first Township of San Mateo county, and to suggest that out of self respect, you had better re-unite the two districts of this Township, as you will not be like soon to find a person will accept the position of successor to

Your humble servant,
First Township, Nov. 27, 1861

PRESENT TO COL. BOWIE. We notice that a number of the friends of Col. George W. Bowie, residents of Sacramento, have lately presented to him, a fine sword, Belt, Sash and Spurs, in testimony of their esteem.

Cases of Murder, Robbery and Arson in Stanislaus County. The Stanislaus Index (Knight's Ferry) of November 23d says

On the night of Thursday, November 21st, a party of robbers made their appearance at O Byrne's Ferry, and attacked the occupants of a store, killing a Frenchman named Jerome PAYROU.  A man named Louis PROSERAN, who was cooking at the time of the attack, made his escape, and alarmed some men on the opposite side of the river.  When they arrived at the scene, the robbers had fled, having set fire to the building, after robbing the store of a quantity of gold dust and coin.  The men saved a portion of the goods, but the building was destroyed.

On Thursday night, 14th November, four men entered the cabin of Thomas FERN, on French Bar Canon, near the Stanislau River, took what money he had and his rifle, then tied him and set fire to the premises, leaving him to perish.  His cries brought some Chinese neighbors to him, who released him.  His cabin was burnt to the ground.

Dissolution of Partnership

The partnership heretofore existing between T. BULLEN and J.P. BECK in the Redwood Mills, doing business under the name and style of BULLEN & BECK, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.

The business will be carried on as heretofore, by J.P. BECK, who is authorized to attend to all unsettled business of the firm.

November 7th, 1861

Declaration as Sole Trader

Know all men by these presents that, I, Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, wife of Joshua UNDERWOOD, residing in the County of San Mateo, being desirous of availing myself of the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, passed April 12th, 1852, (entitled an act to authorize married women to transact business in their own names, as sole traders.) in pursuance whereof, I intend from and after this date, to carry on and transact business in my own name, and on my own account, as a sole trader.  The business to be so carried on by me is to be that of farming, raising, buying and selling stock, dealing in shingles, posts, lumber, etc, in the County of San Mateo, and that I will be individually responsible for all debts contracted by me, on account of said business, from and after this date, and I further declare, that the capital invested in said business is less than five thousand dollars.

Her Mark X Elizabeth UNDERWOOD
Dated, Redwood City, Nov. 28, 1861

On this 28th day of November, A.D., 1861, before me, Heman A. SCOFIELD, Notary Public, in and for San Mateo County, personally appeared, Elizabeth UNDERWOOD, wife of Joshua UNDERWOOD, personally known to me, to be the wife of Joshua UNDERWOOD, personally known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the annexed declaration, and acknowledged to me on an examination, apart from, and without the hearing of her husband, (after being made acquainted with the contents of said instrument,) that she executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, without fear or compulsion, or under influence of her husband, and that she did not wish to retract the execution of the same.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, the day and year first above written.
H.A. SCHOFIELD, Notary Public, San Mateo

Stock Ranched
On Redwood Farm, Near Redwood City
Cattle and Horses, will continue to be received to pasture, on the splendid farm above mentioned, which contains two thousand acres of land, all well fenced, and well watered.  Apply to the subscriber, or to his overseer on the premises.
December 1, 1861

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